A cartoon of a man and a young boy. The young boy is holding books that say Huxley and Emerson, and the man is shocked by his intelligence.

Cartoon of Shocked Man and Young Boy

A cartoon of a man and a young boy. The young boy is holding books that say Huxley and Emerson, and…

A cartoon of a crying girl wearing a hat and a dress.

Crying Girl Wearing Hat

A cartoon of a crying girl wearing a hat and a dress.

Picture of a child with mother

To a Child

Picture of a child with mother

A young girl sleeping on a park bench.

Sleeping Child

A young girl sleeping on a park bench.

An old man resting on a log and conversing with a young woman. Sitting next to the man is a small child. Both the old man and the young woman are holding mugs. The old man also has a pipe and the woman is carrying a basket.

Old Man with Young Woman

An old man resting on a log and conversing with a young woman. Sitting next to the man is a small child.…

A woman and child sitting on a ship anchor.

Woman and Child

A woman and child sitting on a ship anchor.

A young girl looking out the window. A silhouette of a woman is next to her. An arm from the woman is shown placed on the child's shoulder, comforting the distressed child.

Child in Window

A young girl looking out the window. A silhouette of a woman is next to her. An arm from the woman is…

A flying angel carrying a small child in the clouds.

Angel Carrying a Small Child

A flying angel carrying a small child in the clouds.

Joseph leads a donkey carrying Mary and the infant Jesus.

Flight into Egypt

Joseph leads a donkey carrying Mary and the infant Jesus.

A young woman in Native American attire looks over a small child resting.

Native American Woman with Baby

A young woman in Native American attire looks over a small child resting.

A man sits outdoors with one child on his knee, one at his side, and one at his feet. The children are engaged in conversation,

A Middle-Aged Man Sitting with Three Young Children

A man sits outdoors with one child on his knee, one at his side, and one at his feet. The children are…

Four children are standing outside, engaged in conversation. One child has his arm around the neck of a large dog. A girl jumps rope in the background.

Social Gathering

Four children are standing outside, engaged in conversation. One child has his arm around the neck of…

Two children are standing near an anchor nearly twice as tall as they are. The anchor is on the shore. A third child uses the anchor as a table for small objects.

Standing Near an Anchor

Two children are standing near an anchor nearly twice as tall as they are. The anchor is on the shore.…

A man sits with a small child on a gnarled wooden bench. A woman leans against a tree next to them. A small fountain bubbles in a nearby pond.

Family on a Gnarled Wooden Bench

A man sits with a small child on a gnarled wooden bench. A woman leans against a tree next to them.…

A winged child holds an hourglass over a pair of birds. The hourglass usually represents the passing of time or mortality. The hourglass is has two snakes entwined around it. Sometimes snakes are used symbolically to represent eternity (since they can make a loop) or the cheating of death (it was commonly believed that snakes revitalized themselves by shedding their skin).

Cherub with Hourglass

A winged child holds an hourglass over a pair of birds. The hourglass usually represents the passing…

A woman sits with a child on her lap. The child is wearing a frilly dress and playing with the woman's necklace.

Woman with Young Child

A woman sits with a child on her lap. The child is wearing a frilly dress and playing with the woman's…

An old man with a small child. They are folding a blanket.

Old Man and Girl

An old man with a small child. They are folding a blanket.

An old woman with a small child.

Old Woman and Girl

An old woman with a small child.

A woman with a small child in tow. The woman appears cross and the child looks anxious.

Girl and Woman

A woman with a small child in tow. The woman appears cross and the child looks anxious.

An adult and child carrying packages. Both are wearing hats.

Carrying Packages

An adult and child carrying packages. Both are wearing hats.

"And they came into the house and saw the young child with Mary his mother; and they fell down and worshipped him; and opening their treasures they offered unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh." Matthew 2:11 ASV

<p>The illustration depicts three magi or wise men offering gifts to the Christ child held on Mary's lap. The setting is a stable with two oxen in the background.

Adoration of the Wise Men

"And they came into the house and saw the young child with Mary his mother; and they fell down and worshipped…

"And lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. And when they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy." Matthew 2:9-10 ASV
<p>The illustration depicts three magi or wise men following a star in search of the Christ child.

