An illustration of a Judas tree wrapped around a palm tree. Cercis siliquastrum, commonly known as Judas Tree, is a small deciduous tree from Southern Europe and Western Asia which is noted for its prolific display of deep-pink flowers in spring.

Judas Tree

An illustration of a Judas tree wrapped around a palm tree. Cercis siliquastrum, commonly known as Judas…

An illustration of a young woman bending down to pick a flower.

Woman Picking Flowers

An illustration of a young woman bending down to pick a flower.

An illustration of a couple talking on a country road while another woman picks flowers.

Couple Talking

An illustration of a couple talking on a country road while another woman picks flowers.

An illustration of a man giving a woman a bouquet of flowers.

Man Giving Woman Flowers

An illustration of a man giving a woman a bouquet of flowers.

"Branch with flowers of Salvadora persica. (a), a female flower; (b), the fruit." -Whitney, 1911

Toothbrush Tree

"Branch with flowers of Salvadora persica. (a), a female flower; (b), the fruit." -Whitney, 1911

"Flowers of Phlox drummondii showing salver-shaped corolla." -Whitney, 1911

Annual Phlox

"Flowers of Phlox drummondii showing salver-shaped corolla." -Whitney, 1911

"Branch with Inflorescence of Elder (Sambucus Canadensis). (a), part of the inflorescence; (b), fruits." -Whitney, 1911

American Elderberry

"Branch with Inflorescence of Elder (Sambucus Canadensis). (a), part of the inflorescence; (b), fruits."…

"Upper part of stem with the inflorescence of Samphire (Crithmum maritimum). (a), a flower; (b), the fruit; (c), transverse section of one of the fruitlets." -Whitney, 1911

Rock Samphire

"Upper part of stem with the inflorescence of Samphire (Crithmum maritimum). (a), a flower; (b), the…

Santalum album is a small tropical tree cultivated for its fragrant oil and medicinal uses.

Indian Sandalwood

Santalum album is a small tropical tree cultivated for its fragrant oil and medicinal uses.

"Flowering plant of sanicle (Sanicula marilandica). (a), a male flower; (b), the fruit." -Whitney, 1911

Maryland Black Snakeroot

"Flowering plant of sanicle (Sanicula marilandica). (a), a male flower; (b), the fruit." -Whitney, 1911

The florist and gardener use scissors with a curved blade for pruning, and a delicate pair for gathering flowers, and large shears, called pruning shears, for trimming hedge plants.

Pruning Shears

The florist and gardener use scissors with a curved blade for pruning, and a delicate pair for gathering…

Smilax is a genus of about 300-350 species, found in the tropics and subtropics worldwide. In China for example about 80 are found (39 of which are endemic), while there are 20 in North America north of Mexico[1]. They are climbing flowering plants, many of which are woody and/or thorny, in the monocotyledon family Smilacaceae, native throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions of the world. Common names include catbriers, greenbriers, prickly-ivys and smilaxes. "Sarsaparilla" (also zarzaparrilla, sarsparilla) is a name used specifically for the Jamaican S. regelii as well as a catch-all term in particular for American species. Occasionally, the non-woody species such as the Smooth Herbaceous Greenbrier (S. herbacea) are separated as genus Nemexia; they are commonly known by the rather ambiguous name "carrion flowers"


Smilax is a genus of about 300-350 species, found in the tropics and subtropics worldwide. In China…

A species of hummingbird, the Red-Tailed Comet (Sappho sparganura) is native to South America.

Red-Tailed Comet

A species of hummingbird, the Red-Tailed Comet (Sappho sparganura) is native to South America.

"Greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus). 1, with female flowers; 2, branch with fruits; a, a female flower; b, the fruit." -Whitney, 1911


"Greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus). 1, with female flowers; 2, branch with fruits; a, a female flower;…

The stem of the mock strawberry (Duchesnea indica), a flowering plant that gets its name from its fruit's resemblance to the strawberry.

