Calophaca wolgarica grows two to three feet tall. The flowers bloom in June and July.

Calophaca Wolgarica

Calophaca wolgarica grows two to three feet tall. The flowers bloom in June and July.

Calycanthus floridus grows three to six feet tall. The flowers are dark reddish brown. The flowers are very fragrant.

Calycanthus Floridus

Calycanthus floridus grows three to six feet tall. The flowers are dark reddish brown. The flowers are…

The glaucus variety of calycanthus fertilis has oblong oval leaves that have a whitish bloom beneath. The flowers are a pale, reddish brown.

Glaucus Variety of Calycanthus Fertilis

The glaucus variety of calycanthus fertilis has oblong oval leaves that have a whitish bloom beneath.…

Calypso borealis pink flowers with purple and yellow markings. The flowers are woolly-hairy within.

Calypso Borealis

Calypso borealis pink flowers with purple and yellow markings. The flowers are woolly-hairy within.

The flowers of camarotis rostrata are crowded together. The flowers are rose-purple and one inch in diameter.

Camarotis Rostrata

The flowers of camarotis rostrata are crowded together. The flowers are rose-purple and one inch in…

There are thirty to one hundred flowers on each camassia cusickii plant. The flowers are a very pale, delicate blue.

Camassia Cusickii

There are thirty to one hundred flowers on each camassia cusickii plant. The flowers are a very pale,…

The camassia quamash species varies greatly. Some forms are low and slender, others grow two to three feet high. The flowers vary from almost white to blue.

Camassia Quamash

The camassia quamash species varies greatly. Some forms are low and slender, others grow two to three…

The common name of campanula medium is Canterbury bells. The flowers are violet-blue, varying to several shades and white. The flowers are two inches long.

Campanula Medium

The common name of campanula medium is Canterbury bells. The flowers are violet-blue, varying to several…

Illustrated is a narrow flowered form of campanula persicifolia. The plant grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are blue or white.

Campanula Persicifolia

Illustrated is a narrow flowered form of campanula persicifolia. The plant grows two to three feet tall.…

The common name of campanula pyramidalis is chimney campanula. The plant grows four to five feet tall. The flowers are pale blue varying to white.

Campanula Pyramidalis

The common name of campanula pyramidalis is chimney campanula. The plant grows four to five feet tall.…

The common name of campanula trachelium is throatwort. The plant grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are blue or white and droop.

Campanula Trachelium

The common name of campanula trachelium is throatwort. The plant grows two to three feet tall. The flowers…

Campanula rapunculoides is a perennial and grows two to four feet tall. The flowers are bright blue and nodding.

Campanula Rapunculoides

Campanula rapunculoides is a perennial and grows two to four feet tall. The flowers are bright blue…

Campanula carpatica is a perennial that grows nine to eighteen inches tall. The flowers are large and bright, deep blue.

Campanula Carpatica

Campanula carpatica is a perennial that grows nine to eighteen inches tall. The flowers are large and…

The common names of campanula rotundifolia are harebell, hairbell, and blue bells of Scotland. The flowers are bell shaped and bright blue. The flower buds are erect.

Campanula Rotundifolia

The common names of campanula rotundifolia are harebell, hairbell, and blue bells of Scotland. The flowers…

The soldanellaeflora variety of campanula rotundifolia has semi-double blue flowers. The flowers are split to the base into about twenty five divisions.

Soldanellaeflora Variety of Campanula Rotundifolia

The soldanellaeflora variety of campanula rotundifolia has semi-double blue flowers. The flowers are…

The common name of campsis radicans is trumpet vine. It is also known as trumpet creeper and trumpet honeysuckle. It is a high climbing shrub. The flowers are usually orange with scarlet.

Campsis Radicans

The common name of campsis radicans is trumpet vine. It is also known as trumpet creeper and trumpet…

The common name of campsis chinensis is Chinese trumpet creeper. Illustrated is the plant on a clothes post. The flowers are scarlet and about two inches across.

Campsis Chinensis

The common name of campsis chinensis is Chinese trumpet creeper. Illustrated is the plant on a clothes…

Illustrated is a flowering branch (a), the stamens (b), a longitudinal section of fruit (c), and a fruit cluster (d) of canangium odoratum. The tree bears greenish yellow fragrant flowers.

Canangium Odoratum

Illustrated is a flowering branch (a), the stamens (b), a longitudinal section of fruit (c), and a fruit…

Old time canna plants were tall and long jointed. The flowers were small and late.

Old Time Canna

Old time canna plants were tall and long jointed. The flowers were small and late.

Italia cannas are also known as orchid flowered cannas. The flowers are soft and have flowing iris-like outlines.

Italia Canna

Italia cannas are also known as orchid flowered cannas. The flowers are soft and have flowing iris-like…

Capparis spinosa is a spiny shrub that grows three feet tall. It is often straggling and vine-like. The flowers are purple.