Journey of the Magi

"And lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the…

"And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Spirit was upon him. And it had been revealed unto him by the Holy Spirit, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he came in the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, that they might do concerning him after the custom of the law, then he received him into his arms, and blessed God, and said, Now lettest thou thy servant depart, Lord, According to thy word, in peace; For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples; A light for revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of thy people Israel. And his father and his mother were marvelling at the things which were spoken concerning him; and Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the falling and the rising of many in Israel; and for a sign which is spoken against; yea and a sword shall pierce through thine own soul; that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed." Luke 2:25-25 ASV
<p>Illustration depicts Simeon holding the infant Jesus. Joseph looks on while Mary holds two turtledoves.

Presentation of Jesus at the Temple - Encounter with Simeon

"And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout,…

"And the child grew, and waxed strong, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. And his parents went every year to Jerusalem at the feast of the passover. And when he was twelve years old, they went up after the custom of the feast; and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and his parents knew it not; but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day's journey; and they sought for him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance: and when they found him not, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking for him. And it came to pass, after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both hearing them, and asking them questions: and all that heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers." Luke 2: 40-47 ASV
<p>The illustration depicts Jesus at age 12 standing among the elders of the temple and engaging them in conversation.

Christ among the Doctors

"And the child grew, and waxed strong, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. And his…

"And they were bringing unto him little children, that he should touch them: and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was moved with indignation, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me; forbid them not: for to such belongeth the kingdom of God." Mark 10:13-14 ASV
Illustration of Jesus sitting against a tree with a baby on his lap. Little children approach him and he pats one on the head. Two women sit on the ground, holding children. Two men, probably disciples, stand nearby. A small town is in the background.

Jesus Blesses the Little Children When They are Brought to Him

"And they were bringing unto him little children, that he should touch them: and the disciples rebuked…

"And there went a man of the house of Levi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi. And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months. And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch; and she put the child therein, and laid it in the flags by the river's brink. And his sister stood afar off, to know what would be done to him. And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river-side; and she saw the ark among the flags, and sent her handmaid to fetch it. And she opened it, and saw the child: and, behold, the babe wept. And she had compassion on him, and said, This is one of the Hebrews' children." Exodus 2:2-6
<p>Illustration of Pharaoh's daughter and maidens finding the infant Moses among the bulrushes.

The Finding of Moses

"And there went a man of the house of Levi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi. And the woman conceived,…

"And they came into the house and saw the young child with Mary his mother; and they fell down and worshipped him; and opening their treasures they offered unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh." Matthew 2:11 ASV
<p>Illustration of three kings offering Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. One kneels, his crown on the ground next to him. Another kneels with a gift in his hand. A third stands with a jar in his hands. Jesus sits on Mary's lap and Joseph stands behind them. The Star of Bethlehem is depicted with its rays beaming down on Jesus. A man and camel stand in the left background.

Adoration of the Magi - The Wise Men Present Gifts to Jesus

"And they came into the house and saw the young child with Mary his mother; and they fell down and worshipped…

"...and Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the falling and the rising of many in Israel; and for a sign which is spoken against; yea and a sword shall pierce through thine own soul; that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed." Luke 2:34-35 ASV
<p>Illustration of Simeon prophesying as he holds the baby Jesus in his arms in the temple. Mary reaches out to cradle Jesus in her arms as Joseph stands by, holding a basket. A woman kneels behind Simeon. A priest stands in the background. The scene takes place during the presentation of Jesus at the temple.

The Prophecy of Simeon at the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple

"...and Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the falling…

"Now when they were departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I tell thee: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. And he arose and took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt." Matthew 2:13-14 ASV
<p>Illustration of Joseph leading a donkey carrying Mary and the baby Jesus into Egypt. The family is fleeing from King Herod. Joseph holds a staff in his hand and palm trees are depicted on the left.

The Flight into Egypt - Mary, Joseph, and Jesus Flee from King Herod

"Now when they were departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise…

“When they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly. He went in and said to them, Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep. But they laughed at him.

