Prince, made bid for English throne. Also known as the Pretender.

Charles Edward Stuart

Prince, made bid for English throne. Also known as the Pretender.

Shows setup of a chessboard.


Shows setup of a chessboard.

In vultures, the head and neck are bare, the beak is long and curved at the tip, legs are powerful, but claws are weak.


In vultures, the head and neck are bare, the beak is long and curved at the tip, legs are powerful,…

Standing king.


Standing king.

Horseshoe crabs represent an order called Xiphosura, from the fact that the end of the abdomen is furnished with a long sword-like spine.

Horseshoe Crab

Horseshoe crabs represent an order called Xiphosura, from the fact that the end of the abdomen is furnished…

Birds of Paradise are allied to the crows and found mainly in New Guinea. The king bird has beautiful plumage and is not only the most beautiful bird of this family but is also quite rare.

King Bird of Paradise

Birds of Paradise are allied to the crows and found mainly in New Guinea. The king bird has beautiful…

Alfonso XIII, King of Spain.

Alfonso XIII

Alfonso XIII, King of Spain.

King Arthur draws the sword from the stone.

King Arthur

King Arthur draws the sword from the stone.

The wedding of Arthur and Guenevere in the great Cathedral at Canterbury.

Arthur and Guenevere

The wedding of Arthur and Guenevere in the great Cathedral at Canterbury.

Arthur is about to be slain by the great Knight Pellinore but as he raises his sword against Arthur, Merlin enchants Pellinore into a deep sleep. The magician then caught up the king and rode forth on the knight's horse saving him from danger.

Merlin Saves Arthur

Arthur is about to be slain by the great Knight Pellinore but as he raises his sword against Arthur,…

Guinevere and Enid from the story of King Arthur

Guinevere and Enid

Guinevere and Enid from the story of King Arthur

The barge moved from the brink.

The Passing of Arthur

The barge moved from the brink.

King Richard and Robin Hood.

King Richard and Robin Hood

King Richard and Robin Hood.

Crabs with a dark brown shell and a long stiff tail.

Horse-shoe Crab

Crabs with a dark brown shell and a long stiff tail.

The Queen Ant of slave-making ants.

Queen Ant

The Queen Ant of slave-making ants.

Detail from King's College Chapel, Cambridge.


Detail from King's College Chapel, Cambridge.

Gothic uncial alphabet, 1349, St. Margaret's, King's Lynn, England.

Gothic Uncial Alphabet

Gothic uncial alphabet, 1349, St. Margaret's, King's Lynn, England.

Old King Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he.

Old King Cole

Old King Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he.

Old King Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he.

Old King Cole

Old King Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he.

"Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, born in Bucks County, Pa., in 1842, died near King and Queen's Courthouse, Va., March 4th 1864. At the beginning of the Civil War he was sent by his father to plan and take charge of a naval battery on Maryland Heights. He then became aid to General Sigel, and served through Fremont's and Pope's campaigns, acting as sigel's chief of artillery at the second battle of Bull Run; served on General Hooker's staff, distinguishing himself at Chancellorsville, and as aid to General Meade at Gettysburg rendering important service. He lost his life in a raid planned by him, in concert with General Kilpatrick, to release the Federal prisoners at Libby Prison and Belle Isle." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Ulric Dahlgren

"Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, born in Bucks County, Pa., in 1842, died near King and Queen's Courthouse,…

The famous African America King of Ashantee.

King of Ashantee

The famous African America King of Ashantee.

"King mackeral is also called kingfish. It is distinguished from other mackeral by weught, by its bluer tint, silvery belly, and dark horizontal streak."


"King mackeral is also called kingfish. It is distinguished from other mackeral by weught, by its bluer…

King whiting.

King Whiting

King whiting.

Sing a Song of Sixpence. And when the pie was opened, the birds began to sing.

King and Blackbirds

Sing a Song of Sixpence. And when the pie was opened, the birds began to sing.

Sing a Song of Sixpence. The king was in his counting-house, counting out his money.

King in the Counting-House

Sing a Song of Sixpence. The king was in his counting-house, counting out his money.