Capparis Spinosa

Capparis spinosa is a spiny shrub that grows three feet tall. It is often straggling and vine-like.…

Caragana frutex grows six to ten feet tall. The flowers are yellow and grow up to one inch long.

Caragana Frutex

Caragana frutex grows six to ten feet tall. The flowers are yellow and grow up to one inch long.

The common name of cardamine pratensis is cuckoo flower. The plant is slender and grows twelve to twenty inches tall. The flowers are a half inch long and are white or rose colored.

Cardamine Pratensis

The common name of cardamine pratensis is cuckoo flower. The plant is slender and grows twelve to twenty…

Grenadin carnations include those with strong perfumes, flowers of medium size, single or double, and with fringed petals.

Grenadin Carnation

Grenadin carnations include those with strong perfumes, flowers of medium size, single or double, and…

Illustrated are the foliage and pistillate flowers of carya pecan. The common name of carya pecan is pecan.

Carya Pecan

Illustrated are the foliage and pistillate flowers of carya pecan. The common name of carya pecan is…

The flowers of caryopteris incana are small and violet-blue or lavendar-blue. The plant grows one to five feet tall.

Caryopteris Incana

The flowers of caryopteris incana are small and violet-blue or lavendar-blue. The plant grows one to…

Illustrated is catalpa ovata in fruit. The flowers are very fragrant.

Catalpa Ovata

Illustrated is catalpa ovata in fruit. The flowers are very fragrant.

Illustrated is a flower of catalpa speciosa. The common name is western catalpa. The flowers are about two and a half inches in diameter. The flowers are spotted on the inside.

Catalpa Speciosa

Illustrated is a flower of catalpa speciosa. The common name is western catalpa. The flowers are about…

The flowers of cattleya mendelii are seven to eight inches across. The sepals and petals are white, often tinted pale rosy mauve. The lobe is rich crimson purple passing into the yellow throat.

Cattleya Mendelii

The flowers of cattleya mendelii are seven to eight inches across. The sepals and petals are white,…

The flowers of cattleya warscewii gigas are dark rose with a deep, purple magenta lip. The flowers are larger than other cattleya varieties.

Cattleya Warscewoo Gigas

The flowers of cattleya warscewii gigas are dark rose with a deep, purple magenta lip. The flowers are…

The flowers of cattleya trianae are two to six inches across. The color of the flowers vary from delicate rose to white. The throat is yellow and often streaked with a deeper color.

Cattleya Trianae

The flowers of cattleya trianae are two to six inches across. The color of the flowers vary from delicate…

The flowers of cattleya citrina are yellow except for the white border of the front lobe of the lip. Each stem usually bears only one flower. The leaves are four to seven inches long.

Cattleya Citrina

The flowers of cattleya citrina are yellow except for the white border of the front lobe of the lip.…

Centaurea cyanus has many common names including blue bottle, bluet, bachelor's button, cornflower, ragged sailor, and French pink. The flowers are blue, purple, pink, or white.

Centaurea Cyanus

Centaurea cyanus has many common names including blue bottle, bluet, bachelor's button, cornflower,…

The common name of centaurea moschata is sweet sultan. The stem is two feet tall and branching below. The flowers are white, yellow, or purple and fragrant.

Centaurea Moschata

The common name of centaurea moschata is sweet sultan. The stem is two feet tall and branching below.…

The common name of centaurea americana is basket flower. The stems are stout, simple, or sometimes a little branched. The flowers are rose, flesh colored, or sometimes purplish.

Centaurea Americana

The common name of centaurea americana is basket flower. The stems are stout, simple, or sometimes a…

The common name of cerastium arvense is starry grasswort. The stems are eight to twelve inches long. The flowers are numerous and appear in April and May.

Cerastium Arvense

The common name of cerastium arvense is starry grasswort. The stems are eight to twelve inches long.…

The cercis canadensis tree grows forty feet tall. The leaves are roundish and broadly oval shaped. The flowers are rosy pink. Four to eight flowers grow in a cluster.

Cercis Canadensis

The cercis canadensis tree grows forty feet tall. The leaves are roundish and broadly oval shaped. The…

The cercis chinensis tree grows fifty feet tall. There are five to eight flowers in a cluster. The flowers are purplish pink.

Cercis Chinensis

The cercis chinensis tree grows fifty feet tall. There are five to eight flowers in a cluster. The flowers…

The common name of cerinthe retorta is honeywort. The plant grows between one and a half and two feet tall. The flowers are yellow tinted with purple.

Cerinthe Retorta

The common name of cerinthe retorta is honeywort. The plant grows between one and a half and two feet…

Cestrum elegans is a tall, slender, half climbing shrub. The flowers are red-purple and swollen near the top of the tube. The flowers grow in nodding, loose clusters.