<p>After he put them all out, he took the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, <i>’Talitha koum!’</i> (which means ‘Little girl, I say to you, get up!’). Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old).” —Mark 5:38-42, NIV</p> 

<p>Illustration of Jesus bringing Jairus' recently deceased, 12-year-old daughter back to life. Jesus is holding the hand of the girl as she raises her upper body from the bed. She wears a laurel crown and Jairus stands behind her bed. A woman kneels next to Jesus. Incense is burning. Two onlookers stand in the background.

The Raising of Jairus' Daughter - Jesus Brings a Young Girl Back to Life

“When they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and…

"And the most part of the multitude spread their garments in the way; and others cut branches from the trees, and spread them in the way. And the multitudes that went before him, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was stirred, saying, Who is this?" Matthew 21:8-10 ASV
<p>Illustration of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a colt, right hand raised, as crowds welcome him with palm branches. A man lays a piece of cloth on the ground for the colt to walk on. A small child on the left waves a tree branch.

Jesus' Triumphal Entry and Welcome into Jerusalem

"And the most part of the multitude spread their garments in the way; and others cut branches from the…

Illustration of the Norman-built Rochester castle. The architect of the castle was Gundulf, a Norman monk, and the castle protected England's southeast coast. It is a view of the castle from the northwest and two of its towers are visible. There is a road leading away from the castle. A woman and a child holding hands, walk down the road. Trees line the road.

Rochester Castle as Seen from the Northwest

Illustration of the Norman-built Rochester castle. The architect of the castle was Gundulf, a Norman…

"And every living thing was destroyed that was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and creeping things, and birds of the heavens; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only was left, and they that were with him in the ark." Genesis 7:23 ASV
<p>People watch the flood waters rise around them as Noah's ark floats away in the distance. The people are huddled on a structure being taken over by the flood. An awning is seen barely above the water level. A woman sits with her lifeless child in her lap. Several people reach up to the heavens or out toward Noah. A horse and bird lie on a nearby raft.

The Deluge - Noah's Ark Floats into the Rising Flood Waters as People Trapped on Land Watch in Horror

"And every living thing was destroyed that was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and…

"and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood over against him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself to the earth." Genesis 18:2 ASV
<p>"And he said, I will certainly return unto thee when the season cometh round; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard in the tent door, which was behind him." Genesis 18:10 ASV
<p>Illustration of Abraham bowing before the three heavenly visitors who have just told him that his wife Sarah, who is beyond child-bearing age, will have a baby. Sarah is seen listening in the doorway. The scripture calls it a "tent", but Abraham's home is pictured here as a house made out of wood, with an awning and step.The three men appear to be emerging from the Oaks of Mamre.

Abraham and Sarah Show Hospitality to Three Strangers at Their Home

"and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood over against him: and when he saw them,…

"48 And he gathered up all the food of the seven years which were in the land of Egypt, and laid up the food in the cities: the food of the field, which was round about every city, laid he up in the same. And Joseph laid up grain as the sand of the sea, very much, until he left off numbering; for it was without number." Genesis 41:48-49 ASV
Illustration of Joseph riding through Egypt's streets in a chariot with a herald leading the horse and announcing him. He holds several sheaves of wheat with his left arm and is collecting more from the people. A small child is handing him more sheaves. Pharaoh and four other royals emerge from a doorway behind Joseph and Pharaoh is pointing to him. An obelisk is visible in the background.

Joseph Collects Wheat as Governor of Egypt in Preparation for the Famine

"48 And he gathered up all the food of the seven years which were in the land of Egypt, and laid up…

"And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch; and she put the child therein, and laid it in the flags by the river's brink. And his sister stood afar off, to know what would be done to him. And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river-side; and she saw the ark among the flags, and sent her handmaid to fetch it." Exodus 2:3-5 ASV
<p>Illustration of Miriam, Moses' sister, kneeling over him as he lies in a basket on the edge of the river. Pharaoh's daughter approaches with four of her handmaids. Two handmaids are holding feathered fans. Pharaoh's daughter is wearing a crown.

