This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the head.

Head Bandage

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the head.

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the head.

Head Bandage

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the head.

This illustration shows a method of applying a triangular bandage to the chest, shoulder, head and elbow.

Triangular Bandage

This illustration shows a method of applying a triangular bandage to the chest, shoulder, head and elbow.

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the face.

Face Bandage

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the face.

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the head.

Head Bandage

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the head.

This illustration shows the field of force between two parallel planes. At the edges its lines of foce curve out. Some pass from the back of one plane to the back of the other.


This illustration shows the field of force between two parallel planes. At the edges its lines of foce…

A theory which claims to be able to determine character, personality traits, and criminality on the basis of the shape of the head. This technique was developed in the early 1800's and is currently discredited as a pseudoscience.


A theory which claims to be able to determine character, personality traits, and criminality on the…

A large, triangular bone at the base of the vertebral column at the upper and back part of the pelvic cavity.


A large, triangular bone at the base of the vertebral column at the upper and back part of the pelvic…

The vomer is a single bone, situated vertically at the back part of the nasal fossae, forming part of the septum of the nose. It is thin, somewhat like a ploughshare in form; but varies in different individuals, being frequently bent to one of the other side; it presents for examination two surfaces and four borders.


The vomer is a single bone, situated vertically at the back part of the nasal fossae, forming part of…

The mandible is the largest and strongest bone of the face. It serves for the reception of the lower teeth. It consists of a curved, horizontal portion, the body, and two perpendicular portions, the rami, which join the back party of the body nearly at right angles.


The mandible is the largest and strongest bone of the face. It serves for the reception of the lower…

The first rib is the shortest and the most curved of all the ribs; it is broad and flat, its surfaces looking upward and downward, and its borders inward and outward. The head is of small size, rounded, and presents only a single articular facet for articulation with the body of the first thoracic vertebra.

First Rib

The first rib is the shortest and the most curved of all the ribs; it is broad and flat, its surfaces…

The tenth rib has only a single articular facet on its head.

Tenth Rib

The tenth rib has only a single articular facet on its head.

The eleventh and twelfth ribs have each a single articular facet on the head, which is of rather large size; they have no neck or tuberosity, and are pointed at the extremity.

Eleventh Rib

The eleventh and twelfth ribs have each a single articular facet on the head, which is of rather large…

The eleventh and twelfth ribs have each a single articular facet on the head, which is of rather large size; they have no neck or tuberosity, and are pointed at the extremity.

Twelfth Rib

The eleventh and twelfth ribs have each a single articular facet on the head, which is of rather large…

A dissection of the head, face, and neck.


A dissection of the head, face, and neck.

Muscles of the head, face, and neck.

Neck Muscles

Muscles of the head, face, and neck.

The back of a United States Silver Dollar. Worth 100 cents.

United States Silver Dollar

The back of a United States Silver Dollar. Worth 100 cents.

The back of a United States Silver Dollar. Worth 100 cents.

United States Silver Dollar

The back of a United States Silver Dollar. Worth 100 cents.

A cow sticking his head out of a barn window and eating potted flowers.

Cow Eating Flowers

A cow sticking his head out of a barn window and eating potted flowers.

A man riding on the back of a donkey, being bothered by flies.

Donkey Ride

A man riding on the back of a donkey, being bothered by flies.

The crew of a naval ship in the Revolutionary War praying before they head in to battle.

Before Battle Prayer

The crew of a naval ship in the Revolutionary War praying before they head in to battle.

The circulation of protoplasm (p) in a cell of the stamen-hair of Tradescania. In the channels the granules move back and forth to the various parts of the cell. The remainder of the cell is filled with cell-sap (s) which in these cells is colored.


The circulation of protoplasm (p) in a cell of the stamen-hair of Tradescania. In the channels the granules…

"Types of spermatozoa. A, from the round worm (Ascaris) with a cap, somewhat amaeboid; B, from the Crayfish, with numerous projections; C, from Frog; D, from Sea-urchin. h, head; m, middle piece; n, nucleus; t, tailor flagelium." — Galloway


"Types of spermatozoa. A, from the round worm (Ascaris) with a cap, somewhat amaeboid; B, from the Crayfish,…

"The head of female mosquito (culex). a, antenna; c, clypeus; h, hypopharynx; m, mandibles; ma., maxillas; m.p., maxillary palpus; l, labium; la., labrum (epi-pharynx)." — Galloway

Mosquito Head

"The head of female mosquito (culex). a, antenna; c, clypeus; h, hypopharynx; m, mandibles; ma., maxillas;…

"Head of the American Alligator (alligator Mississippiensis)." — Galloway

American Alligator

"Head of the American Alligator (alligator Mississippiensis)." — Galloway

A rocking chair with a high back.

