The harmonium is a type of keyboard instrument similar to an organ. The sound is produced by air using foot or hand operated bellows, producing a sound similar to an organ.


The harmonium is a type of keyboard instrument similar to an organ. The sound is produced by air using…

The hand lamp is a portable lamp.

Hand Lamp

The hand lamp is a portable lamp.

The altar cloth was embroidered by hand in gold and silk. It includes a drawing of a dove on the bottom. This cloth is used in a church setting.

Altar Cloth

The altar cloth was embroidered by hand in gold and silk. It includes a drawing of a dove on the bottom.…

This dessert plate is hand painted with a design of fruit in the center.

Dessert Plate

This dessert plate is hand painted with a design of fruit in the center.

This hand mirror is elegantly decorated with small flowers, leaves, and small female figures on each corner.

Hand Mirror

This hand mirror is elegantly decorated with small flowers, leaves, and small female figures on each…

This hand-bell is designed in the Louis Quatorze style, also known as Louis the 14th, during his reign between 1638 till 1715.


This hand-bell is designed in the Louis Quatorze style, also known as Louis the 14th, during his reign…

This hand-bell is designed in the Louis Quatorze style, also known as Louis the 14th, during his reign between 1638 till 1715.


This hand-bell is designed in the Louis Quatorze style, also known as Louis the 14th, during his reign…

"Fig. Typical passerine feet. The right hand fig. is plectrophanes lapponicus." Elliot Coues, 1884

Typical Passerine Bird Feet

"Fig. Typical passerine feet. The right hand fig. is plectrophanes lapponicus." Elliot Coues, 1884

Hulda, the Norse goddess of spring sits on the throne in her cave. A shepherd finds this cave and as a reward, Hulda gives him anything in the cave. He chooses the blue flowers she holds in her hand.

Hulda and the Shepherd

Hulda, the Norse goddess of spring sits on the throne in her cave. A shepherd finds this cave and as…

The hand printing press was invented by Peter Smith and manufactured by Robert Hoe in 1822.

Hand Press

The hand printing press was invented by Peter Smith and manufactured by Robert Hoe in 1822.

"An electric motor starts the engine by turning the fly-wheel. This makes it unnecessary to get out and crank the car by hand." -Bodmer, 1917

Building an Automobile, Step 11: Motor

"An electric motor starts the engine by turning the fly-wheel. This makes it unnecessary to get out…

An illustration of four various axes: "1, Horseman's hammer of about the time of Edward IV; 2, Martel-de-fer, time of Henry VIII; 3, Martel-de-fer, time of Edward VI; 4, Martel-de-fer with hand-gun, time of Queen Elizabeth." -Century, 1889

Four Axes

An illustration of four various axes: "1, Horseman's hammer of about the time of Edward IV; 2, Martel-de-fer,…

An illustration of a man wearing a helmet handing another man, leaning against a tree, a small tree branch.

Men Holding Tree Branch

An illustration of a man wearing a helmet handing another man, leaning against a tree, a small tree…

An illustration of a deck hand falling down and spilling a pot.

Deck Hand Falling Down

An illustration of a deck hand falling down and spilling a pot.

Otto of the Silver Hand is a novel that was written and illustrated by Howard Pyle. The novel is about the dark ages and centers around the life of Otto, the son of a German warlord.

Otto of the Silver Hand

Otto of the Silver Hand is a novel that was written and illustrated by Howard Pyle. The novel is about…

Otto of the Silver Hand is a novel that was written and illustrated by Howard Pyle. The novel is about the dark ages and centers around the life of Otto, the son of a German warlord.

Otto of the Silver Hand

Otto of the Silver Hand is a novel that was written and illustrated by Howard Pyle. The novel is about…

"Next in order are the productions of Jacopo Tatti, or Sansovino, who was born in 1479, and died in 1570. This architect was educated in the Florentine school, and afterwards proceeded to Rome; his masterpieces are less powerful and imposing but on the other hand, are more graceful, and display more richly developed details than those of San Michele."The Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana is a library and Renaissance building in Venice, northern Italy; it is one of the earliest surviving public manuscript depositories in the country, holding one of the greatest classical texts collections in the world. The library is named after St. Mark, the patron saint of Venice.