Mock Strawberry

The stem of the mock strawberry (Duchesnea indica), a flowering plant that gets its name from its fruit's…

"Sassafras (Sassafras sassafras). 1. Branch with fruits. 2. Branch with sterile flowers. a, b, c, different forms of leaves." -Whitney, 1911


"Sassafras (Sassafras sassafras). 1. Branch with fruits. 2. Branch with sterile flowers. a, b, c, different…

"Flowering branch of Lizardtail (Saururus cernuus). a, flower." -Whitney, 1911

Lizard's Tail

"Flowering branch of Lizardtail (Saururus cernuus). a, flower." -Whitney, 1911

The Summer Savory (Satureja hortensis) is a flowering plant of the Lamiaceae family. The image shows its: a, corolla; b, calyx; and c, pistil.

Summer Savory

The Summer Savory (Satureja hortensis) is a flowering plant of the Lamiaceae family. The image shows…

The name Chamomile or Camomile means "earth-apple", because of the applelike scent of the plant. It can refer to any of several distinct species in the sunflower family (Asteraceae): The Chamomile flower is most often consumed in the form of a bitter herb tea infusion. Taken internally, the infusion's effects include calming of the digestive tract, and easing of the spasms of irritable bowel syndrome, nocturnal cramps and period pains. It's a relaxant and sedative, so it is often taken against insomnia or anxiety. The infusion can be used externally to reduce minor skin irritation because of its mild antiseptic effect and it lightens the hair. Ingestion of the dried flowers has an emetic effect. See Matricaria recutita for more complete details.


The name Chamomile or Camomile means "earth-apple", because of the applelike scent of the plant. It…

An illustration of white clover (left) and red clover (right). Clover (Trifolium), or trefoil, is a genus of about 300 species of plants in the pea family Fabaceae. The genus has a cosmopolitan distribution; the highest diversity is found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, but many species also occur in South America and Africa, including at high altitudes on mountains in the tropics. They are small annual, biennial, or short-lived perennial herbaceous plants. The leaves are trifoliate (rarely 5- or 7-foliate), with stipules adnate to the leaf-stalk, and heads or dense spikes of small red, purple, white, or yellow flowers; the small, few-seeded pods are enclosed in the calyx


An illustration of white clover (left) and red clover (right). Clover (Trifolium), or trefoil, is a…

Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum, syn. Eugenia aromaticum or Eugenia caryophyllata) are the aromatic dried flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae. Cloves are native to Indonesia and used as a spice in cuisine all over the world. The name derives from French clou, a nail, as the buds vaguely resemble small irregular nails in shape. Cloves are harvested primarily in Indonesia, Madagascar, and Zanzibar, ; it is also grown in India called Lavang , Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The clove tree is an evergreen which grows to a height ranging from 10-20 m, having large oval leaves and crimson flowers in numerous groups of terminal clusters. The flower buds are at first of a pale color and gradually become green, after which they develop into a bright red, when they are ready for collecting. Cloves are harvested when 1.5-2 cm long, and consist of a long calyx, terminating in four spreading sepals, and four unopened petals which form a small ball in the centre.

Clove Plant and Seed

Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum, syn. Eugenia aromaticum or Eugenia caryophyllata) are the aromatic dried…

Coca is a plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to north-western South America. The plant plays a significant role in traditional Andean culture. Coca leaves contain cocaine alkaloids, a basis for the drug cocaine, which is a powerful stimulant. Coca should not be confused with the similarly named South American cocoa bean from which chocolate is made. The plant resembles a blackthorn bush, and grows to a height of 2–3 m (7–10 ft). The branches are straight, and the leaves, which have a green tint, are thin, opaque, oval, and taper at the extremities. A marked characteristic of the leaf is an areolated portion bounded by two longitudinal curved lines, one line on each side of the midrib, and more conspicuous on the under face of the leaf. The flowers are small, and disposed in little clusters on short stalks; the corolla is composed of five yellowish-white petals, the anthers are heart-shaped, and the pistil consists of three carpels united to form a three-chambered ovary. The flowers mature into red berries.

Coca Flower

Coca is a plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to north-western South America. The plant plays…

Coca is a plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to north-western South America. The plant plays a significant role in traditional Andean culture. Coca leaves contain cocaine alkaloids, a basis for the drug cocaine, which is a powerful stimulant. The flowers mature into red berries.

Coca Fruit

Coca is a plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to north-western South America. The plant plays…

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus leaf. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian and Indian climbing plant. Its fruit, Cocculus indicus, is the source of picrotoxin, a poisonous alkaloid with stimulant properties. The plant is large-stemmed (up to 10cm in diameter); the bark is "corky gray" with white wood. The "small, yellowish-white, sweet-scented" flowers vary between 6 to 10 centimeters across; the fruit produced is a drupe, "about 1 cm in diameter when dry".

