Muscles of eyeball, seen from side. Labels: 19, elevator muscle of eyelid; 22, inferior rectus; 23, external rectus; 24, internal rectus; 25, superior oblique; 26, inferior oblique.

Muscles of the Human Eyeball

Muscles of eyeball, seen from side. Labels: 19, elevator muscle of eyelid; 22, inferior rectus; 23,…

Muscles of the tongue. The chief muscles connecting the tongue and tongue bone to the lower jaw are the genio-glossus and stylo-glossus.

Muscles of the Human Tongue

Muscles of the tongue. The chief muscles connecting the tongue and tongue bone to the lower jaw are…

Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back are in 5 layers, one beneath another. The two largest and most superficial are the trapezius and the latissimus dorsi.

Muscles of the Human Back

Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back…

Diagram illustrating the general arrangement of the cerebrospinal nervous system.

Diagram of the Human Nervous System

Diagram illustrating the general arrangement of the cerebrospinal nervous system.

Piece of human hair, highly magnified. Labels: a, cuticle; b, fibrous substance; c, medulla.

Piece of Human Hair

Piece of human hair, highly magnified. Labels: a, cuticle; b, fibrous substance; c, medulla.

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the trunk and head. Labels: 1,1, the dorsal cavity; a, the spinal portion; b, the cranial enlargement; c, c, the bodies of the vertebrae forming the partition between the dorsal and ventral cavities; 2, 2, the ventral cavity, subdivided into thoracic cavity (d), abdominal cavity (e), and pelvic cavity (f); g, the nasal cavity; h, the mouth, or buccal cavity. The alimentary canal (al) is represented running through the whole length of the ventral cavity.

Trunk and Head of Human Body

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the trunk and head. Labels: 1,1, the dorsal cavity; a, the spinal…

Ciliated epithelium from the human trachea, highly magnified. Labels: a, large ciliated cell; d, cell, with two nuclei."In ciliated epithelium the cells, which are generally columnar in shape, bear at their free extremities little hair-like processes which are agitated incessantly with a lashing or vibrating motion. These minute and delicate processes are named cilia, and may be regarded as active prolongations of the cell-protoplasm." —Kimber, 1907

Ciliated Epithelium Cells

Ciliated epithelium from the human trachea, highly magnified. Labels: a, large ciliated cell; d, cell,…

"When the concave mirror is large, say six inches in diameter, and eight or ten inches focal distance, it exhibits the human face of enormous bulk, the spectator being frightened at the size and courseness of his own features." -Comstock 1850

Magnified Face in a Concave Mirror

"When the concave mirror is large, say six inches in diameter, and eight or ten inches focal distance,…

The bony and cartilaginous skeleton.

Human Skeleton, Showing Bony and Cartilage Tissue

The bony and cartilaginous skeleton.

Wall of human stomach. Labels: E, epithelium; G, glands; Mm, muscularis mucosae.

Stomach Wall

Wall of human stomach. Labels: E, epithelium; G, glands; Mm, muscularis mucosae.

Red corpuscles (blood cells) of the frog. The red blood cells of birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes are oval and contain a nucleus in the center that is not found in human red corpuscles.

Blood Cells

Red corpuscles (blood cells) of the frog. The red blood cells of birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes…

"The human eye-essential parts shown in section." —Croft 1917


"The human eye-essential parts shown in section." —Croft 1917

"If the coin were to be observed in an empty pan and then watched as the pan was filled with water, the image of the coin would be refracted to position N." —Quackenbos 1859

Refraction as seen by the Human Eye

"If the coin were to be observed in an empty pan and then watched as the pan was filled with water,…

Structure of the human retina, showing the various layers.

Structure of the Retina

Structure of the human retina, showing the various layers.

Teeth of an herbivore, showing the rough surface of some of these teeth. Herbivores have no tearing teeth. Instead they have two kinds of teeth, cutting teeth in the front and grinding teeth in the back. This figure shows a peculiar arrangement of the enamel, which admirably fits them to grind up the fibers of the grass in the back grinding teeth of an herbivore. The enamel is not only on the outside as it is in human teeth, rather there are ridges on it standing up in the middle of each tooth.

Teeth of an Herbivore

Teeth of an herbivore, showing the rough surface of some of these teeth. Herbivores have no tearing…

Diagram of the human nervous system showing the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

Nervous System

Diagram of the human nervous system showing the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

The human skeleton.

Human Skeleton

The human skeleton.

