Parotid and molar glands of the left side. Labels: a, parotid gland; b, Steno's duct; c, superior molar glands; d, inferior molar gland.

Parotid and Molar Glands of a Horse

Parotid and molar glands of the left side. Labels: a, parotid gland; b, Steno's duct; c, superior molar…

Right infero-lateral view of the head; the maxillary ramus, cheek, parotid gland, and upper lip being removed. Labels: a, submaxillary gland; b, Wharton's duct; c, sublingual gland; d, its excretory orifices; e, labial glands; f, their excretory orifices; g, papilla, with orifice of Steno's duct; h, orifices of the superior, and i, those of the inferior molar glands; k, the hard palate; l, the soft palate; m, the tongue, with its papillae; n, pillars of the tongue and soft palate; o, fraenumlinguae.

Horse Head

Right infero-lateral view of the head; the maxillary ramus, cheek, parotid gland, and upper lip being…

A dorsal view of a chiton, showing the eight shell plates. Chitons are small to large, primitive marine mollusks in the class Polyplacophora. There are 900 to 1,000 extant species of chitons in the class, which was formerly known as Amphineura. Chitons have a shell which is composed of eight separate shell plates or valves. These plates overlap somewhat at the front and back edges, and yet the plates articulate well with one another. Because of this, although the plates provide good protection for impacts from above, they nonetheless permit the chiton to flex upward when needed for locomotion over uneven surfaces, and also the animal can slowly curl up into a ball when it is dislodged from the underlying surface. The shell plates are surrounded by a structure known as a girdle.

Chiton (Dorsal)

A dorsal view of a chiton, showing the eight shell plates. Chitons are small to large, primitive marine…

A ventral view of a chiton, showing p, foot; o, mouth; kr, oval fringe; and br, the numerous ctenidia. Chitons are small to large, primitive marine mollusks in the class Polyplacophora. There are 900 to 1,000 extant species of chitons in the class, which was formerly known as Amphineura. Chitons have a shell which is composed of eight separate shell plates or valves. These plates overlap somewhat at the front and back edges, and yet the plates articulate well with one another. Because of this, although the plates provide good protection for impacts from above, they nonetheless permit the chiton to flex upward when needed for locomotion over uneven surfaces, and also the animal can slowly curl up into a ball when it is dislodged from the underlying surface. The shell plates are surrounded by a structure known as a girdle.

Chiton (Ventral)

A ventral view of a chiton, showing p, foot; o, mouth; kr, oval fringe; and br, the numerous ctenidia.…

Archegosaurus is a genus of amphibian which lived during the Asselian to Wuchiapingian ages of the Permian, around 299-253 million years ago.

Archegosaurus Head

Archegosaurus is a genus of amphibian which lived during the Asselian to Wuchiapingian ages of the Permian,…

Ichthyophis glutinosus or Ceylon Caecilian is a species of amphibian in the Ichthyophiidae family. Pictured here is the ventral view of the head and trunk.

Head of Ichthyophis Glutinosus

Ichthyophis glutinosus or Ceylon Caecilian is a species of amphibian in the Ichthyophiidae family. Pictured…

An illustration of Hope Jone's dial-driving device. "Each time that a current is sent by the master clock, the electromagnet B attracts the pivoted armature C, and then the current ceases the lever D with the projecting arm E is driven back to its old position by the spring F, thus driving the wheel A forward one division. G is a back stop click, and H, I fixed stops." —Britannica, 1910

Dial Driving Device

An illustration of Hope Jone's dial-driving device. "Each time that a current is sent by the master…

Coccinellidae is a family of beetles, known variously as ladybirds (British English, Australian English, South African English), ladybugs (North American English) or lady beetles (preferred by some scientists). Lesser-used names include ladyclock, lady cow, and lady fly. The family name comes from its type genus, Coccinella. Coccinellids are found worldwide, with over 5,000 species described, more than 450 native to North America alone. Coccinellids are small insects, ranging from 1 mm to 10 mm (0.04 to 0.4 inches), and are commonly yellow, orange, or scarlet with small black spots on their wing covers, with black legs, head and antennae. A very large number of species are mostly or entirely black, gray, or brown and may be difficult for non-entomologists to recognize as coccinellids (and, conversely, there are many small beetles that are easily mistaken as such, like tortoise beetles).