Old Library of St. Mark at Venice

"Next in order are the productions of Jacopo Tatti, or Sansovino, who was born in 1479, and died in…

Palazzo Farnese is a prominent High Renaissance palace in Rome, which currently houses the French Embassy in Italy."The pupils of Bramante and other renowned architects pursued the path which he had marked out; as, for example, Balthazar Peruzzi (1481 to 1536) as the principle of his works may be mentioned the Farnesia at Rome; Ant. di Sangallo of Florence (died 1546), whose principle work is the Farnese Palace at Rome. The third story of this palace is, however, the work of Michel-Angelo. The Farnese Palace forms to a certain extent the type of distinct class in the architecture of Roman palaces, and its chief characteristic is, that the façades are not divided by any orders of columns or pilasters, but the same effect and impression are produced by the architraves, cornices, and plinths of the windows, which invariably have rectilineal terminations, as well as the doors, and also by the string-courses which divide the storeys, and by a far-projecting cornice: at the same time especial consideration is devoted to the effect of good proportions. Ornaments are by sparingly introduced; whilst, on the other hand, the corners are generally marked by rustications.These palaces convey the impression of solidity without cumbersomeness, or richness without luxury, and above all, of simplicity in conjunction with dignity."

Farnese Palace at Rome

Palazzo Farnese is a prominent High Renaissance palace in Rome, which currently houses the French Embassy…

This is a silhouette of a boy and girl walking outside hand in hand. It is a black outline that was designed by children's book illustrator Kate Greenaway.

Silhouette of a Boy and Girl

This is a silhouette of a boy and girl walking outside hand in hand. It is a black outline that was…

Otto of the Silver Hand is a novel that was written and illustrated by Howard Pyle. The novel is about the dark ages and centers around the life of Otto, the son of a German warlord.

Otto of the Silver Hand

Otto of the Silver Hand is a novel that was written and illustrated by Howard Pyle. The novel is about…

"1, 2, left, two tracheal rings, separate. b; 1, 2, right hand, the same put together." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Tracheal Rings of a Bird

"1, 2, left, two tracheal rings, separate. b; 1, 2, right hand, the same put together." Elliot Coues,…

"In this city many individual tendencies are perceptible, but the predominant inclination is toward the Italian Renaissance . The new Opera-House, built by Van der Nüll and Siccardsburg, forms an exception to this rule, the design and forms of which were copied from the Early French Renaissance, with its narrow moulding and flat elliptical arches. On the other hand, the models of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries are chosen for churches built in the Gothic style. In its richest phase this is seen in the memorial church, built by Ferstel; and in its poorest aspect, and divested of all the ornamental details necessary to produce a good effect, in the Lazaristen Kirche, built by Schmidt, one of the most important representatives of the Gothic style, and at the same time an advocate in word and deed for its reintroduction."The Votivkirche in Vienna, Austria, is one of the most important neo-Gothic religious architectural sites in the world.

Vienna, Memorial Church

"In this city many individual tendencies are perceptible, but the predominant inclination is toward…

"In this city many individual tendencies are perceptible, but the predominant inclination is toward the Italian Renaissance . The new Opera-House, built by Van der Nüll and Siccardsburg, forms an exception to this rule, the design and forms of which were copied from the Early French Renaissance, with its narrow moulding and flat elliptical arches. On the other hand, the models of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries are chosen for churches built in the Gothic style. In its richest phase this is seen in the memorial church, built by Ferstel; and in its poorest aspect, and divested of all the ornamental details necessary to produce a good effect, in the Lazaristen Kirche, built by Schmidt, one of the most important representatives of the Gothic style, and at the same time an advocate in word and deed for its reintroduction."The Lazaristenkirche is a Roman Catholic church building in the 7th district of Vienna, Neubau.

Lazarist Church at Vienna

"In this city many individual tendencies are perceptible, but the predominant inclination is toward…

"On the other hand large country seats are usually either midæval castles in the Tudor Perpendicular style [shown here], or else display that heavy Renaissance style which is peculiar to England, and called the Elizabethan, sometimes with an admixture of the Tudor style. In some instances, they follow that development of Italian Renaissance known in England as Palladian."

