A boiler or steam generator is a device used to create steam by applying heat energy to water. Although…
Water heating is a thermodynamic process using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature.…
This coffee pot contains a bottom chamber which contains water. When this is heated, pressure from the…
This design with natural induction used for marine purposes was the popular “Scotch” marine boiler,…
Pressure cooking is a method of cooking in a sealed vessel that does not permit air or liquids to escape…
"The illustration gives conventions for a number of different materials. Those in the first line are…
A traction engine is a self propelled steam engine used to move heavy loads on roads, plough ground…
This centrifugal creamer is a machine used to separate cream through a steam power source which helps…
A slow cooker consists of a lidded round or oval cooking pot made of glazed ceramic or porcelain, surrounded…
A food steamer or steam cooker is a kitchen appliance used to prepare various foods in a sealed vessel…
A 1912 British navy battleship Iron Duke class. Battleships in this class is operated by steam and have…
The Queen Elizabeth class of 1912 powered by steam. The battle ship have two chimney stacks to burn…
British Royal Navy's D class Torpedo Boat Destroyers (TBDs) launched in 1918. The ship had 12 guns,…
British Royal Navy battleship, H.M.S. Erebus. The ship was completed in 1870, at Napier shipyard as…
A U.S. Navy Omaha class battlecruiser launched in 1920. The top speed of the cruiser is 35 knots (40…
Water heating is a thermodynamic process using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature.…
Two vessels from the Thomas Savery first steam engine. The right tank fills up with water while the…
"A modification of Savery's engine, the pulsometer, is still quite common. It is used in places where…
An illustration of Newcomen atmospheric steam engine. The boiler heats the water to build up steam in…
The illustration showing Watt's final steam engine design. The engine is fitted with series of rods…
A low power steam engine. The piston inside cylinder A moves the wheel, generating power at 100 horsepower…
A low power simple expansion steam engine. The steam engine can run at 100 horsepower, and not run continuously.…
Illustration of a cross compound steam engine. The engine is designed to hold pressure until the engine's…
A piston diagram from a triple expansion steam engine. The three cylinders are designed at high, medium,…
A power pump steam engine without shaft. The engine turns the wheel with the reciprocal motion of the…
"The direct—acting steam pump has the steam piston at one end of a rod and the water position…
An illustration of the water entering and exiting the condenser through pump. The cooling water enters…
A sliced view of a jet condenser with pump. The steam enters at D, while cold water enters at A. The…
An illustration showing the application of a jet condenser to pump a well. The steam enters the engine…
A plan of direct acting hoisting machine for mining industry. The machine is operated by compound Corliss…
A diagram illustrating cooling steam exhaust of steam engine using a water tower. The water is pumped…
The side view of 1802 Trevithick's Steam Carriage. This horseless carriage is operated by a steam engine…
A mechanical plan of 1802 Trevithick's Steam Carriage. The piston, operated by steam, is connected to…
A eight cylinder Bentley superheated steam engine fitted to a tractor. The steam is used to move the…
"In this engine the cam—shaft by which the steam and exhaust valves are operated is situated midway…
Illustration showing a twin cylinder steam engine fitted to a sentinel wagon. The steam expands and…
A side and inside view of the superheated steam vehicle. Water is heated by a heat transferred by the…
A tractor compound steam engine with outside suspension spring. The spring suspension helps stabilize…
A steam operated wagon with two speed gear. The gears are located at the intermediate shaft, moving…
"The transmission on the first type of vehicle is by means of gearing throughout, and is completely…
An illustration of a steam wagon with a transmission with two side chains. The boiler is located on…
A steam wagon with single chain, connecting the back wheels to the differential gear. The engine is…
A Yorkshire steam wagon patent with unique boiler construction. The wagon operates with the drive chain…
A Yorkshire steam wagon transverse boiler. Water is continuously enters the large cylindrical container.…
A superheated steam tractor built by Colonel Crompton. The boiler, located in the front, heats the water,…
A spindle governor where both balls are connected to the base. The governor is used to regulate the…
"This type of governor is used frequently on throttling engines; it consists of a pendulum governor…
An exterior view of a waters spring governor. The governor is used to regulate fuel by closing and opening…
"In this goveror the weights are always in the same plane, the variation in height being due to the…
"A wheel which contains and supports the various parts of the governor is keyed to the shaft. Two arms,…
A straight line engine governor illustrating the direction of the ball (B) is going. The single ball…
An apparatus used to oil the crank pin of the belt drive system. The oil cup is filled with lubricant…
An illustration of a rotary steam engine. The steam turbine system was invented by Branca in 1629. Steam…
A De Laval steam turbine. The turbine is operated by supplying steam into the four nozzles. The steam…
A De Laval steam turbine connected to a generator. The turbine generates electricity by turning the…
A cross sectional view of the Pearsons turbine for generating electricity. The turbines, located in…
A piston system from a quadruple expansion engine showing the movement of steam. Steam first enters…
"The cylinder covers are also made hollow to permit a circulation of live steam. A cylinder having the…
A Watt's work diagram, or indicator diagram, for steam pressure in cylinder. The graph (top) illustrates…
"The indicator consists of a cylinder in which a piston is fitted, a spring, multiplying lever, and…