An illustration of a young boy wearing a head covering and holding a blow dart gun.

Young Boy with Blow Dart Gun

An illustration of a young boy wearing a head covering and holding a blow dart gun.

An illustration of a girl sitting in a chair resting against the back with a doll laying at her feet.

Girl Resting on Back of Chair

An illustration of a girl sitting in a chair resting against the back with a doll laying at her feet.

An illustration of a king and queen sitting the head of a large table surrounded by people.

King & Queen Sitting at Table

An illustration of a king and queen sitting the head of a large table surrounded by people.

"The magneto gives an electric spark, which explodes the gasoline in the cylinders. The water pump keeps water flowing around the cylinders to prevent them from getting too hot. This water comes back to the pump through the radiator at the front of the car. Wind blows through the radiator and cools off the water. The tire pump on up-to-date cars is run by the engine. It does not pump except when the gears, which are shown in the picture, are pulled together." -Bodmer, 1917

Building an Automobile, Step 10: Magneto

"The magneto gives an electric spark, which explodes the gasoline in the cylinders. The water pump keeps…

"Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb peculiarly modified so as to serve for flight, and constituting the order Cheiroptera." -Vaughan, 1906

Bat Head

"Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb peculiarly modified so as…

The head of the chin leafed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb peculiarly modified so as to serve for flight, and constituting the order Cheiroptera." -Vaughan, 1906

Chin Leafed Bat Head

The head of the chin leafed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb…

The head of the flower-nosed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb peculiarly modified so as to serve for flight, and constituting the order Cheiroptera." -Vaughan, 1906

Flower-Nosed Bat Head

The head of the flower-nosed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the…

The head of the Hammer-Headed Bat (Hypsignathus monstrosus). Also known as the big-lipped bat, it is in the Pteropodidae family of megabats.

Hammer-Headed Bat Head

The head of the Hammer-Headed Bat (Hypsignathus monstrosus). Also known as the big-lipped bat, it is…

"Batering-ram, an engine for battering down the walls of besieged places. The ancients employed two different engines of this kind-- one suspended in a frame, the other movable on wheels or rollers. They consisted of a beam or spar with a massive metal head, and were in motion either by a direct application of manual force or by means of cords or pulleys." -Vaughan, 1906

Battering Ram

"Batering-ram, an engine for battering down the walls of besieged places. The ancients employed two…

An illustration of a frog sitting on the bank of a pond and scratching his head.

Frog Sitting on Bank and Scratching Head

An illustration of a frog sitting on the bank of a pond and scratching his head.

An illustration of a giraffe eating leaves with a monkey sitting on the giraffe's head.

Giraffe Eating Leaves with a Monkey Sitting on Leaves

An illustration of a giraffe eating leaves with a monkey sitting on the giraffe's head.

An illustration of a 13th century mace. A mace is a simple weapon or ceremonial club or virge that uses a heavy head on the end of a handle to deliver powerful blows. A development of the club, a mace differs from a hammer in that the head of a mace is radially symmetric so that a blow can be delivered equally effectively with any side of the head. A mace consists of a strong, heavy wooden, metal-reinforced, or metal shaft, with a head made of stone, copper, bronze, iron or steel.

13th Century Mace

An illustration of a 13th century mace. A mace is a simple weapon or ceremonial club or virge that uses…

The guillotine was a device used for carrying out executions by decapitation. It consists of a tall upright frame from which a blade is suspended. This blade is raised with a rope and then allowed to drop, severing the victim's head from his or her body.


The guillotine was a device used for carrying out executions by decapitation. It consists of a tall…

he Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata), or just Mandarin, is a medium-sized perching duck, closely related to the North American Wood Duck. It is 41-49 cm long with a 65-75 cm wingspan. The adult male is a striking and unmistakable bird. It has a red bill, large white crescent above the eye and reddish face and "whiskers". The breast is purple with two vertical white bars, and the flanks ruddy, with two orange "sails" at the back. The female is similar to female Wood Duck, with a white eye-ring and stripe running back from the eye, but is paler below, has a small white flank stripe, and a pale tip to its bill

Mandarin Duck

he Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata), or just Mandarin, is a medium-sized perching duck, closely related…

The Common Kusimanse (Crossarchus obscurus), also known as the Long-nosed Kusimanse, is a small, diurnal kusimanse or dwarf mongoose. The Common Kusimanse has a vaguely weasel-shaped body with dark brown fur that is thick, with a wiry texture down the back, and fine and soft on the underside. It has short legs, a short, relatively stiff tail, long claws, small ears, small, dark colored eyes, and an elongated nose.

