A bird belonging to the family Sylviadae, nearly allied to the nearest, but having a more slender form and a more slender bill. It is found in almost all parts of Britain as a summer bird of passage, and has a soft sweet song.

Redstart Bird

A bird belonging to the family Sylviadae, nearly allied to the nearest, but having a more slender form…

A flock of geese flying over a town.


A flock of geese flying over a town.

A bird belonging to the grallatores or waders.

Ruff Fowl

A bird belonging to the grallatores or waders.

The head of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Head of Cuckoo

The head of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly…

The foot of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Foot of a Cuckoo

The foot of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly…

The head of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Head of a Green Woodpecker

The head of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…

The foot of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Foot of a Green Woodpecker

The foot of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…

The head of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Head of a Great Jacamar

The head of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…

The foot of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Foot of a Great Jacamar

The foot of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…

In birds the muscles system is remarkable for their marked line of attachment to their tendons. Labels: 1, Occipito-Frontalis. 2, Orbicularis Palpaebrarum. 3, Temporal. 4, Masseter. 5, Sterno-cleido-Mastoid. 6, Trapezius. 7, Latissimus Dorsi. 8, Pectoralis. 9, Deltoid. 10, Biceps. 11, Triceps. 12, Gluteii. 13, Levator Caudae. 14, Rectus Femoris. 15, Gastrocnemius muscle.

The Superficial Muscles of a Hawk

In birds the muscles system is remarkable for their marked line of attachment to their tendons. Labels:…

Birds usually have three cavities or stomachs. Labels: 1, The esophagus. 2, Ingluvies (crop). 2, Proventriculus (secreting stomach). 4. Triturating stomach (gizzard). 5, Intestine. 6, Two caeca.

The Alimentary Canal of a Fowl

Birds usually have three cavities or stomachs. Labels: 1, The esophagus. 2, Ingluvies (crop). 2, Proventriculus…

In reptiles the alimentary canal differs much from that of mammals or birds. As a general rule, it is shorter in proportion to the trunk than in warm-blooded vertebrates. Labels: 1, esophagus; 2, stomach; 3, small intestine; 4,large intestine.

The Alimentary Canal of the Flying Lizard

In reptiles the alimentary canal differs much from that of mammals or birds. As a general rule, it is…

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but are oblong and flattened in shape, and connected with a series of air-receptacles scattered through various parts of the body. Shown is the right lung of a goose. Labels: 1, A bronchial tube which divides into two tubes that open into the abdominal air-receptacles (2).

The Right Lung of a Goose

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but are oblong and flattened in shape, and connected with a series of air-receptacles scattered through various parts of the body. Shown is a section of a bird lung, magnified. Labels: 1, A bronchial tube that ends in a sac (caeca). 2, Division of the bronchial tubes that branch out among lobules. B, A plexus of capillary vessels.

Section of the Lung of a Bird

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…

In birds the hemispheres are not united as in humans; the cerebellum is proportionately larger than the medulla oblongata, and the comparative weight of the brain to the body is less than in mammals. Labels: 1, Cerebrum. 2, Optic ganglion. 3, Cerebellum. 4, Medulla oblongata.

Brain of a Bird

In birds the hemispheres are not united as in humans; the cerebellum is proportionately larger than…

The corpuscles of Grandy have been noticed in the beaks and tongues of birds. They consist of corpuscles oval or spherical, contained within a delicate nucleated sheath, and containing several cells, tow or more compressed vertically. The cells are granular and transparent, with a nucleus. The nerve enter on one side and, laying aside its medullary sheath, terminated in or between the cells. Show is a corpuscle of Grandy, from the tongue of a duck.

Corpuscle of Grandy

The corpuscles of Grandy have been noticed in the beaks and tongues of birds. They consist of corpuscles…

"Gadwall, a rather large fresh-water duck, common in the interior of the United States and breeding north of the latitude of Kentucky. It is a black and white duck, marked with brown, and is one of the favorite game birds." -Foster, 1921


"Gadwall, a rather large fresh-water duck, common in the interior of the United States and breeding…

"The more angular the wing of birds - that is to say, the longer the feathers on the edge of the wing - the more rapidly does it propel itself through the air."

