This gallery includes 949 illustrations of other orders of insects.
"These insects are called Day-flies from the shortness of their existence in the perfect state;…
"The Ox-fly, Oestrus bovis, is three-forths of an inch long, and lays its eggs in the skin of young…
They are rich colored insects, very active in the hottest sunshine and capable of rolling themselves…
The adult Sheep Bot Fly (Oestrus ovis) is a fly in the Oestridae family of bot flies and is known as…
The adult Sheep Bot Fly (Oestrus ovis) is a fly in the Oestridae family of bot flies and is known as…
The enclosed puparium of the Sheep Bot Fly (Oestrus ovis) is a fly in the Oestridae family of bot flies…
The full grown larva of the Sheep Bot Fly (Oestrus ovis) is a fly in the Oestridae family of bot flies…
The full grown larva of the Sheep Bot Fly (Oestrus ovis) is a fly in the Oestridae family of bot flies…
The young larva of the Sheep Bot Fly (Oestrus ovis) is a fly in the Oestridae family of bot flies and…
"These insects are common in the South of Europe, and are especially abundant in Spain, where they are…
"Spider Fly is a genus of dipterous insects, chiefly allied to the forest fly. The insects are parasitical…
The Yellow-Tailed Tachina Fly (Belvosia unifasciata) is an insect in the Tachinidae family and is also…
The European Turnip-Fly, Haltica nemorum, one of the most destructive species, belongs to a…
A small blue fly, slender and somewhat flattened in appearance, with yellow or reddish legs.
"Frog Hoppers are ranked under the homopterous sub-order of insects. The name of frog hopper refers…
"Frog Hoppers are ranked under the homopterous sub-order of insects. The name of frog hopper refers…
Frog hoppers belong to the order Heteroptera. This order is also known as plant bugs. These insects…
"Frog Hoppers are ranked under the homopterous sub-order of insects. The name of frog hopper refers…
Frog hopper belong to the same order as aphidoe, to the section which has the leathery upper wings.…
"The males make prodigious bounds, sometimes throwing themselves a distance of more than two yards."
Aphrophora quadrangularis is a species of Froghopper, an insect in the order Hemiptera.
A most singularly-formed insect; the front part of its head being much prolonged, and projecting upward…
A gadfly, or Bot-fly, that lays its eggs on horses. After these eggs hatch on the skin, the larvae bore…
This illustration shows the Gadfly of the Ox. This illustration is enlarged, and also shows a Gadfly…
The Gadfly of the sheep lays its eggs in the nostrils of the sheep. There, the maggots hatch and live…
"The eggs are white and conical. They adhere to the horse's hair."
Larvae of Estrus (Gasterophilus) Equi. Representation of "the state of a horse's stomach attacked by…
"Grape Gall-louse (Phylloxera vastatrix), the small figures showing natural sizes. Larva as it appears…
"Grape Gall-louse (Phylloxera vastatrix), the small figures showing natural sizes. Form of mature louse."…
"Grape Gall-louse (Phylloxera vastatrix), the small figures showing natural sizes. Form of mature louse."…
"Grape Gall-louse (Phylloxera vastatrix), the small figures showing natural sizes. Form of mature louse."…
"The female is chiefly luminous. It is a flat, grayish-brown creature, rather more than half an inch…
Gnats are a member of the Culicidae family. "They present a charming appearance when seen through…
Gnats are a member of the Culicidae family. "They present a charming appearance when seen through…
They are rather undersized, chunky flies, dark in color, with the thorax well developed and somewhat…
The larva is curious little creatures, living under water in rather swiftly flowing streams, clinging…
The larva are curious little creatures, living under water in rather swiftly flowing streams, clinging…