Baltimore Castle

"On the other hand large country seats are usually either midæval castles in the Tudor Perpendicular…

"But perhaps the most effective and suitable employment of iron is shown in connection with glass, as has been exemplified in the temporary buildings for exhibitions, for which the Great Exhibition in London, in the year 1851, furnished the model which has so often been followed subsequently. This building was afterwards removed to Sydenham, and is now known as the Crystal Palace. In this structure the walls as well as the vaulted roof consist of glass inserted between iron girders, after the pattern of large conservatories and winter-gardens, especially of that in the Champs Élydées at Paris, which is no longer in existence. Although this building scarcely seems like an architectural construction, but appears to form a peculiar specialty, still an impression is produced, which is hitherto unparalleled by its transparent termination in all directions, and by its dimensions, which have never been before attained in enclosed spaces. The distinguishing height of the main body of the building, which is divided into several naves and galleries , and if the loftier transept, which is 174 English feet high, is too considerable to recall the conservatory, which first suggested the idea to Paxton of constructing such a building on a large scale for the Great Exhibition. The visible stability of the system of construction gives a certain feeling of security as a counterpoise to the astonishment which the enormous size creates. On the other hand it is not to be denied that artistic execution in the forms of the constructive parts is wanting, though many difficulties would perhaps have had to be overcome to attain this without the structure suffering as regards solidity. These constructive elements, moreover, are not used as leading to further æsthetic development, so that a real artistic value can only be attributed to the novel impression of the whole, which is produced by the large dimensions and transparent walls."

Crystal Palace at Sydenham

"But perhaps the most effective and suitable employment of iron is shown in connection with glass, as…

The curve pen is made with a swivel to draw free hand curves and contours.

Curve Pen

The curve pen is made with a swivel to draw free hand curves and contours.

The little finger on the left hand can guide the needle point of the compass to the center.

Guiding Needle Point of Compass to Little Finger

The little finger on the left hand can guide the needle point of the compass to the center.

Bow instruments can be used for drawing small circles. Hold the the left hand and spin the nut in or out with the finger to avoid wear and stripping the thread. "Small adjustments should be made with one hand, with needle point in position on the paper." — French, 1911

Drawing Small Circles with Bow Instrument

Bow instruments can be used for drawing small circles. Hold the the left hand and spin the nut in or…

This hand truck was designed around a round garbage can. The main purpose for the wheeled garbage truck was to be moved around by a person who collected garbage. The can features a small swivel wheel behind the larger stationary ones.

Two Wheeled Garbage Hand Truck

This hand truck was designed around a round garbage can. The main purpose for the wheeled garbage truck…

In combination with the bottle, this removable hand protector is placed upon the neck while pulling back on the cork. The protector has a tubular collar which loosely encircles the neck of the bottle and is adapted to be grasped by the hand, and having a diameter less than the diameter of the body of the bottle so as to hold the bottle back when the cork is pulled upon.

Removable Hand Protector for Bottles

In combination with the bottle, this removable hand protector is placed upon the neck while pulling…

The representation of an outstretched human arm the hand of which holds a bunch of herbs. Herbs are plants that are valued for flavor, scent, and other qualities, they are used in cooking, medicines, and spiritual purposes.

Human Arm Reaching for Herb Medicine

The representation of an outstretched human arm the hand of which holds a bunch of herbs. Herbs are…

This jug is a container for liquid. It has a narrow opening from which to pour or drink, featuring a hand from which to hold.

Top and Side View of a Jug

This jug is a container for liquid. It has a narrow opening from which to pour or drink, featuring a…

This is a human powered vehicle with four wheels. The most common type of a velocipede today is the bicycle. Railroads in North America often made use of this four wheeled handcar designed to be operated by a single person.

Four Wheeled Railroad Velocipede

This is a human powered vehicle with four wheels. The most common type of a velocipede today is the…

This clothes wringer is a mechanical laundry aid consisting of two rollers connected by cogs, powered by hand crank. Originally wringers were used to wring water from wet laundry, today they are used to press or flatten sheets, tablecloths, and other laundry.

