"Martin Luther was born at Eisleben in 1483. He was the son of a poor miner, had entered the Augustinian…
"Anatomy of the external skeleton of an insect" — Goodrich, 1859
"The structure of the mouth in insects exhibits very remarkable modifications, and these are of the…
"a, head, antennae, &c; b, pharynx; c, crop; d, gizzard; e, chyle-forming stomach; f, biliary vessels;…
"The bombadier beetle has a large oval abdomen, which secretes a caustic fluid. They live in societies,…
"The most remarkable species is the Death's Head Moth, Acherontia Atropos, a large kind,…
"The Brain is the encephalon, or center of the nervous system and the seat of consciousness and volition…
"Collie is a breed of the dog of obscure origin, which is highly valued. Many anecdotes are told of…
"Frog Hoppers are ranked under the homopterous sub-order of insects. The name of frog hopper refers…
"Frog Hoppers are ranked under the homopterous sub-order of insects. The name of frog hopper refers…
"Frog Hoppers are ranked under the homopterous sub-order of insects. The name of frog hopper refers…
"The Gorilla is a celebrated anthropoid ape, generally belived to come nearer than any known one to…
"Tomato, or Love Apple, is a plant of the natural order Solanaceæ. It is one of a genus of several…
"Tomato, or Love Apple, is a plant of the natural order Solanaceæ. It is one of a genus of several…
"Tomato, or Love Apple, is a plant of the natural order Solanaceæ. It is one of a genus of several…
"In a general what we may describe a cell as a tiny mass of jelly in which floats another still smaller…
"A, columnar cells found lining various parts of the intestines (called columnar epthelium);…
"A, columnar cells of intestine; B, polyhedral cells of the conjuctiva; C, ciliated conical cells of…
"One of the simplest of the tissues in the body is called the epithelium, and its cells are…
"The connective tissue with white fibers sometimes forms a very thin sheet, as in the delicate covering…
"Along with white fibrous tissue, the yellow fibrous tissue... makes the coats of the arteries, and…
"Consisting of a very fine network of fibrils, around which are cells of various sizes." — Blaisedell,…
"Showing (1) cartilage with martrix and cells; (2) cartilage with matrix containing cells and white…
"There are in all two hundred and six seperate bones in the adult skelton. The teeth are not bones,…
"Little openings (Haversian canals) are seen, and around them are arranged rings of bone with little…
"A, frontal bone; B, parietal bone; C, temporal bone; D, sphenoid bone; E, malar bone; F, upper jawbone;…
"A, Palate process of upper jawbone; B, zygoma, forming zygomatic arch; C, condyle, for forming articulation…
"The spine or backbone, serves as a support for the whole body. It is made up of a number of…
"The ribs are long, flat, and curved bones which bend round the chest somewhat like the hoops…
"The shoulder-blade is a large, flat, three-sided bone, which is placed on the upper and back…
"The humerus, a long, hollow bone, rests against a shallow socket on the shoulder blade. It…
"The ulna, or elbow bone, is the larger of these two bones. It is joined to the humerus by…
"The leg consists, like the forearm, of two bones. The larger, a strong, three-sided bone with…
"The foot is built in the form of a half-dome or half-arch. This is to afford a broad, strong support…
"Showing how the Ends of the Bones are shaped to form the Elbow Joint. The cut ends of a few ligaments…
"The bones are fastened together, kept in place, and their movements limited, by tough and strong bands,…
"The bones are fastened together, kept in place, and their movements limited, by tough and strong bands,…
"When a bone is broken, blood trickles out between the injured parts, and afterwards gives place to…
"When a bone is broken, blood trickles out between the incjured parts, and afterwards gives place to…
"When a bone is broken, blood trickles out between the injured parts, and afterwards gives place to…
"Showing how the Bones of the Skull may be artificially deformed by "head-binding." From the photograph…
"A Portion of a Striped Muscular Fiber. Highly magnified. A, fiber separating into disks; B, fibrillae;…
"A Portion of Striped Muscular Fiber, showing Stripes and Nuclei. Highly magnified." — Blaisedell,…
"The involuntary muscles consist of ribbon-shaped bands which surround hollow tubes or cavities…
"A single muscle rarely or never contracts alone, but always in harmony with a number of other muscles.…
"Tendons are white, glistening cords, or straps, which connect the muscles with the bones." —…
"Some of the Larger Muscles on the Back of the Shoulder and the Arm." — Blaisedell, 1904
"Some of the Larger Muscles on the back of the Thigh. Powerful tendons at the hip and on the back of…
"The head is represented as having been thrown back, and the tongue drawn forward. A, B…
"The principal muscles are seen on the left, and superficial veins on the right." — Blaisedell, 1904
"Showing the Relations of the Stomach, Liver, Intestines, Spleen, and other Organs of the Abdomen. Aduodenum;…