Nicotiana affinis is the common name of <i>nicotiana alata grandiflora</i>. The flowers are large, sweet scented, and yellowish.

Nicotiana Affinis

Nicotiana affinis is the common name of nicotiana alata grandiflora. The flowers are large, sweet scented,…

<i>Nicotiana sylvestris</i> is native to Argentina. The flowers are white and fragrant. Pictured is a good border effect with the plant.

Nicotiana Sylvestris

Nicotiana sylvestris is native to Argentina. The flowers are white and fragrant. Pictured is a good…

The flowers of <i>nicotiana sylvestris</i> droop in short clusters. The flowers are white and fragrant.

Nicotiana Sylvestris

The flowers of nicotiana sylvestris droop in short clusters. The flowers are white and fragrant.

<i>Nierembergia gracilis</i> is native to Argentina. The flowers are white tinged and veined with purple. The throat is yellow.

Nierembergia Gracilis

Nierembergia gracilis is native to Argentina. The flowers are white tinged and veined with purple. The…

The flowers of <i>nigella damascena</i> are large and white or blue. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows one to two feet tall.

Nigella Damascena

The flowers of nigella damascena are large and white or blue. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant…

<i>Nolana paradoxa</i> is native to Chile and one of the most common species of nolana in cultivation. The plant grows seven to ten inches tall. The flowers are blue with a yellow throat.

Nolana Paradoxa

Nolana paradoxa is native to Chile and one of the most common species of nolana in cultivation. The…

Spatter dock and cow lily are the common names of <i>nuhpar advena</i>. The flowers are two to three inches across and yellow mostly tinged with green or brown.

Spatter Dock

Spatter dock and cow lily are the common names of nuhpar advena. The flowers are two to three inches…

<i>Nymphaea elegans</i> is a blue Mexican water lily. The flowers are violet and three to six inches across. The flowers open between 8 A.M. and 1 P.M.

Nymphaea Elegans

Nymphaea elegans is a blue Mexican water lily. The flowers are violet and three to six inches across.…

<i>Nymphaea flavo-virens</i> has white flowers that are six to eight inches across. It is native to Mexico.

Nymphaea Flavo-Virens

Nymphaea flavo-virens has white flowers that are six to eight inches across. It is native to Mexico.

<i>Nymphaea tetragona</i> is a free bloomer and the smallest nymphaea in cultivation. The flowers open for three or four days from noon until about 5 P.M.

Nymphaea Tetragona

Nymphaea tetragona is a free bloomer and the smallest nymphaea in cultivation. The flowers open for…

The flowers of <i>nymphaea tuberosa</i> are pure white, four to nine inches across, and open for three or four days, from 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. It is native to the northern, central United States.

Nymphaea Tuberosa

The flowers of nymphaea tuberosa are pure white, four to nine inches across, and open for three or four…

White lotus is the common name of <i>nymphaea lotus</i>. The flowers are white with pink spreading towards the outer petals. The plant is native to Egypt.

White Lotus

White lotus is the common name of nymphaea lotus. The flowers are white with pink spreading towards…

<i>Nymphaea devoniensis</i> is a garden variety of <i>N. rubra</i>. The flowers are pink.

Nymphaea Devoniensis

Nymphaea devoniensis is a garden variety of N. rubra. The flowers are pink.

Baby orchid is the common name of <i>odontoglossum grande</i>. The flowers bloom in the autumn and are native to Guatemala. The flowers are yellow banded with rich, reddish brown spots.

Baby Orchid

Baby orchid is the common name of odontoglossum grande. The flowers bloom in the autumn and are native…

<i>Odontoglossum crispum</i> flowers are produced at any season of the year. The flowers are white and spotted with crimson are brown.

Odontoglossum Crispum

Odontoglossum crispum flowers are produced at any season of the year. The flowers are white and spotted…

The flowers of <i>odontoglossum crispum</i> bloom in crowded clusters. The leaves are a foot long. The plant is native to Colombia.