Anamirta cocculus

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus leaf. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian and Indian climbing…

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus branch with flowers. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian and Indian climbing plant. Its fruit, Cocculus indicus, is the source of picrotoxin, a poisonous alkaloid with stimulant properties. The plant is large-stemmed (up to 10cm in diameter); the bark is "corky gray" with white wood. The "small, yellowish-white, sweet-scented" flowers vary between 6 to 10 centimeters across; the fruit produced is a drupe, "about 1 cm in diameter when dry".

Anamirta cocculus Flowers

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus branch with flowers. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian…

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus female flower. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian and Indian climbing plant. Its fruit, Cocculus indicus, is the source of picrotoxin, a poisonous alkaloid with stimulant properties. The plant is large-stemmed (up to 10cm in diameter); the bark is "corky gray" with white wood. The "small, yellowish-white, sweet-scented" flowers vary between 6 to 10 centimeters across; the fruit produced is a drupe, "about 1 cm in diameter when dry".

Anamirta cocculus Flower (Female)

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus female flower. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian and Indian…

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus fruit. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian and Indian climbing plant. Its fruit, Cocculus indicus, is the source of picrotoxin, a poisonous alkaloid with stimulant properties. The plant is large-stemmed (up to 10cm in diameter); the bark is "corky gray" with white wood. The "small, yellowish-white, sweet-scented" flowers vary between 6 to 10 centimeters across; the fruit produced is a drupe, "about 1 cm in diameter when dry".

Anamirta cocculus Flower (Female)

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus fruit. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian and Indian climbing…

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus male flower. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian and Indian climbing plant. Its fruit, Cocculus indicus, is the source of picrotoxin, a poisonous alkaloid with stimulant properties. The plant is large-stemmed (up to 10cm in diameter); the bark is "corky gray" with white wood. The "small, yellowish-white, sweet-scented" flowers vary between 6 to 10 centimeters across; the fruit produced is a drupe, "about 1 cm in diameter when dry".

Anamirta cocculus Flower (Male)

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus male flower. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian and Indian…

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus male flower with the sephals removed. Anamirta cocculus is an Southeast Asian and Indian climbing plant. Its fruit, Cocculus indicus, is the source of picrotoxin, a poisonous alkaloid with stimulant properties. The plant is large-stemmed (up to 10cm in diameter); the bark is "corky gray" with white wood. The "small, yellowish-white, sweet-scented" flowers vary between 6 to 10 centimeters across; the fruit produced is a drupe, "about 1 cm in diameter when dry".

Anamirta cocculus Fruit

An illustration of an anamirta cocculus male flower with the sephals removed. Anamirta cocculus is an…

An illustration of a cocoanut palm's spadix. In botany, a spadix (pl. spadices) is a type of spike: an inflorescence with small flowers crowded on a thickened, fleshy axis. The term is applied to certain monocotyledons, especially members of the Family Araceae called arums or aroids. In these flower heads there is typically also a spathe (from Ancient Greek spathe "broad blade") present: a large, usually showy and solitary, bract that either subtends (lies just below) or partially encloses the spadix. The "flower" of the anthurium is a typical spadix with a large colorful spathe.

Cocoanut Palm Spadix

An illustration of a cocoanut palm's spadix. In botany, a spadix (pl. spadices) is a type of spike:…

An illustration of a cocoanut palm's flower.

Cocoanut Palm Flower

An illustration of a cocoanut palm's flower.

A scape is a flowering, leafless stem; shown here on two different plants. "1. Wild hyacinth (Scilla nonscripta). 2. Oxlip (Primula elatior). s, s, scapes." -Whitney, 1911


A scape is a flowering, leafless stem; shown here on two different plants. "1. Wild hyacinth (Scilla…

Coffea arabica is a species of coffee indigenous to Ethiopia and Yemen. It is also known as the "coffee shrub of Arabia", "mountain coffee" or "arabica coffee". Coffea arabica is believed to be the first species of coffee to be cultivated, being grown in southwest Arabia for well over 1,000 years. It is considered to produce better coffee than the other major commercially grown coffee species, Coffea canephora (robusta). Arabica contains less caffeine than any other commercially cultivated species of coffee. Wild plants grow to between 9 and 12 m tall, and have an open branching system; the leaves are opposite, simple elliptic-ovate to oblong, 6-12 cm long and 4-8 cm broad, glossy dark green. The flowers are white, 10-15 mm in diameter and grow in axillary clusters. The fruit is a drupe (though commonly called a "berry") 10-15 mm in diameter, maturing bright red to purple and typically contain two seeds (the coffee 'bean').