"General King, born in New York city, January 26th, 1814, died there, October 13th, 1876, was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1833, and appointed to the Engineer Corps. He resigned from the army, September 30th, 1836, and became assistant engineer of the New York and Erie Railroad. From 1838 till 1843 he was adjutant general of the State of New York. He was then associate editor of the Albany <em>Evening Journal</em>, and of the Albany <em>Advertiser</em> from 1841 till 1845, when he removed to Wisconsin, and was editor of the Milwuakee <em>Sentinel</em> until 1861. He was United States minister to Rome from March 22nd till August 5th, 1861, but resigned, as he had offered his services in defense of the Union. He was made a brigadier general of volunteers, May 17th, 1861, and commanded a division at Fredericksburg, Groveton, Manassas, Yorktown and Fairfax, remaining in the army until 1863, when he was reappointed minister to Rome, where he resided until 1867."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

General Rufus King

"General King, born in New York city, January 26th, 1814, died there, October 13th, 1876, was graduated…

"Presentation of colors to the Twentieth United States [African American] Infantry, Colonel Bartram, at the Union League Clubhouse, New York, March 5th, 1864. The Twentieth Regiment, United States [African American] Troops, left Riker's Island at nine o'clock on the 5th of March, 1864, on board the steamer <em>John Romer</em>, and were conveyed to the foot of Twenty-first Street, East River, New York, where they were disembarked and formed in regimental line, and marched to Union Square, arriving in front of the Union League Clubhouse at one o'clock. A vast crowd of citizens, of every shade of color and every phase of social and political life, filled the square and streets, and every door, window, veranda, tree and housetop that commanded a view of the scene was peopled with spectators. Over the entrance of the clubhouse was a large platform, ornamented with flags and filled with ladies. In the street was another platform, tastefully decorated and occupied by prominent citizens. From the stand the colors were presented by President King of Columbia College, who addressed them with warmth and eloquence. After the presentation ceremony was over the men stacked arms and partook of a collation provided for them."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Presentation of Colors

"Presentation of colors to the Twentieth United States [African American] Infantry, Colonel Bartram,…

After arriving at the King of Brobdingnag's court, Gulliver is analyzed by three of the King's scholars.

Scholars with Gulliver

After arriving at the King of Brobdingnag's court, Gulliver is analyzed by three of the King's scholars.

Gulliver sitting in a chair, having a conversation with the King of Brobdingnag.

Gulliver and the King

Gulliver sitting in a chair, having a conversation with the King of Brobdingnag.

Genus <em>sarcoramphus</em>, a large vulture found in the tropical regions of the Americas, sometimes as far north as Florida. They feed on carrion, and occaisionally small animals, such as calves.

King Vulture

Genus sarcoramphus, a large vulture found in the tropical regions of the Americas, sometimes…

An Indian carriage being drawn by zebus

Indian Carriage

An Indian carriage being drawn by zebus

"The funeral cortege, at boston, Mass., of the Sixth Massachusetts soldiers killed at Baltimore. The funeral of the four soldiers of the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment who were killed in Baltimore, April 19th, 1861, while en route to Washington, was held at Boston, May 1st. The bodies were received in the city by a military escort under Governor Andrew and Adjutant General Schouler, accompanied by a large concourse of citizens, and were temporarily deposited in the vaults of King's Chapel. The names of these 'first martyrs' were Luther C. Ladd, Addison O. Whitney, Charles A. Taylor and Sumner H. Needham. The Legislature of Maryland, on March 5th, 1862, appropriated seven thousand dollars, to be dispensed, under the direction of the Governor of Massachusetts, for the relief of the families of those who were killed and injured."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Funeral Cortege

"The funeral cortege, at boston, Mass., of the Sixth Massachusetts soldiers killed at Baltimore. The…

An impressive South American species of fly-catcher, with a transverse crest of reddish-fawn feathers.

King Flycatcher

An impressive South American species of fly-catcher, with a transverse crest of reddish-fawn feathers.