Common Kusimanse

The Common Kusimanse (Crossarchus obscurus), also known as the Long-nosed Kusimanse, is a small, diurnal…

A Manrope knot is a decorative kind of rope button. The original use of a manrope knot was to put at the end of the ropes on either side of a gangway leading onto a ship. This knot is often confused with a Turks head knot, as both knots have a basket weave pattern.

Manrope Knot

A Manrope knot is a decorative kind of rope button. The original use of a manrope knot was to put at…

The Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) is a small North American songbird of the wren family. It is sometimes called Long-billed Marsh Wren to distinguish it from the Sedge Wren, also known as Short-billed Marsh Wren. Adults have brown upperparts with a light brown belly and flanks and a white throat and breast. The back is black with white stripes. They have a dark cap with a white line over the eyes and a short thin bill.

Marsh Wren

The Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) is a small North American songbird of the wren family. It is…

"Longitudinal Section through a Fresh-water Mussel. a, edge of mantle; b, foot, with position of ganglion indicated; c, gills; d, mouth; e, tentacles or palps; f, posterior adductor muscle; g, anterior adductor; h, head-ganglion; i, ventricle of heart; j, auricle of heart; k, rectum; l, kidney; m, exhalent aperture; n, inhalent aperture." -Vaughan, 1906

Mussel Anatomy

"Longitudinal Section through a Fresh-water Mussel. a, edge of mantle; b, foot, with position of ganglion…

"Bridle and Bit, that part of a horse's harness which is attached to the head and mouth, by means of which he is governed and restrained." -Vaughan, 1906

Horse Bridle and Bit

"Bridle and Bit, that part of a horse's harness which is attached to the head and mouth, by means of…

The House Martin (Delichon urbicum), sometimes called the Northern House Martin or Common House Martin, is a migratory passerine bird of the swallow family which breeds in Europe, north Africa and temperate Asia; and winters in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia. It feeds on insects which are caught in flight, and it migrates to climates where flying insects are plentiful. It has a blue head and upperparts, white rump and pure white underparts, and is found in both open country and near human habitation.

House Martin

The House Martin (Delichon urbicum), sometimes called the Northern House Martin or Common House Martin,…

A (Motacilla alba) or White Wagtail (upper) and a (Motacilla flava) Yellow Wagtail (lower) sitting on the rocks in a grassy area. "The White Wagtail - Head black, with a broad mask of white across forehead and along side; the black extending on the fore-breast; wings blackish, with much white edging and tipping of the quills and greater coverts; tail black, the two lateral feathers on each side mostly white; back and sides ashy; lower parts mostly white; bill and feet black. In winter black more restricted, in part replaced by gray. The Yellow Wagtail has characters of the Motacilla alba; tail shorter, not exceeding the wing length; hind claw lengthened and straightish; hind toe and claw nearly as long as the tarsus. Coloration chiefly yellow and greenish." Elliot Coues, 1884

A White and Yellow Wagtail Sitting on the Rocks

A (Motacilla alba) or White Wagtail (upper) and a (Motacilla flava) Yellow Wagtail (lower) sitting on…

"The Yellow Wagtail or Motilla flava has characters of the Motacilla alva; tail shorter, not exceeding the wing length; hind claw lengthened and straightish; hind toe and claw nearly as long as the tarsus. Coloration chiefly yellow and greenish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Yellow Wagtail Head and Foot

"The Yellow Wagtail or Motilla flava has characters of the Motacilla alva; tail shorter, not exceeding…

"Meadow Pipit or Anthus pratensis. Upper parts greenish-brown distinctly marked with blackish-brown centres of the feathers; wing-quills and coverts clove-brown, edged with greenish-gray. Tail-feathers dark brown, edged with the greenish shade of the back, the outer one obliquely white for nearly half its length, and others with white at the end. Cheeks olivaceous, speckled with dusky. Under parts brownish-white with a tinge of green, marked on the breast and sides with brownish-black streaks running forward as a maxillary chain; chin, belly, and under tail-coverts unmarked. Bill dusky above and at end, the rest livid flesh-color; feet obscure flesh-color; iris blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Meadow Pipit

"Meadow Pipit or Anthus pratensis. Upper parts greenish-brown distinctly marked with blackish-brown…

