Nerve cells of human spinal cord stained to show Nissl bodies. Labels: D, dendrites; A, axons; C, implantation…
Reconstruction of peripheral nerves of human embryo of five weeks.
The hand is the intricate, multi-fingered body part normally located at the end of each arm of a human.
In human anatomy, the ureters are muscular tubes that propel urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
Cross section of developing bone of human fetus of four months. Labels: a, periostem; b, boundary between…
Osteoblasts from the parietal bone of a human embryo thirteen weeks old. Labels: a, bony septa with…
The human flea (Pulex irritans) is a parasitic insect that actually has several hosts despite its name.
"The branch vascular bundles will be distinctly seen, resembling in some respects the arteries and veins…
"These fragile creatures are able to make long voyages on the surface of the sea. Their nature is such…
An illustration of a cliff with with a cave. A cave is a natural underground void large enough for a…
Purkinjean cell from human cerebellum, as seen in a plane transverse to the long axis of a cerebellar…
Longitudinal section through human nail and its nail groove (sulcus).
Transverse section through human nail and its nail groove (sulcus).
A bust is a sculpted or cast representation of the upper part of the human figure, depicting a person's…
Section through the central canals of the spinal cord of a human embryo, showing ependymal (A) and neuroglial…
Human fetus in the third month of development, with the brain and spinal cord exposed from behind.
Two stages in the development of the human brain. A. Brain of an human embryo of the third week. B.…
Two cross sections through the forebrain. A. Through the forebrain of the early human embryo. B. Through…
The brain of a human embryo in the fifth week. A, Brain as seen in profile. B, Mesial section through…
Profile view of brain of a human embryo of ten weeks. The various cranial nerves are indicated by numerals.…
Front view of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon of a full term human fetus.
Back view of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon of a full term human fetus.
Lateral view of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon of a full term human fetus.
Transverse section through the closed part of the human medulla immediately above the decussation of…
Transverse section through the human medulla in the lower olivary region.
Transverse section through the the middle of the olivary region of the human medulla or bulb.
Section through the lower part of the human pons varolii immediately above the medulla.
Showing the development of the cerebellum. A, Transverse section through the forepart of the cerebellum…
An illustration of Biscayne Bay, is a lagoon that is approximately 35 miles (56 km) long and up to 8…
The Shedu is a celestial being from Mesopotamian mythology. He is a human above the waist and a bull…
An illustration of a Norse Galley. Norse is an adjective relating things to Norway, Denmark, Faroe Islands,…
Olfactory and supporting cells in a frog and a human. A. Frog. B. Human. C. Human.
A. A cone and two rods from the human retina (modified from Max Schultze); B. Outer part of rod separated…
A, Left labyrinth of a human embryo of about four weeks; B, left labyrinth of a human embryo of about…
A, Section through papilla vallata of a human tongue. B, Section through part of the papilla foliata…
An illustration of a male (right) and female (left) cockroach. Cockroaches (or simply "roaches") are…
Watercresses are fast-growing, aquatic or semi-aquatic, perennial plants native from Europe to central…
The American Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) is a neotropical eagle, often simply called the Harpy Eagle.…
A Sphinx is a zoomorphic mythological figure which is depicted as a recumbent lion with a human head.
An illustration of a fossil containing Chirotherium tracks. Chirotherium (also known as Cheirotherium)…
The sedan or litter is a wheelless, human-powered vehicle used to carry one person sitting inside.
A pixy named Thomas alarmed that a human has just invaded his lawn by jumping over Thomas' wall.
An illustration of: 1, Coralla cut open showing the four stamens; 2, Unripe fruit (lengthwise); 3, ripe…
Corystes cassivelaunus, the masked crab, helmet crab or sand crab, is a burrowing crab of the North…
In 1959 an international donations campaign to save the monuments of Nubia began: the southernmost relics…
The Sumerian word lama, which is rendered in Akkadian as lamassu, refers to a beneficient protective…
Caryatides are a blending of architecture and sculpture, but they are not of frequent occurrence. These…
Caryatides are a blending of architecture and sculpture, but they are not of frequent occurrence. These…
The Bacchus Mask (Greek God of wine) is a Graeco Italic style. It is a fragment of a vessel or utensil.