Moses is Found by Pharaoh's Daughter as Miriam Watches

"And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime…

"And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall no plague be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt." Exodus 12:13 ASV
<p>Illustration of the angel of death passing by the door of an Israelite home. The door is marked on the top side with the smeared blood of an unblemished lamb. The angel hovers over the ground and carries a sword in his right hand. Inside the house, a family can be seen gathered around the table with the slaughtered lamb on it. They are observing the first Passover. Behind the angel, a child lies dead in the street. Two obelisks and a pyramid are in the background.

The Death Angel Passes Over an Israelite Door Marked with the Blood of a Lamb

"And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I…

"And the child Samuel ministered unto Jehovah before Eli. And the word of Jehovah was precious in those days; there was no frequent vision." I Samuel 3:1 ASV
<p>Ilustration of the three-year-old Samuel being brought before Eli, the High Priest, by his mother Hannah. Hannah's left hand is over her heart as she holds Samuel's small hand. Samuel carries a small staff. Eli sits on a throne and reaches out for Samuel. There is a hanging lamp (left), two scrolls lying on a table and a bench, and a curtained window that reveals a town in the distance.

Samuel Meets Eli, the High Priest, at Shiloh

"And the child Samuel ministered unto Jehovah before Eli. And the word of Jehovah was precious in those…

"Then David ran, and stood over the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled." I Samuel17:51 ASV
<p>Illustration of David standing next to the giant body of Goliath, holding his head by the hair. David is leaning on Goliath's sword and Goliath's spear lies on the ground, partially underneath the body. The Philistine army flees (left), while the Israelites cheer and pursue them (right). There are trees, mountains, and a small town in the background.

David Holds the Head of the Slain Goliath

"Then David ran, and stood over the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof,…

"And the king said, Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other. Then spake the woman whose the living child was unto the king, for her heart yearned over her son, and she said, Oh, my lord, give her the living child, and in no wise slay it. But the other said, It shall be neither mine nor thine; divide it. Then the king answered and said, Give her the living child, and in no wise slay it: she is the mother thereof." I Kings 3:25-27 ASV
<p>Illustration of Solomon sitting in judgement. He wears a crown and is holding a scepter. A soldier holds one baby by the foot and raises his sword to strike. One woman is holding the baby up, the other is kneeling and pleading for its life. The baby that passed away is lying on the ground. Two men, advisers, stand nearby. Several people watch the scene from behind a low wall.

The Judgement of Solomon - the Real Mother is Revealed

"And the king said, Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other.…

"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:8-14 KJV

<p>Illustration of shepherds with their families, camping in the fields with their sheep. Angels appear in a cloud in the sky. One angel looks down at the shepherds and announces Jesus' birth. Two shepherds bow and shield their faces. Another shepherd huddles with a small child. A tent is set up behind them.

The Annunciation - The Angels Tell Shepherds in the Fields about the Birth of Jesus

"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by…

"...and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way." Luke 2:9-12 KJV

<p>Illustration of three kings, or maji, worshiping Jesus and bringing him gifts. Jesus is sitting on Mary's lap. Two kings wearing crowns stand in front of Mary while a third, without a crown, kneels. Two sheep are asleep in the corner. Joseph and a donkey stand behind a low fence. Servants and a camel stand off to the side.The star in the east shines on to the scene.

Kings from the East Worship the Baby Jesus

"...and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where…

"And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law, Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel." Luke 2: 25-32 KJV <p>Illustration of Simeon holding Jesus in his arms and prophesying. Mary and Joseph stand next to him. Joseph is holding a cage with two turtle doves inside. A prophetess named Anna stands next to Simeon. A domed arch frames Simeon. Onlookers stand to either side.

Simeon Prophesies When Jesus is Presented at the Temple

"And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout,…

"...behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son." Matthew 2:13-15
<p>Illustration of Joseph leading a donkey that is carrying Mary as she holds baby Jesus in her arms. They are travelling on a road made of stone and Joseph is carrying a staff. The donkey is laden with a basket and small container. The city of Bethlehem is in the background. An angel came to Joseph while he was sleeping and told him to flee from Herod who had ordered all of the infants in the area be killed.

