This gallery includes 949 illustrations of other orders of insects.
"Chrysops Caecutiens torment horses and cattle very much by biting them around the eyes."
"In America the cicadas have the general name of Harvest-flies; they are also often improperly…
The popular and generic name of certain insects belonging to the order Hemiptera, suborder Homopotera,…
a, Ceresa bubalus, ovipositing in slits; b, the eggs; d, arranged as at c, old, scarred punctures shown…
A cicada is an insect of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha, in the superfamily Cicadoidea,…
This species can be heard in summer and autumn at most any time making its peculiar trilling noise in…
Also known as the Seventeen-Year Locust, derives its specific name from the fact that it makes its appearance…
"Female Cicada Laying her Eggs in the Groove She has Bored in the Branch of a Tree. While the female…
"From the eggs deposited come small, white grubs, which leave their nest in the wood to bury themselves…
"It produces a deafening and monotonous song. The Greeks, however, seem to have had quite a peculiar…
"This is a membrane in the shape of a kettledrum, not smooth, but, on the contrary, crumpled and full…
"At the end of spring they have developed into pupae. The come out of the earth, and hook themselves…
An illustration of Cochineal living on cactus. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye…
An illustration of a female Cochineal. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye and the…
An illustration of a male Cochineal. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye and the cochineal…
"Cochineal is a dye-stuff employed in dyeing scarlet and crimson; consists of the bodies of the femals…
"Cochineal is a dye-stuff employed in dyeing scarlet and crimson; consists of the bodies of the femals…
"The larvae are changed into perfect insects, which take up their abode permanently on the branches…
"It is this little insect which furnishes, when its body has been dried and reduced to powder, a coloring…
"It is this little insect which furnishes, when its body has been dried and reduced to powder, a coloring…
An illustration of a cockchafer. The cockchafer (colloquially called may bug, billy witch, or spang…
An illustration of a full grown cockchafer larva. The cockchafer (colloquially called may bug, billy…
An illustration of a cockchafer pupa. The cockchafer (colloquially called may bug, billy witch, or spang…
We are not, as a rule, very fond of cockroaches, and do all we can to get rid of them,(Wood, 1896).
We are not, as a rule, very fond of cockroaches, and do all we can to get rid of them,(Wood, 1896).
We are not, as a rule, very fond of cockroaches, and do all we can to get rid of them,(Wood, 1896).
A common cockroach. Nocturnal in habit and are very troublsome in houses where they multiply and feed…
"Ventral aspect of male cockroach with the wings extended. An imaginary median line has been inserted.…
"Periplaneta. View of the arrangement of the principal trunks of the tracheal system." -Parker, 1900
An illustration of a male (right) and female (left) cockroach. Cockroaches (or simply "roaches") are…
Cockroaches or roaches are insects of the order Blattaria. This name derives from the Latin word for…
"A genus of Orthopterous insects, having an oval or orbicular flattened body, the head hidden beneath…