This science ClipArt gallery offers 245 illustrations of basic concepts, experiments, apparatus, and systems proving properties and concepts in electricity.
"The Metre Bridge is employed - a piece of apparatus which is illustrated [here]. It consists of a wooden…
"...consists of a circular, multipolar field magnet, inclusing a cylinder armature with coils wound…
"Illustration showing the installation of an alternating current motor." —Croft 1920
An electric motor is a motor that uses electrical energy to produce mechanical energy, usually through…
"Tesla's oscillator is a combined prime motor and electric generator, and produces alternating currents…
"When large quantities of electrical fluid are wanted for experiment, or for other purposes, it is procured…
A potentiometer instrument for measuring the potential (or voltage) in a circuit taps off a fraction…
This electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. The reverse…
"The well known in connection with the electric bell: a brass spring which forms part…
"Elevation and section of Thomson's Quadrant Electrometer." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893
The Bell receiver reproduces sounds made on the other end of the circuit, from a transmitter of some…
"This instrument consists of a glass tube of narrow bore, 16 to 17 inches long, to which is blown a…
"When the brass plugs are inserted...the coils are short-circuited, i.e., practically, the whole of…
An instrument for regulating or adjusting a circuit so that any required degree of resistance may be…
"The rheostat is an apparatus for admitting the current to the motor gradually, so as not to heat and…
"An instrument for directing a powerful beam of electric light for the purpose of search, illumination,…
a is called the cathode, b is a plate of metal mounted inside the tube and in the path of the rays;…
"A shunt, in electricity, is a conductor placed between two points in closed circuit, to divert or shunt…
"Illustrating the principle of Siemens' drum winding. In order to make the winding and connections clear,…
"The sine electrometer of August, is a modification of the single pendulum electroscope, analogous in…
A spark arrestor is a device intended to prevent combustible materials, usually sparks or other tiny…
"Method of using a grounded metallic comb near the driving belt to relieve the belt of static charges."…
"Method of using a grounded metallic comb near the driving belt to relieve the belt of static charges."…
"Multiple plate static discharger. (Grid should bridge both sides of belt and be as close to the motor…
A hand with bar demonstrating the attractive properties of static electricity.
A hand with a rod, demonstrating the attractive properties of static electricity.
An illustration of Macedonio Melloni's thermomultiplier, a combination of thermopile and galvanometer.
"A very convenient form of Thomson's galvanometer, the only specimen of its kind we have seen. The peculiarity…
"ABCD is a cylinder of glass 1 foot in diameter and 1 foot high. This cylinder is closed by a glass…
"The transmitter is a microphone adapted for the transmission of telephone messages and, in general…
The Blake transmitter is used in taking voice and transferring it into an electrical signal that can…
"Diagram of a vibrator coil. The parts are as follows: A, contact screw; B, battery; C, core; D, vibrator…
"Circuit diagram of a master vibrator coil. B is the battery; C, the unit coils; C1, C2, etc. the condensors;…
"The metallic elements C and Z each conssted of two metals, the plate C being of copper and the plate…
"Volta's arrangement for producing a current of electricity, consisting of a pile of alternate disks…
"We may compare currents by the quantities of a given electrolyte which they decompose in a given time.…
"Showing method of connecting voltmeter to find potential differnce between any two points as m and…
"The water in resovoirs A and B stands at different heights. As long as this difference of level is…
"Instrument designed to measure both the rate at which the electrical energy is delivered and the time…
"The Wheatstone bridge is used as a way to measure resistance of a unknown resitors." -Avery 1895
"The Wheatstone bridge is used as a way to measure resistance of a unknown resitors." -Avery 1895
"The Wheatstone bridge is used as a way to measure resistance of a unknown resitors." -Avery 1895
"The best method for comparing resistances with great accuracy is the modification of Wheatstone's bridge…