Odontoglossum Crispum Habit

The flowers of odontoglossum crispum bloom in crowded clusters. The leaves are a foot long. The plant…

<i>Odontoglossum cervantesii decorum</i> is an orchid with large flowers. The flowers are spotted inside and outside with bright red.

Odontoglossum Cervantesii Decorum

Odontoglossum cervantesii decorum is an orchid with large flowers. The flowers are spotted inside and…

The flowers of <i>odontoglossum citrosmum</i> are large and span around three inches across. The flowers range from white to rose in coloration and bloom in May and June. The plant is native to Guatemala.

Odontoglossum Citrosmum

The flowers of odontoglossum citrosmum are large and span around three inches across. The flowers range…

Sundrops is the common name of <i>oenothera linearis</i>. The flowers are colored a bright, clear yellow. The flowers bloom in July.


Sundrops is the common name of oenothera linearis. The flowers are colored a bright, clear yellow. The…

Sundrops is the common name of <i>oenothera pratensis</i>. The flowers are bright yellow and grow clustered at the end of the stems. The flower can be found from Maine to Iowa and Arkansas.


Sundrops is the common name of oenothera pratensis. The flowers are bright yellow and grow clustered…

<i>Oncidium serratum</i> blooms in the winter and is native to Peru. The flowers are numerous and three inches across. The flowers are yellow with brown spots.

Oncidium Serratum

Oncidium serratum blooms in the winter and is native to Peru. The flowers are numerous and three inches…

<i>Oncidium varicosum rogersii</i> specimens have borne 150 flowers. The flowers are yellow with a few red bars at the base.

Oncidium Varicosum Rogersii

Oncidium varicosum rogersii specimens have borne 150 flowers. The flowers are yellow with a few red…

<i>Oncidium tigrinum</i> blooms in winter and is native to Mexico. The flowers are a rich, reddish brown with spots of yellow.

Oncidium Tigrinum

Oncidium tigrinum blooms in winter and is native to Mexico. The flowers are a rich, reddish brown with…

<i>Oncidium ornithorhynchum</i> flowers are soft rose-purple and one inch across. The flowers bloom in autumn and winter and are native to Mexico.

Oncidium Ornithorhynchum

Oncidium ornithorhynchum flowers are soft rose-purple and one inch across. The flowers bloom in autumn…

Butterfly orchid is the common name of <i>oncidium papilio</i>. The flowers bloom in any season. The flowers are brown with bands of yellow.

Butterfly Orchid

Butterfly orchid is the common name of oncidium papilio. The flowers bloom in any season. The flowers…

Pictured is an onion in flower. The flowers bloom in early summer.


Pictured is an onion in flower. The flowers bloom in early summer.

Any plant belonging to the genus Ficus is a fig. They are widely distributed in warm climates. Some bear edible fruit. This illustration shows a fig plant, as well as the male and female flowers, and a cross-section of  the fruit of a fig.


Any plant belonging to the genus Ficus is a fig. They are widely distributed in warm climates. Some…

New Zealand Flax is a liliaceous plant bearing tough, radical leaves, usually about four feet in length. In early autumn it bears large, reddish or yellow flowers, with tubular perianths. The plant yields a valuable fiber which is stripped by machinery and used for making baskets, ropes, etc. This illustration shows flowers of the New Zealand Flax.

New Zealand Flax (Flowers)

New Zealand Flax is a liliaceous plant bearing tough, radical leaves, usually about four feet in length.…

New Zealand Flax is a liliaceous plant bearing tough, radical leaves, usually about four feet in length. in early autumn, it bears large, reddish or yellow flowers, with tubular perianths. The plant yields a valuable fiber which is stripped by machinery and used for making baskets, ropes, etc. This illustration shows fruit of New Zealand Flax

New Zealand Flax (Fruit)

New Zealand Flax is a liliaceous plant bearing tough, radical leaves, usually about four feet in length.…

A European plant which grows in stagnant or nearly stagnant water. It has long, sword-shaped leaves, and bears an umbel of large reddish flowers at the end of its long stalk. This illustration shows 1) a cross-section of a flower, and 2) the fruit of the flowering rush.

