The human humerus bone, the longest and largest bone of the upper leg. Labels: a, rounded head; gt, greater tuberosity; lt, lesser tuberosity; b, groove for attachment of biceps tendon.

The Human Humerus

The human humerus bone, the longest and largest bone of the upper leg. Labels: a, rounded head; gt,…

The Ulna and Radius. Labels: 1, radius; 2, ulna; o, olecranon process, on the anterior surface of which are seen the large (gs) and the small (ls) cavities for the reception of the lower end of the humerus and of the head of the radius, respectively; h, head of radius.

The Human Ulna and Radius

The Ulna and Radius. Labels: 1, radius; 2, ulna; o, olecranon process, on the anterior surface of which…

The Femur (upper leg bone) is the longest, largest, and strongest bone in the skeleton. Labels: b, rounded head; n, neck; gtr, greater trochanter; ltr, lesser trochanter.

Human Femur Bone

The Femur (upper leg bone) is the longest, largest, and strongest bone in the skeleton. Labels: b, rounded…

Occipital bone of the human skull, inner surface. It is situated at the back and base of the skull. Labels: 9,9, and 10,10, depression for reception of lobes of brain; 11, foramen magnum.

Occipital Bone of the Human Skull

Occipital bone of the human skull, inner surface. It is situated at the back and base of the skull.…

Parietal bone of the human skull, inner surface. The parietal bones form the greater part of the sides and roof of the skull. Labels: A, parietal depression; E, furrow for ramification of arteries.

Parietal Bone of the Human Skull

Parietal bone of the human skull, inner surface. The parietal bones form the greater part of the sides…

Frontal bone of the human skull, outer surface. The frontal bone forms the forehead, roof of the orbital cavities, and the nasal cavity. Labels: 1, frontal eminence; 7, roof of orbital cavitiy; 10, orbital arch.

Frontal Bone of the Human Skull

Frontal bone of the human skull, outer surface. The frontal bone forms the forehead, roof of the orbital…

Temporal bone of the human skull. The temporal bones are situated at the sides and base of the skull. Labels: 1, squamous portion; 2, placed below external opening of auditory canal in petrous portion; 3, placed below mastoid portion; 4, placed below glenoid cavity for reception of condyle of lower jaw.

Temporal Bone of the Human Skull

Temporal bone of the human skull. The temporal bones are situated at the sides and base of the skull.…

Sphenoid bone, situated the anterior part of the base of the skull, articulating with all the other cranial bones, which it binds firmly and solidly together. Labels: a, greater wing; b, lesser wing.

Sphenoid Bone of the Human Skull

Sphenoid bone, situated the anterior part of the base of the skull, articulating with all the other…

Ethmoid bone, posterior surface. The ethmoid bone is an exceedingly light, spongy bone, placed between the two orbits and at the root of the nose, contributing to form a part of each of these cavities. Label: 2, cribriform, or perforated plate.

Ethmoid Bone of the Human Skull

Ethmoid bone, posterior surface. The ethmoid bone is an exceedingly light, spongy bone, placed between…

Vomer bone, a single bone placed at the back part of the nasal cavity, and forms part of the septum of the nasal fossae.

Human Vomer Nasal Bone

Vomer bone, a single bone placed at the back part of the nasal cavity, and forms part of the septum…

Palate bone. Palate bones form the back part of the roof of the mouth; part of the floor and outer wall of the nasal fossae, and a very small portion of the floor of the orbit.

Human Palate Bone

Palate bone. Palate bones form the back part of the roof of the mouth; part of the floor and outer wall…

Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck. Labels: 1, sterno-cleido-mastoid; 10, temporal; 11, masseter; 13, 13, occipito-frontalis.

Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck

Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck. Labels: 1, sterno-cleido-mastoid; 10, temporal; 11, masseter; 13, 13,…

Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back are in 5 layers, one beneath another. The two largest and most superficial are the trapezius and the latissimus dorsi.

Muscles of the Human Back

Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back…

Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back are in 5 layers, one beneath another. The two largest and most superficial are the trapezius and the latissimus dorsi.

Muscles of the Chest and Abdomen

Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back…

The heart and lungs. 1, right ventricle; 3, right auricle (atrium); 6, 7, pulmonary artery; 9, aorta; 10, superior vena cava; 11, innominate artery; 12, right subclavian vein; 14, innominate vein; 15, left common carotid; 17, trachea; 20, pulmonary veins; 22 to 25, lungs, partially turned back to show veins on left side.