A small horse


A small horse

"King George III, king of England during the old Confederation."—E. Benjamin Andrews, 1895

George III, King of England

"King George III, king of England during the old Confederation."—E. Benjamin Andrews, 1895

"Benjamin Franklin managed men, the whilom printer, king's postmaster-general for America, discoverer, London colonial agent, delegate in the Continental Congress, and signer of the Declaration of Independence."&mdash;E. Benjamin Andrews, 1895

Benjamin Franklin

"Benjamin Franklin managed men, the whilom printer, king's postmaster-general for America, discoverer,…

Fort Miller fording-place. This was the crossing-place for the armies; and there are still to be seen some of the logs and stones upon the shore which formed a part of the old 'King's Road' leading to the fording-place.

Fort Miller

Fort Miller fording-place. This was the crossing-place for the armies; and there are still to be seen…

Found in the Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America, the king duck strongly resembles the eider in its habits. It os sometimes called the king eider because of this.

King Duck

Found in the Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America, the king duck strongly resembles the…

Also known as the pantagonian penguin, the king penguin is found in the far southern latitudes of South America and surrounding islands.

King Penguin

Also known as the pantagonian penguin, the king penguin is found in the far southern latitudes of South…

Caughnawaga church. This old church, now (1848) known as the <em>Fonda Academy</em>, under the management of Rev. Douw Van Olinda, is about half a mile east of the court-house, in the village of Fonda. It is a stone edifice, and was erected in 1763 by voluntary contributions. Sir William Johnson contributed liberally. Its first pastor was Thomas Romayne, who was succeeded in 1795 by Abraham Van Horn, one of the earliest graduates of King's (now Columbia) College, in the city of New York. He was from Kingston, Ulster county, and remained its pastor until 1840. During his ministry he united in marriage 1500 couples. The church was without a bell until the confiscated property of Sir John Johnson was sold in the Revolution, when the <em>dinner-bell</em> of his father was purchased and hung in the steeple. The bell weighs a little more than one hundred pounds, and bears the following inscription: "S. R. William Johnson, baronet, 1774. Made by Miller and Ross, in Eliz. Town."

Caughnawaga Church

Caughnawaga church. This old church, now (1848) known as the Fonda Academy, under the management…

"The Province House. The Province House, the residence of the colonial governors, is still standing, in the rear of stores on Washington Street, oppposite Milk Street. It is a large brick building, three stories high, and was formerly decorated with the king's arms richly carved and gilt. A cupola surmounted the roof. In front of the house was a pretty lawn with an iron fence, and on each side of the gate was a large oak-tree. The ground sloped, and in front were about twenty stone steps. Its grounds are now covered with buildings, and the house can not be seen without entering Province Court. The king's arms are in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society."—Lossing, 1851

Province House

"The Province House. The Province House, the residence of the colonial governors, is still standing,…

"View at King's Mountain battle-ground. This view is from the foot of the hill, whereon the hottest of the fight occurred. The north slope of that eminence is seen on the left. In the center, within a sort of basin, into which several ravines converge, is seen the simple monument erected to the memory of Ferguson and others; and in the foreground, on the right, is seen the great tulip-tree, upon which, tradition says, ten Tories were hung."&mdash;Lossing, 1851

King's Mountain Battle-Ground

"View at King's Mountain battle-ground. This view is from the foot of the hill, whereon the hottest…

"View at King's Bridge. This view is from the southwest side of the stream, from near the tide-mill. The house beyond, shaded by willows, is the residence of the widow of the late Robert McComb."—Lossing, 1851

King's Bridge

"View at King's Bridge. This view is from the southwest side of the stream, from near the tide-mill.…

Darius, the Persian king. Above, the symbol of Ormuzd.


Darius, the Persian king. Above, the symbol of Ormuzd.

"The Death of Caesar. Naturaly such extraordinary success made him enemies, and though the city seemed in the main to be contented with his rule, it was easy for his ill-wishers to play on the passions of the people by pointing out that he had aimed at the complete overthrow of the constitution and the establishment of a tyranny. It was said that he intended to assume the title of king. Several times a crown was publicly offered to him and he refused it; but his refusal was thought to proceed merely from his perception of the displeasure of the people. A plot was formed against him, and the Ides (15th day) of March, 44 B.C., was fixed upon for his assassination. The rumors of the intended murder got abroad and Caesar was warned of the plot, but he took no notice of these warnings. On the appointed day he was surrounded in the Senate by the conspirators and killed. Among the assassins was one of whom Caesar had always regarded as his especial friend. This was Brutus, and it is said that Caesar, when he recognized him among his assailants, ceased to offer resistance, and exclaiming, 'Thou too, Brutus!' allowed himself to be slain."&mdash;Colby, 1899