Coffea Arabica

Coffea arabica is a species of coffee indigenous to Ethiopia and Yemen. It is also known as the "coffee…

A crocket is a hook-shaped decorative element common in Gothic architecture. It is in the form of a stylised carving of curled leaves, buds or flowers which is used at regular intervals to decorate the sloping edges of spires, finials, pinnacles, and wimpergs.


A crocket is a hook-shaped decorative element common in Gothic architecture. It is in the form of a…

A crocket is a hook-shaped decorative element common in Gothic architecture. It is in the form of a stylised carving of curled leaves, buds or flowers which is used at regular intervals to decorate the sloping edges of spires, finials, pinnacles, and wimpergs.


A crocket is a hook-shaped decorative element common in Gothic architecture. It is in the form of a…

The Red currant (Ribes rubrum) is a member of the genus Ribes in the gooseberry family Grossulariaceae, native to parts of western Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Northern Italy and Northern Spain). It is a deciduous shrub normally growing to 1-1.5 m tall, occasionally 2 m, with five-lobed leaves arranged spirally on the stems. The flowers are inconspicuous yellow-green, in pendulous 4-8 cm racemes, maturing into bright red translucent edible berries about 8-12 mm diameter, with 3-10 berries on each raceme.

Red Currant

The Red currant (Ribes rubrum) is a member of the genus Ribes in the gooseberry family Grossulariaceae,…

Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus, (syn. Hemerocallis flava, Lemon Day-lily Lemon Lily, Yellow Day-lily) is a plant of the genus Hemerocallis. It is found across China, in Europe in N.E. Italy and Slovenia and is one of the first daylilies used for breeding. Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus grows in big spreading clumps and its leaves grow to 75 cm (30 in) long. It has lemon-yellow flowers with a sweet scent in a cluster of 3 to 9 flowers.

Yellow Day-lily

Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus, (syn. Hemerocallis flava, Lemon Day-lily Lemon Lily, Yellow Day-lily)…

"1. Flowering plant of Bulrush (Scirpus lacustris). 2. The inflorescence. a, a flower; b, the fruit." -Whitney, 1911


"1. Flowering plant of Bulrush (Scirpus lacustris). 2. The inflorescence. a, a flower; b, the fruit."…

The Common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is a flowering plant in the Boraginaceae family. Here showing its scorpioid inflorescence.

Common Comfrey

The Common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is a flowering plant in the Boraginaceae family. Here showing…

Elecampane, also called Horse-heal (Inula helenium) or Marchalan (in Welsh), is a perennial composite plant common in many parts of Great Britain, and ranges throughout central and Southern Europe, and in Asia as far eastwards as the Himalayas. It is a rather rigid herb, the stem of which attains a height of from 3 to 5 feet; the leaves are large and toothed, the lower ones stalked, the rest embracing the stem; the flowers are yellow, 2 inches broad, and have many rays, each three-notched at the extremity. The root is thick, branching and mucilaginous, and has a warm, bitter taste and a camphoraceous odor.


Elecampane, also called Horse-heal (Inula helenium) or Marchalan (in Welsh), is a perennial composite…

Euphorbia lathyris (Caper Spurge or Paper Spurge) is a species of spurge native to southern Europe (France, Italy, Greece, and possibly southern England), northwest Africa, and eastward through southwest Asia to western China. Other names occasionally used include Gopher Spurge, Gopher Plant or Mole Plant.It is an erect biennial (occasionally annual) plant growing up to 1.5 m tall, with a glaucous blue-green stem. The leaves are arranged in decussate opposite pairs, and are lanceolate, 5-15 cm long and 1-2.5 cm broad, glaucous blue-green with a waxy texture and pale greenish-white midrib and veins. The flowers are green to yellow-green, 4 mm diameter, with no petals. The seeds are green ripening brown or grey, produced in globular clusters 13-17 mm diameter of three seeds compressed together.

