Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the delta arrowhead (Sagittaria platyphylla).

Delta Arrowhead

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the delta arrowhead (Sagittaria platyphylla).

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the grassy arrowhead (Sagittaria graminea).

Grassy Arrowhead

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the grassy arrowhead (Sagittaria graminea).

Of the dayflower family (Commelina), the Asiatic dayflower (Commelina communis).

Asiatic Dayflower

Of the dayflower family (Commelina), the Asiatic dayflower (Commelina communis).

The roundleaf geranium or Geranium rotundifolium.

Roundleaf Geranium

The roundleaf geranium or Geranium rotundifolium.

Of the vine family (Vitaceae), the leaf and berries of the Virginia creeper (Psedera quinquefolia).

Virginia Creeper

Of the vine family (Vitaceae), the leaf and berries of the Virginia creeper (Psedera quinquefolia).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the sharp-leaved golden-rod (Solidago arguta).

Sharp-Leaved Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the sharp-leaved golden-rod (Solidago arguta).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the spreading golden-rod (Solidago patula).

Spreading Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the spreading golden-rod (Solidago patula).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the large-leaved golden-rod (Solidago macrophylla).

Large-Leaved Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the large-leaved golden-rod (Solidago macrophylla).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the bog golden-rod (Solidago uliginosa).

Bog Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the bog golden-rod (Solidago uliginosa).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the stout golden-rod (Solidago squarrosa).

Stout Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the stout golden-rod (Solidago squarrosa).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the Alpine golden-rod (Solidago Cutleri).

Alpine Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the Alpine golden-rod (Solidago Cutleri).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the showy golden-rod (Solidago speciosa).

Showy Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the showy golden-rod (Solidago speciosa).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the swamp golden-rod (Solidago neglecta).

Swamp Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the swamp golden-rod (Solidago neglecta).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the calico aster (Aster lateriflorus).

Calico Aster

Of the composite family (Compositae), the calico aster (Aster lateriflorus).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the many-flowered aster (Aster multiflorus).

Many-Flowered Aster

Of the composite family (Compositae), the many-flowered aster (Aster multiflorus).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the small white aster (Aster vimineus).

Small White Aster

Of the composite family (Compositae), the small white aster (Aster vimineus).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the Aster tenuifolius.

Aster tenuifolius

Of the composite family (Compositae), the Aster tenuifolius.

"Fossil Fern (Neuropteris)." -Taylor, 1904

Fern Fossil

"Fossil Fern (Neuropteris)." -Taylor, 1904

"Coiling of a tendril of bryony." -Bergen, 1896


"Coiling of a tendril of bryony." -Bergen, 1896

"Coiling of petiole of dwarf tropaeolum." -Bergen, 1896


"Coiling of petiole of dwarf tropaeolum." -Bergen, 1896

"Twining stem of hop." -Bergen, 1896


"Twining stem of hop." -Bergen, 1896

"Longitudinal section of an onion leaf. sca, thickened base of leaf, forming a bulb-scale; s, thin sheath of leaf; bl, blade of leaf; int, hollow interior of blade." -Bergen, 1896

Onion Leaf

"Longitudinal section of an onion leaf. sca, thickened base of leaf, forming a bulb-scale; s, thin sheath…

"Stem of "Smilax" (Myrsiphyllum). l, scale-like leaves; cl, cladophyll, or leaf-like branch, growing in the axil of the leaf; ped, flower-stalk, growing in the axil of a leaf." -Bergen, 1896


"Stem of "Smilax" (Myrsiphyllum). l, scale-like leaves; cl, cladophyll, or leaf-like branch, growing…

"Tip of branch of Ailanthus in winter condition, showing very large leaf-scars and nearly naked buds." -Bergen, 1896

Ailanthus Branch

"Tip of branch of Ailanthus in winter condition, showing very large leaf-scars and nearly naked buds."…

"Accessory buds of butternut. l, leaf-scar; ax, axillary bud; a, a', accessory buds; t, terminal bud." -Bergen, 1896