The human skull, showing the bones of the head. <em>a</em>is the large bone of the forehead known as the frontal bone; <em>b</em> is known as the parietal bone, and <em>c</em> is the temporal bone.


The human skull, showing the bones of the head. ais the large bone of the forehead known as…

The vertebra of a fish, which is very different from that of a human. It has but two processes, <em> f f </em>. In humans there is a single short spinous process behind, while the vertebra is round in front. But in the fish there are two quite long spinous processes, one in front and the other in the rear (which is above and below, respectively, when the fish is in water).

Vertebra of a Fish

The vertebra of a fish, which is very different from that of a human. It has but two processes,

Views of the stomach. Labels: A. stomach (human). B. Same, anterior wall removed. C. Portion of stomach, pylorus and duodenum. D. Section through coats of stomach. E. Fundus of a cardiac gland. F. Epithelium from surface of stomach. G. Arterie sand veins of mucous membrane. w. Esophagus. 2. Duodenum. 3. Pylorus. $. Cardia. 5. Lesser curvature. 6. Greater curvature. 7. Anterior surface. 8. Pyloric valve. 9. Mucous membrane, with rugae. 10. Inner surface of gastric mucous membrane. 11. Mucous membrane of duodenum with villi. 12. Pyloric gastric glands. 13. Circular or deep muscular fibers. 17. Mucous membrane. 18. Muscularis mucosae. 19. Submucous coat. 20. Circular muscular layer. 21. Longitudinal muscular layer. 22. Serous coat. 23. Orifice of gland. 24. Fundus of gland.

Views of the Stomach

Views of the stomach. Labels: A. stomach (human). B. Same, anterior wall removed. C. Portion of stomach,…

1. Dentition (teeth) of man. 2. Dentition of hyena. 3. Dentition of pig. 4. Dentition of Patagonian cavy (type of rodent). 5. Section of skull of Indian elephant, showing dentition of right side. 6. Crown of upper molar of horse, showing enamal folds. 7. Grinding surface of molar of African elephant, with enamal folds. 8. Single tooth of blue shark. 9. Longitudinal section of human tooth. 1. Incisors (human); C, canines; P, premolars; M, molars. a, enamel; b, dentine; c, cement (crusta petrosa); d, pulp cavity.

Teeth of Man and Several Animal Species

1. Dentition (teeth) of man. 2. Dentition of hyena. 3. Dentition of pig. 4. Dentition of Patagonian…

Every human body begin as a single nucleated cell. This cell, known as the ovum, divides or segments and gives rise to a mass consisting of a number of similar units known as the morula. At this stage there are no distinguishable tissues.

Cell Development

Every human body begin as a single nucleated cell. This cell, known as the ovum, divides or segments…

Portion of a human muscle fiber.

Portion of a Muscle Fiber

Portion of a human muscle fiber.

The human skeleton.

The Human Skeleton

The human skeleton.

The muscles of the human body.

Muscles of the Human Body

The muscles of the human body.

Diagram of the structure of the human retina. Labels: I, pigment layer; II, rod and cone layer; R, rods; C, cones; III-IX, intraretinal nerve-elements; X, axons which pass to optic nerve.

Retinal Structure

Diagram of the structure of the human retina. Labels: I, pigment layer; II, rod and cone layer; R, rods;…

General view of the human body - front view.

The Human Body - Front View

General view of the human body - front view.

General view of the human body - back view.

The Human Body - Back View

General view of the human body - back view.

Human liver cells.

Liver Cells

Human liver cells.

The human skeleton.

Human Skeleton

The human skeleton.

Image of teeth in a human jaw. "1, incisors; 2, canine; 3, bicuspids; 4, molars (the molar at the left is the "wisdom tooth); 5, a blood vessel; 6, a nerve." -Foster, 1921


Image of teeth in a human jaw. "1, incisors; 2, canine; 3, bicuspids; 4, molars (the molar at the left…

Transverse section of the human kidney: "(a) cortex; (b) medulla; (c) small branch of the renal artery; (d) renal artery; (e) ureter; (f) pelvis." -Foster, 1921


Transverse section of the human kidney: "(a) cortex; (b) medulla; (c) small branch of the renal artery;…

A covered human-powered wagon used in Eastern countries where passengers were inside while two men would carry the poles of the palanquin on their shoulders.


A covered human-powered wagon used in Eastern countries where passengers were inside while two men would…

Front view of the human skeleton.

Skeleton, Front View

Front view of the human skeleton.

