"They sometimes take a position near some steam and remain for hours immovable. When a fish comes within…
"This term is applied indiscriminately to evaporators with steam-pipe, whether arranged in the form…
"In this mode of evaporating a variety of plans and arrangements for connivence are employed. The pans…
"The caterpillar of which, commonly known as the tobacco-worm in the Middle States, is very destructive…
Illustration of a fungus named Atrotogus hydnosporus. "Considered by Berkeley and others to be probably…
Illustrations depicting a black knot of a plum. "1...represents the general appearance of the black-knot…
"In answer to a communication of mine, Professor C. H. Peck, botanist, of Albany new York, informs me…
This illustration "represents its mycelium growth; 2,2 its budding cells, which terminate in fruit cells;…
"The branch vascular bundles will be distinctly seen, resembling in some respects the arteries and veins…
"Portions of the rotting pulp were placed on a microscopic slide, divided into hundredths and thousandths…
"Decorticator for ramie, jute, hemp, flax, and other textiles in green stalks. The machine is quadruple…
"Under the power of about 90 diameters the general character of the peridia is seen. They are densely…
"It is not unusual to fine a decayed spot in the center of potatoes otherwise apparently in good condition.…
USS Fulton, a 2455-ton center-wheel steam battery, was built at New York City to a design prepared…
USS Fulton, a 2455-ton center-wheel steam battery, was built at New York City to a design prepared…
Robert Fulton (November 14, 1765 – February 24, 1815) was a U.S. engineer and inventor who is…
A steam engine is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. Steam…
James Watt (19 January 1736 – 25 August 1819) was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer…
A trip hammer resembles a hand-hammer held in a horizontal position. The hammer is placed at the end…
In 1838, Nasmyth, of England, planned his really great invention — the steam-hammer. His idea…
"A midship view of the Great Eastern, showing one of the paddle-wheels and the launching gear." -Gordy,…
It consists of a steam cylinder and piston and its rod, and to the rod is firmly secured a steel rock-drill.…
The steam-vessels were protected by torpedo-nets formed of ropes weighted with iron or lead, and furnished…
An illustration of a brew kettle which shows he liquid gauge, steam jacket, and steam connections.
Rear Admiral John Ancrum Winslow (1811 – 29 September 1873) was an officer in the United States…
Peter Cooper manufactured the first steam powered railroad locomotive made in America, which was called…
An illustration of Heron's fountain. Heron's fountain is a hydraulic machine invented by the first century…
John Fitch (January 21, 1743 – July 2, 1798) was an American inventor, clockmaker, and bronzesmith…
The Fairbairn steam crane is a type of harbourside crane of an 'improved design', patented in 1850 by…
"In railroad construction and canal- or road-work, a large scooping bucket armed with teeth and used…
"A valve for opening and closing the induction and eduction passages of a steam-engine cylinder: so…
"A valve for opening and closing the induction and eduction passages of a steam-engine cylinder: so…
An illustration of a lever safety valve. "Suppose the valve A is just suppose to open when the steam…
A modern crinoid showing steam with root or hold-fast attachment, and a crown composed of the calyx…
"A horse- or steam-power machine for digging, moving, or transporting loose gravel, sand, or soil."…
"An engine designed to throw a continuous stream of water through a hose upon a conflagration, for the…
"An automatic device employed with low-pressure steam-heating furnaces to maintain a uniform temperature."…
An illustration of a steam-powered ship (un vapor barco) with steam billowing out of its smoke shafts.
"Steam is admitted under pressure for a boiler into a metal cylinder behind a piston, as represented…
Watts' House was an important house during the Battle of Gaines' Mill, also known as the First Battle…
The Battle of Gaines' Mill, also known as the First Battle of Cold Harbor or the Battle of Chickahominy…
"Governor of a Steam-engine. GOVERNOR. In machinery, a self-acting regulator which controls a supply…
"Grasshopper-beam. a, rocking pillar; b, radius-bar of the parallel motion which secures verticality…
"Longitudinal section of hopper dredger, employed on the River Clyde. The vessel steams to place of…
"Sectional view of diving bell and barge, employed on the River Clyde. All the appliances are worked…
Robert Fulton, an American engineer and inventor, was the first to establish steam navigation. In 1800…
A Polar Spiral French curve, or irregular curve, is used to draw engineering diagrams and steam curves,…
This is a vaporizing apparatus with an attached boiler. A steam generator is a device used to boil water…
A slow cooker is a countertop steam cooking appliance that maintains a relatively low temperature compared…
Ironing is the work of using a heated tool to remove wrinkles from fabric. The heating is commonly done…
A saw is a tool that uses a hard blade or wire with an abrasive edge to cut through softer materials.…
A steam generator is the term used to describe a type of boiler used to produce steam for climate control…