"Black Throated Green Warbler or Dendroica virens. Back and crown clear yellow-olive; forehead, superciliary line, and whole sides of head rich yellow (in high plumage, middle of back with dusky marks, and dusky or dark olive lines through eyes and auriculars, and even bordering the crown); chin, throat, and breast jet black, prolonged behind as streaks on the sides; other under parts white; usually yellow-tinged; wings and tail dusky, former with two white bars and much whitish edging, latter with outer feathers nearly all white; bill and feet blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black Throated Green Warbler

"Black Throated Green Warbler or Dendroica virens. Back and crown clear yellow-olive; forehead, superciliary…

"Worm-Eating Warbler or Helmitheros vermivorus. Olive, below buffy, paler or whitish on the belly; head buff, with four black stripes, two along sides of crown from bill to nape, one along each side of head through the eye; wings and tail olivaceous, unmarked; bill and feet pale, bill acute, unbristled, unnotched, at least 0.50." Elliot Coues, 1884

Worm-Eating Warbler

"Worm-Eating Warbler or Helmitheros vermivorus. Olive, below buffy, paler or whitish on the belly; head…

"Blue Golden-Winged Warbler or Helminthophila chrysoptera. Upper parts slaty-blue, or or fine bluish-gray; crown, and large wing-patch formed by confluent wing-bars, rich yellow; a broad stripe on side of head and patch on chin, throat and fore-breast, black, the eye-stripe bordered above and below with white; under parts generally, excepting the black breast-plate, white, often tinted with yellowish, and shaded on the sides with ashy. Exposed surfaces of wings and tail like upper parts; great white blotches on three lateral tail-feathers; bill black; feet dark." Elliot Coues, 1884

Blue Golden-Winged Warbler

"Blue Golden-Winged Warbler or Helminthophila chrysoptera. Upper parts slaty-blue, or or fine bluish-gray;…

"Black-throated Gray Warbler or Dendroica nigrescens. Above, bluish-ash, the interscapular region, and usually also the upper-tail coverts, streaked with black. Entire head, with chin and throat, black; a sharply defined yellow spot before the eye, a broad white stripe behind the eye, and a long white maxillary stripe widening behind from the corner of the bill of the side of the neck. Wings fuscous, with much whitish edging, and crossed with two broad white bars on the ends of the greater and median coverts. Tail like the wings, the three lateral feathers mostly white, except on the outer webs, the fourth with a white blotch. Bill and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-throated Gray Warbler

"Black-throated Gray Warbler or Dendroica nigrescens. Above, bluish-ash, the interscapular region, and…

"Yellow-rumped Warbler or Dendroica coronata. Yellow-crowned Warbler. Myrtle Bird. Slaty-blue, streaked with black; below, white, breast and sides mostly black, belly, and especially throat, pure white, immaculate; rump, central crown-patch, an sides of breast, sharply yellow, there being thus four definite yellow places; sides of head black; eyelids and superciliary line white; ordinary white wing-bars and tail-blotches; bill and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Yellow-rumped Warbler

"Yellow-rumped Warbler or Dendroica coronata. Yellow-crowned Warbler. Myrtle Bird. Slaty-blue, streaked…

"Black-poll Warbler or Dendroica striata. Back, rump, tail-coverts grayish-olive, heavily streaked with black; whole crown pure glossy black. Below, pure white; a double series of black streaks starts from the extreme chin, and diverges to pass one on each side to the tail, the streaks being confluent anteriorly, discrete posteriorly. Side of the head above the chain of streaks pure white, including lower eyelid. Wings dusky, the primaries with much greenish edging, the inner secondaries with whitish edging, the greater median coverts tipped with white, forming two crossbars. Tail like the wings, with rather small white spots at the ends of the inner webs of two or three outer feathers. Upper mandible brownish-black; lower mandible with the feet flesh-colored or yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black -poll Warbler

"Black-poll Warbler or Dendroica striata. Back, rump, tail-coverts grayish-olive, heavily streaked with…

"Chestnut-sided Warbler, Dendroica pensylvanica. Back streaked with black and pale yellow (sometimes ashy or whitish); whole crown pure yellow, immediately bordered with white, then enclosed with black; sides of head and neck and whole under parts pure white, former with an irregular black crescent before the eye, one horn extending backward over the eye to border the yellow crown and be dissipated on the sides of the nape, the other reaching downward and backward to connect with a chain of pure chestnut streaks that run the whole length of the body, the under eyelid and auriculars being left white; wing-bands generally fused into one large patch, and, like the edging of the inner secondaries, much tinged with yellow; tail-spots white, as usual; bill blackish, feet brownish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Chestnut-sided Warbler