Heart and Lungs

The heart and lungs. 1, right ventricle; 3, right auricle (atrium); 6, 7, pulmonary artery; 9, aorta;…

Vertical section of a portion of a Peyer's Patch, with lacteal vessels injected. Labels: a, villi, with their lacteals colored black; d, surface of rounded follicle, or solitary gland; e, central part; f,g,h,i, and k, lymph-channels, or lacteal vessels, colored black. "Closely connected with the lymphatic vessels in the intestines are small, rounded bodies of the size of a small pin's head, called solitary glands or follicles. These bodies consist of a rounded mass of fine lymphoid tissue, the meshes of which are crowded with leucocytes. A Peyer's patch, or agminated gland, as it is often called, is simply a collection of these follicles."— Kimber, 1907

Peyer's Patch

Vertical section of a portion of a Peyer's Patch, with lacteal vessels injected. Labels: a, villi, with…

"In the manufacture of artificial ice, ammonia is liquefied by being compressed by powerful pumps; then the liquid ammonia is cooled by passing cold water over the pipes containing it. the liquid ammonia is distributed through pipes, where it evaporates rapidly. The gas is drawn back by the pump, condensed to a liquid, and used again. The pipes in which the evaporation takes place are immersed in a strong salt solution, which, by furnishing heat for evaporation, is cooled to a point below the freezing-point of water." -Brownlee 1907

Refrigerating Plant

"In the manufacture of artificial ice, ammonia is liquefied by being compressed by powerful pumps; then…

The mouth, nose, and pharynx, with the commencement of gullet (esophagus) and larynx, as exposed by a section a little to the left of the median plane of the head. Labels: a, vertebrae; b, gullet; c, trachea; d, larynx; e, epiglottis; f, soft palate; g, opening of Eustachian tube; k, tongue; l, hard palate; o, p, q, inferior turbinate bones of left nasal chamber.

The Mouth, Nose, and Pharynx

The mouth, nose, and pharynx, with the commencement of gullet (esophagus) and larynx, as exposed by…

The mouth, nose, and pharynx, with the larynx and commencement of gullet (esophagus), seen in section. Labels: a, vertebral column; b, gullet (esophagus); c, trachea; d, larynx; e, epiglottis; f, soft palate, between f and e is the opening at back of cavity or faces; g, opening of Eustachian tube; h, nasal cavity; k, tongue; l, hard palate; m, sphenoid bone at base of skull; n, roof of nasal cavity; o, p, q, placed in nasal cavity.

The Mouth, Nose, and Pharynx

The mouth, nose, and pharynx, with the larynx and commencement of gullet (esophagus), seen in section.…

"Ring armature of four pole dynamo; diagram of winding and connections, showing direction of the indced currents. the currents in the winding under the upper N and S poles are opposed to each other and flow to the external circuit by the positive brush 1, and back to this half of the armature by the negative brushes 3 and 4...The armature is said to be 'cross connected.' " -Hawkins, 1917

Ring Armature

"Ring armature of four pole dynamo; diagram of winding and connections, showing direction of the indced…

The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. Labels: 1, sclerotic; 2, junction of sclerotic and cornea; 3, cornea; 4, 5, conjunctival membrane; 7, ciliary muscle; 10, choroid; 11, 13, ciliary processes; 14, iris; 15, retina; 16, optic nerve; 17, artery entering retina; 18, fovea centralis; 19, region where sensory part of retina ends; 26, 27, 28, are placed on the lens; 28 , suspensory ligament placed around lens; 29, vitreous humor; 30, aqueous humor in anterior chamber.

Left Eyeball in Horizontal Section

The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. Labels: 1, sclerotic; 2, junction of sclerotic…

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the trunk and head. Labels: 1,1, the dorsal cavity; a, the spinal portion; b, the cranial enlargement; c, c, the bodies of the vertebrae forming the partition between the dorsal and ventral cavities; 2, 2, the ventral cavity, subdivided into thoracic cavity (d), abdominal cavity (e), and pelvic cavity (f); g, the nasal cavity; h, the mouth, or buccal cavity. The alimentary canal (al) is represented running through the whole length of the ventral cavity.