Coccinellidae is a family of beetles, known variously as ladybirds (British English, Australian English,…

An illustration of the head of a marigold flower.

Marigold Flower

An illustration of the head of a marigold flower.

An illustration of the head of a marigold flower.

Marigold Flower

An illustration of the head of a marigold flower.

Boys and girls enjoying a hayride in the back of a horse drawn carriage.


Boys and girls enjoying a hayride in the back of a horse drawn carriage.

"Track-layers' tongs for lifting rails. They have short jaws designed to clasp the rail head and two long handles bent at a right angle." -Whitney, 1911

Rail Tongs

"Track-layers' tongs for lifting rails. They have short jaws designed to clasp the rail head and two…

"Railway, with single traveler in detail. Nautical, iron jackstays bolted on the under side of standing gaffs which carry fore-and-aft sails, with or without booms. Small grooved iron shapes called "travelers" are sewed to the head of the sail, and slide along the gaff by means of a whip or outhaul." -Whitney, 1911


"Railway, with single traveler in detail. Nautical, iron jackstays bolted on the under side of standing…

"Spanish reef, a derisive term for a jib having a knot tied in its head, or for one of the square-sails whose yard has been lowered and left on the cap." -Whitney, 1911

Spanish Reef Jib

"Spanish reef, a derisive term for a jib having a knot tied in its head, or for one of the square-sails…

Illustration of curved and contoured rocks near Old Head of Kinsale.

Contoured Rocks

Illustration of curved and contoured rocks near Old Head of Kinsale.

Cartilaginous framework of the nostril-seen from above. Labels: a, right alar cartilage; a', left alar cartilage' b, terminal portion of the septum nasi.

Nostriils of a Horse

Cartilaginous framework of the nostril-seen from above. Labels: a, right alar cartilage; a', left alar…

Longitudinal section of the head, showing the pharynx and nasal chamber-the septum nasi being removed. Labels: a, superior turbinal; b, inferior turbinal; c, superior, d, middle, and e, inferior nasal meatus; f, cavity of the pharynx; g, opening of eustachian tube; h, isthmus faucium; i, posterior naris; k, opening of the larynx; l, opening of the esophagus.

Head of a Horse

Longitudinal section of the head, showing the pharynx and nasal chamber-the septum nasi being removed.…

Arteries of the head- the left maxillary ramus being remove. Labels: 1, occipital; 2, internal carotid; 3, external carotid; a, branch to submaxillary gland; b, prevertebral; c, mastoid, c', muscular twigs; d, ramus anastomoticus; e, occipital gaining alar gutter; f, branch to submaxillary gland; l, sublingual; m, branch to lymphatic gland; B, continuation of external carotid-it becomes the internal maxillary at the bend; n, spheno-spinal; o, deep temporals; p, ophthalmic; q, buccal; r, orbital branch of dental; s, dental; t, spheno-spinal; o, deep temporals; p, ophthalmic; q, buccal; r, orbital branch f dental; s, dental; t, spheno-palatine; u, palatine; v, staphyline.

Head of a Horse Showing Arteries

Arteries of the head- the left maxillary ramus being remove. Labels: 1, occipital; 2, internal carotid;…

Facial arteries of the left side. Labels: a, maxillo-muscular; a', posterior masseter; b, c, posterior auricular; d, anterior branch of it; e, inferior auricular branch; f, superficial temporal; g, subzygomatic; g', transverse facial; g", masseter; h, anterior auricular; i, facial portion of glosso-facial; k, inferior coronary; l, superior coronary; m, lateral nasal; n, dorsal nasal; o, angular artery of the eye.

Head of a Horse Showing Arteries

Facial arteries of the left side. Labels: a, maxillo-muscular; a', posterior masseter; b, c, posterior…

Veins of the face and neck. Labels: 1, glosso-facial; A, its facial portion; 2, jugular; 3, occipial; 4, cervial portion of jugular; a, superior coronary; b, small labial branch; c, inferior coronary; a', common coronary trunk; d, angular vein of the eye; e, dorsal nasal; e', lateral nasal; f, alveolar; g, buccal; h, posterior auricular; i, superficial temporal; k, anterior auricular; l, subzygomatic; m, superior cerebral-cut; n, maxillo muscular; o, muscular, esophageal and tracheal twig.