"Chestnut-sided Warbler, Dendroica pensylvanica. Back streaked with black and pale yellow (sometimes…

"Black -and-Yellow Warbler. Magnolia Warbler. Back black, usually quite pure and uninterrupted in the spring, more or less mixed with olive in the winter; rump yellow; upper tail-coverts black , often skirted with olive and ashy. Whole crown of head clear ash; sides of head black, including a very narrow frontlet; the eyelids and a stripe behind the eye, between the ash and black, white. Entire under parts rich yellow, excepting the white crissum, heavily streaked with black across the breast and along the sides, the streaks on the breast so thick as to form a nearly continuous black border to the immaculate yellow throat. Wings fuscous, with lining, white edging of the inner webs of all the quills, of the outer webs of the inner secondaries, and with a large white patch formed by the tips of the median coverts and tips of the median coverts and tips and outer edges of the coverts. Tail blackish, with square white spots on the middle of the inner webs of al the feathers excepting the middle pair. Bill blackish; feet dark."

Magnolia Warbler

"Black -and-Yellow Warbler. Magnolia Warbler. Back black, usually quite pure and uninterrupted in the…

"Golden-crowned Wagtail Warbler. Golden-crowned Accentor. Golden-crowned Thrush. Oven-bird. Seiurus aurocapillus. Entire upper parts, including the wings and tail, uniform bright olive-green, without markings. Top of head with black lateral stripes, bounding a golden-brown or dull orange space. A white ring round eye; no white superciliary stripe. Under parts white, thickly spotted with dusky on the breast, the spots lengthening into streaks on the sides; a narrow black maxillary line; under wing-coverts tinged with yellow. Legs flesh-colored." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Golden-crowned Wagtail Warbler. Golden-crowned Accentor. Golden-crowned Thrush. Oven-bird. Seiurus…

"Geothlypis trichas. Common Yellowthroat. Yellow-throated Ground Warbler. Maryland Yellow-throat. Upper parts rich olive, inclining to grayish on the head, brightest on the rump. Wings and tail brown, edged with the color of the back. Chin, throat, and breast, with under wing- and tail-coverts, rich yellow. middle under parts dull whitish, shaded on the sides. A broad mask on the front and sides of the head, bordered behind by hoary-ash. Bill black; feet flesh-colored." Elliot Coues, 1884

Common Yellowthroat

"Geothlypis trichas. Common Yellowthroat. Yellow-throated Ground Warbler. Maryland Yellow-throat. Upper…

"Myiodioctes mitratus. Hooded Fly-catching Warbler. Hooded Warbler. Clear yellow-olive above; below, rich yellow, shaded with olive along the sides; whole head and neck pure black, enclosing a broad golden mask across forehead and through eyes; wings unmarked, glossed with olive; tail with large white blotches on the two or three outer pairs of feathers, as in Dendroica; bill black; feet flesh-colored." Elliot Coues, 1884

Hooded Warbler

"Myiodioctes mitratus. Hooded Fly-catching Warbler. Hooded Warbler. Clear yellow-olive above; below,…

"Myiodioctes pussies. Blacked-capped Fly-catching Warbler. Upper parts, including exposed edging of the wings and tail, bright yellowish-olive; under parts, including front and sides of the head and superciliary line, rich yellow, shaded with olive on the sides. A squarish, glossy blue-black patch on the crown. Wings and tail plain fuscous, with greenish edging, unmarked with with other color. Upper mandible dark; under mandible and feet light." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-capped Fly-catching Warbler

"Myiodioctes pussies. Blacked-capped Fly-catching Warbler. Upper parts, including exposed edging of…

"Fig 181 - Generic details of Hirundo horreorum(Barn Swallow)Deep lustrous steel-blue; forehead and entire under parts rufous, generally deepest on the forehead and throat; an imperfect steel-blue collar. Wings and tail blackish, with steel-blue or somewhat greenish gloss; the lateral pair of tail-feathers much lengthened and filiform at the end, all but central pair with white spot." Elliot Coues, 1884

Barn Swallow Details

"Fig 181 - Generic details of Hirundo horreorum(Barn Swallow) Deep lustrous steel-blue; forehead and…

The whitewash head is used to calcimine ceilings or walls.

Whitewash Head

The whitewash head is used to calcimine ceilings or walls.

