The letter M

M, Letter

The letter M




Flower design


Flower design

Flower design


Flower design







Flowers and shrubbery


Flowers and shrubbery

Girl holding flowers

Girl with Flowers

Girl holding flowers




"Soapwort (Saponaria), a genus of plants of the natural order Caryophyllaceæ; so called because the bruised leaves produce a lather like soap when agitated in the water. Common soapwort grows by the roadside in the United States from New England to Georgia. It is a native of many parts of Europe, and is found on way sides, river banks, and thickets; in Great Britain it is found in alluvial meadows and under hedges. It has handsome pink-like flowers."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Soapwort (Saponaria), a genus of plants of the natural order Caryophyllaceæ; so called because…

Bee on a flower


Bee on a flower

"A crown, that is, a circular ornament of metal, leaves, or flowers, worn by the ancients round the head or neck, and used as a festive as well as funeral decoration, and as a reward of talent, military or naval prowess, and civil worth." — Smith, 1873 This image shows a Corona Civica.


"A crown, that is, a circular ornament of metal, leaves, or flowers, worn by the ancients round the…

"A crown, that is, a circular ornament of metal, leaves, or flowers, worn by the ancients round the head or neck, and used as a festive as well as funeral decoration, and as a reward of talent, military or naval prowess, and civil worth." — Smith, 1873 This image shows a Corona Triumphalis.


"A crown, that is, a circular ornament of metal, leaves, or flowers, worn by the ancients round the…




A rose


A rose

"Swordbill is a popular name for any individual of the humming bird genus, Docimastes. The bill which exceeds in length the body of the bird, is a character by which this humming bird may be distinguished at the first glance. Its use is to reach the insects on which the bird feeds at the bottom of long tubular flowers. On species is known, an inhabitant of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Swordbill is a popular name for any individual of the humming bird genus, Docimastes. The bill which…

"Tansy is a genus of Compositæ, numbering about 50 species of strong-scented herbs, often shrubby below, with alternate usually much-divided leaves, and solitary or corymbose heads of rayless yellow flowers. The genus is represented in North America, Europe, North and South Africa, temperate and cold Asia. Common tansy has long had a reputation as a medicinal herb, causing it to be much grown in gardens in the past."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Tansy is a genus of Compositæ, numbering about 50 species of strong-scented herbs, often shrubby…

It is a slender aquatic herb, with whorled, finely dissected rigid leaves, and small solotary monoecious flowers, without calyx or corolla. it is common in pools or slow streams over a great part of the world.


It is a slender aquatic herb, with whorled, finely dissected rigid leaves, and small solotary monoecious…

Up into the cherry tree, who should climb but little me? I held the trunk with both my hands and looked abroad on foreign lands. I saw the next-door garden lie, adorned with flowers before my eye, and many pleasant places more that I had never seen before.

Foreign Lands

Up into the cherry tree, who should climb but little me? I held the trunk with both my hands and looked…

Field of daffodils


Field of daffodils




A rose


A rose

Girl with a flower

Girl with Flower

Girl with a flower







Madonna Lily

Madonna Lily

Madonna Lily

A bed of violets


A bed of violets

A stately tree being 80 to 100 feet high, bearing staminate flowers in long slender aments and nuts enclosed two or three together in a globose prickly envelop called a bur.


A stately tree being 80 to 100 feet high, bearing staminate flowers in long slender aments and nuts…

A floral border


A floral border

A girl sitting under a bower of roses.


A girl sitting under a bower of roses.

Some of them are beautiful evergreen flowering shrubs and ornamental in gardens.

Rock Rose

Some of them are beautiful evergreen flowering shrubs and ornamental in gardens.

A type of plant having showy flowers, and few being cultivated for ornament.


A type of plant having showy flowers, and few being cultivated for ornament.

An undeveloped branch or flower.


An undeveloped branch or flower.

A simple plant four to eight inches high. The flowers are large and white; and the berries a yellow&orange color wth a very agreeable taste.


A simple plant four to eight inches high. The flowers are large and white; and the berries a yellow&orange…

A vessel, of various forms and materials.


A vessel, of various forms and materials.

A genus of plant, of which several species are extensively cultivated, some for their lemon-scented, fragrant foliage, and others for the great beauty of their flowers.


A genus of plant, of which several species are extensively cultivated, some for their lemon-scented,…

A delicate plant knows flowers and roots are used in food.


A delicate plant knows flowers and roots are used in food.

A porch covered with flowers and vines overlooking a garden.


A porch covered with flowers and vines overlooking a garden.

"For small beds of flowers or vegetables, hand-weeders of various patterns are essential to easy and efficient work." — Baily, 1898


"For small beds of flowers or vegetables, hand-weeders of various patterns are essential to easy and…

Slender, twining herb with showy trumpet shaped flowers.


Slender, twining herb with showy trumpet shaped flowers.

Three vases with flowers


Three vases with flowers

A house plant with a tin can flower-pot, with pine-cone decoration.


A house plant with a tin can flower-pot, with pine-cone decoration.

A house plant win a cylindrical flower-pot made with tin cans.


A house plant win a cylindrical flower-pot made with tin cans.

Flowers in a simple tin can flower-pot.


Flowers in a simple tin can flower-pot.

Flowers in a tin can flower-pot covered with virgin cork.


Flowers in a tin can flower-pot covered with virgin cork.

A water-thyme, or philotria canadensis.


A water-thyme, or philotria canadensis.

A pond weed.

Pond Weed

A pond weed.

A moss-like water weed.

Water Weed

A moss-like water weed.

Tape-grass, also known as vallisneria spiralis.


Tape-grass, also known as vallisneria spiralis.

A frame made of flowers.


A frame made of flowers.

A tudor rose.

Tudor Rose

A tudor rose.

A border of birds and flowers.


A border of birds and flowers.

A border of flowers.


A border of flowers.

"As the Strawberry belongs to the Rose family, its flowers should in their natural state contain both stamens and pistils." —Fuller, 1910

Strawberry flower

"As the Strawberry belongs to the Rose family, its flowers should in their natural state contain both…

"Contains both stamens and pistils, and the flowers are said to be perfect." —Fuller, 1910

Perfect flower

"Contains both stamens and pistils, and the flowers are said to be perfect." —Fuller, 1910

An annual plant cultivated in gardens, and which serves as a salad. There are many species, most of which attain a height of two feet, bear yellowish flowers, and have variously formed leaves.


An annual plant cultivated in gardens, and which serves as a salad. There are many species, most of…

An ornamental plant of the genius lilium, characterized by an erect stem from a scaly bulb, numerous narror sessily leaves, and one or more large and erect or nodding flowers.

Tiger Lily

An ornamental plant of the genius lilium, characterized by an erect stem from a scaly bulb, numerous…

A genus of plants of the family liliaceae, native to the bushy places of America and Eurasia. It has oblong leaves, and cup-shaped flowers noted for their agreeable odor.

Lily of the Valley

A genus of plants of the family liliaceae, native to the bushy places of America and Eurasia. It has…

A genus of ornamental shrubs and trees, native to North America, China, India, Japan, and other portions of Eurasia. There are many species noted for their great beauty, handsome flowers, and evergreen or deciduous leaves.


A genus of ornamental shrubs and trees, native to North America, China, India, Japan, and other portions…

A family of climbing plants, including many species. They are familiarly known as favorite flowering plants, and are cultivated extensively in gardens. The vines climb to heights of from ten to twenty feet, and produce funnelshaped flowers of white, purple, pink, blue and varigated colors.

Morning Glory

A family of climbing plants, including many species. They are familiarly known as favorite flowering…