Muscles of eyeball, seen from side. Labels: 19, elevator muscle of eyelid; 22, inferior rectus; 23,…
Muscles of the tongue. The chief muscles connecting the tongue and tongue bone to the lower jaw are…
Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back…
Diagram illustrating the general arrangement of the cerebrospinal nervous system.
Piece of human hair, highly magnified. Labels: a, cuticle; b, fibrous substance; c, medulla.
Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the trunk and head. Labels: 1,1, the dorsal cavity; a, the spinal…
Ciliated epithelium from the human trachea, highly magnified. Labels: a, large ciliated cell; d, cell,…
"When the concave mirror is large, say six inches in diameter, and eight or ten inches focal distance,…
Red corpuscles (blood cells) of the frog. The red blood cells of birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes…
"If the coin were to be observed in an empty pan and then watched as the pan was filled with water,…
Teeth of an herbivore, showing the rough surface of some of these teeth. Herbivores have no tearing…
The vertebra of a fish, which is very different from that of a human. It has but two processes, …
Views of the stomach. Labels: A. stomach (human). B. Same, anterior wall removed. C. Portion of stomach,…
1. Dentition (teeth) of man. 2. Dentition of hyena. 3. Dentition of pig. 4. Dentition of Patagonian…
Every human body begin as a single nucleated cell. This cell, known as the ovum, divides or segments…
Diagram of the structure of the human retina. Labels: I, pigment layer; II, rod and cone layer; R, rods;…
Image of teeth in a human jaw. "1, incisors; 2, canine; 3, bicuspids; 4, molars (the molar at the left…
Transverse section of the human kidney: "(a) cortex; (b) medulla; (c) small branch of the renal artery;…
A covered human-powered wagon used in Eastern countries where passengers were inside while two men would…
A particle of human blood as it appears when transparent and floating. 2. the same, seen as illuminated.…
The human stomach. Labels: a, the esophagus or gullet; b, the cardiac portion; c, the left extremity;…
"Diagram of head and brain of human foetus six weeks old (heavy boundaries). The dotted line indicates…
"Diagram of a cross-section of the spinal cord through the roots of spinal nerves. c, central canal;…
"Diagrammatic horizontal section of the eye of man. c, cornea; ch. choroid (dotted); C. P, ciliary processes;…
in early development of race, the Mongolian type consistent of Kalmucks, Chinese, and Amerindians.
in early development of race, the Caucasian type consisted of Mediterranean men (Jews of Algiers), Mediterranean…
Early developments of racial types, a tomb paint from an Egyptian tomb.
Perhaps the earliest people to form real cities in the western region of the world, were a people of…
Singular warfare of the American Indians. Caption below illustration: "I no longer hesitated; I took…
"The Lungs. 1, Summit of lungs. 2, Base of lungs. 3, Trachea. 4, Right bronchus. 5, Left bronchus. 6,…
"Superficial arteries and nerves of the face and neck. 1, Temporal artery; 2, artery behind the ear;…
"Nerves of the had. 1, Nerves of the skin; 2, tendons; 3, arteries of the palm of the hand; 4, elbow…
"Thorax and abdomen. 1, 1, 1, 1. Muscles of the chest. 2, 2, 2, 2. Ribs. 3, 3, 3. Upper, middle and…
(1799-1850) French novelist and playwright most famous for Eugenie Grandet and La Comedie Humaine.
A bony structure located at the bottom of the spine. The human sacrum forms the back part of the pelvis,…
The molar teeth of a human, horse and dog. The first image to the left in a molar tooth of a horse.…
Diagram of human brain in vertical section, showing the situation of the different ganglia and the course…