The paper hanger's smoothing brush is made from one to four rows of stiff bristles, wire drawn, and sized according to the length of the head. It is used to smooth out wallpaper on to the wall.

Paper hanger's smoothing Brush

The paper hanger's smoothing brush is made from one to four rows of stiff bristles, wire drawn, and…

The fantail over-grainer brush is sized according to the width of the head from 1 inch up to 4 inches wide.

Fantail Over-grainer Brush

The fantail over-grainer brush is sized according to the width of the head from 1 inch up to 4 inches…

"Right pectoral arch of a bird. s, scapula; c, coracoid; gl, glenoid, the cavity for head of humerus; cl, clavicle; hc, hypecleidium. In situ, the right end of the figure should tilt up a little.The pectoral arch is that bony structure by which the wings are borne upon the axial skeleton. It is to the fore limb what the pelvic arch is to the hind limb; but is disconnected from the back-bone and united with the breastbone, whereas the reverse arrangement obtains in the pelvic, which is fused with the sacral region of the spine. Each pectoral arch of birds consists (chiefly) of three bones: the scapula and coracoid, forming the shoulder-girdle proper, or scapular arch; and the accessory clavicles, or right and left half of the clavicular arch." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Right Pectoral Arch of a Bird

"Right pectoral arch of a bird. s, scapula; c, coracoid; gl, glenoid, the cavity for head of humerus;…

"Cliff Swallow. Eaves Swallow. Crescent Swallow. Mud Swallow. back and top of head, with a spot on the throat, deep lustrous steel-blue, that of the crown and back separated by a grayish nuchal collar. Frontlet white or brownish-white. Shorter upper tail-coverts rufous. Chin, throat, and sides of head intense rufous, sometimes purplish-chestnut, prolonged around the side of the nape. Under parts dull grayish-brown, , with usually a rufous tinge (rusty-gray), dusky shaft-lines, whitening on the belly, the under tail-coverts gray, whitish-edged and tinged with rufous. Wings and tail blackish, with slight gloss. Bill black; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Cliff Swallow

"Cliff Swallow. Eaves Swallow. Crescent Swallow. Mud Swallow. back and top of head, with a spot on the…

"Cotile riparia. Bank Swallow. lustreless mouse-brown; wings and tail fuscous. Below, white, with a broad pectoral band of the color of the back. A dusky ante-orbital spot." Elliot Coues, 1884

Bank Swallow

"Cotile riparia. Bank Swallow. lustreless mouse-brown; wings and tail fuscous. Below, white, with a…

"Ampelis garrulus. Bohemian Waxwing. General color brownish-ash, shading insensibly from the clear ash of the tail and its upper coverts and rump into a reddish-tinged ash anteriorly, this peculiar tint heightening on the head, especially on the forehead and sides of the head, into orange-brown. A narrow frontal line, and bordered with white. No yellowish on belly. Under tail-coverts orange-brown, or chestnut. Tail ash, deepening to blackish-ash toward the end broadly tipped with rich yellow. Wings ashy-blackish; primaries tipped (chiefly on the outer webs) with sharp spaces of yellow, or white, or both; secondaries with white spaces at the ends of the outer webs, the shafts usually ending with enlarged, horny, red appendages. Primary coverts tipped with white. Bill blackish-plumbeous, often paler at the base below; feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Bohemian Waxwing

"Ampelis garrulus. Bohemian Waxwing. General color brownish-ash, shading insensibly from the clear ash…

"Ampelis cedrorum. Cedar Waxwing. Carolina Waxwing. Cedar-bird. Cherry Bird. General color shading from clear pure ash on the upper tail-coverts and rump through olivaceous-cinnamon into a richer and somewhat purplish-cinnamon on the foreparts and head. On the under parts, the color shades through yellowish on the belly into white on the under tail-coverts. There is no demarcation of color whatever, and the tints are scarcely susceptible of adequate description. Frontlet, lores, and stripe through the eye, velvety-black; chin the same, soon shading into the color of the breast. A sharp white line on the side of the under jaw; a narrower one bordering the black frontlet and lores; lower eyelid white. quills of the wings slate-gray, blackening at the ends, paler along the edges of the inner webs; without white or yellow markings, as a rule; inner quills tipped with red horny appendages. Tail-feathers like the primaries, but tipped with yellow, and sometimes also showing red horny appendages. Bill plumbeous-black, sometimes paler at base; feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Cedar Waxwing