Caesar's Death

"The Death of Caesar. Naturaly such extraordinary success made him enemies, and though the city seemed…

"Tomb of Godfrey de Bouillon. During the Crusades, the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1099. The conquered lands were now formed into a little feudal kingdom, the head of which at first was Godfrey de Bouillon. He would not, however, accept the title of king, preferring to be called Defender of the Holy Sepulcher."—Colby, 1899

Godfrey de Bouillon Tomb

"Tomb of Godfrey de Bouillon. During the Crusades, the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1099. The conquered lands…

"Canterbury Cathedral, which was a key place during the contest with King John. In the quarrel with John of England the issue was not a matter of personal morality, but of Church authority. There was a dispute about the election to the Archbishopric of Canterbury, the most important church office in England. The monks of Canterbury chose one candidate and the king another, and then both parties appealed to the pope. Innocent rejected both candidates and proposed one of his own, Stephen Langton, a man in every way suitable for the office. John refused to submit, and the pope used against him the same means that had been employed to coerce Philip Augustus. He laid England under an interdict, and, though its effect was not so immediate as in France, it finally brought John to terms. Not only was John obliged to accept the pope's candidate, but he went so far as to surrender the kingdom of England to the pope and receive it back as the pope's vassal, paying in token of vassalage a sum of money each year."&mdash;Colby, 1899

Canterbury Cathedral

"Canterbury Cathedral, which was a key place during the contest with King John. In the quarrel with…

"William the Conqueror (1066-1087), as represented on his seal. Although William really ruled 'as king by the edge of the sword,' he preferred to base his title on the promise of Edward the Confessor rather than on force of arms; and he adhered to far as possible to Anglo-Saxon usages, causing himself to be crowned at Westminster and binding himself to frame good laws and observe justice, as his predecessors had done. In fact he professed to regard himself as the lawful successor of the Anglo-Saxon kings, and not merely as a feudal conqueror. He had great difficulty in making the people recognize him as such, but when this was once done, he was a far more powerful ruler as king of England than he was as Norman duke."&mdash;Colby, 1899

William the Conqueror

"William the Conqueror (1066-1087), as represented on his seal. Although William really ruled 'as king…

"Death of Becket. During the early years of the reign Thomas A. Becket, as the king's chancellor, had shown great zeal in his cause, but, being appointed archbishop of Canterbury in 1162, he devoted himself wholly to the interests of the church and the exaltation of his office, and became the most dangerous of the king's foes. the main point at issue between them was the trial of members of the clergy who had been guilty of crime. The civil courts had lost all authority over clerical offenders, who were tried by the church tribunals. But the latter bodies could inflict only spiritual penalties, and serious offenses often went without adequate punishment. In the Constitutions of Clarendon (1164) it was decided that ecclasiastics accused of crime must first be summoned before the king's justices, who were to determine whether the offense came within the jurisdiction of a secular or a spiritual court. Becket reluctantly agreed to this, as well as to other provisions seriously affecting the authority of the church, but soon afterwards sent to the pope and asked forgiveness for what he had done. The king's party was powerful, and Becket took refuge in France, but a few years later, through the aid of the pope and French king, was reinstated. On his return to England he angered the king by excommunicating the bishops who had taken sides against him. Henry, in a moment of rage, spoke some hasty words, which were construed by his attendants as a wish for the murder of Becket. They broke into the cathedral where the latter had taken refuge and killed him at the altar (December, 1170). Becket was now regarded as a martyr and a patron saint, and the king was finally obliged to make his submission to the papal representative and declar on oath his innocence of all complicity in the murder. Thus the apparent outcome of the struggle was unfavorable to the king, but in reality Henry gained the main object for which he had been working. The church courts no longer enjoyed such complete authority over criminal members of the clergy."&mdash;Colby, 1899

