This human anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 242 illustrations the human muscular system. This includes both human skeletal muscle and human smooth and cardiac muscle. Human skeletal muscles (also known as striped, striated, or voluntary muscle) are those muscles that attach to bones and are involved in voluntary movements. Smooth muscles (also known as non-striated or involuntary muscle) are found lining the surface of internal organs such as the stomach, and cardiac muscles are those muscles specific to the heart. Both smooth and cardiac muscles are involuntarily controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck. Labels: 1, sterno-cleido-mastoid; 10, temporal; 11, masseter; 13, 13, occipito-frontalis.

Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck

Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck. Labels: 1, sterno-cleido-mastoid; 10, temporal; 11, masseter; 13, 13,…

Muscles of the face, jaw and neck. 1, longus colli; 2, rapezius; 3, sterno-hyoid; 4, sterno-mastoid; 5, erico-thyroid; 6, trapezius; 7, constrictor of pharynx; 8, sterno-mastoid; 9, digastric; 10, attrahens aurem; 11, mylo-hyoid; 12, masseter; 13, depressor oof lower lip; 15, orbicularis oris; 17, levator of upper lip; 19, levator of angle of mouth; 21, orbicularis palpebrarum.

Facial Muscles

Muscles of the face, jaw and neck. 1, longus colli; 2, rapezius; 3, sterno-hyoid; 4, sterno-mastoid;…

Facial muscles of expression involved in laughing.

Facial Muscles of Expression

Facial muscles of expression involved in laughing.

Facial muscles of expression involved in expression of jealousy.

Facial Muscles of Expression

Facial muscles of expression involved in expression of jealousy.

A single fiber partly broken and greatly magnified. 1: The delicate fibrous cover unrboken; 2: The muscular substance within, separated.


A single fiber partly broken and greatly magnified. 1: The delicate fibrous cover unrboken; 2: The muscular…

The muscles of the right foot after removal of the first layer.

Foot Muscles

The muscles of the right foot after removal of the first layer.

The muscles of the right foot after removal of the plantar fascia.

Foot Muscles

The muscles of the right foot after removal of the plantar fascia.

The muscles of the right foot after removal of the second layer.

Foot Muscles

The muscles of the right foot after removal of the second layer.

Muscles of the sole of the foot. First layer.

First Layer of the Muscles of the Sole of the Foot

Muscles of the sole of the foot. First layer.

The interosseous muscles of the foot. A, Dorsal muscles of the left foot. B, Plantar muscles of the right foot.

Interosseous Muscles of the Foot

The interosseous muscles of the foot. A, Dorsal muscles of the left foot. B, Plantar muscles of the…

The insertions of the the peroneus longus and tibialis posticus muscles in the sole of the right foot.

Muscles in the Sole of the Foot

The insertions of the the peroneus longus and tibialis posticus muscles in the sole of the right foot.

Muscles of the foot.

Muscles of the Foot

Muscles of the foot.

Muscles of the sole of the foot. Second layer.

Second Layer of the Muscles of the Sole of the Foot

Muscles of the sole of the foot. Second layer.

Muscles of the sole of the foot. Third layer.

Third Layer of the Muscles of the Sole of the Foot

Muscles of the sole of the foot. Third layer.

Outer layer of muscle on the back of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor; brachialis internus; 3, triceps extensor; 4, supinator radii longus; 5, extensor carpi radialis longior; 6, extensor carpi radialis brevior; 7, tendinous insertions of these muscles; 8, extensor communis digitorum; 9, extensor communis digitorum; 9, extensor communis digitorum; 10, extensor carpi ulnaris; 13, extensor minor pollicis; 14, extensor major pollicis; 15, posterior annular ligament.

Muscles of the Forearm

Outer layer of muscle on the back of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor; brachialis internus; 3,…

Outer layer of muscles on the front of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor cubiti; 2, brachialis internus; 3, triceps; 4, pronator radii teres; 5, flexor carpi radialis; 6, palmaris longus; 7, flexor sublimus digitorum; 8, flexor carpi ulnaris; 9, palmar fascia; 0, palmaris brevis muscle; 11, abductor pollicis manur; 12, flexor brevis pollicis manus; 13, supinator longus; 14, extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis.

Muscles of the Forearm

Outer layer of muscles on the front of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor cubiti; 2, brachialis internus;…

The extensor muscles on the back of the forearm. Note the tendons at the wrist.