High Back Rocker

A rocking chair with a high back.

A gold coin of the value of 10 or 11 shillings, current in England in the seventeenth century. It was first issued by James I. The back.

Double Crown

A gold coin of the value of 10 or 11 shillings, current in England in the seventeenth century. It was…

They have a long slender body, large head with enormous eyes, very strong jaws, and two pairs of large reticulate membranous wings. About 4 to 5 inches long.


They have a long slender body, large head with enormous eyes, very strong jaws, and two pairs of large…

The frontal view of a human face.

Human Head

The frontal view of a human face.

The rear view of a human face.

Human Head

The rear view of a human face.

A bird around 16 inches in length with a 7 inch tail. The head is bald and a bright yellow color. The underparts are a creamy white.

Vulturine Pie

A bird around 16 inches in length with a 7 inch tail. The head is bald and a bright yellow color. The…

A fish with elongated form, subconical head, and sharp canines mixed with the villiform teeth from the jaws and palate.

Pike Perch

A fish with elongated form, subconical head, and sharp canines mixed with the villiform teeth from the…

A sharp pointed weapon consisting of a long shaft or handle with an iron head.


A sharp pointed weapon consisting of a long shaft or handle with an iron head.

A sharp pointed weapon consisting of a long shaft or handle with an iron head.


A sharp pointed weapon consisting of a long shaft or handle with an iron head.

A fish resembling the herring, but thicker and rounder, with the under jaw shorter, the back more elevated, the belly less sharp, and the mouth edentulous.


A fish resembling the herring, but thicker and rounder, with the under jaw shorter, the back more elevated,…

A frame of wood erected on a post or pole, with movable boards resembling those in the stocks, and the holes which were put the head and hands of an offender, which was thus exposed to public derision.


A frame of wood erected on a post or pole, with movable boards resembling those in the stocks, and the…

Winged human figure with the crowned head of a condor, from the central row on the monolithic doorway. Details that show Tiahuanacu existed.


Winged human figure with the crowned head of a condor, from the central row on the monolithic doorway.…

A winged human figure with human head crowned, from the upper row on the monolithic doorway. Details that show Tiahuanacu existed.


A winged human figure with human head crowned, from the upper row on the monolithic doorway. Details…

A woman's head dress, having long flaps hanging down the sides of the cheeks, worn during the early part of the eighteenth century.


A woman's head dress, having long flaps hanging down the sides of the cheeks, worn during the early…

Its color is brownish olive, above and whitish below. It is sometimes 7 inches long, and has a peculiarly hideous aspect. After the female has laid the eggs the male places them upon her back, fecundates them, and then presses them into cellules, which at that period open from their receptioin, and afterwards close over them.

Surinam Toad

Its color is brownish olive, above and whitish below. It is sometimes 7 inches long, and has a peculiarly…

An obsidian spear-head.


An obsidian spear-head.

The back of a boy


The back of a boy

"The circular muscle of the mouth (1) and the buccinator or trumpeter's muscle (2) help the tongue to push the food back to the upper margin of the gullet, where it is seized upon by the three constrictor muscles (3, 4 and 5) of the pharynx, and pushed down the gullet or esophagus, which is represented as being cut off at 6." — Richardson, 1906

Swallowing Muscles

"The circular muscle of the mouth (1) and the buccinator or trumpeter's muscle (2) help the tongue to…

"1, primitive carotid artery dividing itself into carotid external and carotid internal; 3, occipital branch to the back part of the skull; 4, upper hyoides artery; 5, lower pharyngeal artery; 6, masseter artery; 7, submental artery; 8, lower coronary artery; 9, upper coronary artery; 10, deep branch; 11, back cervical artery; 12, continuation and fold of the occipital; 13, descending branch for muscles of the neck; 14, posterior auricular; 15, temporal artery; 16, pariental branches; 17, frontal branches." — Richardson, 1906

Facial Arteries

"1, primitive carotid artery dividing itself into carotid external and carotid internal; 3, occipital…

"The name of several classes of fungi. The best known is the common mushroom. It has a fleshy head, smooth or scaly on the upper surface, varying from white to tawny shades or brown. The gills on the under side of the head are at first pallid, changing slowly with the plant's growth to pink, purple and brown-black." — Beach, 1900