"Ampelis cedrorum. Cedar Waxwing. Carolina Waxwing. Cedar-bird. Cherry Bird. General color shading from…

"Lanius borealis. Great Northern Shrike. Butcher-bird. Great Grey Shrike. Above, clear bluish-ash, blanching on rump and scapulars; below, white, always vermiculated transversely with fine wavy blackish lines; a broad black bar along side of head, not meeting its fellow across forehead, interrupted by a white crescent on under eyelid, and bordered above by hoary white that also occupies the extreme forehead; wings and tail black, the former with a large white spot near base of the primaries, and white tips of most of the quills, the latter with the outer web of the outer feather edged, and all the feathers excepting the middle pair broadly tipped, with white, and with concealed white bases; bill and feet bluish-black; eyes blackish. Elliot Coues, 1884


"Lanius borealis. Great Northern Shrike. Butcher-bird. Great Grey Shrike. Above, clear bluish-ash, blanching…

"Lanius borealis. Great Northern Shrike. Butcher-bird. Great Grey Shrike. Above, clear bluish-ash, blanching on rump and scapulars; below, white, always vermiculated transversely with fine wavy blackish lines; a broad black bar along side of head, not meeting its fellow across forehead, interrupted by a white crescent on under eyelid, and bordered above by hoary white that also occupies the extreme forehead; wings and tail black, the former with a large white spot near base of the primaries, and white tips of most of the quills, the latter with the outer web of the outer feather edged, and all the feathers excepting the middle pair broadly tipped, with white, and with concealed white bases; bill and feet bluish-black; eyes blackish. Elliot Coues, 1884

Butcher-bird Head

"Lanius borealis. Great Northern Shrike. Butcher-bird. Great Grey Shrike. Above, clear bluish-ash, blanching…

"Pinicola enucleator. Pine Grosbeak. Light carmine or rosy-red, feathers of back with dusky centres; lower belly and under tail-coverts gray, and, in general, the red continuous only in highly plumaged specimens. Nasal tufts and lores blackish. Wings blackish; primaries with narrow white or rosy edging, inner secondaries more broadly edged with white, ends of greater and middle coverts white or rosy, forming conspicuous wing-bars. Tail like wings, with narrow edgings like those of primaries. Bill blackish, with or without paler base below; feet blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Pine Grosbeak

"Pinicola enucleator. Pine Grosbeak. Light carmine or rosy-red, feathers of back with dusky centres;…

"Exotic Sparrow's - lowest pair - Passer domesticus (The Sparrow. Philip Sparrow. House Sparrow.) above pair - Passer montanus (Mountain Sparrow). House Sparrow - upper parts ashy-gray; middle of back and scapulars boldly streaked with black and bay. A dark chestnut; median tipped with white, forming a conspicuous wing-bar, bordering which is a black line. Greater coverts and inner quills with central black field bordered with bay. Tail dusky-gray, unmarked. Lower parts ashy, gray or whitish; chin and throat jet black, spreading on the breast and lores, bordered on side of neck with white. Bill blue-black; feet brown. Mountain Sparrow - Somewhat like the last, but smaller and otherwise different. Crown and nape a peculiar purplish-brown. Lores, chin, and throat-patch narrow and short, not spreading on breast, contrasted with ashy-white on side of head and neck; ear-coverts blackish. Back and scapulars streaked with black and bay, the streaking reaching to the purplish nape; rump and tail plain grayish-brown. Wings marked much as in P. domesticus, with a black and white bar across tips of median coverts, but also a narrow white bar across tips of greater coverts. Primaries more varied with ochrey-brown on outer webs, forming a basal spot and other edging. Below, ashy-gray, shaded on sides, flanks, and crissum with grayish-brown. Bill blue-black; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Exotic Sparrow's

"Exotic Sparrow's - lowest pair - Passer domesticus (The Sparrow. Philip Sparrow. House Sparrow.) above…

"Carpodacus purpureus. Purple Finch (better Crimson Finch). Rose-red, paler below, insensibly whitening on belly and crissum, brightest anteriorly, intensified to crimson on crown, darker and more brownish-red on back, where also streaked with brown. Wings and tail dusky, the quills edged and coverts tipped with browninsh-red. Lores and feathers about base of bill hoary-whitish. Bill and feet brown, the under mandible rather paler." Elliot Coues, 1884

Purple Finch

"Carpodacus purpureus. Purple Finch (better Crimson Finch). Rose-red, paler below, insensibly whitening…