Muscles on Forearm

The extensor muscles on the back of the forearm. Note the tendons at the wrist.

The deep muscles of the front of the forearm and hand.

Deep Muscles of the Front Forearm

The deep muscles of the front of the forearm and hand.

Muscles of the forearm.

Muscles of the Forearm

Muscles of the forearm.

Muscles of the forearm.

Muscles of the Forearm

Muscles of the forearm.

The superficial muscles of the back of the forearm.

Muscles of the Back Forearm

The superficial muscles of the back of the forearm.

The muscles of the back forearm. 1, biceps; 2, brachialis internus; 3, biceps; 4, supinator longus; 5, extensor carpl radialis longior; 6, extensor carpi radialis brevior; 7, insertion of these mscles; 8, extensor communis digitorum; 9, extensor communis digitorum; 10, extensor carpi ulnaris; 11, anconeus; 12, flexor carpi ulnaris; 13, extensor minor pollicis; 14, extensor major pollicis; 15, posterior annular ligament.

Front Forearm Muscles

The muscles of the back forearm. 1, biceps; 2, brachialis internus; 3, biceps; 4, supinator longus;…

The gluteus maximus muscle.

Gluteus Maximus Muscles

The gluteus maximus muscle.

The muscles and tendons in the palm of the hand.

Hand Muscles

The muscles and tendons in the palm of the hand.

The dorsal interosseous muscles of the hand seen from the palmar aspect.

Dorsal Interosseous Muscles of the Hand

The dorsal interosseous muscles of the hand seen from the palmar aspect.

Muscles of the hand.

Muscles of the Hand

Muscles of the hand.

The palmar interosseous muscles of the hand. Labels: P1, first; P2, second; and P3, third palmar interosseous muscles.

Palmar Interosseous Muscles of the Hand

The palmar interosseous muscles of the hand. Labels: P1, first; P2, second; and P3, third palmar interosseous…

Short muscles of the hand.

Short Muscles of the Hand

Short muscles of the hand.

A deep view of the muscles of mastication. The zygoma and masseter muscle are removed.

Head Showing Deep Mastication Muscles

A deep view of the muscles of mastication. The zygoma and masseter muscle are removed.

Superficial view of the muscles of mastication.

Head Showing Mastication Muscles

Superficial view of the muscles of mastication.

The pterygoid region.

Head Showing Pterygoid Region

The pterygoid region.

The muscles of the face and scalp.

Muscles of the Head

The muscles of the face and scalp.

The lower part of the large muscle that raises the heel during walking. P, the muscle, makes up most of the bulk of the calf of the leg. The weight of the body rests upon the bone W. In walking, as we raise the body in taking a step, we do it first by raising the heel with the muscle P, the pressure being on the ball of the foot, F. This muscle does here with the weight of the body what the muscles of your arms do to the load in a wheel barrow when you raise it by the handles.

Heel Muscle

The lower part of the large muscle that raises the heel during walking. P, the muscle, makes up most…

Muscles of the iliac and anterior femoral region.

Muscles of the Hip and Leg

Muscles of the iliac and anterior femoral region.

Muscles of the hip and thigh.

Muscles of the Hip and Thigh

Muscles of the hip and thigh.

Deep-seated muscles on the posterior part of the hip joint. Labels: 1, fifth lumbar vertebra; 2, ilio-lumbar ligament; 3, crest of the ilium; 4, anterior superior spinous process; 5, origin of the fascia femoris; 6, gluteus medius; 7, its lower and anterior portion; 8, pyriformis; 9, gemini; 10, trochanter major; 11, insertion of the gluteus medius; 12, gradratus femoris; 13, part of the adductor magnus; 14, insertion of the gluteus magnus; 15, vastrus externus; 16, long head of the biceps; 17, semi-membranosos; 18, semi-tendinosus; 19, tuber ischii; 20, obturator internus; 21, point of the coccyx; 22, posterior coccygeal ligament; 23, 24, greater sacro-sciatic ligament; 25, posterior superior spinous process of ilium; 26, posterior sacro-iliac ligaments.

Deep Muscles of the Hip Joint

Deep-seated muscles on the posterior part of the hip joint. Labels: 1, fifth lumbar vertebra; 2, ilio-lumbar…

Muscles of the hip.

Muscles of the Hip

Muscles of the hip.

Muscles of right eyeball within the orbit, seen from the front. Labels: 21, superior rectus; 22, inferior rectus; 23, external rectus; 24, internal rectus; 25, superior oblique; 26, inferior oblique.