Caper Spurge

Euphorbia lathyris (Caper Spurge or Paper Spurge) is a species of spurge native to southern Europe (France,…

The almond is native to Iran, from northwestern Saudi Arabia, north through western Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, western Syria, to southern Turkey. It is a small deciduous tree, growing to between 4 and 10 meters in height, with a trunk of up to 30 centimeters in diameter. The young shoots are green at first, becoming purplish where exposed to sunlight, then grey in their second year. The leaves are 1 cm long and 1.2–4 cm broad, with a serrated margin and a 2.5 cm petiole. The flowers are white or pale pink, 3–5 cm diameter with five petals, produced singly or in pairs before the leaves in early spring. The fruit is a drupe 3.5–6 cm long, with a downy outer coat. The outer covering or exocarp, (fleshy in other members of Prunus such as the plum and cherry), is instead a leathery grey-green coating called the hull, which contains inside a hard shell, and the edible seed, commonly called a nut in culinary terms. Generally, one seed is present, but occasionally there are two. In botanical terms, an almond is not a true nut. The reticulated hard woody shell (like the outside of a peach pit) surrounding the edible seed is called the endocarp. The fruit is mature in the autumn, 7–8 months after flowering.

Almond Tree and Fruit

The almond is native to Iran, from northwestern Saudi Arabia, north through western Jordan, Israel,…

The hop (Humulus) is a small genus of flowering plants, native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere. The female flowers, commonly called hops, are used as flavoring and stabilizers during beer brewing. The hop is part of the family Cannabaceae, which also includes the genus cannabis (also known as hemp). Hops are the female flower cones of the hop plant (Humulus lupulus). They are used primarily as a flavoring and stability agent in beer, and also in other beverages and in herbal medicine. The first documented use in beer is from the eleventh century. Hops contain several characteristics favorable to beer, balancing the sweetness of the malt with bitterness, contributing flowery, citrus, fruity or herbal aromas, and having an antibiotic effect that favors the activity of brewer's yeast over less desirable microorganisms. The hop plant is a vigorous climbing herbaceous perennial, usually grown up strings in a field called a hopfield, hop garden or hop yard. Many different varieties of hops are grown by farmers all around the world, with different types being used for particular styles of beer.


The hop (Humulus) is a small genus of flowering plants, native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere.…

The Olive (Olea europaea) is a species of small tree in the family Oleaceae, native to the coastal areas of the eastern Mediterranean region, from Lebanon, Syria and the maritime parts of Asia Minor and northern Iran at the south end of the Caspian Sea. Its fruit, the olive, is of major agricultural importance in the Mediterranean region as the source of olive oil. The Olive tree is an evergreen tree or shrub native to the Mediterranean, Asia and parts of Africa. It is short and squat, and rarely exceeds 8–15 meters in height. The silvery green leaves are oblong in shape, measuring 4–10 cm long and 1–3 cm wide. The trunk is typically gnarled and twisted.The small white flowers, with four-cleft calyx and corolla, two stamens and bifid stigma, are borne generally on the last year's wood, in racemes springing from the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a small drupe 1–2.5 cm long, thinner-fleshed and smaller in wild plants than in orchard cultivars. Olives are harvested at the green stage or left to ripen to a rich purple colour (black olive). Canned black olives may contain chemicals that turn them black artificially.

Olive Branch

The Olive (Olea europaea) is a species of small tree in the family Oleaceae, native to the coastal areas…

Crocus (plural: crocus, crocuses) is a genus of perennial flowering plants, native to a large area from coastal and subalpine areas of central and southern Europe (including the islands of the Aegean), North Africa and the Middle East, across Central Asia to western China. The genus Crocus is placed botanically in the iris family (Iridaceae). The plants grow from corms and are mainly hardy perennials, and are found in a wide range of habitats, including woodland, scrub and meadows. There are about eighty species of crocus (of which approximately 30 are cultivated). Their cup-shaped, solitary, salverform flowers taper off into a narrow tube. Their color varies enormously, although lilac, mauve, yellow and white are predominant. The grass-like, ensiform leaf shows generally a white central stripe along the leaf axis. The leaf margin is entire. All crocuses typically have three stamens. The spice saffron is obtained from the stigmas of Crocus sativus, an autumn/fall-blooming species.