A particle of human blood as it appears when transparent and floating. 2. the same, seen as illuminated. 3. the same, one half illuminated. 4. a particle of frog's blood floating. 5. the same, seen edgewise. All these objects are magnified 500 diameters.

Blood Particle

A particle of human blood as it appears when transparent and floating. 2. the same, seen as illuminated.…

The human stomach. Labels: a, the esophagus or gullet; b, the cardiac portion; c, the left extremity; d, the small extremity; e, the pylorus tied; g,g, the omentum or caul, which is attached to the outside of the stomach, and falls over the intestines like a curtain.


The human stomach. Labels: a, the esophagus or gullet; b, the cardiac portion; c, the left extremity;…

"Diagram of head and brain of human foetus six weeks old (heavy boundaries). The dotted line indicates the outline of the brain of a foetus three months old. Note thee great growth of the hemisphere (h). cer, cerebellum; med, medulla oblongata; mes, mesencephalon; p, pituitary body; pr, prosencephalon; s.c., spinal cord; th, thalamencephalon; 1, olfactory nerve; 2, optic nerve." -Galloway, 1915

Human Fetus

"Diagram of head and brain of human foetus six weeks old (heavy boundaries). The dotted line indicates…

"Diagram of a cross-section of the spinal cord through the roots of spinal nerves. c, central canal; d.f., dorsal fissure; d.r., dorsal root of spinal nerve arising from the dorsal horn of the gray matter (g); gn., ganglion on the dorsal root; n, spinal nerve; v.f., ventral fissure; v.r., ventral root of the spinal nerve, arising from the ventral horn of the gray matter; w., white matter." -Galloway, 1915

Spinal Cord

"Diagram of a cross-section of the spinal cord through the roots of spinal nerves. c, central canal;…

"Diagrammatic horizontal section of the eye of man. c, cornea; ch. choroid (dotted); C. P, ciliary processes; e. c, epithelium of cornea; e. cj, conjunctiva; f. c, yellow spot; I, iris; L, lens; ON, optic nerve; OS, ora serrata; o-x, optic axis; p. c. R, anterior non-visual portion of retina; P. E, pigmented epithelium (black); R, retina; sp. l, suspensory ligament; Scl, sclerotic; V. H, vitreous body." -Parker, 1900

Human Eye

"Diagrammatic horizontal section of the eye of man. c, cornea; ch. choroid (dotted); C. P, ciliary processes;…

in early development of race, the Negro type were found in Africa.

Early Races, Negro

in early development of race, the Negro type were found in Africa.

in early development of race, the Mongolian type consistent of Kalmucks, Chinese, and Amerindians.

Early Races, Mongolian

in early development of race, the Mongolian type consistent of Kalmucks, Chinese, and Amerindians.

in early development of race, the Caucasian type consisted of Mediterranean men (Jews of Algiers), Mediterranean woman (Berber) and Nordics (Englishmen).

Early Races, Caucasian

in early development of race, the Caucasian type consisted of Mediterranean men (Jews of Algiers), Mediterranean…

Early developments of racial types, a tomb paint from an Egyptian tomb.

Racial Types From Egyptian Paintings

Early developments of racial types, a tomb paint from an Egyptian tomb.

Perhaps the earliest people to form real cities in the western region of the world, were a people of mysterious origin called Sumerians. This drawing is a very early Sumerian stone carving showing Sumerian warriors in phalanx.

Stone Carvings of Sumerian Warriors

Perhaps the earliest people to form real cities in the western region of the world, were a people of…

An early figure of the Egyptian hippopotamus goddess.

Egyptian Hippopotamus Goddess

An early figure of the Egyptian hippopotamus goddess.

Singular warfare of the American Indians. Caption below illustration: "I no longer hesitated; I took my aim; discharged ,y piece; and the animal was instantly stretched before me with a groan, which I conceived to be that of a human creature. I went up to it, and judge my astonishment when I found I had killed an Indian."

American Indians Warfare

Singular warfare of the American Indians. Caption below illustration: "I no longer hesitated; I took…

Men carrying someone in a palanquin in China.


Men carrying someone in a palanquin in China.