Death of Becket

"Death of Becket. During the early years of the reign Thomas A. Becket, as the king's chancellor, had…

"Charles V ruled over wider dominions than any European sovereign since Charlemagne. He belonged to the famous house of Hapsburg, from which he inherited Austria."&mdash;Colby, 1899

Charles V

"Charles V ruled over wider dominions than any European sovereign since Charlemagne. He belonged to…

"Henry VIII (1509-1547) came to the throne in 1509, inheriting a vast treasure which he owed to the avarice of his father. A young and active man, he was ambitious in the early part of his reign for military distinction and several times he took part in the wars on the continent. These wars gave England small glory and no practical advantage. The only brilliant military achievement of the reign was gained when Henry was abroad; this was the battle of Flodden Field in 1513, where the English defeated the Scotch army which was sent across the border to plunder the northern counties."&mdash;Colby, 1899

Henry VIII

"Henry VIII (1509-1547) came to the throne in 1509, inheriting a vast treasure which he owed to the…

"Gustavus Adolphus entered Germany at the head of 16,000 men. Among some of the Protestants there was a reluctance to cooperate with this new ally; for they distrusted his motives, especially in regard to northern Germany, where it was known that he had dreams of making himself the master of the Baltic Sea. Nevertheless, many of the hesitating Protestants rallied to his side after the siege and sack of Magdeburg, in 1631. The taking of this city by the troops of Tilly was marked by the most brutal massacre and pillage. Women and children were murdered; and the town was burned to the ground. It is said that some 30,000 people perished at this time. Saxony now joined the side of the Swedish king, who, in 1631, encountered Tilly on the battlefield of Lepzig. Here Gustavus completely overthrew his enemy, and when Tilly again tried to check his advance into southern Germany, Gustavus won another battle, in which Tilly was slain. The successes of Gustavus led the emperor to restore Wallenstein to the command (1632), and Wallenstein accepted the leadership on condition that he was to have absolute control of the army."—Colby, 1899

Gustavus Adolphus

"Gustavus Adolphus entered Germany at the head of 16,000 men. Among some of the Protestants there was…

"The age of Louis XIV. during the reign of Louis XIV, the son and successor of Louis XIII (1643-1715), which lasted over seventy years, France was the leading nation of Europe. In some respects it was a brilliant period. The magnificence of the French court, the splendor of Paris, and the proud position of France in Europe were characteristics of the time. Literature flourished under the patronage of the court, and some of the greatest of the French writers lived in this reign. A striking characteristic of the time was the absolute belief of the subjects in the divine power of the king. Louis XIV was the most conspicuous type of an absolute monarch. He was the source of all power and glory."&mdash;Colby, 1899

Louis XIV

"The age of Louis XIV. during the reign of Louis XIV, the son and successor of Louis XIII (1643-1715),…

Costume of the time of Louis XIV.

Louis XIV

Costume of the time of Louis XIV.

"Charles I (1625-1649) was a far abler ruler than his father. He was a man of greater courage and more dignity of character, but he had been trained from infancy in the belief of his divine right to fule, and he chose ministers who encouraged him in this view and tried to apply it practically. Parliament was not disposed to be amiable after the wrongs it had suffered at the hands of James. In the first fifteen months of his reign two Parliaments were summoned and angrily dissolved; the first because it demanded that its grievances should be redressed before it granted the king the requisite supplies; the second because it impeached the king's minister, Buckingham. In the interval between the second and third Parliaments the king raised money by forced loans and benevolences, throwing into prison those who refused to comply with the illegal demands. Under the influence of Buckingham the king tried to divert the attention of his subjects from bad government at home by entering into a war with France; but the result was humiliating, and the king's minister was more hated than ever."&mdash;Colby, 1899

Charles I

"Charles I (1625-1649) was a far abler ruler than his father. He was a man of greater courage and more…

"Frederick II (The Great, 1740-1786). The young Frederick had been brought up in a rough school. His father's strict training and brutal ways made his life miserable. He could not gratify his waste for study, nor enjoy any liberty of action. Heavy tasks were imposed upon him and he was scolded and punished for the slightest disobedience. Once he tried to escape, but the attempt failed and his tutor who had aided him was hanged. He himself narrowly escaped execution by the decree of a court-martial. The king's death released him from this tyranny and he now found himself the inheritor of a strong state and a splendid army. He was ambitious of military fame and wished to raise Prussia to the first place among European states."&mdash;Colby, 1899