Joseph Leads Mary and Jesus on the Road to Egypt as They Flee from King Herod

"...behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young…

"Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the ruler of the feast. And they bare it. And when the ruler of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and knew not whence it was (but the servants that had drawn the water knew), the ruler of the feast calleth the bridegroom," John 2:7-9 ASV
<p>Illustration of Jesus at the feast at Cana with his hand outstretched over pitchers as a servant pours water into them. People are gathered at a large table. A small child and a dog are at the table. Three arches, two covered by curtains, are in the background. A bench with a robe on it sits in the foreground.

The Marriage Feast at Cana - Jesus Turns Water into Wine

"Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And he saith…

"for an angel of the Lord went down at certain seasons into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the waters stepped in was made whole, with whatsoever disease he was holden. And a certain man was there, who had been thirty and eight years in his infirmity. When Jesus saw him lying, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wouldest thou be made whole?" John 5:4-6 ASV
<p>Illustration of Jesus healing a man in one of the five porches at the pool at Bethesda. The lame man is reclining and Jesus is praying over him. Several men, including disciples, stand around and watch the healing. On the other side of a wall, the pool is visible and an angel is hovering over it and reaching a staff down into the waters. A woman with a child waits near the pool. A man walking with crutches wades into the pool. A woman places a baby into the pool in the background.

Jesus Heals a Paralytic Man at the Pool at Bethesda While an Angel Troubles the Waters

"for an angel of the Lord went down at certain seasons into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever…

"On that day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side. And there were gathered unto him great multitudes, so that he entered into a boat, and sat; and all the multitude stood on the beach. And he spake to them many things in parables..." Matthew 13:1-3 ASV
<p>Illustration of Jesus sitting in the stern of a small fishing boat, reaching out to the people on shore and teaching in parables. A man sits in the bow on a fishing net. Several people stand on shore. One woman holds a baby and has a small child standing beside her. Another woman is sitting on the shore. There are mountains in the background and a single tree in the center of the image.

Jesus Teaches the Multitude on the Shore While He Sits in a Boat

"On that day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side. And there were gathered unto him…

"And they were bringing unto him little children, that he should touch them: and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was moved with indignation, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me; forbid them not: for to such belongeth the kingdom of God." Mark 10:13-14 ASV
<p>Illustration of Jesus, sitting on a rock, with a little child in his lap and several more clamoring to get to him. Several women usher the children to Jesus. They are carrying children in their arms. Three of Jesus' disciples watch from the side.

Jesus, a Friend to the Little Children

"And they were bringing unto him little children, that he should touch them: and the disciples rebuked…

"But Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but what I have, that give I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. And he took him by the right hand, and raised him up: and immediately his feet and his ankle-bones received strength." Acts 3:6-7 ASV
<p>Illustration of Peter and John walking up the temple steps and approaching a lame beggar. Peter has a halo over his head and reaches his right arm out over the beggar's head. The beggar looks up and reaches for Peter. He is holding his hat in his hand and his crutch has fallen on the steps. A woman holding a baby and walking with a small child ascends the stairs (left).

Peter Heals a Lame Beggar at the Temple

"But Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but what I have, that give I thee. In the name of Jesus…

Illustration of a monk, riding horseback, surrounded by other Crusaders. Two other monks are in the crowd. A woman kneels at the head of the group and raises her child up to see the soldiers. The monk on horseback holds a cross in his raised hand. Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade in 1095. The goal was to restore Christian access to holy places in and around Jerusalem.

The Crusades being Preached by a Monk on Horseback

Illustration of a monk, riding horseback, surrounded by other Crusaders. Two other monks are in the…

Illustration of Saint Francis of Xavier preaching to the Portuguese at Goa. Several men and women are gathered around Xavier. A child examines his robe. Xavier is showing one man the crucifix. There is a ship approaching in the background.

Saint Francis Xavier on the Coast at the Portuguese Settlement of Goa

Illustration of Saint Francis of Xavier preaching to the Portuguese at Goa. Several men and women are…

"And Ananias hearing these words fell down and gave up the ghost: and great fear came upon all that heard it." Acts 5:5 ASV
<p>Illustration of Ananias lying dead on the ground. Peter, standing next to a large column, is pointing at him. A child clutches a man in a striped robe. Several onlookers appear shocked.

Ananias Struck Dead after Lying

"And Ananias hearing these words fell down and gave up the ghost: and great fear came upon all that…