Crocus (plural: crocus, crocuses) is a genus of perennial flowering plants, native to a large area from…

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, Valerianaceae) is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere from June to September. Valerian was used as a perfume in the sixteenth century. Native to Europe and parts of Asia, Valerian has been introduced into North America. It is consumed as food by the larvae of some Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) species including Grey Pug.


Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, Valerianaceae) is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of…

Licorice is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, from which a sweet flavour can be extracted. The liquorice plant is a legume (related to beans and peas) and native to southern Europe and parts of Asia. It is an herbaceous perennial, growing to 1 m in height, with pinnate leaves about 7–15 centimetres (3–6 inches) long, with 9–17 leaflets. The flowers are 0.8–1.2 cm (1/3 to 1/2 inch) long, purple to pale whitish blue, produced in a loose inflorescence. The fruit is an oblong pod, 2–3 centimetres (about 1 inch) long, containing several seeds.


Licorice is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, from which a sweet flavour can be extracted. The liquorice…

Madder is the common name of the plant genus Rubia, the type genus of the madder family Rubiaceae. The genus contains about 60 species of perennial scrambling or climbing herbs and sub-shrubs native to the Old World, Africa, temperate Asia and America. The best known species are Common Madder (Rubia tinctorum), Wild Madder (Rubia peregrina), and Indian Madder (Rubia cordifolia). The Common Madder can grow to 1.5 m in height. The evergreen leaves are 5-10 cm long and 2-3 cm broad, produced in whorls of 4-7 starlike around the central stem. It climbs with tiny hooks at the leaves and stems. The flowers are small (3-5 mm across), with five pale yellow petals, in dense racemes, and appear from June to August, followed by small (4-6 mm diameter) red to black berries. The roots can be over a metre long, up to 12 mm thick and the source of a red dye known as rose madder. It prefers loamy soils with a constant level of moisture. Madders are used as food plants for the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Hummingbird hawk moth.


Madder is the common name of the plant genus Rubia, the type genus of the madder family Rubiaceae. The…

Convolvulus is a genus of about 250 species of flowering plants in the bindweed family Convolvulaceae, with a cosmopolitan distribution. Common names include bindweed and morning glory, both names shared with other closely related genera. They are annual or perennial herbaceous vines and (a few species) woody shrubs, growing to 0.3-3 m tall. The leaves are spirally arranged, and the flowers trumpet-shaped, mostly white or pink, but blue, violet, purple or yellow in some species. Many of the species are problematic weeds, which can swamp other more valuable plants by climbing over them, but some are also deliberately grown for their attractive flowers. However, some other species are globally threatened.


Convolvulus is a genus of about 250 species of flowering plants in the bindweed family Convolvulaceae,…

Cirsium arvense is a species of Cirsium, native throughout Europe and northern Asia, and widely introduced elsewhere. The standard English name in its native area is Creeping Thistle. It is a tall herbaceous perennial plant, forming extensive clonal colonies from an underground root system that sends up numerous erect stems each spring, reaching 1–1.2 m tall (occasionally more); the stems often lie partly flat by summer but can stay erect if supported by other vegetation. The leaves are very spiny, lobed, up to 15–20 cm long and 2–3 cm broad (smaller on the upper part of the flower stem). The inflorescence is 10–22 mm diameter, pink-purple, with all the florets of similar form (no division into disc and ray florets). The flowers are usually dioecious, but not invariably so, with some plants bearing hermaphrodite flowers. The seeds are 4–5 mm long, with a feathery pappus which assists in wind dispersal.

Canada Thistle

Cirsium arvense is a species of Cirsium, native throughout Europe and northern Asia, and widely introduced…

Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is a highly branched, herbaceous, thistle-like annual, usually with many long sharp spines on the leaves. Plants are 30 to 150 cm tall with globular flower heads (capitula) and commonly, brilliant yellow, orange or red flowers which bloom in July. Each branch will usually have from one to five flower heads containing 15 to 20 seeds per head. Safflower has a strong taproot which enables it to thrive in dry climates, but the plant is very susceptible to frost injury from stem elongation to maturity.


Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is a highly branched, herbaceous, thistle-like annual, usually with…

"The inflorescence of Maryland Figwort (Scrophularia Marylandica). a, the flower; b, the fruit; c, a seed; d, a leaf." -Whitney, 1911

Maryland Figwort

"The inflorescence of Maryland Figwort (Scrophularia Marylandica). a, the flower; b, the fruit; c, a…

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a plant species in the genus Foeniculum (treated as the sole species in the genus by most botanists). It is a hardy, perennial, umbelliferous herb, with yellow flowers and feathery leaves, grows wild in most parts of temperate Europe, but is generally considered indigenous to the shores of the Mediterranean, whence it spreads eastwards to India and even in England in Bedfont Lakes Country Park and Thurrock . It has followed, especially where Romans have colonized, and may be found growing wild in many parts of the world upon dry soils near the sea-coast and upon river-banks. It is a member of the family Apiaceae. It is a highly aromatic and flavorful herb with culinary and medicinal uses, and is one of the primary ingredients of absinthe. Fennel is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the Mouse Moth and the Anise Swallowtail.


Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a plant species in the genus Foeniculum (treated as the sole species…

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium; syn. Chrysanthemum parthenium) is a traditional medicinal herb which is found in many old gardens, and is also occasionally grown for ornament. The plant grows into a small bush up to around 18 inches high, with citrus-scented leaves and is covered by flowers reminiscent of daisies. It spreads rapidly, and they will cover a wide area after a few years. Feverfew has been used for reducing fever, for treating headaches, arthritis and digestive problems. It is hypothesized that by inhibiting the release of serotonin and prostaglandins, both of which are believed to aid the onset of migraines, feverfew limits the inflammation of blood vessels in the head. This would, in theory, stop the blood vessel spasm which is believed to contribute to headaches.


Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium; syn. Chrysanthemum parthenium) is a traditional medicinal herb which…

Flax (also known as common flax or linseed) (binomial name: Linum usitatissimum) is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae. It is native to the region extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India and was probably first domesticated in the Fertile Crescent. Flax is an erect annual plant growing to 1.2 m tall, with slender stems. The leaves are glaucous green, slender lanceolate, 20–40 mm long and 3 mm broad. The flowers are pure pale blue, 15–25 mm diameter, with five petals; they can also be bright red. The fruit is a round, dry capsule 5–9 mm diameter, containing several glossy brown seeds shaped like an apple pip, 4–7 mm long.


Flax (also known as common flax or linseed) (binomial name: Linum usitatissimum) is a member of the…

The Great Seal of the State of Florida. The image shows a Seminole Native American sprinkling flowers. There is also a palm tree, a steamboat, and sunshine.

Seal of Florida

The Great Seal of the State of Florida. The image shows a Seminole Native American sprinkling flowers.…

An illustration of a fossil of a toothed fern. Ferns are vascular plants differing from the more primitive lycophytes by having true leaves (megaphylls), and they differ from seed plants (gymnosperms and angiosperms) in their mode of reproduction — lacking flowers and seeds. Like all other vascular plants, they have a life cycle referred to as alternation of generations, characterized by a diploid sporophytic and a haploid gametophytic phase.

Leaf Indentations

An illustration of a fossil of a toothed fern. Ferns are vascular plants differing from the more primitive…

The Northern Singlespike Sedge (Carex scirpoidea): 1, male; 2, female.

Northern Singlespike

The Northern Singlespike Sedge (Carex scirpoidea): 1, male; 2, female.

3, The Fox Sedge (Carex vulpinoidea) and 4, the Fringed Sedge (Carex crinita).

Fox Sedge and Fringed Sedge

3, The Fox Sedge (Carex vulpinoidea) and 4, the Fringed Sedge (Carex crinita).

Northern Water Hemlock is a species of Cicuta, native to northern and central Europe, northern Asia and northwestern North America. It is a perennial herbaceous plant which grows up to 1–2 m tall. The stems are smooth, branching, swollen at the base, purple-striped, and hollow except for partitions at the junction of the leaves and stem. In cross section the stems have one flat side and the other sides are rounded. The leaves are alternate, tripinnate, only coarsely toothed, unlike the ferny, lacy leaves found in many other members of the family Apiaceae. The flowers are small, white and clustered in umbrella shaped inflorescences typical of the family. The many flowered umbellets have unequal pedicels that range from 5 to 11 cm long during fruiting. An oily, yellow liquid oozes from cuts to the stems and roots.

Northern Water Hemlock

Northern Water Hemlock is a species of Cicuta, native to northern and central Europe, northern Asia…