Head and Neck of a Horse Showing Veins

Veins of the face and neck. Labels: 1, glosso-facial; A, its facial portion; 2, jugular; 3, occipial;…

Nerves of the right side of the head- the maxillary ramus and cheek being removed. Labels: a, superior maxillary branch of fifth; a', spheno-palatine; b, orbital; c, branch of spheno-palatine; d, palatine; e, superior dental; f, staphyline; g, superior maxillary trunk entering infraorbital foramen; g', superior; g", middle; g"', inferior nasal nerves; h, inferior maxillary branch of fifth; u, masseter; k, anterior deep temporal; l, pterygoid; m, buccal; n, subzygomatic; o, inferior dental; o', mental ; p, lingual; p', its superficial; p", its deep branch.

Head of a Horse Showing Nerves

Nerves of the right side of the head- the maxillary ramus and cheek being removed. Labels: a, superior…

Left side of the face- showing the distribution of the facial portions of the fifth and the seventh nerves. Labels: a, infraorbital; b, masseter; c, superior; d, inferior branch of subzygomatic; e, anterior; f, middle; g, posterior auricular; h, posterior temporal; i, cervical branch; k, styloid; l, parotid branches; m, facial; n', its superior portion; o, its inferior portion.

Head of a Horse Showing Nerves

Left side of the face- showing the distribution of the facial portions of the fifth and the seventh…

Ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth cranial, first cervical, and part of the sympathetic nerves- the left maxillary ramus and parotid gland being removed. Labels: a, carotid artery; b, glosso-pharyngeal; b', its pharyngeal; b", its lingual branch; c, pneumogastric; c' pharyngeal; c", superior laryngeal; d, d', d", spinal accessory; e, hypo-glossal; f, great sympathetic; f", superior cervical ganglion; g", communication of sympathetic and pneumogastric; g, first cervical nerve.

Head of a Horse Showing Nerves

Ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth cranial, first cervical, and part of the sympathetic nerves- the…

The nervous system of the horse. Labels: 1, brain; 2, optic nerve; 3, superior maxillary nerve (5th); 4, inferior maxillary nerve (5th); 5, pneumogastric nerve; 6, medulla oblongata; 6', spinal cord; 7, right brachial plexus; 8, musculo-cutaneous nerve; 9, median nerve; 10, radial nerve; 11, cubital nerve; 12, pneumogastric nerve; 13, solar plexus; 14, semilunar ganglion; 15m lumbo-sacral plexus; 16, anterior crural nerve; 17, great sciatic nerve; 18, external popiteal nerve; 19, external saphenic nerve; 20, tibial nerve; 21, metatarsal nerve; 22, radial portion of median nerve; 23, metacarpal nerves; 24, digital branches; s, sympathetic chain; c, inferior cervical plexus; g, gutteral ganglion; Sp, great splanchnic nerve; pm; posterior mesenteric plexus; p, pelvic plexus.

Nervous System of the Horse

The nervous system of the horse. Labels: 1, brain; 2, optic nerve; 3, superior maxillary nerve (5th);…

An illustration of the front (right) and back (left) of the French contrabassoon.

French Contrabassoon

An illustration of the front (right) and back (left) of the French contrabassoon.

A nauplius (plural nauplii) is the first larva of animals classified as crustaceans (subphylum of Arthropoda). It consists of a head and a telson. The thorax and abdomen, characteristic of adult crustaceans, have not developed yet. A prominent characteristic of nauplii is that they have only one compound eye, which will divide in two in later stages. Nauplii have three pairs of cephalic appendages with which they swim; in the adult these become the antennules, the antennae, and the mandibles. The name nauplii properly refers to crustacean larvae that use appendages that stem from the head (antennules and antennae) as their main means of swimming.

Nauplius of a Prawn

A nauplius (plural nauplii) is the first larva of animals classified as crustaceans (subphylum of Arthropoda).…

A hobby horse (or hobby-horse) is a child's toy horse, particularly popular during the days before cars. Just as children today imitate adults driving cars, so, in former times, children played at riding a wooden hobby-horse made of a straight stick with a small horse's head (of wood or stuffed fabric), and perhaps reins, attached to one end. The bottom end of the stick sometimes had a small wheel or wheels attached.