Flowering Rush

A European plant which grows in stagnant or nearly stagnant water. It has long, sword-shaped leaves,…

Fritillary is a genus of liliaceous plants, characterized by bearing solitary flowers, each with six petals, and a nectary to each petal. This image shows the variety F. meleagris.

Fritillary (F. meleagris)

Fritillary is a genus of liliaceous plants, characterized by bearing solitary flowers, each with six…

This is a classification of type of fruit.

Fig, with Male and Female Flowers

This is a classification of type of fruit.

A genus of hardy plants, Gentians belong to the order Gentianaceae. They have a bitter taste, and one species, G. lutea, is largely used as a bitter tonic in medicine. Gentians are not easy plants to establish in a garden, on account of their need of root moisture and their dislike of root disturbance. It is best to raise them from seed, although slow to germinate. The most commonly cultivated Gentian is the Alpine G. acaulis, with large, deep-blue flowers on a dwarfed plant.


A genus of hardy plants, Gentians belong to the order Gentianaceae. They have a bitter taste, and one…

Geum urbanum is a member of the genus Geum, a genus of hardy plants (Rosaceae). Not usually used decoratively, their five-parted flowers being borne singly at the ends of much-branching stems. The leaves are generally odd-pinnate, often with small leaflets scattered among larger ones. The style is persistent in the fruit and is often plumose, as in the purple avens (G. ciliatum), which has violet flowers. The white avens (G. canadense) has a prickly receptacle, as has the G. flavum. Among the most common species are the yellow G. strictum and the G. vernum, both found in shady, damp places.

Geum Urbanum

Geum urbanum is a member of the genus Geum, a genus of hardy plants (Rosaceae). Not usually used decoratively,…

Also known as Sea Milkwort, Glaux Maritima is a hardy perennial seashore plant belonging to the order Primulaceæ. It is a common European plant with glaucous leaves and pink flowers in summer.
This illustration shows the plant itself, as well as a flower (1) and a calyx (2) laid open.

Glaux Maritima

Also known as Sea Milkwort, Glaux Maritima is a hardy perennial seashore plant belonging to the order…

British Golden-rod is a member of the large composite genus Solidago, which is chiefly North American. The golden-rods are erect plants, little branched, and often somewhat woody at the base. The foliage is various, usually somewhat lanceolate in shape, and sometimes conspicuously veined. The tiny heads have one series of white or yellow ray-flowers, and are gathered into various forms of inflorescence, often of a massive character; they appear in late summer and early autumn. Although of no commercial value (except as forage for sheep) the golden-rods are conspicuous for their bright color, especially as they are apt to grow in huge colonies in fields and along roadsides.

British Golden-rod

British Golden-rod is a member of the large composite genus Solidago, which is chiefly North American.…

A grass of Parnassus is any member of the genus Parnassia, of the Saxifrage family, growing in damp places, having white or pale yellow flowers marked with pronounced. There are five sepals, five petals, and five stamens, with five fringed scales between.

Grass of Parnassus

A grass of Parnassus is any member of the genus Parnassia, of the Saxifrage family, growing in damp…

Ground Ivy (<i>Glecoma hederacea</i>) is a common European labiate hedgerow plant, with trailing stems, kidney-shaped, crinkled, aromatic leaves, and axillary, purplish flowers in early summer.

Ground Ivy

Ground Ivy (Glecoma hederacea) is a common European labiate hedgerow plant, with trailing stems, kidney-shaped,…

Guava (<i>Psidium guayava</i>) is a low-growing West Indian tree belonging to the family Myrtaceæ. It bears white flowers, followed by fragrant, yellow, fleshy fruits, extensively employed in the making of preserves and jellies. The guava also grows in the East Indies; and there is a Chinese variety, <i>P. cattleianum</i>, the strawberry guava.


