"Hesperornis regalis, (a fossilized restoration) which stood about three feet high, had blunt teeth…
"Ichthyornis victor and I. dispar, ...were small forms of about the size of a Partridge, with the habits…
"Fourth Son, the MARTLET. The differences used by armorists at the present time are nine in number.…
"Crest, a demi-griffin armed, gules. ARMED. This word is used to express the horns, hoofs, beak, or…
"An eagle's head erased, beaked, or. BEAKED. The beak of a bird being of a different tint from the body…
"Argent, an eagle displayed sable. DISPLAYED. A bird whose wings are expanded and legs spread is said…
"Argent, a dragon proper, tail nowed. DRAGON.. An imaginary monster; a mixture of beast, bird, and reptile.…
There are two types of classification, homology and analogy. Homology is the fundamental identity of…
"Argent, an eagle proper en arrière. EN ARRIÈRE. An expression borrowed from the French,…
"A swan's head erased at the neck, ducally gorged or. GORGED. Any animals, particularly birds, that…
"Trachea or windpipe of the red breasted merganser, Mergus serrator, about half natural size, viewed…
"Figure 4 - egg-drills, different sizes. Steel implements with a sharp-pointed conical head of rasping…
"Figure 5-Instruments for blowing eggs; a,b, blow-pipes, 1/2 natural size; c, wire for cleansing them;…
"Fig. 6- scissors, knives, and forceps, 1/2 natural size." Elliot Coues, 1884 These items may be used…
"Figure 7-hooks for extracting embryos, natural size; a,b,c, plain hooks; d, bill-hook, having cutting…
"Hesperornis regalis, (a fossilized restoration) which stood about three feet high, had blunt teeth…
"Ichthyornis, though the wings are well developed, with fused metacarpals, and the sternum is keeled,…
"fig. 25 - Topography of a Bird. 1, forehead (frons). 2, lore. 3, circumocular region. 4, crown (vertex).…
"Fig. 26 - Parts of a Bill. a, side of upper mandible; b, culmen; c, nasal fossa; d, nostril; e(see…
"Argent, a martlet, gules. MARTLET. An imaginary bird said to be without legs; it is used both as a…
An illustration of a mother holding a child to look at a bird in a cage.
"VOLANT. The French word for flying. It is used in Heraldry to express the same action." -Hall, 1862
The Common Miner (Geositta cunicularia) is a passerine bird in the Furnariidae family of ovenbirds.
The Olive-Backed Quail-Dove (Geotrygon veraguensis) is a bird in the Columbidae family of pigeons and…
The Common Yellowthroat or Maryland Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) is a bird in the Parulidae family…
An illustration of a full page border with vines and raspberries on the bottom.
"Common Glareole or Pratincole (Glareola pratincola). GLAREOLA. A remarkable genus of birds, typical…
The Northern Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium gnoma) is an owl in the Strigidae family of true owls.
"Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Poliptila caerulea). The blue-gray gnatcatcher, Polioptila caerulea, is a very…
The European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) is a bird in the Caprimulgidae family of nightjars.
The Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) is a large shorebird in the Scolopacidae family of waders.
The Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) is a small bird in the Regulidae family of kinglets. It was also known…
The American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) is a North American bird in the Fringillidae family of finches.
"Goldfish (Carassius auratus). A fish of the carp family Cyprinidae, Cyprinus or Carassius auratus,…
"Fig. 19 - A partly pennaceous, partly plumulaceous feather, from Argus pheasant; after Nitzsch. ad,…
"Fig. - 20 - Two barbs, a, a, of a vane, bearing anterior, b, b, and posterior, c, barbules; enlarged;…
"Fig. 21. -A single barbule, baring barbicels and hooklets; magnified; after Nitzsch. ...barbicels (another…
"The arrangement shown in fig. 22, where a, a, a, a, are four barbs in transverse section, viewed from…
"Fig. 23 - A feather from the tail of a kingbird, Tyrannus carolinensis, almost entirely pennaceous;…
"Fig. 24. - Pterylosis of Cyoselus apus, drawn by Coues after Nitzsch; right hand upper, left hand lower,…
"Fig 27. - Bones of the right wing of a duck, Clangula islandica, A, shoulder, omos; B, elbow, ancon;…
"Fig. 28. - Mechanism of elbow-joint. ..., where rc and uc show respectively the size, shape, and position…
"Fig. 29., from a young grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus, six months old), is designed to show the…
"Fig. 30., Feathers of a sparrow's wing. pc, covers of the primaries; msc, median upper secondary coverts;…
"Fig. 31. - Ulna of Colaptes mexicanus, showing points of attachment of the secondaries. (Dr. R. W.…
"The Lyre-bird of Australia, Menura superba, to show the unique lyrate shape of the tail." "... the…
Two European Redwing birds sitting on a tree branch. These song birds are usually brown with darker…
"Robin: Upper parts slate-color, with a shade of olive. Head black, the eyelids and a spot before the…
"Fig. 114. -Skulls of Turdidae and Sylvicolidae, nat. size; after Shufeldt. A, Oroscoptes montanus;…
"Wood Thrush. Upper parts, including the surface of the closed wings, tawny-brown, purest and deepest…
"Mocking-Birds. Bill much shorter than head, scarcely curved as a whole, but with gently-curved commissure,…
"Cat-Bird. Slate-gray, paler and more grayish-plumbeous below; crown of head, tail, bill, and feet black.…
This margin drawing was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1515. It is found in the prayer…
This margin drawing was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1515. It is found in the prayer…
This margin drawing was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1515. It is found in the prayer…