Hobby Horse

A hobby horse (or hobby-horse) is a child's toy horse, particularly popular during the days before cars.…

"Pasture Sage-brush (Artemisia frigida). a, leaf; b, flower-head; c, fertile flower; d, marginal flower." -Whitney, 1911


"Pasture Sage-brush (Artemisia frigida). a, leaf; b, flower-head; c, fertile flower; d, marginal flower."…

The serious, solemn, and awe-inspiring efect which the general arrangement of the temple produces is maintained by the smaller details, while the slanting form of the outer walls gives the temple an appearance of solidity and isolation. On this account, and especially owing to its simple unbroken lines, the exterior although monotonous and heavy, is still imposing. The chief peculiarity in the construction of these buildings is that they produce the effect of being composed of an agglomeration of separate parts, which resemble on another, but become smaller and smaller towards the rear of the structure.

Back View of the Temple of Philæ

The serious, solemn, and awe-inspiring efect which the general arrangement of the temple produces is…

"Sarinda. A Hindu viol, which has a body made of a single wooden block, elliptical in general contour, flat in front and arched at the back, which is hollowed out to a shell." -Whitney, 1911


"Sarinda. A Hindu viol, which has a body made of a single wooden block, elliptical in general contour,…

In some temples the pillars have, in lieu of capital, the face of a goddess, probably of Isis, with a drooping sacerdotal hood, and supporting a temple on the head. This face is repeated on four sides of the circular shaft.

Capital in the Temple at Denderah

In some temples the pillars have, in lieu of capital, the face of a goddess, probably of Isis, with…

Instead of columns, square piers are not infrequently introduced in the tombs. In structural buildings they only occur in connection with colossal statues; in which case the pier supports the roof, and the statue, while connected with the pier at the back, has its head free, without supporting anything.

Profile of the Colossal Statue on a Pier at the Luxor Temple

Instead of columns, square piers are not infrequently introduced in the tombs. In structural buildings…

Instead of columns, square piers are not infrequently introduced in the tombs. In structural buildings they only occur in connection with colossal statues; in which case the pier supports the roof, and the statue, while connected with the pier at the back, has its head free, without supporting anything.

Front View of the Colossal Statue on a Pier at the Luxor Temple

Instead of columns, square piers are not infrequently introduced in the tombs. In structural buildings…

Four colossal 20 meter statues of the pharaoh with the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt decorate the facade of the temple, which is 35 meters wide and is topped by a frieze with 22 baboons, worshippers of the sun and flank the entrance. The colossal statues were sculptured directly from the rock in which the temple was located before it was moved. All statues represent Ramesses II, seated on a throne and wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. The statue to the left of the entrance was damaged in an earthquake, leaving only the lower part of the statue still intact. The head and torso can still be seen at the statue's feet.

Entrance of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel

Four colossal 20 meter statues of the pharaoh with the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt decorate…

Guilloche, usually spelled without the acute accent on the final e, describes a repetitive architectural pattern widely used in classical Greece and Rome, consisting of two ribbons that wind around a series of regular central points. These central points are often blank, but may contain a figure, such as a rose. Guilloche is a back-formation from guilloché, so called because the architectural motif resembles the designs produced by Guilloche techniques.

Guilloche Ornament Painted on Burnt Clay, from the Ruins of Nineveh

Guilloche, usually spelled without the acute accent on the final e, describes a repetitive architectural…

The Sumerian word lama, which is rendered in Akkadian as lamassu, refers to a beneficient protective female deity. The corresponding male deity was called alad, in Akkadian, šêdu. In art they were depicted as hybrids, as winged bulls or lions with the head of a human male (Centauroid). There are still surviving figures of šêdu in bas-relief and some statues in museums. Notable examples of šêdu/lamassu held by museums include those at the British Museum, Musée du Louvre, National Museum of Iraq, Metropolitan Museum of Art and one extremely large example kept at the Oriental Institute, Chicago. They are generally attributed to the ancient Assyrians.

Winged Bull from Nimrud

The Sumerian word lama, which is rendered in Akkadian as lamassu, refers to a beneficient protective…

In the fragment of a relief from Kuyunjik columns occur which rest on a cushion-shaped base on a lion's back, just as is the case in the doorways of Gothic churches.

Pillar on a Lion's Back

In the fragment of a relief from Kuyunjik columns occur which rest on a cushion-shaped base on a lion's…

The columns in the ruins of Persepolis are circular and slender, and have capitals and bases. The capital generally consists of two half-horses or bulls, whose fore feet overlap the border of the shaft, and which are placed back to back.