Wing of an Eagle

"The more angular the wing of birds - that is to say, the longer the feathers on the edge of the wing…

"Besides flight, birds possess other means of locomotion, being formed for walking, swimming or flying, according as their habits are aerial, terrestrial or aquatic."

Wing of a Penguin

"Besides flight, birds possess other means of locomotion, being formed for walking, swimming or flying,…

"In the feathers of a large portion of birds there is a plumiform formation."


"In the feathers of a large portion of birds there is a plumiform formation."

"This plumule is conspicuous in gallinaceous birds."


"This plumule is conspicuous in gallinaceous birds."

"In birds of prey the claws are powerful and hooked; in others the foot is flat, claws straight, and adapted for walking."

Foot of White-Headed Eagle

"In birds of prey the claws are powerful and hooked; in others the foot is flat, claws straight, and…

"In birds of prey the claws are powerful and hooked; in others the foot is flat, claws straight, and adapted for walking."

Foot of Honey-Buzzard

"In birds of prey the claws are powerful and hooked; in others the foot is flat, claws straight, and…

"In birds of prey the claws are powerful and hooked; in others the foot is flat, claws straight, and adapted for walking."

Foot of Cassowary

"In birds of prey the claws are powerful and hooked; in others the foot is flat, claws straight, and…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Eagle

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Toucan

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Cormorant

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Crane

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Goose

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Sparrow

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Cuckoo

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

The swelling under the throat is called the crop, or first stomach. It is largely developed in some of the granivorous or grain-eating birds.

Crop and Digestive Organs

The swelling under the throat is called the crop, or first stomach. It is largely developed in some…

"The senses of touch, smell, taste and hearing are very slightly developed in birds. The organ of sight is indeed more highly developed in birds than in any other class of animals."

Internal Anatomy of Birds

"The senses of touch, smell, taste and hearing are very slightly developed in birds. The organ of sight…

"The Humming-Birds, which flit about in tropical woods, build their nests with grass, lined with feathers."

Nest of Humming-Bird

"The Humming-Birds, which flit about in tropical woods, build their nests with grass, lined with feathers."

"For ingenious construction, instigated by affection for its progeny, there is nothing to compare to the work of the Sociable Weaver-bird, or Republican-bird, as it is sometimes called."

Nest of Sociable or Republican Birds

"For ingenious construction, instigated by affection for its progeny, there is nothing to compare to…

Birds of Paradise produce some of the most beautiful feathers.

Birds of Paradise

Birds of Paradise produce some of the most beautiful feathers.

1. Greater Tit (Parus Major)2. Blue Tit (P. Coeruleus)3. Crested Tit (P. Cristatus)4. Marsh-Tit (P. Palustris)5. Coal-Tit (P. Ater)


1. Greater Tit (Parus Major) 2. Blue Tit (P. Coeruleus) 3. Crested Tit (P. Cristatus) 4. Marsh-Tit (P.…

"The chief characteristic of the Water-en is a short and strong bill. They are lively, graceful and ornamental birds."


"The chief characteristic of the Water-en is a short and strong bill. They are lively, graceful and…

"They are shy, timid birds, concealing themselves by day in the depths of the mots retired woods."

Woodcocks (White and Isabelle-colored)

"They are shy, timid birds, concealing themselves by day in the depths of the mots retired woods."

"It is only requisite to exhibit the outward signs of bacchanalian excitement, and the birds will be filled with a sense of false security, so that you may approach within a few yards of them."

Common Dotterel

"It is only requisite to exhibit the outward signs of bacchanalian excitement, and the birds will be…

The Dodo, indigenous to Mauritius, should be placed in the first rank of extinct birds. "It was observed by Vasco de Gama, who visited this island in 1497. At the end of the seventeenth century some of them still existed."

The Dodo

The Dodo, indigenous to Mauritius, should be placed in the first rank of extinct birds. "It was observed…

"These birds have as distinctive features a short beak, a small head, a round and massive body, bare tarsi, with spurs more or less developed, and a medium-sized back toe."