Walnut Buds

"Accessory buds of butternut. l, leaf-scar; ax, axillary bud; a, a', accessory buds; t, terminal bud."…

"A, a pear leaf-bud in autumn; B, a leafy shoot derived from A, as seen in the middle of the following summer, with flower-bud at tip; C, the fruit-spur, B, in autumn, after the fall of the leaves." -Bergen, 1896

Pear Leaf-Bud

"A, a pear leaf-bud in autumn; B, a leafy shoot derived from A, as seen in the middle of the following…

"A slowly grown twig of cherry, three inches long and about ten years old. The pointed bud, l, is a leaf-bud; the more obtuse accessory buds, f, f, are flower-buds." -Bergen, 1896

Cherry Twig

"A slowly grown twig of cherry, three inches long and about ten years old. The pointed bud, l, is a…

"B, a twig of European elm; A, a longitudinal section of the buds of B. ax, the axis of the bud which will elongate into a shoot; sc, leaf-scars." -Bergen, 1896

Elm Twig

"B, a twig of European elm; A, a longitudinal section of the buds of B. ax, the axis of the bud which…

"Development of an oxalis leaf. A, full-grown leaf; B, rudimentary leaf, the leaflets not yet evident; C, more advanced stage, the leaflets appearing; D, a still more advanced stage." -Bergen, 1896

Oxalis Leaf Development

"Development of an oxalis leaf. A, full-grown leaf; B, rudimentary leaf, the leaflets not yet evident;…

"Leafy twig of poplar." -Bergen, 1896

Poplar Leaves

"Leafy twig of poplar." -Bergen, 1896

"Netted veining (pinnate) in leaf of foxglove." -Bergen, 1896

Foxglove Leaf

"Netted veining (pinnate) in leaf of foxglove." -Bergen, 1896

"Netted veining (palmate) in leaf of melon." -Bergen, 1896

Melon Leaf

"Netted veining (palmate) in leaf of melon." -Bergen, 1896

"Pinnately divided leaf of Celandine. The blade of the leaf is discontinuous, consisting of several portions, between which are spaces in which one part of the blade has been developed." -Bergen, 1896

Celandine Leaf

"Pinnately divided leaf of Celandine. The blade of the leaf is discontinuous, consisting of several…

"Palmately divided leaf of buttercup." -Bergen, 1896

Buttercup Leaf

"Palmately divided leaf of buttercup." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaf of apple, with stipules." -Bergen, 1896

Apple Leaf

"Leaf of apple, with stipules." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaf of pansy, with leaf-like stipules." -Bergen, 1896

Pansy Leaf

"Leaf of pansy, with leaf-like stipules." -Bergen, 1896

"Parallel-veined leaf of Solomon's seal." -Bergen, 1896

Solomon's Seal Leaf

"Parallel-veined leaf of Solomon's seal." -Bergen, 1896

"Parallel veining in Canna. Veins running from midrib to margin." -Bergen, 1896

Canna Leaf

"Parallel veining in Canna. Veins running from midrib to margin." -Bergen, 1896

"The fall of the horse-chestnut leaf." -Bergen, 1896

Buckeye Leaves

"The fall of the horse-chestnut leaf." -Bergen, 1896

"Pinnately compound leaf of locust, with spines for stipules." -Bergen, 1896

Locust Leaf

"Pinnately compound leaf of locust, with spines for stipules." -Bergen, 1896

"Pinnately compound leaf of pea. A tendril takes the place of a terminal leaflet." -Bergen, 1896

Pea Leaf

"Pinnately compound leaf of pea. A tendril takes the place of a terminal leaflet." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaf arrangement of the oak." -Bergen, 1896

Oak Leaves

"Leaf arrangement of the oak." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaf arrangement of European beech." -Bergen, 1896

European Beech Leaves

"Leaf arrangement of European beech." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaf arrangement of horse-chestnut on vertical shoots." -Bergen, 1896

Buckeye Leaves

"Leaf arrangement of horse-chestnut on vertical shoots." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaf arrangement of horse-chestnut on vertical shoots." -Bergen, 1896