Guava (Psidium guayava) is a low-growing West Indian tree belonging to the family Myrtaceæ. It bears…

Also known as the Snowball Tree, the Guelder Rose is a cultivated form of the genus Viburnum, especially <i>V. opulus</i>, with flat cymes of white flowers in summer, and red, globose fruit. The double variety, <i>V. O. sterilis</i>, is the common garden form.

Guelder Rose

Also known as the Snowball Tree, the Guelder Rose is a cultivated form of the genus Viburnum, especially…

Juncus conglomeratus, also known as the common rush, belongs to a genus of grass-like herbs (Juncus) that grow in boggy places. It is the best known species, with cylindrical stems and crowded panicles of flowers below the tapered extremities of the stems.

Juncus Conglomeratus

Juncus conglomeratus, also known as the common rush, belongs to a genus of grass-like herbs (Juncus)…

Jute, also known as Calcutta Hemp, is a fiber obtained from several species of the genus Corchorus of the order Tiliaceæ, and employed in the manufacture of the coarser textiles. The great bulk of the world's supply is derived from two species, C. capsularis and C. olitorius (Jew's Mallow), both of which are indigenous to Bengal, India, where from remote times they have been cultivate for economic purposes. The two species are similar in appearance, but may be distinguished by the form of the seed pods, which are nearly spherical in C. capsularis, and long and narrow in C. olitorius. Both plants are herbaceous annuals with straight, slender stalks from 5 to 15 feet in height, branched at the top, and bearing small yellow flowers. The fiber, which is derived from the inner bark, is of a creamy yellow or light buff color and of a silky luster. It spins well, but is not as strong as flax or hemp, and deteriorates rapidly. The young shoots are used as pot herbs.
Jute is grown chiefly in Bengal, though it is raised to a limited extent in China, Formosa, and Southern Japan. It can be grown successfully in the South Atlantic and Gulf States of the United States, but lack of mechanical methods for preparing the fiber has prevented its cultivation on an industrial scale. Attempts to naturalize it elsewhere have generally failed.
For its most successful cultivation, jute requires a soft, deep soil and a hot, moist atmosphere, alluvial lands being especially adapted to its production.
This illustration shows Corchorus capsularis.


Jute, also known as Calcutta Hemp, is a fiber obtained from several species of the genus Corchorus of…

Lamium album (also known as the white dead-nettle, or archangel) is a member of the Lamium, a genus of Labiatæ, whose flowers are marked by possessing four stamens longer than the corolla tube, a bell-shaped calyx with five teeth, and a two-lipped corolla, the upper lip being arched, the lower trifid and spreading. It has been naturalized in America and has a square stem and white flowers with black stamens.

Lamium Album

Lamium album (also known as the white dead-nettle, or archangel) is a member of the Lamium, a genus…

Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear monoecious flowers, the male catkins being small and oval, whilst the female ones are much longer. The leaves are bright green, linear, soft, and usually produced in short bundles on each side of the spray. They appear very early in the spring. The timber, which is very hard and tough, is much used in shipbuilding and for railway sleepers, and in cabinet work is capable of taking a very high polish. The species most commonly planted is 'L. europaea', whcich grows to about 100 ft in height. Other species are 'L. occidentalis', a tall and handsome American tree and 'L. laricina', the tamarack, or hackmatack, of North America. This is a straggling tree, most common in swampy soils, with smaller cones than has the the European species. It reaches a height of 70 ft., and the wood is valuable for the same purposes  as that of other larches.
(1. Scale of cone with two seeds; 2. anther)

Larch, Cone and Flowers (male and female)

Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear…

Lattice Leaf is the popular name of a water plant, 'Aponogeton jenestralis', belonging to the order 'Aponogetonaceæ'. The older leaves are of open structure, are nearly a foot long, oblong in shape, and float just below the surface of the water. The flowers are born in spikes in the surface. The roots of the plant are used as an article of food by the natives of Madagascar, where it is indigenous.
(1. Part of Flower Spike)

Lattice Leaf

Lattice Leaf is the popular name of a water plant, 'Aponogeton jenestralis', belonging to the order…

This illustration shows the colored leaves of 'Cornus florida', surrounding the small flowers and rendering the flower head conspicuous.

