Solutions for silhouette outlines of Florida birds (seagull, mocking bird, egret, flamingo, turkey vulture,…
A head of the rose comb chicken. The crest on top of the chicken has a distinctive wrinkled feature.
An illustration showing the pea comb chicken. The chicken's breed name comes form the comb, or the crest…
A head of the walnut comb chicken. The breeding of the rose and pea comb chickens results in a walnut…
A head of a single comb chicken. The chicken's comb is smooth and standing on the head. The absence…
An illustration of a Traveller's Palm or Traveller's Tree which is a species of plant from Madagascar.…
An illustration of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France from a bird's-eye view. The Louvre is one of the…
"It was during the siege of Methone that Philip had the misfortune to lose on of his eyes. A random…
Also known as Cyanocitta cristata. These birds have a loud, harsh voice and striking colors. They occasionally…
Originated in the United States. It is one of the oldest American chickens, and is critically endangered…
A pair of brahmas, whose base color is white with black hackles edged in white, with a black tail.
The heraldic charge of the eagle is one of the earliest charges. It holds the same rank that the lion…
"Shows how the bones of the arm (a), forearm (b), and hand (c), are twisted, and form a conical screw."—Pettigrew,…
"Shows the powerful legs, small feet, and rudimentary wings of the bird; the obliquity at which the…
"The Little Penguin, adapted exclusively for swimming and diving. In this quaint bird the wing forms…
"Swan, in the act of swimming, the right foot being fully expanded and about to give the effective stroke,…
"In this foot each toe is provided with its swimming membrane; the membrane being closed when the foot…
"The red-legged partridge with wings fully extended as in rapid flight."—Pettigrew, 1874
"The Grey Heron in full flight. In the heron the wings are deeply concave, and unusually large as compared…
"Right wing of the Kestrel, drawn from the specimen, while being held against the light."—Pettigrew,…
"The Lapwing with one wing fully extended, and forming a long lever; the other being in a flexed condition…
"Shows the upward inclination of the body and the flexed condition of the wings in the flight of the…
"The Pigeon flying downwards and turning prior to alighting. The pigeon expands its tail both in ascending…
"The Red-headed Pochard in the acting of dropping upon water; the head and body being inclined upwards…
A cartoon of a woman walking with her nose up in the air, while she carries a bird in a cage. She is…
A cartoon of a cat sitting in a bird cage, with a sign attached that says "bird-seed and water for ten…
The common name of asplenium nidus is bird's-nest fern. The fronds are undivided and are two to four…
The seven-spotted lady bird is beneficial to gardens because it eats aphides.
Types of capsicums include chili, long red, long yellow, small red cayenne, round red, and round yellow.…
Hummingbird hawk moth is the common name of macroglossa stellatarum. This moth flies very fast. While…
The humming bird hawk moth has long, narrow front wings. The front wings move rapidly causing the moth…
Pedate leaves resemble a bird's foot. The leaves are palmately divided or parted with the lateral divisons…
The common names of Aristolochia grandiflora are pelican flower, goose flower, swan flower, and duck…
The common name of Asplenium nidus is bird's nest fern. The fern has entire margined leaves. The veins…
A food stick is simply a part of a branch with six holes in which the food mixture is place at intervals.
The food house consists of a roof on four corner posts with upper and lower food tables. The lower is…
The food bell is a device for making hemp seed accessible to birds. (a) is the food dish, (b) the tube,…
Pictured are a berlepsch nesting box and a longitudinal section of the nesting box.
The hole of the nesting box should be well near the top with no perch near. The roof should slope from…
The bluebird eats caterpillars, cutworms, grasshoppers, and wild fruit, especially berries.
The field sparrow is smaller than the song sparrow and is very shy. It likes to eat spiders, ants, and…
The digestive system of a fowl. 1 is the tongue, 3 is the crop, 6 is the gizzard, 10 is the small intestine,…