Buckeye Leaves

"Leaf arrangement of horse-chestnut on vertical shoots." -Bergen, 1896

"Opposite leaves of Deutzia, as arranged on a horizontal branch." -Bergen, 1896

Deutzia Leaves

"Opposite leaves of Deutzia, as arranged on a horizontal branch." -Bergen, 1896

"Opposite leaves of Deutzia, as arranged on a vertical branch." -Bergen, 1896

Deutzia Leaves

"Opposite leaves of Deutzia, as arranged on a vertical branch." -Bergen, 1896

"A leaf of red clover. At the left, leaf by day; at the right, the same leaf asleep at night." -Bergen, 1896

Red Clover Leaf

"A leaf of red clover. At the left, leaf by day; at the right, the same leaf asleep at night." -Bergen,…

"A leaf of Acacia. A, as seen by day; B, the same leaf asleep at night." -Bergen, 1896

Acacia Leaf

"A leaf of Acacia. A, as seen by day; B, the same leaf asleep at night." -Bergen, 1896

"Submerged and aerial leaves of a European crowfoot (Ranunculus Purshii). The leaf with thread-like divisions is the submerged one." -Bergen, 1896

European Crowfoot Leaves

"Submerged and aerial leaves of a European crowfoot (Ranunculus Purshii). The leaf with thread-like…

"Xerophytic leaves of the Australian blackberry. l, leaflets reduced in many cases to bare midrobs, in other cases showing a bit of blade at the end; P, petiole." -Bergen, 1896

Australian Blackberry Leaves

"Xerophytic leaves of the Australian blackberry. l, leaflets reduced in many cases to bare midrobs,…

"Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)." -Bergen, 1896

Round-Leaf Sundew

"Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)." -Bergen, 1896

"Blade of leaf of sundew." -Bergen, 1896

Sundew Leaf

"Blade of leaf of sundew." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaves of sundew. The one at the left has all its tentacles closed over captured prey; the one at the right has only half of them thus closed." -Bergen, 1896

Sundew Leaves

"Leaves of sundew. The one at the left has all its tentacles closed over captured prey; the one at the…

"Spiny leaves of barberry." -Bergen, 1896

Barberry Leaves

"Spiny leaves of barberry." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaf of a nighshade (Solanum atropurpureum)." -Bergen, 1896

Nightshade Leaf

"Leaf of a nighshade (Solanum atropurpureum)." -Bergen, 1896

"Fruits of Linden, with a bract joined to the peduncle and forming a wing." -Bergen, 1896

Tilia Fruit

"Fruits of Linden, with a bract joined to the peduncle and forming a wing." -Bergen, 1896

"Spore-plant of a fern (Aspidium filix-mas). A, part of a rootstock and fronds; fr, young fronds unrollin. B, under side of a pinnule, showing sori, s. C, section through a sorus at right angles to surface of leaf, showing indusium, i, and sporangia, s. D, a sporangium discharging spores." -Bergen, 1896

Fern Spore Plant

"Spore-plant of a fern (Aspidium filix-mas). A, part of a rootstock and fronds; fr, young fronds unrollin.…

"General outline of leaves. a, linear; b, lanceolate; c, wedge-shaped; d, spatulate; e, ovate; f, obovate; g, kidney-shaped; h, orbicular; i, elliptical." -Bergen, 1896

Leaf Shapes

"General outline of leaves. a, linear; b, lanceolate; c, wedge-shaped; d, spatulate; e, ovate; f, obovate;…

"Tips of leaves. a, acuminate or taper-pointed; b, acute; c, obtuse; d, truncate; e, retuse; f, emarginate or notched; g (end leaflet), obcordate; h, cuspidate, - the point sharp and rigid; i, mucronate, - the point merely a prolongation of the midrib." -Bergen, 1896

Leaf Tips

"Tips of leaves. a, acuminate or taper-pointed; b, acute; c, obtuse; d, truncate; e, retuse; f, emarginate…