The Laundry Aided Clothes Wringer

This clothes wringer is a mechanical laundry aid consisting of two rollers connected by cogs, powered…

Scissors are hand operated cutting instruments. They consist of a pair of metal blades, or tangs, connected in such a way that the sharpened edges slide against each other.

Large Scale Scissors

Scissors are hand operated cutting instruments. They consist of a pair of metal blades, or tangs, connected…

A saw is a tool that uses a hard blade or wire with an abrasive edge to cut through softer materials. The cutting edge of a saw is either a serrated blade or an abrasive. This tool may be worked by hand, or powered by steam, water, or electric power.

Abrasive Saw Blade

A saw is a tool that uses a hard blade or wire with an abrasive edge to cut through softer materials.…

A water well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, boring or drilling to access ground water in underground aquifers. The well water is drawn by an electric submersible pump, a vertical turbine pump, a hand pump or a mechanical pump.

Water Elevating Device

A water well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, boring or drilling…

A Linotype machine is a line casting machine used in printing. The machine revolutionized printing and especially newspaper publishing, making it possible for a relatively small number of operators to set type for many pages on a daily basis. The Linotype machine operator enters text on a 90-character keyboard. The machine assembles matrices, which are molds for the letter forms, into a line. The assembled line is then cast as a single piece, called a slug, of type metal in a process known as hot metal typesetting. The matrices are then returned to the type magazine from which they came. The name of the machine comes from the fact that it produces an entire line of metal type at once, hence a line-o-type. This allows much faster typesetting and composition than original hand composition in which operators place down one pre cast metal letter, punctuation mark or space at a time.

Linotype Machine

A Linotype machine is a line casting machine used in printing. The machine revolutionized printing and…

The first reference to an elevator is in the works of the Roman architect Vitruvius, who reported that Archimedes built his first elevator, probably in 236 BC. In some literary sources of later historical periods, elevators were mentioned as cabs on a hemp rope and powered by hand or by animals. It is supposed that elevators of this type were installed in the Sinai monastery of Egypt.

Elevating Apparatus

The first reference to an elevator is in the works of the Roman architect Vitruvius, who reported that…

A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. It is not intended for use on an out-of-control fire, such as one which has reached the ceiling, endangers the user (i.e. no escape route, smoke, explosion hazard, etc.), or otherwise requires the expertise of a fire department. Typically, a fire extinguisher consists of a hand-held cylindrical pressure vessel containing an agent which can be discharged to extinguish a fire.

Fire Extinguisher

A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often…

A glove is a garment covering the hand. Gloves have separate sheaths or openings for each finger and the thumb. Fingerless gloves with one large opening rather than individual openings for each finger are sometimes called gauntlets. Gloves which cover the entire hand but do not have separate finger openings or sheaths are called mittens. Mittens are warmer than gloves made of the same material because fingers maintain their warmth better when they are in contact with each other. Reduced surface area reduces heat loss.

Leather Gloves

A glove is a garment covering the hand. Gloves have separate sheaths or openings for each finger and…

A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device, easily portable by hand. Handheld extinguishers like these weigh anywhere from one half to fourteen kilograms.

Hand Fire Extinguisher

A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device, easily portable by hand. Handheld extinguishers…

"A circle may be shaded by shifting the center on a 45-degree line toward the lower right hand corner... by keeping the needle in the center after drawing the circle and springing the compass out and gradually pressing with the middle finger in the position as shown." —French, 1911

Shading a Circle Using Compass

"A circle may be shaded by shifting the center on a 45-degree line toward the lower right hand corner...…

Scissors are hand operated cutting instruments. they consist of a pair of metal blades, or tangs, connected in such a way that the sharpened edges slide against each other.

A Pair of Scissors

Scissors are hand operated cutting instruments. they consist of a pair of metal blades, or tangs, connected…

Wing nut is a fastener with a threaded hole used to keep objects in place. Wing nut can be loosen or tighten by hand.

