The grasslike starwort or Stellaria graminea.

Grasslike Starwort

The grasslike starwort or Stellaria graminea.

Of the pink family (Caryophyllaceae), the sleepy catchfly (Silene Antirrhina).

Sleepy Catchfly

Of the pink family (Caryophyllaceae), the sleepy catchfly (Silene Antirrhina).

Of the vine family (Vitaceae), the leaf and berries of the Virginia creeper (Psedera quinquefolia).

Virginia Creeper

Of the vine family (Vitaceae), the leaf and berries of the Virginia creeper (Psedera quinquefolia).

Of the false mermaid family (Limnanthaceae), the false mermaid (Floerkea prosperpinacoides).

False Mermaid

Of the false mermaid family (Limnanthaceae), the false mermaid (Floerkea prosperpinacoides).

Of the mint family (Labiatae), the hedge nettle (Stachys palustris).

Hedge Nettle

Of the mint family (Labiatae), the hedge nettle (Stachys palustris).

Of the mint family (Labiatae), the false dragon-head (Physostegia Virginiana).

False Dragon-Head

Of the mint family (Labiatae), the false dragon-head (Physostegia Virginiana).

Of the mint family (Labiatae), the horehound (Marrubium vulgare).


Of the mint family (Labiatae), the horehound (Marrubium vulgare).

Of the mint family (Labiatae), the dead nettle (Lamium amplexicaule).

Dead Nettle

Of the mint family (Labiatae), the dead nettle (Lamium amplexicaule).

Of the figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the small snapdragon (Antirrhinum Orontium).

Small Snapdragon

Of the figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the small snapdragon (Antirrhinum Orontium).

Of the figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the figwort (Scrophularia marilandica).


Of the figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the figwort (Scrophularia marilandica).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the sharp-leaved golden-rod (Solidago arguta).

Sharp-Leaved Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the sharp-leaved golden-rod (Solidago arguta).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the spreading golden-rod (Solidago patula).

Spreading Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the spreading golden-rod (Solidago patula).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the large-leaved golden-rod (Solidago macrophylla).

Large-Leaved Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the large-leaved golden-rod (Solidago macrophylla).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the bog golden-rod (Solidago uliginosa).

Bog Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the bog golden-rod (Solidago uliginosa).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the stout golden-rod (Solidago squarrosa).

Stout Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the stout golden-rod (Solidago squarrosa).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the Alpine golden-rod (Solidago Cutleri).

Alpine Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the Alpine golden-rod (Solidago Cutleri).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the showy golden-rod (Solidago speciosa).

Showy Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the showy golden-rod (Solidago speciosa).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the swamp golden-rod (Solidago neglecta).

Swamp Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the swamp golden-rod (Solidago neglecta).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the sweet golden-rod (Solidago odora).

Sweet Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the sweet golden-rod (Solidago odora).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the gray golden-rod (Solidago nemoralis).

Gray Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the gray golden-rod (Solidago nemoralis).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the calico aster (Aster lateriflorus).

Calico Aster

Of the composite family (Compositae), the calico aster (Aster lateriflorus).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the many-flowered aster (Aster multiflorus).

Many-Flowered Aster

Of the composite family (Compositae), the many-flowered aster (Aster multiflorus).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the small white aster (Aster vimineus).

Small White Aster

Of the composite family (Compositae), the small white aster (Aster vimineus).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the Aster tenuifolius.

Aster tenuifolius

Of the composite family (Compositae), the Aster tenuifolius.

"Vertical section of Calamite, cut through node." -Taylor, 1904


"Vertical section of Calamite, cut through node." -Taylor, 1904

"Branches, and fruit (Lepidostrobus) of Lepidodendron)." -Taylor, 1904

Scale Tree

"Branches, and fruit (Lepidostrobus) of Lepidodendron)." -Taylor, 1904

"Transverse section of Calamite, showing cortical layer surrounding woody wedges." -Taylor, 1904


"Transverse section of Calamite, showing cortical layer surrounding woody wedges." -Taylor, 1904

The bark of Sigillaria Groeseri, an extinct arborescent plant.

Sigillaria Bark

The bark of Sigillaria Groeseri, an extinct arborescent plant.

"a Lepidodendron (restored); b & c impressions on back; d stem with leaves; e leaflet; f fruit of Lepidodendron, called Lepidostrobus; g showing spores in bracts of fruit." -Taylor, 1904


"a Lepidodendron (restored); b & c impressions on back; d stem with leaves; e leaflet; f fruit of Lepidodendron,…

"a Sigillaria (restored); b leaflet; c & d impressions on bark; e section of stem; f portion of cylinder, magnified." -Taylor, 1904


"a Sigillaria (restored); b leaflet; c & d impressions on bark; e section of stem; f portion of cylinder,…

"Vertical section of Fruit of Calamite, magnified." -Taylor, 1904

Calamite Fruit

"Vertical section of Fruit of Calamite, magnified." -Taylor, 1904

"Transverse section of Fruit of Calamite, magnified." -Taylor, 1904

Calamite Fruit

"Transverse section of Fruit of Calamite, magnified." -Taylor, 1904

"Fossil Fern (Neuropteris)." -Taylor, 1904

Fern Fossil

"Fossil Fern (Neuropteris)." -Taylor, 1904

"Portion of fossil tree fern (Pecopteris arborescens) on coal shale." -Taylor, 1904

Fossil Tree Fern

"Portion of fossil tree fern (Pecopteris arborescens) on coal shale." -Taylor, 1904

"Annularia. A fossil plant allied to the Calamites." -Taylor, 1904


"Annularia. A fossil plant allied to the Calamites." -Taylor, 1904

A fossil fern (Pterophyllum) in a piece of jet.