"The name of several classes of fungi. The best known is the common mushroom. It has a fleshy head,…

"A printing frame that is well adapted to sheets not over 17 in. x 21 in. The frame is placed face downwards and the back A is removed by unhooking the brass spring clips B, B, and lifting it out. The tracing is laid on the glass C, with the inked side touching the glass. A sheet of the prepared paper, perfectly dry, is laid on the tracing with the yellow side downwards." — Hallock, 1905

Painting Frame

"A printing frame that is well adapted to sheets not over 17 in. x 21 in. The frame is placed face downwards…

"A printing frame that is well adapted to sheets not over 17 in. x 21 in. The frame is placed face downwards and the back A is removed by unhooking the brass spring clips B, B, and lifting it out. The tracing is laid on the glass C, with the inked side touching the glass. A sheet of the prepared paper, perfectly dry, is laid on the tracing with the yellow side downwards." — Hallock, 1905. The painting frame is used to hold the original in contact with the light-sensitive paper in the blueprint reproduction process.

Painting Frame

"A printing frame that is well adapted to sheets not over 17 in. x 21 in. The frame is placed face downwards…

The head of an Indian Elephant.

Indian Elephant

The head of an Indian Elephant.

The head of an African Elephant.

African Elephant

The head of an African Elephant.

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls belong embraces also the terns, and these two kinds of birds are closely related." — Beach, 1909

Great Black Backed Gull

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls belong embraces also the terns, and these two kinds of birds are closely related." — Beach, 1909

Black-headed Gull

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls belong embraces also the terns, and these two kinds of birds are closely related." — Beach, 1909

Killiwake Gull

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls belong embraces also the terns, and these two kinds of birds are closely related." — Beach, 1909

Small Black-Backed Gull

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls belong embraces also the terns, and these two kinds of birds are closely related." — Beach, 1909

Herring Gull

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…

The front and back of a stone idol found at Copan, in Central America.

Stone Idol

The front and back of a stone idol found at Copan, in Central America.

"In popular language, the name of all those large serpents which kill their prey by entwining themselves around it, and constricting it in their coils; but by zoologists of the present day, limited as the name of a genus to a very small portion of their number, all of which are natives of the warm parts of America." — Chambers, 1881


"In popular language, the name of all those large serpents which kill their prey by entwining themselves…

"A genus of saurian reptiles, constituting a distinct family, of very peculiar form and structure, and on various accounts highly interesting. The body is much compressed; the dorsal line sharp, in some of the species rising into an elevated crest; the back of the head is also elevated into a sort of cone. The neck is very short, and does not admit of the head being turned, for which, however, compensation is found in the remarkable powers of motion possessed by the large prominent eyes, which move independently of one another, and are covered with a membrane pierced only with a small hole for the pupil to look through." — Chambers, 1881


"A genus of saurian reptiles, constituting a distinct family, of very peculiar form and structure, and…

"A species of Hawk-moth or lepidopterous insect of the family Sphingidae, not uncommon in some parts of England and of the continent of Europe, and very widely distributed over the world, being found in Africa, the Mauritius, and the East Indies. It measures almost five inches from tip to tip of the extended wings; is of a dark color, the body yellow with black markings, the thorax with pale markings which have some resemblance to a skull, and from which it derives its name." — Chambers, 1881

Death's Head Moth

"A species of Hawk-moth or lepidopterous insect of the family Sphingidae, not uncommon in some parts…

"Prime, Parade. In using prime to parry the thrust in seconde, pass your point over the adversary's blade, lower it to the waist, keeping your wrist as high as your mouth, nails downward, elbow bent, and body held back as far as possible. The left foot should also be drawn backward a few inches, to remove the body further from the hostile point." — Chambers, 1881


"Prime, Parade. In using prime to parry the thrust in seconde, pass your point over the adversary's…

"A genus of insects, the type of a very numerous family, which forms the order Parasita or Auoplura. The body is flattened, almost transparent; the segments both of the thorax and abdomen very distinct; the mouth is small and tubular, enclosing a sucker; there are no wings; the legs are short, and are terminated by a claw adapted for taking hold of hairs or feathers. The eyes are simple, one or two on each side of the head. All the species are small, and live parasitically, on human beings, terrestrial mammalia, and birds." — Chambers, 1881

Magnified Louse

"A genus of insects, the type of a very numerous family, which forms the order Parasita or Auoplura.…