Frederick the Great

"Frederick II (The Great, 1740-1786). The young Frederick had been brought up in a rough school. His…

"George III (1760-1815). The first two Hanoverian kings were ignorant of English politics and obliged to rely on their ministers. Moreover, they cared more for Hanover than for England. But George II had English ideas. He was born and educated in England, and he made up his mind that he would rule in the manner of the old kings. He tried to restore the power of the crown at the expense of Parliament. In private morals and social relations he was better than his predecessors, and his character inspired respect. He had the loftiest ideas of royal dignity, and the greater part of his reign was taken up with the struggles with Parliament. But though he had some good qualities, he was narrow-minded, ill-educated, and imprudent. During the first twenty-four years of his reign he managed to estrange his people, check the prosperity of the nation, and lose forever the American colonies. His reign therefore was disastrous. The details of the struggle with the American colonies and the rise of the United States to the foremost rank among nations do not properly fall within the scope of this work. It is sufficient here to state that by the treaty of 1783 England's control over the thirteen colonies was lost forever. During the latter part of the reign of George III he was incapacitated for ruling. He was stricken with insanity, and the government passed into the hands of the prince regent, afterwards George IV. The most interesting side of the reign from the point of view of general history is the relations of England with foreign powers and the part where she played in the wars that arose from the French Revolution."&mdash;Colby, 1899

George III, King of England

"George III (1760-1815). The first two Hanoverian kings were ignorant of English politics and obliged…

"Garibaldi was a patriot who started up a revolt in Sicily and took possession of the island, then passed over to Naples and overthrew the tyrant. This was done without the consent of Sardinia, but that kingdom profited none the less from its results. About the same time trouble with the papal states had led to the sending of a Sardinian army into the pope's dominions, and the annexation of the greater part of them to Sardinia. Garibaldi, after his success in Naples and Sicily, saluted the Sardinian king as King of Italy, and by a vote of the people Naples and Sicily joined Sardinia. A parliament of united Italy was opened in 1861, but ten years passed before unity was complete."—Colby, 1899


"Garibaldi was a patriot who started up a revolt in Sicily and took possession of the island, then passed…

"Stamp from the Stamp Act. The first direct issue of importance between the colonies and England came when Parliament undertook to lay a tax to be collected by officers appointed for the purpose. This was the Stamp Act, by which it was required that a stamp should be affixed to any deed, contract, bill of sale, will, and the like, made in America before it could be legal. These stamps were to be made in England and sent over to American to be sold by the government officers. It was intended that the money thus raised should be used for the support of the king's troops in America. The Stamp Act was passed by Parliament in March, 1765, and as soon as this was known in America, the colonies, from one end of the land to the other, were full of indignation. Parliament, they said, might make laws to regulate the commerce of the empire, and so draw revenue from America; but it had no right to lay a direct tax like this. Only the colonial governments, elected by the people, could lay such a tax."&mdash;Scudder, 1897

Stamp Act

"Stamp from the Stamp Act. The first direct issue of importance between the colonies and England came…

"Stamp from the Stamp Act. The first direct issue of importance between the colonies and England came when Parliament undertook to lay a tax to be collected by officers appointed for the purpose. This was the Stamp Act, by which it was required that a stamp should be affixed to any deed, contract, bill of sale, will, and the like, made in America before it could be legal. These stamps were to be made in England and sent over to American to be sold by the government officers. It was intended that the money thus raised should be used for the support of the king's troops in America. The Stamp Act was passed by Parliament in March, 1765, and as soon as this was known in America, the colonies, from one end of the land to the other, were full of indignation. Parliament, they said, might make laws to regulate the commerce of the empire, and so draw revenue from America; but it had no right to lay a direct tax like this. Only the colonial governments, elected by the people, could lay such a tax."&mdash;Scudder, 1897

Stamp Act

"Stamp from the Stamp Act. The first direct issue of importance between the colonies and England came…