"Loxia leucoptera. White-winged Crossbill. Rosy-red, sometimes carmined or even crimsoned, obscured on middle of back, paling on lower belly and crissum, latter whitish with dusky centres of the feathers. Scapulars black, this color sometimes meeting across lower back. Wing- and tail-feathers black, with white, forming two cross-bars, sometimes confluent in one large patch. Rather larger than the next, the bill thinner and more attenuate." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-winged Crossbill

"Loxia leucoptera. White-winged Crossbill. Rosy-red, sometimes carmined or even crimsoned, obscured…

"Loxai curvirostra. American Red Crossbill. Red; wings and tail blackish, without white markings. Middle of back darker, more brownish-red than elsewhere, the feathers with dusky centres. In the highest feather, even, the red is scarcely continuous except on head and rump, where brightest; lower belly and crissum usually gray or pale. Though the shade of red is never rosy or carmine as in the last, it varies interminably. It is usually tilered or cinnabar, heightening in some cases to vermilion, in others shading to brownish-red, and often mixed not only with gray, but with olivaceous or saffron-yellowish tints. Orange, chrome or gamboge are sometimes seen." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Red Crossbill

"Loxai curvirostra. American Red Crossbill. Red; wings and tail blackish, without white markings. Middle…

"Leucosticte tephrocotis. Swainson's Rosy Finch. Gray-crowned Rosy Finch. Sexes similar. Adult in breeding plumage or nearly so: Bill and feet black. Nasal plumules white. Frontlet black; rest of pileum hoary-ash, not descending below level of eyes and upper border of auriculars (for when the ash invades the sides of head to any extent, the bird takes the first step toward litoralis, in which the head is extensively hooded in ash). General color, sides of head included, chocolate or liver-brown of varying intensity, many feathers skirted with gray or whitish, especially the interscapulars, which also have dusky centres, and inclining to blackish on chin and throat. Hinder parts of the body above and below, including tail-coverts, rich rosy or carmine red, this color due to broad edgings of the dusky feathers of these parts. Wings and tail blackish, the wing-coverts and primaries edged with rosy, showing nearly continuous in the closed wing; edgings of inner secondaries rosy-white or white." Elliot Coues, 1884

Swainson's Rosy Finch

"Leucosticte tephrocotis. Swainson's Rosy Finch. Gray-crowned Rosy Finch. Sexes similar. Adult in breeding…

"Leucosticte griseinucha. Brandt's Rosy Finch. Like the littoral variety of tephrocotis, in having the ashy extending over the sides of the head; this color settled in a definite hood, said to never invade the chin. The resident form of the N.W. coast and islands, from Kadiak W. and N." Elliot Coues, 1884

Brandt's Rosy Finch

"Leucosticte griseinucha. Brandt's Rosy Finch. Like the littoral variety of tephrocotis, in having the…

"Astragalinus tristis. American Goldfinch. Yellow-bird. Thistle-bird. In summer: Rich yellow, changing to whitish on the tail-coverts; a black patch on the crown; wings black, ore or less edged with white; lesser wing-coverts white or yellow; greater coverts tipped with white; tail black, every feather with a white spot; bill and feet flesh-colored. In September, the black cap disappears; the general plumage changes to a pale flaxen-brown above and whitey-brown below, with traces of the yellow, especially about the head; wings and tail much as in summer; sexes then much alike: this continues until the following April or May." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Goldfinch

"Astragalinus tristis. American Goldfinch. Yellow-bird. Thistle-bird. In summer: Rich yellow, changing…

"Astragalinus lawrencii. Lawrence's Goldfinch. Gray, more or less tinged with yellowish, whitening on the belly and crissum; rump, a large breast-patch, and much of the back rich yellow; crown, face, and chin black; wings black, variegated with yellow, most of the coverts being of this color, and the same broadly edging the quills; inner secondaries edged with hoary gray; tail black, most of the feathers with large square white spots on the inner webs and whitish edging of the outer; bill and feet flesh-color more or less obscured." Elliot Coues, 1884

Lawrence's Goldfinch

"Astragalinus lawrencii. Lawrence's Goldfinch. Gray, more or less tinged with yellowish, whitening on…

"Plectrophanes nivalis. Snow Bunting. Snowflake. Pure white; the bill, feet, middle of back, scapulars, primaries except at base, most inner secondaries, bastard quills, and and several tail-feathers, black." Elliott Coues, 1884