Trunk and Head of Human Body

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the trunk and head. Labels: 1,1, the dorsal cavity; a, the spinal…

"...consists of a circular, multipolar field magnet, inclusing a cylinder armature with coils wound back and forth in grooces on its face." -Atkinson 1903

Altenating Current Motor

"...consists of a circular, multipolar field magnet, inclusing a cylinder armature with coils wound…

"Thus, if a sunbeam, passing through a small aperure in the window shutter a, be permitted to fall upon the plane mirror, or looking glass, c, d, at right-angles, it will be reflected back at right-angles with the mirror, and therefore will pass back again in exactl the same direction in which it approached." -Comstock 1850

Reflection of Light

"Thus, if a sunbeam, passing through a small aperure in the window shutter a, be permitted to fall upon…

"Suppose the arrow a to be the object reflected b the mirror d c; the incident rays a, flowing from the end of the arror being thrown back by reflection, will meet the eye in the same state of dicergence that they would do, if they proceded to the same distance behind the mirrr, that the eye is before it, as at o." -Comstock 1850

Plane Mirror

"Suppose the arrow a to be the object reflected b the mirror d c; the incident rays a, flowing from…

"This will be understood [here] where the ray of light A B, proceeding from the eye, falls perpendicularly on the plane mirror B D. will be reflected back in the same line; but the ray C D coming from the feet, which falls obliquely on the mirror, will be reflected back under the same angle in the line D A; and since we see objects in the direction of the reflected rays, and the image appears at the same distance behind the mirror that is object is before it, we must continue the line A D to the feet, E, and for the same reason, the rays A B, from the eye, must be prolonged to F, as far behind the mirror as the line E extends, where the whole image will be represented." -Comstock 1850

Mirror Half the Length of the Object

"This will be understood [here] where the ray of light A B, proceeding from the eye, falls perpendicularly…

"If the object a be placed obliquely before the convex mirror, then the converging rays from its two extremities falling obliquely on its surface, would they prolonged through the mirror, meet at the point c, behind it. But instead of being thus continued, they are thrown back by the mirror in less convergent lines, which meet the eye at e, it being, as we have seen, one of the properties of this mirror, to reflect converging rays less convergent than before." -Comstock 1850

Curved Image

"If the object a be placed obliquely before the convex mirror, then the converging rays from its two…

"Suppose the object o to be at such a distance, that the rays of light from it pass in parallel lines, p, p, to the great reflector, r, r. this reflector being concave, the rays are converged by reflection, and cross each other at a, b which the image is inverted. The rays then pass to the small mirror, b, which being also concave, they are thrown back in nearly parallel lines, and having passed the aperture in the centre of the great mirror, fall on the plano-convex lens e." -Comstock 1850

Refracting Telescope

"Suppose the object o to be at such a distance, that the rays of light from it pass in parallel lines,…

The dorsal vertebra seen from behind, i.e. the end turned from the head. Labels: C, the body; A, neural arch; Fv, the neural ring; Ps, spinous process; Pai, posterior articular process; Pt, transverse process; Fci, articular surfaces on the centrum for articulation with a rib.

Dorsal Vertebra

The dorsal vertebra seen from behind, i.e. the end turned from the head. Labels: C, the body; A, neural…

The skeleton of the arm and leg. Labels: H, the humerus; Cd, its articular head which fits into the glenoid fossa of the scapula; U, the ulna; R, the radius; O, the olecranon; Fe, the femur; P, the patella; Fi, the fibula; T, the tibia.

Arm and Leg Skeleton

The skeleton of the arm and leg. Labels: H, the humerus; Cd, its articular head which fits into the…

"Fill with carbon dioxide a large rubber toy balloon or other double-convex lens having easily flexible walls. Suspend a watch, and place yourself so that you can just hear its ticking. Have the gas-filled lens moved back and forth in the line between watch and and ear until the ticking is much more plainly heard. Use a glass funnel as an ear-trumpet." -Avery 1895

Sound Refraction

"Fill with carbon dioxide a large rubber toy balloon or other double-convex lens having easily flexible…

"Suport a soft cotton rope several yards long between two fixed supports, as the opposite sides of the room, or the floor and the ceiling. With a ruler, strike the rope a blow near one end so as to form a crest, as shown. Vary the tension of the rope if necessary, until the crest is easily seem. Notice the crest, c, travels from A to B, where it is reflected back to A as a trough, t." -Avery 1895

Fixed Wave Reflection

"Suport a soft cotton rope several yards long between two fixed supports, as the opposite sides of the…

"Consider a beam of light as made up of a number of ehter waves moving forward in air and side by side, as represented by the rays A, B, C. Imagine a plane, MN, normal to these yars, attached to the waves and moving forward in a straight line. As the wave front advances beyond MN, the ray, A, strikes the reflecting surface, RS, and is turned back into the air in accordance with the law just given." -Avery 1895

Explanation of Reflection

"Consider a beam of light as made up of a number of ehter waves moving forward in air and side by side,…

"When the rays diverge form a point at a distance from the mirror less than that of the principal focus, the reflected rays diverge as if from a point back of the mirrir. This point, b, is a virtual focus." -Avery 1895