Colored Leaves of 'Cornus florida'

This illustration shows the colored leaves of 'Cornus florida', surrounding the small flowers and rendering…

This illustration shows the twig, with leaves and flowers, of a Lemon tree (1. Pistil and part of the stamens, 2. Fruit).

Lemon Tree-twig, with Leaves and Flowers

This illustration shows the twig, with leaves and flowers, of a Lemon tree (1. Pistil and part of the…

A drawing of flowers.


A drawing of flowers.

Composite, or compound flowers, make up the largest botanical order. 1, Capitulum of dandelion.


Composite, or compound flowers, make up the largest botanical order. 1, Capitulum of dandelion.

Composite, or compound flowers, form the largest of all botanical orders. 2, floret.


Composite, or compound flowers, form the largest of all botanical orders. 2, floret.

Composite, or compound flowers, form the largest of all botanical orders. 3, receptacle with fruit adhering.

Fruit Receptacle

Composite, or compound flowers, form the largest of all botanical orders. 3, receptacle with fruit adhering.

Flower anatomy. A, sectional view of a flower showing the vertical disposition of whorls. a, sepal of calyx; b, petal of corolla; c, filament of stamen; d, anther of stamen; e, ovary of pistil; f, style of pistil; g, stigma of pistil. B, Plan of the typical flower of an exogenous plant showing the horizontal disposition of its parts. a, sepal; b, petal; c, c, stamens in two different whorls; d, carpel or ovary, inclosing an ovule, attached by its funiculs.  C, Various parts of a clove. a, flower of the clove or pink; b, vertical and middle sections of flowers; c, flower showing its male and female portions - six stamen, four large, two small; d, one of the petals; e horizontal section of the ovary showing the insertion of the ovules; f, fruit at the moment of expansion; g, seed, with its funiculus; h, vertical section of seed and its embryonic contents; i, the embryo; k, horizontal section of the embryo and its contents.

Structure of a Flower

Flower anatomy. A, sectional view of a flower showing the vertical disposition of whorls. a, sepal of…

A side border of flowers. In the upper right corner, there is an image of a castle.

Flower Border

A side border of flowers. In the upper right corner, there is an image of a castle.

A flower centerpiece surrounded by ceramic figurines.

Flower Centerpiece

A flower centerpiece surrounded by ceramic figurines.

A man gives a handful of flowers to a young woman. Both are standing. A table and chair are visible in the background.

Man Offering a Woman a Bouquet of Flowers

A man gives a handful of flowers to a young woman. Both are standing. A table and chair are visible…

A young man stoops to assist a young woman wearing a long headdress with flowers. Perhaps she is a bride. She is accompanied by two other women.

Man Helping Young Woman

A young man stoops to assist a young woman wearing a long headdress with flowers. Perhaps she is a bride.…

A young girl with a pet goat. The goat is wearing a garland of flowers around its neck. Another bundle of flowers rests at the girl's feet.

Girl and Goat

A young girl with a pet goat. The goat is wearing a garland of flowers around its neck. Another bundle…

A young girl picking flowers.

Picking Flowers

A young girl picking flowers.

Two young girls in the woods. One is resting. The other is holding a bunch of flowers.

Girls in the Woods

Two young girls in the woods. One is resting. The other is holding a bunch of flowers.

A young boy and girl out in nature. The boy is barefoot. The girl holds a bouquet of flowers.

Boy and Girl Sitting Outside

A young boy and girl out in nature. The boy is barefoot. The girl holds a bouquet of flowers.