Cestrum Elegans

Cestrum elegans is a tall, slender, half climbing shrub. The flowers are red-purple and swollen near…

The common names of chaenomeles japonica are japan quince, flowering quince, and japonica. The shrub grows three to six feet tall with spiny, spreading branches. The flowers are scarlet red. There are two to six flowers in a cluster.

Chaenomeles Japonica

The common names of chaenomeles japonica are japan quince, flowering quince, and japonica. The shrub…

The common name of chamaedaphne is leather leaf. The calyculata variety is a bush with spreading or horizontal branches. The flowers of the plant are nodding and white.

Chamaedaphne Calyculata

The common name of chamaedaphne is leather leaf. The calyculata variety is a bush with spreading or…

The common name of cheiranthus cheiri is wallflower. The plant grows one to two and a half feet tall. The flowers are large and mostly have shades of yellow.

Cheiranthus Cheiri

The common name of cheiranthus cheiri is wallflower. The plant grows one to two and a half feet tall.…

Chelone glabra usually grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are white or rose tinged.

Chelone Glabra

Chelone glabra usually grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are white or rose tinged.

The common name of chimaphila is pipsissewa. The maculata variety has white flowers. There are two to five flowers per stem.

Chimaphila Maculata

The common name of chimaphila is pipsissewa. The maculata variety has white flowers. There are two to…

The common name of chionodoxa is glory-of-the-snow. The luciliae variety has bright blue flowers with white centers.

Chionodoxa Luciliae

The common name of chionodoxa is glory-of-the-snow. The luciliae variety has bright blue flowers with…

The flowers of chorizema ilicifolium are orange-red in spring and summer.

Chorizema Ilicifolium

The flowers of chorizema ilicifolium are orange-red in spring and summer.

Chrysanthemum carinatum grows two to three feet tall. The stems are branched with fleshy leaves. The flowers are nearly two inches across with white rays and a yellow ring at the base.

Chrysanthemum Carinatum

Chrysanthemum carinatum grows two to three feet tall. The stems are branched with fleshy leaves. The…

The Paris or Marguerite daisy is the common name of chrysanthemum frutescens. It is a perennial that grows three feet tall. There are numerous flowers heads that always grow alone on each stem. The rays are typically white.

Paris Daisy

The Paris or Marguerite daisy is the common name of chrysanthemum frutescens. It is a perennial that…

Chrysanthemum coccineum grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are white or red in shades of pink, carmine, rose, lilac, and crimson.

Chrysanthemum Coccineum

Chrysanthemum coccineum grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are white or red in shades of pink,…

The common names of chrysanthemum leucanthemum are whiteweed and ox-eye daisy. The plant grows one to two feet tall. The flowers heads are showy and white.

Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum

The common names of chrysanthemum leucanthemum are whiteweed and ox-eye daisy. The plant grows one to…

Illustrated is the small and regular anemone type of chrysanthemum. It is commonly called pompon anemone. The flowers are two to three inches across. The flowers are usually yellow.

Anemone Type of Chrysanthemum

Illustrated is the small and regular anemone type of chrysanthemum. It is commonly called pompon anemone.…

The flowers of Japanese anemone chrysanthemum are four or more inches across. The flowers have an irregular outline.

Japanese Anemone Chrysanthemum

The flowers of Japanese anemone chrysanthemum are four or more inches across. The flowers have an irregular…

The hairy type of chrysanthemum is often called ostrich plume and Japanese hairy. The flowers are white with long hairs.

Hairy Type of Chrysanthemum

The hairy type of chrysanthemum is often called ostrich plume and Japanese hairy. The flowers are white…

Illustrated is a pompon chrysanthemum. The flowers are one to two inches across. The flowers are larger when cultivated indoors.

Pompon Chrysanthemum

Illustrated is a pompon chrysanthemum. The flowers are one to two inches across. The flowers are larger…

Chysis bractescens are three to five flowers that are about three inches across. The flowers are ivory-white with a yellow and red streaked lip.

Chysis Bractescens

Chysis bractescens are three to five flowers that are about three inches across. The flowers are ivory-white…

Chicory is the common name of cichorium intybus. It is a familiar weed along roadsides in the eastern part of the United States. The flowers are bright blue.

Chicory Flower

Chicory is the common name of cichorium intybus. It is a familiar weed along roadsides in the eastern…

The common name of cimicifuga is bugbane. The racemosa variety grows three to eight feet tall. The flowers are white.

Cimicifuga Racemosa

The common name of cimicifuga is bugbane. The racemosa variety grows three to eight feet tall. The flowers…

Cineraria stellata is a popular form. It is a florists' variety. It has star-like single flowers.

Cineraria Stellata

Cineraria stellata is a popular form. It is a florists' variety. It has star-like single flowers.

Cissus discolor is a smooth, tendril climber. The branches are slender with four or five ribs or angles. The flowers are small and yellowish.

Cissus Discolor

Cissus discolor is a smooth, tendril climber. The branches are slender with four or five ribs or angles.…