Costume about the middle of the 17th Century.

17th Century

Costume about the middle of the 17th Century.

Costume about the middle of the 17th Century.

17th Century

Costume about the middle of the 17th Century.

"Vitta, or plural vittae, a ribbon or fillet, is to be considered, as an ordinary portion of female dress. Also as a decoration of sacred person and sacred things." &mdash Smith; 1873


"Vitta, or plural vittae, a ribbon or fillet, is to be considered, as an ordinary portion of female…

"Zona, also called cingulum, a girdle or zone, worn about the loins by both sexes. The chief use of this article of dress was to hold up the tunic, which was more especially requisite to be done when persons wee at work, on a journey, or engaged in hunting." — Smith; 1873


"Zona, also called cingulum, a girdle or zone, worn about the loins by both sexes. The chief use of…

"Determined to save his own country at the expense of his own life, Codrus disguised himself in a peasant's dress, entered the Peloponnesian camp, and provoked a quarrel with a soldier, by whom he was killed." — Goodrich, 1844

Codrus slain

"Determined to save his own country at the expense of his own life, Codrus disguised himself in a peasant's…

A young girl seated in front of a fishbowl, with a book and toys nearby.

Girl and fishbowl

A young girl seated in front of a fishbowl, with a book and toys nearby.

A woman in a dress.


A woman in a dress.

"Dancing girls of Mexico." —The Popular Cyclopedia, 1888

Dancing Girls of Mexico

"Dancing girls of Mexico." —The Popular Cyclopedia, 1888

Three Hungarian peasants in traditional costume.

Hungarian Peasants

Three Hungarian peasants in traditional costume.

A man and woman wearing traditional Spanish dress.

People of Spain

A man and woman wearing traditional Spanish dress.

"Spotty effect. The eye jumps from one spot to another." —Kinne, 1920

Spotty effect

"Spotty effect. The eye jumps from one spot to another." —Kinne, 1920

"Suggestion for simple lingerie dress." —Kinne, 1920

Lingerie dress

"Suggestion for simple lingerie dress." —Kinne, 1920

A top-hat is a kind of tall, flat-crowned, broad-brimmed hat worn by men throughout the 1800s and early 1900s but which are now usually only worn with morning dress or evening dress.


A top-hat is a kind of tall, flat-crowned, broad-brimmed hat worn by men throughout the 1800s and early…

A well-dressed woman playing tennis.

Tennis Woman

A well-dressed woman playing tennis.

A woman wearing an outfit from 17th Century France.

French Outfit

A woman wearing an outfit from 17th Century France.

A woman's head dress, having long flaps hanging down the sides of the cheeks, worn during the early part of the eighteenth century.


A woman's head dress, having long flaps hanging down the sides of the cheeks, worn during the early…

A woman at a Jester costume dance.

Woman as Jester

A woman at a Jester costume dance.

A man and woman walking home from Church.

Man and Woman

A man and woman walking home from Church.

A highlander wearing a plaid kilt.


A highlander wearing a plaid kilt.

A head dress for women, derived from the East, and adopted in Spain in the thirteenth century.


A head dress for women, derived from the East, and adopted in Spain in the thirteenth century.

"Head-dress from Effigy of countess of Laucaster." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Head-dress from Effigy of countess of Laucaster." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"A complete dress, with the exception of sides and sleeves, in which case it was either made to fit closely about the person both before and behind, and then was continued to form a loose and flowing skirt of ample proportions and great length, or with a similar skirt the upper part of the dress also hung loosely." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"A complete dress, with the exception of sides and sleeves, in which case it was either made to fit…

"The effigies of the two royal sisters speak for themselves as expressive and authoritative typical illustrations of the female dress of their era in its simplest and most characteristic forms, as the entire group in which they appear attests the dignified simplicity which the artists of the Middle Ages, with such excellent taste, have shown that they held to be appropriate for the costume, in itself always accurate and historically true." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Daughter of Edward III

"The effigies of the two royal sisters speak for themselves as expressive and authoritative typical…

"The effigies of the two royal sisters speak for themselves as expressive and authoritative typical illustrations of the female dress of their era in its simplest and most characteristic forms, as the entire group in which they appear attests the dignified simplicity which the artists of the Middle Ages, with such excellent taste, have shown that they held to be appropriate for the costume, in itself always accurate and historically true." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Daughter of Edward III

"The effigies of the two royal sisters speak for themselves as expressive and authoritative typical…

"A moderate form of the head-dress." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Horned Head-dress

"A moderate form of the head-dress." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"Drawn from a portrait of Elizabeth of York when young, in stained glass at Little Malvern." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Elizabeth of York's Mitre Head-Dress

"Drawn from a portrait of Elizabeth of York when young, in stained glass at Little Malvern." — Encyclopedia…

"Steeple Head-dress. From Viollet-le-Duc." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Steeple Head-dress

"Steeple Head-dress. From Viollet-le-Duc." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"An example in which the type of a particular head-gear is exhibited with no less of moderation than of accuracy." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Butterfly Head-dress

"An example in which the type of a particular head-gear is exhibited with no less of moderation than…

"The strange male head-gear of the French. It shows the upper part of the scarf when hanging down, and often was treated as a hood for occasional use only." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The strange male head-gear of the French. It shows the upper part of the scarf when hanging down, and…

"The angular head-dress of Elizabeth, Queen of Henry VII." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Elizabeth, Queen of Henry VII

"The angular head-dress of Elizabeth, Queen of Henry VII." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"One of the least extravagant and tasteless forms of fashionable head-dress of the 18th century." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"One of the least extravagant and tasteless forms of fashionable head-dress of the 18th century." —…