"The Lungs. 1, Summit of lungs. 2, Base of lungs. 3, Trachea. 4, Right bronchus. 5, Left bronchus. 6, Left aurical of heart. 7, Left superior pulmonary vein. 8, Right superior pulmonary vein. 9, Left ventricle of heart. 10, Right ventricle of heart." -Foster, 1921


"The Lungs. 1, Summit of lungs. 2, Base of lungs. 3, Trachea. 4, Right bronchus. 5, Left bronchus. 6,…

"Superficial arteries and nerves of the face and neck. 1, Temporal artery; 2, artery behind the ear; 3, occipital artery; 4, greater occipital nerve; 5, smaller occipital nerve; 6, nerve of the neck; 7, trapezius muscle; 8, clavicular nerves; 9, clavicle; 10, sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle; 11, outer artery of the head; 12, inner artery of the head; 13, salivary gland; 14, nerves of the lower jaw; 15, outer maxillary artery; 16, nerve of the chin; 17, circular muscle of the mouth; 18, greater yoke muscle; 19, nerves below the eye; 20, masseter, or chewing muscle; 21, ear passage; 22, arteries of the forehead; 23; nerves of the forehead; 24, eye-closing muscle; 25, facial artery; 26, facial nerve." -Foster, 1921

Arteries and Nerves

"Superficial arteries and nerves of the face and neck. 1, Temporal artery; 2, artery behind the ear;…

"Nerves of the had. 1, Nerves of the skin; 2, tendons; 3, arteries of the palm of the hand; 4, elbow nerve; 5, elbow artery; 6, nerve of the forearm; 7, nerve of the under-arm; 8, artery of the under-arm." -Foster, 1921

Hand Nerves

"Nerves of the had. 1, Nerves of the skin; 2, tendons; 3, arteries of the palm of the hand; 4, elbow…

"Thorax and abdomen. 1, 1, 1, 1. Muscles of the chest. 2, 2, 2, 2. Ribs. 3, 3, 3. Upper, middle and lower lobes of the right lung. 4, 4. Lobes of the left lung. 5, Right ventricle of the heart. 6. Left ventricle. 7. Right auricle. 8. Left auricle. 9. Pulmonary artery. 10. Aorta. 11. Descending vena cava. 12. Trachea. 13. Oesophagus. 14, 14, 14, 14. Pleura. 15, 15. Diaphragm. 16, 16. Right and left lobes of the liver. 17. Gall cyst. 18. Stomach. 19. Duodenum. 20. Ascending colon. 21. Transverse colon. 22. Descending colon. 23, 23. Small intestine. 24. Thoracic duct opening into the left subclavian vein. 25. Spleen." -Foster, 1921

Thorax and Abdomen

"Thorax and abdomen. 1, 1, 1, 1. Muscles of the chest. 2, 2, 2, 2. Ribs. 3, 3, 3. Upper, middle and…

(1799-1850) French novelist and playwright most famous for Eugenie Grandet and La Comedie Humaine.

Honore de Balzac

(1799-1850) French novelist and playwright most famous for Eugenie Grandet and La Comedie Humaine.

A bony structure located at the bottom of the spine. The human sacrum forms the back part of the pelvis, is roughly triangular in shape, consists of five united vertebrae, and from its solidity it is well adapted to serve as the keystone of the pelvic arch.

Pelvic Bone, Male

A bony structure located at the bottom of the spine. The human sacrum forms the back part of the pelvis,…

Human red blood corpuscles. Highly magnified.

Blood Corpuscles

Human red blood corpuscles. Highly magnified.

The human skeleton.

The Human Skeleton

The human skeleton.

A human skeleton from the back.

Back View of a Human Skeleton

A human skeleton from the back.

A diagram of the human muscular system.

A Diagram of the Human Muscular System

A diagram of the human muscular system.

The molar teeth of a human, horse and dog. The first image to the left in a molar tooth of a horse. Labels: 1, The enamel. 2, The ivory. 3, Canals for blood vessels. The center image is a molar tooth of a human. Label: 1, The enamel. 2, The ivory. 3, The cavity containing blood vessels. 4, 5, Artery and nerve. The image on the right is a molar tooth of a dog. Labels: 1, The enamel. 2, The ivory. 3, Cavity for blood-vessels.

Comparison of the Molar Teeth of a Human, Horse, and Dog

The molar teeth of a human, horse and dog. The first image to the left in a molar tooth of a horse.…

The human circulatory organs.

The Circulatory Organs

The human circulatory organs.

Diagram of human brain in vertical section, showing the situation of the different ganglia and the course of fibers. Labels: 1, Olfactory ganglion. 2, Hemisphere. 3, Corpus striatum. 4, Optic thalamus. 5, Tubercula quadrigemina. 6, Cerebellum. 7, Ganglion of tuber annulare. 8, Ganglion of medulla oblongata.

Diagram of Human Brain in Vertical Section

Diagram of human brain in vertical section, showing the situation of the different ganglia and the course…