Rays Diverging from Beyond the Center of Curvature on a Concave Mirror

"When the rays diverge form a point at a distance from the mirror less than that of the principal focus,…

"In the Deprez-d'Arsonval dead-beat galvanometer, a moveable coil is suspended between the poles of a string, permanent U-magnet that is fixed. The coil consists of many turns of fine wire the terminals of which above and below serve as the supporting axis. Within the coil is an iron tube that is supported form the back, and that serves to concentrate the magnetic field. The passage of current turns the coil, and sets it so that its plane encloses a larger number of liens of force. this movement of the coil turns the mirror by means of which the angles of deflection are read with a telescope and scale." -Avery 1895

Deprez-d'Arsonval Dead-Beat Reflecting Galvanometer

"In the Deprez-d'Arsonval dead-beat galvanometer, a moveable coil is suspended between the poles of…

Demonstration of the movement of a pivot joint. Labels: A, arm in supination (palm uppermost); B, arm in pronation (back of hand upward). H, humerus; R, radius; U, ulna.

Arm Bones

Demonstration of the movement of a pivot joint. Labels: A, arm in supination (palm uppermost); B, arm…

The muscles on the back of the hand, forearm, and lower half of the arm, as exposed on dissecting away the skin.

Arm Muscles

The muscles on the back of the hand, forearm, and lower half of the arm, as exposed on dissecting away…

Left - back view of the muscles of the trunk. Right - front view of the muscles of the trunk.

Trunk Muscles

Left - back view of the muscles of the trunk. Right - front view of the muscles of the trunk.

The mouth, nose, and pharynx, with the commencement of the gullet (esophagus) and larynx, as exposed by a section, a little to the left of the median plane of the head. Labels: a, vertebral column; b, gullet; c, windpipe; d, larynx; e, epiglottis; f, soft palate; g, opening of Esutachian tube; k, tongue; l, hard palate; m; the sphenoid bone on the base of the skull; n, the fore part of the cranial cavity; o,p,q, the turbinate bones of the outer side of the left nostril chamber.

The Mouth, Nose, and Pharynx

The mouth, nose, and pharynx, with the commencement of the gullet (esophagus) and larynx, as exposed…

"A screw is a cylinder with a helical proection winding around its circumference. This helix is called the thread of the screw. The distance that a point of the helix is drawn back or advanced in the direction of the length of the screw during one turn is called the pitch of the screw." —Hallock 1905

Using a Screw to Raise Weight

"A screw is a cylinder with a helical proection winding around its circumference. This helix is called…

A small portion of the capillary network as seen in the frog's web when magnified about 25 diameters. Labels: a, a small artery feeding the capillaries; v, v, small veins carrying blood back from the latter.

Capillary Network

A small portion of the capillary network as seen in the frog's web when magnified about 25 diameters.…

"On the top of a short pillar is placed a card, and on the card a brass ball. Beside the pillar is fixed a steel spring, with an apparatus for drawing it back. If the spring is drawn back and the suddenly released, it will drive the card from the top of the pillar, while the ball in consequence of its inertia will retain its place." —Quackenbos 1859

Inertia Demonstration

"On the top of a short pillar is placed a card, and on the card a brass ball. Beside the pillar is fixed…

"Let P be a piston, fitted, air-tight, to the cylinder AB. As the piston is driven down, the air, unable to escape, is compressed; as it is drawn back, the air expands." —Quackenbos 1859

Compressibility of Air

"Let P be a piston, fitted, air-tight, to the cylinder AB. As the piston is driven down, the air, unable…

"From a cross piece, A, on a stout framework, a heavy block of wood, B, is suspended, in such a way as to move freely backward and forward. A ball fired into this block will drive it back to a distance proportioned to the ball's velocity. All other things being known, the ball's velocity can be discovered." —Quackenbos 1859

Ballistic Pendulum

"From a cross piece, A, on a stout framework, a heavy block of wood, B, is suspended, in such a way…

"[This illustration] shows a third form of the wheel and axle. Here the axle A is vertical, instead of horizontal. A bar inserted in its head, at the extremity of which the hand is applied, takes the place of the wheel." —Quackenbos 1859

Vertical Wheel and Axle

"[This illustration] shows a third form of the wheel and axle. Here the axle A is vertical, instead…

"The capstan is a familiar example of this form of wheel and axle. It is used by sailors for warping vessels up to a dock, raising anchors, &c.; and consists of a massive piece of timber, round which a rope passes. This is surmounted by a circular head, perforated with holes, into which, when the instrument is to be used, strong bars, called handspikes, are inserted." —Quackenbos 1859