Wing Nut

Wing nut is a fastener with a threaded hole used to keep objects in place. Wing nut can be loosen or…

An umbrella or parasol s a canopy designed to protect against precipitation or sunlight. The term parasol usually refers to an item designed to protect from the sun, and umbrella refers to a device more suited to protect from rain. Often the difference is the material; some parasols are not waterproof. Parasols are often meant to be fixed to one point and often used with patio tables or other outdoor furniture. Umbrellas are almost exclusively hand-held portable devices; however, parasols can also be hand-held. Umbrellas can be held as fashion accessories.

Wire Frame Umbrella

An umbrella or parasol s a canopy designed to protect against precipitation or sunlight. The term parasol…

Pliers are a hand tool used to hold objects firmly, or for cutting and bending tough materials such as wire. Generally pliers consist of a pair of metal first class levers joined at a fulcrum positioned closer o one end of the levers, creating short jaws on one side of the fulcrum, and longer handles on the other side.

Cutting Pliers

Pliers are a hand tool used to hold objects firmly, or for cutting and bending tough materials such…

A glove is a garment covering the hand. Gloves have separate sheaths for fingers and the thumb.

Catchers Glove

A glove is a garment covering the hand. Gloves have separate sheaths for fingers and the thumb.

This is a combination tool featuring a glass cutter and knife. A glass cutter is a hand tool which aids in the cutting of flat or sheet glass.

Combined Knife and Scissors Glass Cutter

This is a combination tool featuring a glass cutter and knife. A glass cutter is a hand tool which aids…

Scissors are hand-operated cutting instruments. They consist of a pair of metal blades, or tangs, connected in such a way that the sharpened edges slide against each other.

Large Pair of Scissors

Scissors are hand-operated cutting instruments. They consist of a pair of metal blades, or tangs, connected…

A dish may be served on dish ware, or may be eaten out of hand. These cutleries are usually made from ceramic, metal, or plastic.

Deep Covered Dish

A dish may be served on dish ware, or may be eaten out of hand. These cutleries are usually made from…

A hay rake is an agricultural rake used to collect cut hay into windrows for later collection. It is also designed to fluff up the hay and turn it over so that it may dry. A hay rake may be mechanized, drawn by a tractor or draft animals, or it may be a hand tool.

Horse Hay Rake

A hay rake is an agricultural rake used to collect cut hay into windrows for later collection. It is…

This folding hand fan could be unfolded to cool oneself or folded to carry by hand or in a purse.

Folding Hand Fan

This folding hand fan could be unfolded to cool oneself or folded to carry by hand or in a purse.

A mangle or wringer is a mechanical laundry aid consisting of two rollers in a sturdy frame, connected by cogs and, in its home version, powered by a hand crank or electrically.

Mop Wringer

A mangle or wringer is a mechanical laundry aid consisting of two rollers in a sturdy frame, connected…

One sort of pump once common worldwide was a hand-powered water pump over a water well where people could work it to extract water, before most houses had individual water supplies.

Hand Operated Pump

One sort of pump once common worldwide was a hand-powered water pump over a water well where people…

An illustration of fourteenth century architecture, dress, and musical instruments at Nursted Court, Kent. The nobles and the rich ore on the left talking, while the musicians and the juggler on the right are entertaining the nobles. The musicians are playing kettle drum, shawm, Portative (hand organ), vielle, and a harp.

Musician and Nobles in Nursted Court

An illustration of fourteenth century architecture, dress, and musical instruments at Nursted Court,…

A group of musicians playing at Nursted Court entertaining the nobles. The musicians, from left to right, are playing a shawm, Portative (hand organ), vielle, and harp.

Musicians at Nursted Court

A group of musicians playing at Nursted Court entertaining the nobles. The musicians, from left to right,…

An illustration of a boring rod by using a hand cranked lathe. This device creates a cylinder with a hollow center from rods.

Hand Crank Lathe Boring Rod

An illustration of a boring rod by using a hand cranked lathe. This device creates a cylinder with a…

An illustration of creating a hand wheel by spinning while moving threaded tool to the desired radius.

Turning Hand Wheels

An illustration of creating a hand wheel by spinning while moving threaded tool to the desired radius.

An astragal attachment for a hand crank lathe. Astragals are used to create mouldings with a raised bead with narrow fillet on each side.

Lathe Attachment Turning Astragals

An astragal attachment for a hand crank lathe. Astragals are used to create mouldings with a raised…