Fern Fossil

A fossil fern (Pterophyllum) in a piece of jet.

"Phlebopteris–a characteristic Oolite fern." -Taylor, 1904

Fern Fossil

"Phlebopteris–a characteristic Oolite fern." -Taylor, 1904

"Lengthwise section of a squash seed. c, hypocotyl; cot, cotyledon; e, endosperm; h, hilum; p, plumule; t, testa." -Bergen, 1896

Squash Seed

"Lengthwise section of a squash seed. c, hypocotyl; cot, cotyledon; e, endosperm; h, hilum; p, plumule;…

"Young seedling of windsor bean. c, cotyledon; r, root; s, stem." -Bergen, 1896

Windsor Bean Seedling

"Young seedling of windsor bean. c, cotyledon; r, root; s, stem." -Bergen, 1896

"Section through exterior part of a grain of wheat. c, cuticle or outer layer of bran; ep, epidermis; m, layer beneath epidermis; qu, sch, layers of hull next to seed-coats; br, n, seed-coats; Kl, layer containing proteid grains; st, cells of the endosperm filled with starch." -Bergen, 1896

Wheat Grain

"Section through exterior part of a grain of wheat. c, cuticle or outer layer of bran; ep, epidermis;…

"Successive stages in the life history of the bean seedling. AA, the surface of the ground; r, primary root; r', secondary root; c, hypocotyl; a, arch of hypocotyl; co, cotyledons." -Bergen, 1896

Bean Seed Stages

"Successive stages in the life history of the bean seedling. AA, the surface of the ground; r, primary…

"Dodder growing upon a Golden-Rod Stem. s, seedling dodder plants, growing in earth; h, stem of host; r, haustoria or parasitic roots of dodder; l, scale-like leaves; A, magnified section of a portion of willow stem, showing penetration of haustoria." -Bergen, 1896

Dodder on Golden Rod

"Dodder growing upon a Golden-Rod Stem. s, seedling dodder plants, growing in earth; h, stem of host;…

A taproot.


A taproot.

Fibrous roots.

Fibrous Roots

Fibrous roots.

Fascicled roots.

Fascicled Roots

Fascicled roots.

"Lengthwise section through root-tip of Indian corn. w, root-cap; i, younger part of cap; z, dead cells separating from cap; s, growing point; o, epidermis; p', intermediate layer between epidermis and central cylinder; p, central cylinder; d, layer from which the root-cap originates." -Bergen, 1896

Corn Root Tip

"Lengthwise section through root-tip of Indian corn. w, root-cap; i, younger part of cap; z, dead cells…

"Egg on beaker of water, to show osmosis." -Bergen, 1896


"Egg on beaker of water, to show osmosis." -Bergen, 1896

"Apparatus to measure root-pressure. T, large tube fastened to the stump of the dahlia stem by a rubber tube; rr, rubber stoppers; t, bent tube containing mercury; ll', upper and lower level of mercury in T." -Bergen, 1896

Root Pressure

"Apparatus to measure root-pressure. T, large tube fastened to the stump of the dahlia stem by a rubber…

"The dandelion; a so-called stemless plant." -Bergen, 1896


"The dandelion; a so-called stemless plant." -Bergen, 1896

"Coiling of a tendril of bryony." -Bergen, 1896


"Coiling of a tendril of bryony." -Bergen, 1896

"Coiling of petiole of dwarf tropaeolum." -Bergen, 1896


"Coiling of petiole of dwarf tropaeolum." -Bergen, 1896

"Twining stem of hop." -Bergen, 1896


"Twining stem of hop." -Bergen, 1896

"Rootstock of Cotton-Grass (Eriophorum)." -Bergen, 1896


"Rootstock of Cotton-Grass (Eriophorum)." -Bergen, 1896

"Roots, rootstocks, and leaves of iris." -Bergen, 1896


"Roots, rootstocks, and leaves of iris." -Bergen, 1896

"Part of a potato plant. The dark tuber in the middle is the one from which the plant has grown." -Bergen, 1896

Potato Plant

"Part of a potato plant. The dark tuber in the middle is the one from which the plant has grown." -Bergen,…

"Bulb of hyacinth. Exterior view and split lengthwise." -Bergen, 1896

Hyacinth Bulb

"Bulb of hyacinth. Exterior view and split lengthwise." -Bergen, 1896

"Longitudinal section of an onion leaf. sca, thickened base of leaf, forming a bulb-scale; s, thin sheath of leaf; bl, blade of leaf; int, hollow interior of blade." -Bergen, 1896

Onion Leaf

"Longitudinal section of an onion leaf. sca, thickened base of leaf, forming a bulb-scale; s, thin sheath…

"A spray of a common asparagus (not the edible species)." -Bergen, 1896


"A spray of a common asparagus (not the edible species)." -Bergen, 1896

"Stem of "Smilax" (Myrsiphyllum). l, scale-like leaves; cl, cladophyll, or leaf-like branch, growing in the axil of the leaf; ped, flower-stalk, growing in the axil of a leaf." -Bergen, 1896


"Stem of "Smilax" (Myrsiphyllum). l, scale-like leaves; cl, cladophyll, or leaf-like branch, growing…

"Grafting. At the left scion and stock are shown ready to be united; at the right they are joined and ready to cover with grafting wax." -Bergen, 1896


"Grafting. At the left scion and stock are shown ready to be united; at the right they are joined and…