Muscles of the Human Eyeball

Muscles of right eyeball within the orbit, seen from the front. Labels: 21, superior rectus; 22, inferior…

Muscles of eyeball, seen from side. Labels: 19, elevator muscle of eyelid; 22, inferior rectus; 23, external rectus; 24, internal rectus; 25, superior oblique; 26, inferior oblique.

Muscles of the Human Eyeball

Muscles of eyeball, seen from side. Labels: 19, elevator muscle of eyelid; 22, inferior rectus; 23,…

The muscles of the hyoid bone and styloid process, and the extrinsic muscles of the tongue, with their nerves.

Muscles of the Hyoid Bone

The muscles of the hyoid bone and styloid process, and the extrinsic muscles of the tongue, with their…

Region of the knee, seen obliquely from behind and within.

Muscles of Knee

Region of the knee, seen obliquely from behind and within.

Muscles of the front of the right leg and dorsum of the foot.

Front Muscles of the Leg and Foot

Muscles of the front of the right leg and dorsum of the foot.

The muscle thickens when it shortens to draw up the heel.

Leg Muscle

The muscle thickens when it shortens to draw up the heel.

The muscles of the front of the leg. 1, tendon of quadriceps; 2, spine tibia; 3, tibialis anticus; 4, extensor communis digitorum; 5, extensor proprius pollicis; 6, peroneus tertius; 7, peroneus longus; 8, peroneus brevis; 9, soleus; 10, gastrocnemius; 11, extensor brevis digitorum.

Leg Muscles

The muscles of the front of the leg. 1, tendon of quadriceps; 2, spine tibia; 3, tibialis anticus; 4,…

Muscles of the leg, superficial view of the calf. Labels: 22, tendo Achillis (Achilles heel); 21, gastrocnemius; 18, soleus; 16, peroneal.

Muscles of the Leg

Muscles of the leg, superficial view of the calf. Labels: 22, tendo Achillis (Achilles heel); 21, gastrocnemius;…

Muscles of the front of the right leg and dorsum of the foot.

Muscles of the Leg and Foot

Muscles of the front of the right leg and dorsum of the foot.

Muscles of the leg showing how they pass into tendons at the ankle.

Muscles of the Leg

Muscles of the leg showing how they pass into tendons at the ankle.

Muscles of the front of the leg.

Leg Muscles

Muscles of the front of the leg.

The muscles of the back of the leg showing soleus muscle.

Back Leg Muscles

The muscles of the back of the leg showing soleus muscle.

Superficial muscles of the right leg, anterior view.

Anterior View of the Superficial Muscles of the Leg

Superficial muscles of the right leg, anterior view.

Deep muscles of the internal femoral region.

Deep Muscles of the Leg

Deep muscles of the internal femoral region.

The deep muscles on the back of the left leg.

Deep Muscles of the Back Leg

The deep muscles on the back of the left leg.

Front view of the muscles of the leg.

Front View of the Muscles of the Leg

Front view of the muscles of the leg.

Superficial muscles of the right leg, lateral view.

Lateral View of the Superficial Muscles of the Leg

Superficial muscles of the right leg, lateral view.

Muscles and tendons of the back part of the leg.

Muscles and Tendons of the Leg

Muscles and tendons of the back part of the leg.

Muscles of the leg.

Muscles of the Leg

Muscles of the leg.

Muscles of the front of the leg. Labels: 1, tendon of quadriceps; 2, spine of tibia; 3, tibialis anticus; 4, extensor communis digitorum; 5, extensor proprius pollicis; 6, peroneus tertius; 7, peroneus longus; 8, peroneus brevis; 9, soleus; 10, gastrocnemius; 11, extensor brevis digitorum.

Muscles of the Front of the Leg

Muscles of the front of the leg. Labels: 1, tendon of quadriceps; 2, spine of tibia; 3, tibialis anticus;…

"Muscles of the leg showing how they pass into tendons at the ankle." —Davison, 1910

Muscles of the leg

"Muscles of the leg showing how they pass into tendons at the ankle." —Davison, 1910

Superficial muscles of the right leg, posterior view.

Posterior View of the Superficial Muscles of the Leg

Superficial muscles of the right leg, posterior view.

Muscles of the back of the right leg. Superficial layer.

Superficial Muscles of the Back Leg

Muscles of the back of the right leg. Superficial layer.