"The capstan is a familiar example of this form of wheel and axle. It is used by sailors for warping…

"Power is applied to the head of the screw. Each time the screw is turned into the nut, it advances the distance between two of the threads and compresses to that extent any fixed object against which it is directed." —Quackenbos 1859

Screw and Nut

"Power is applied to the head of the screw. Each time the screw is turned into the nut, it advances…

Right triangle ABC with angles A, B, C to be used for finding distance across a river. This is a trigonometry problem. Wishing to determine the width of the river, I observed a tree standing directly across on the bank. The angle of elevation of the top of the tree was 32 degrees. At 150 ft. back from this point and in the same direction from the tree the angle of elevation of the top of the tree was 21 degrees. Find the width of the river.

Right Triangle For Finding Distance Across a River

Right triangle ABC with angles A, B, C to be used for finding distance across a river. This is a trigonometry…

The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. Labels: 1, sclerotic; 2, junction of sclerotic and cornea; 3, cornea; 4,5, conjunctiva; 6, posterior elastic layer of cornea; 7, ciliary muscle; 10, choroid; 11,13, ciliary processes; 14, iris; 15, retina; 16, optic nerve; 17, artery entering retina in optic nerve; 18, fovea centralis; 19, region where sensory part of retina ends; 22, suspensory ligament; 23 is placed in the canal of Petit, and the line from 25 points to it; 24, the anterior part of the hyaloid membrane; 26, 27, 28, are placed on the lends; 28 points to the line of attachment around it of the suspensory ligament; 29, vitreous humor; 30, anterior chamber of aqueous humor; 31, posterior chamber of aqueous humor.

Section of Left Eyeball

The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. Labels: 1, sclerotic; 2, junction of sclerotic…

The larynx viewed from its pharyngeal opening. The back wall of the pharynx has been divided and its edges (11) turned aside. Labels: 1, body of hyoid; 2, its small, and 3, its great, horns; 4, upper and lower horns of thyroid cartilage; 5, mucous membrane of front of pharynx, covering the back of the cricoid cartilage; 6, upper end of gullet; 7, windpipe, lying in front of the gullet; 8, eminence caused by cartilage of Santorini; 9, eminence caused by cartilage of Wrisberg -- both lie in, 10, the aryteno-epiglottidean fold of mucous membrane, surrounding the opening (aditus laryngis) from pharynx to larynx; a, projecting tip of epiglottis; c, the glottis -- the lines leading from the letter point to the free vibrating edges of the vocal cords; b' the ventricles of the larynx -- their upper edges, marking them off from the eminences b, are the false vocal cords.


The larynx viewed from its pharyngeal opening. The back wall of the pharynx has been divided and its…

Muscles of the pterygoid region of the head.

Muscles of the Pterygoid Region

Muscles of the pterygoid region of the head.

The superficial muscles of the back.

Back Muscles

The superficial muscles of the back.

The muscles on the back of the arm, forearm and hand.

Muscles on the Back of the Arm, Forearm and Hand

The muscles on the back of the arm, forearm and hand.

The muscles on the back of the thigh.

Muscles on the Back of the Thigh

The muscles on the back of the thigh.

Scheme to illustrate the disposition of the myotomes in the embryo in relation to the head, trunk, and limbs. The muscles eventually form from these myotomes. Labels: A,B,C, First three cephalic myotomes. N,1,2,3,4, Last persisting cephalic myotomes. C,T,L,S,Co., The myotomes of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and caudal regions. I.,II.,III.,IV.,V.,VI.,VII.,VIII.,IX.,X.,XI.,XII., Refer to the cranial nerves and the structures with which they may be embryologically associated.

Myotomes in an Embryo

Scheme to illustrate the disposition of the myotomes in the embryo in relation to the head, trunk, and…

A vertical section of the head and neck through the mesial line, in order to show the opening of the Eustachian tube and its relation to the pharynx.

A Vertical Section of the Head and Neck

A vertical section of the head and neck through the mesial line, in order to show the opening of the…

A view of the nerves of the back of the forearm and hand.

Nerves of the Forearm and Hand

A view of the nerves of the back of the forearm and hand.

The bones of the skull.

The Bones of the Skull

The bones of the skull.

Muscles of the back, showing the various layers.

Muscles of the Back

Muscles of the back, showing the various layers.

Muscles of the back, fifth layer, showing the muscles around the spine.

Muscles of the Back

Muscles of the back, fifth layer, showing the muscles around the spine.