Snow Bunting

"Plectrophanes nivalis. Snow Bunting. Snowflake. Pure white; the bill, feet, middle of back, scapulars,…

"Centrophanes lapponicus. Lapland Longspur. Whole head, throat and breast jet-black, bordered with buffy or whitish, which forms a post-ocular stripe separating black of crown from that of sides of head, sometimes continues to the bill. A broad cervical chestnut collar, separated from the black cap by whitish or buffy line and nuchal spot. Upper parts brownish-black completely streaked with buff or whitish edges of the feathers; under parts white, the sides streaked with black. Wings dusky, with pale or brownish edgings of the feathers, but no strong markings. Tail like wing, with large white spaces on outer 3 feathers. Bill yellow, black-tipped. Legs and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Lapland Longspur

"Centrophanes lapponicus. Lapland Longspur. Whole head, throat and breast jet-black, bordered with buffy…

"Rhynchophanes maccowni. Black-breasted Longspur. Bay-winged Longspur. Upper parts slate-gray, streaked with dusky and grayish or yellowish-brown, especially on the interscapulars. No cervical collar, but a chestnut patch on the wings, formed by median coverts. Crown jet-black, bounded by a white superciliary line; sides of head whitish, but auriculars more or less slaty. Throat white, bounded by firm black maxillary stripes. Breast jet-black in broad crescentic form, sharply defined against the white throat, shading behind into slaty-blackish, becoming more and more mixed with white on the belly and sides, till posteriorly the parts are pure white; lining of wings white. All the tail-feathers, except the middle pair, and bases and tips of intermediate ones, white, ending squarely across both webs. Bill blackish-plumbeous, pale at base below; feet brownish-black. Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-breasted Longspur

"Rhynchophanes maccowni. Black-breasted Longspur. Bay-winged Longspur. Upper parts slate-gray, streaked…

"Passerculs bairdi. Baird's Savanna Sparrow. Inner secondaries less elongated, rarely equaling the primaries in the closed wings. First 4 quills about equal and longest. Hind toe and claw about equaling the middle toe and claw, its claw about equaling the digit. Tail shorter than wing, lightly double-rounded (central and outer pair of feathers both little shorter than the intermediate ones). Top of head streaked with black and rich brownish-yellow. or buff, the former predominating laterally, the latter chiefly as a median stripe, but also suffusing the nape and sides of head in greater or less degree. Back varied with brownish-black and gray, together with a little bay, the two latter colors forming the edgings of the interscapulars. Rump variegated with gray and chestnut-brown, different in shade from that of the back. Under parts dull white, usually with a faint ochrey tinge on the breast, but often without; a circlet of small, sharp, sparse, dusky streaks across the breast, continuous with others, longer and mostly lighter, along the whole sides, and with others, again, extending up the sides of the neck into small vague maxillary and aurigular markings. When the feathers are perfectly arranged these lateral head-markings are seen to be post-ocular stripe just over the auricular spot, a streak starting from the angle of the mouth, and another heavier one parallel with and below this, running directly into the pectoral ones. Quills without special marking, excepting the elongated inner secondaries, which correspond with scapulars. Tail the same, slightly whitish-edge. Upper mandible mostly dark, lower pale. Feet flesh-colored." Elliot Coues, 1884

Baird's Sparrow

"Passerculs bairdi. Baird's Savanna Sparrow. Inner secondaries less elongated, rarely equaling the primaries…

"Passercules s. savana. Common Savanna Sparrow. Thickly streaked everywhere above, on sides, and across breast; a superciliary line, and edge of the wing, yellowish: lesser wing-coverts not chestnut; legs flesh-color; bill rather slender and acute; tail nearly even, its outer feathers not white; longest secondary nearly as long as the primaries in the closed wing. Above, brownish-gray, streaked with blackish, whitish-gray and pale bay, the streaks largest on interscapulars, smallest on cervix, the crown divided by an obscure whitish line; sometimes an obscure yellowish suffusion about head besides the streak over the eye. Below, white, pure or with faint buffy shade, thickly streaked, as just stated, with dusky- the individual spots edged with brown, mostly arrow-shaped, running in chains along the sides, and often aggregated in an obscure blotch on the breast. Wings dusky, the coverts and inner secondaries black-edged and tipped with bright bay; tail-feathers rather narrow and pointed, dusky, not noticeably marked." Elliot Coues, 1884

Common Savanna Sparrow

"Passercules s. savana. Common Savanna Sparrow. Thickly streaked everywhere above, on sides, and across…