Capital and Entablature from the Rock Tomb of Darius

The columns in the ruins of Persepolis are circular and slender, and have capitals and bases. The capital…

The end view of the skull of a chicken three weeks old.

Chicken Skull

The end view of the skull of a chicken three weeks old.

A ripe chick's head, 1.25 inches long.

Chick's Head

A ripe chick's head, 1.25 inches long.

The upper view of the skull of an old fowl.

Fowl Skull

The upper view of the skull of an old fowl.

The skull of an adult fowl.

Fowl Skull

The skull of an adult fowl.

The skull of an adult fowl. Here the temporal fossa is bridged over by the junction of the post-frontal and squamosal processes.

Fowl Skull

The skull of an adult fowl. Here the temporal fossa is bridged over by the junction of the post-frontal…

The skull of a nestling sparrowhawk, palatal view.

Sparrowhawk Skull

The skull of a nestling sparrowhawk, palatal view.

A cicada is an insect of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha, in the superfamily Cicadoidea, with large eyes wide apart on the head and usually transparent, well-veined wings.

Head of Cicada

A cicada is an insect of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha, in the superfamily Cicadoidea,…

"Head-shields of Scinid Lizards. cs, chin-shields; d, disk on lower eylid; e, ear-opening; f, frontal; fn, frontonasal; fp, frontoparietal; i, interparietal; il, lower labials; l, loreals; lb, upper labials; m, mental; n, nasal; nc, nuchals; p, parietals; pf, prefrontal; pn, postnasal; r, rostral; sc, supraciliaries; sn, supranasal; so, supraocular; t, temporal." -Whitney, 1911

Skink Head

"Head-shields of Scinid Lizards. cs, chin-shields; d, disk on lower eylid; e, ear-opening; f, frontal;…

Head of the Companion.

Head of Companion

Head of the Companion.

The Greek Griffin is associated with Antiquity and fire, usually appears on Candelabras and friezes. The Griffin has the body of a Lion and the head and wings of an Eagle.

Greek Griffin

The Greek Griffin is associated with Antiquity and fire, usually appears on Candelabras and friezes.…

The Roman Griffin has the body of a Lion and the head and wings of an Eagle. The Griffin is usually associated with Antiquity and fire, and appears on Candelabras and friezes.

Roman Griffin

The Roman Griffin has the body of a Lion and the head and wings of an Eagle. The Griffin is usually…

The Renaissance Griffin is associated with Antiquity and fire, it appears on Candelabras and friezes. The Griffin has the body of a Lion and the head and wings of an Eagle.

Griffin Renaissance

The Renaissance Griffin is associated with Antiquity and fire, it appears on Candelabras and friezes.…

Assyrian Eagle-Head.

Assyrian Eagle-Head

Assyrian Eagle-Head.

Assyrian Lion-Head.

Assyrian Lion-Head

Assyrian Lion-Head.

This Lion Head is a prospectus of Dr. Schubert's Naturgeschichte.

Lion Head

This Lion Head is a prospectus of Dr. Schubert's Naturgeschichte.

This Lion Head is a painting by Paul Meyerheim.

Lion Head

This Lion Head is a painting by Paul Meyerheim.

The Gargoyle Lion Head was found in Metapontum, Greece.

Gargoyle Lion Head

The Gargoyle Lion Head was found in Metapontum, Greece.

This Gargoyle Lion Head is made out of terracotta and is found in Athens, Greece.

Gargoyle Lion Head

This Gargoyle Lion Head is made out of terracotta and is found in Athens, Greece.

The Gargoyle Lion Head is found in the Parthenon of Athens, Greece.

Gargoyle Lion Head

The Gargoyle Lion Head is found in the Parthenon of Athens, Greece.

This Antique Lion Head shows the front view of the antique head. This Lion's Head is found at the Vatican.

Antique Lion Head

This Antique Lion Head shows the front view of the antique head. This Lion's Head is found at the Vatican.

This Antique Lion Head shows the side view of the antique head. This Lion's Head is found at the Vatican.

Antique Lion Head

This Antique Lion Head shows the side view of the antique head. This Lion's Head is found at the Vatican.

This Modern French Panther head is shown from its front and side view.

Panther Head

This Modern French Panther head is shown from its front and side view.