"The diving dress envelops the whole body of the diver, the upper portion a being the "helmet," the intermediate portion b the "breast-plate," and the lower portion c the "dress." The hose by which the air is supplied is shown at d, and e is the "life" or "signal" line, which is attached to the diver's waist, and by which he makes signals and is hauled to the surface. The water-proof material of which the dress is made is very generally sheet india-rubber covered on both sides with tanned twill to protect the india-rubber from injury." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Diving Dress

"The diving dress envelops the whole body of the diver, the upper portion a being the "helmet," the…

"A lady's bicycle with gear-case and dress-guard. The rear frame of the "diamond" type is subjected to very small stresses due to vertical load. The front fork and steering post are subject to bending moment due to the reaction from the ground." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Womans Bike

"A lady's bicycle with gear-case and dress-guard. The rear frame of the "diamond" type is subjected…

A backwoods girl


A backwoods girl

A baby standing in a garden wearing a dress and a bonnet.


A baby standing in a garden wearing a dress and a bonnet.

A young girl sitting on steps.


A young girl sitting on steps.

A girl looking sad or shy while holding her doll.

Girl with Doll

A girl looking sad or shy while holding her doll.

A king and queen. The king has lost his crown and the queen has torn her gown.

King and Queen

A king and queen. The king has lost his crown and the queen has torn her gown.

A farmer finds his pig walking on his roofed, dressed in his wig.

Pig on Roof

A farmer finds his pig walking on his roofed, dressed in his wig.

A fairy tale princess.


A fairy tale princess.

A girl knocking on a door with a brass knocker.

Girl Knocking

A girl knocking on a door with a brass knocker.

A girl having a picnic outside in the garden.

Girl in Garden

A girl having a picnic outside in the garden.

The diving dress in a rubber suit with a metal helmet, having pieces of glass in front to enable to diver to see.

Diving-dress and diving-helmet

The diving dress in a rubber suit with a metal helmet, having pieces of glass in front to enable to…

Costumes of Medieval women.

Medieval Costumes

Costumes of Medieval women.

The Honourable Mrs. Graham, a painting by Thomas Gainsborough.

The Honourable Mrs. Graham

The Honourable Mrs. Graham, a painting by Thomas Gainsborough.

The Duchess of Devonshire, a painting by Thomas Gainsborough.

The Duchess of Devonshire

The Duchess of Devonshire, a painting by Thomas Gainsborough.

"The Knight and the Lady. By Albrecht Dürer. From the engraving on copper." -Heath, 1901

The Knight and the Lady

"The Knight and the Lady. By Albrecht Dürer. From the engraving on copper." -Heath, 1901

A princess curious about a wardrobe in the woods.

Princess in the Woods

A princess curious about a wardrobe in the woods.

A girl wearing a hat and sailor dress.


A girl wearing a hat and sailor dress.

A child eating in a dress.

Child Eating

A child eating in a dress.

The engraving, Music from 'Mirrour of the World' by William Caxton, the first English printer.


The engraving, Music from 'Mirrour of the World' by William Caxton, the first English printer.

Haymaking, a painting by William Mulready.


Haymaking, a painting by William Mulready.

The mitre is a type of headgear now known as the traditional, ceremonial head-dress of bishops and certain abbots in the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, some Lutherans.In Western Christianity, the crozier is shaped like a shepherd's crook. A bishop bears this staff as "shepherd of the flock of God"

Mitre and Crosier

The mitre is a type of headgear now known as the traditional, ceremonial head-dress of bishops and certain…

An illustration of clothes hanging on a clothes line with shoe sand gloves resting beneath.

Hanging Clothes

An illustration of clothes hanging on a clothes line with shoe sand gloves resting beneath.

An illustration of a mother dressing her daughter while her child shows her a small toy.

Mother Dressing Child

An illustration of a mother dressing her daughter while her child shows her a small toy.

The old husband and the young wife from Sheridan's School for Scandal.

School for Scandal

The old husband and the young wife from Sheridan's School for Scandal.

An illustration of a man and woman standing in typical Roman clothing. Clothing in ancient Rome generally consisted of the toga, the stola, brooches for these, and breeches. The toga, a distinctive garment of Ancient Rome, was a sash of perhaps twenty feet (6 meters) in length which was wrapped around the body and was generally worn over a tunic. The stola was the traditional garment of Roman women, corresponding to the toga that was worn by men. In ancient Rome, it was considered disgraceful for a woman to wear a toga; wearing the male garment was associated with prostitution. The stola was a long, pleated dress, worn over a tunic. A brooch (also known in ancient times as a fibula) is a decorative jewelry item designed to be attached to garments. It is usually made of metal, often silver or gold but sometimes bronze or some other material.

Man and Woman in Roman Clothing

An illustration of a man and woman standing in typical Roman clothing. Clothing in ancient Rome generally…

A man and woman in Puritan dress walking down a path.


A man and woman in Puritan dress walking down a path.

A standard diving dress consists of a metallic (copper, brass or bronze) diving helmet, an airline or hose from a surface supplied diving air pump, a canvas diving suit, diving knife and boots. An important part of the equipment is the addition of lead weights, generally on the chest, back and boots, to counteract the buoyancy of the helmet and diving suit.

Standard Diving Dress

A standard diving dress consists of a metallic (copper, brass or bronze) diving helmet, an airline or…

Boys running from a concealed swimming hole as they quickly dress themselves.

Boys Running

Boys running from a concealed swimming hole as they quickly dress themselves.