Pin-Tailed Sand-Grouse

"These birds have as distinctive features a short beak, a small head, a round and massive body, bare…

"The Pheasant is remarkable for the extraordinary length of its tail, the middle feathers of which in one species sometimes attain a length of seven or eight feet."

Common Pheasants

"The Pheasant is remarkable for the extraordinary length of its tail, the middle feathers of which in…

"The Pheasant is remarkable for the extraordinary length of its tail, the middle feathers of which in one species sometimes attain a length of seven or eight feet."

Reeves' Pheasant (Phasianus Reevesii)

"The Pheasant is remarkable for the extraordinary length of its tail, the middle feathers of which in…

"The turkey is indigenous to America; and it may still be found in some parts of our country in the wild state."

Wild Turkey

"The turkey is indigenous to America; and it may still be found in some parts of our country in the…

"The family of Pavonidae comprehends the Peacock." The male bird forms the beautiful array of tail feathers each Spring.


"The family of Pavonidae comprehends the Peacock." The male bird forms the beautiful array of tail feathers…

"The Argus-Pheasant is a bird with magnificent plumage, and inhabits the forests of Java and Sumatra."


"The Argus-Pheasant is a bird with magnificent plumage, and inhabits the forests of Java and Sumatra."

"The Crowned Pigeon is very common in New Guinea and the Moluccas."

Crowned Pigeon

"The Crowned Pigeon is very common in New Guinea and the Moluccas."

"They are highly esteemed for their vivacity and gentleness, and the facility with which they learn to talk."

Rosella Parrakeet

"They are highly esteemed for their vivacity and gentleness, and the facility with which they learn…

"Love-birds are rare. They are met with in America, Southern Africa, and in the islands of Oceania."

Swindern's Love-Birds

"Love-birds are rare. They are met with in America, Southern Africa, and in the islands of Oceania."

"The Gray Parrot, or Jaco, belongs to the west coast of Africa."

Gray Parrots

"The Gray Parrot, or Jaco, belongs to the west coast of Africa."

"The Leadbeater's Cockatoo is a remarkably handsome bird, which calls forth much admiration."

Molucca Cockatoo

"The Leadbeater's Cockatoo is a remarkably handsome bird, which calls forth much admiration."

"The Curl-Crested Aracari is deserving of notice on account of its beautiful, variegated plumage."

Curl-Crested Aracari

"The Curl-Crested Aracari is deserving of notice on account of its beautiful, variegated plumage."

"The female does not build a nest or cover her eggs; neither does she take care of her young. The eggs are laid in the nests of other birds and the care of hatching the eggs and feeding their young is left to these strangers."

Pheasant Cuckoo

"The female does not build a nest or cover her eggs; neither does she take care of her young. The eggs…

"Cuckoos lay from eight to ten eggs in the space of a few weeks. When an egg has been laid, the female seizes it in her beak and carries it to the first unoccupied nest in the vicinity."

American Cuckoo

"Cuckoos lay from eight to ten eggs in the space of a few weeks. When an egg has been laid, the female…

"They walk with difficulty and their flight is clumsy. [They are] native to Malaysia, India and Sumatra.

Concave-Casqued Hornbill

"They walk with difficulty and their flight is clumsy. [They are] native to Malaysia, India and Sumatra.

"They sometimes take a position near some steam and remain for hours immovable. When a fish comes within reach, they will dart upon it with great rapidity."


"They sometimes take a position near some steam and remain for hours immovable. When a fish comes within…

"The Motmots ... are very wild, and lead an isolated life in the thick forests of South America."

Brazilian Motmot

"The Motmots ... are very wild, and lead an isolated life in the thick forests of South America."

"The Hoopoes have long, slender, triangular and slightly-curved beaks."

Hoopoes (Upupa Epops)

"The Hoopoes have long, slender, triangular and slightly-curved beaks."

"The Dwarf Hummingbird is a species which is only about the size of a bee. The Bar-tailed Hummingbird, or Sappho Comet, is a native of eastern Peru."

Sappho Comet

"The Dwarf Hummingbird is a species which is only about the size of a bee. The Bar-tailed Hummingbird,…