General Putnam escaping on horseback.

General Putnam

General Putnam escaping on horseback.

Sergeant Champe escaping by horseback and swimming.

Sergeant Champe

Sergeant Champe escaping by horseback and swimming.

A horse jumping.


A horse jumping.

A horse with battle armor.

Armored Horse

A horse with battle armor.

Skeleton of a horse that lived in Colorado more than a million years ago. From Guide Leaflet of the American Museum by Matthews.

Horse Skeleton

Skeleton of a horse that lived in Colorado more than a million years ago. From Guide Leaflet of the…

The four-toed horse restored from a study of its fossil skeleton.


The four-toed horse restored from a study of its fossil skeleton.

Skeleton of the fore limb of the horse. <em>sc</em>, shoulder blade; <em>h</em>, humerus; <em>r</em>, radius; <em>ua</em>, ulna; <em>m</em>, splint bone or fourth metacarpal; <em>p</em>, phalanges.

Fore Limb

Skeleton of the fore limb of the horse. sc, shoulder blade; h, humerus; r,…

Piercing mouth structure of a "horse-fly": the sucking lip is omitted.

Mouth Structure of a Horse Fly

Piercing mouth structure of a "horse-fly": the sucking lip is omitted.

A safe method of hitching a horse to a tree.


A safe method of hitching a horse to a tree.

A good horse-radish root


A good horse-radish root

The larvae are elongated, somewhat flattened creatures, some living in the soil, some in water, and some in marshes, preying upon what ever comes in their way.

Horse Fly Larva

The larvae are elongated, somewhat flattened creatures, some living in the soil, some in water, and…

The pupa of the horse fly.

Horse Fly Pupa

The pupa of the horse fly.

The horse-flies or <em>tabanidae</em>, comprise another set of troublesome creatures, of medium or large size. They have short, broad heads, enormous eyes, and short, though many jointed, feelers. The abdomen is oval, a little flattened, and the body convex and powerful. The mouth parts are well developed, consisting of a series of five sharped-pointed lancets so rigid that they readily pierce the skin and draw blood almost as soon as they touch.

Horse Fly

The horse-flies or tabanidae, comprise another set of troublesome creatures, of medium or large…

Wat Tyler, while talking to the King, grew violent, forgot to whom he was speaking, and laid his hand on the king's bridle, as if to threaten or take him prisoner. Upon this, the Lord Mayor, with his mace-dealt the man such a blow that he fell from his horse, and an attendant thrust him through with a sword.

Death of Wat Tyler

Wat Tyler, while talking to the King, grew violent, forgot to whom he was speaking, and laid his hand…

Half of a horse-chestnut, similarly cut; the caulicle is curved down on the side of one of the thick cotyledons.

Horse Chestnut

Half of a horse-chestnut, similarly cut; the caulicle is curved down on the side of one of the thick…

Horse-chestnut in germination; footstalks are formed to the cotyledons, pushing out in their lengthening the growing parts.

Horse Chestnut in Germination

Horse-chestnut in germination; footstalks are formed to the cotyledons, pushing out in their lengthening…

Shoot of Horse-chestnut, of one year's growth, taken in autumn after the leaves have fallen; showing the large terminal bud and smaller auxiliary buds.

Shoot of Horse-chestnut

Shoot of Horse-chestnut, of one year's growth, taken in autumn after the leaves have fallen; showing…

Little girl and her father riding a rocking horse with wings.

Riding A Horse

Little girl and her father riding a rocking horse with wings.

A man wearing glasses is pushing a doll in a rocking chair.

Doll In Rocking Chair

A man wearing glasses is pushing a doll in a rocking chair.

The movement of General Sherman's troops towards the Atlantic Ocean.

Sherman's March to the Sea

The movement of General Sherman's troops towards the Atlantic Ocean.

A wilderness battle during the Civil War.

Wilderness Battle

A wilderness battle during the Civil War.

"While his horse is going at full speed, he jumps over a rope extended across the ring, and regains his footing on the saddle without difficultly. To do this, he has only to leap straight up as he comes to the rope, for his inertia bears him along in the same direction as the horse." &mdash;Quackenbos 1859

Inertia Demonstration

"While his horse is going at full speed, he jumps over a rope extended across the ring, and regains…

"A horse without machinery can not lift a weight; but he does it readily with the aid of the simple apparatus shown [here].." &mdash;Quackenbos 1859

Pulley System

"A horse without machinery can not lift a weight; but he does it readily with the aid of the simple…

Five Dollars ($5) South Carolina currency from 1776. Image of a horse surrounded by the inscription - DOMINUM GENEROSA RECUSAT. Wood engraving, rough brown paper.

Paper Money, Five Dollars Bill, 1776

Five Dollars ($5) South Carolina currency from 1776. Image of a horse surrounded by the inscription…

1. Dentition (teeth) of man. 2. Dentition of hyena. 3. Dentition of pig. 4. Dentition of Patagonian cavy (type of rodent). 5. Section of skull of Indian elephant, showing dentition of right side. 6. Crown of upper molar of horse, showing enamal folds. 7. Grinding surface of molar of African elephant, with enamal folds. 8. Single tooth of blue shark. 9. Longitudinal section of human tooth. 1. Incisors (human); C, canines; P, premolars; M, molars. a, enamel; b, dentine; c, cement (crusta petrosa); d, pulp cavity.

Teeth of Man and Several Animal Species

1. Dentition (teeth) of man. 2. Dentition of hyena. 3. Dentition of pig. 4. Dentition of Patagonian…

Leaves - compound (hand-shaped; leaflets, usually five, sometimes seven); opposite; edge toothed. Outline - of leaflet, long oval, long egg-shape, or long reverse egg-shape. Apex - taper-pointed. Base - pointed. Leaflet - four to nine inches long, one to three inches wide, usually minutely downy beneath. Flowers, pale yellow. April, May. Fruit - two to two and one half inches in diameter, rounded. Husk - not prickly, but uneven. Nut - one or two in a husk, large and brown. Found - from Alleghany County, Pennsylvania, southward along the Alleghany Mountains to Northern Georgia and Alabama, and westward. General Information - A tree thirty to seventy feet high. Its wood is light and hard to split. With the other species of the same genus it is preferred, above any other American wood, for the making of artificial limbs.

Genus Aesculus, L. (Buckeye, Horse Chestnut)

Leaves - compound (hand-shaped; leaflets, usually five, sometimes seven); opposite; edge toothed. Outline…

Leaves - compound (hand-shaped; leaflets, five); opposite; edge toothed. Outline - of leaflet, oval or long oval. Apex - taper-pointed. Base - pointed. Leaflets - three to seven inches long; one and a half to three inches wide. Bark - with a disagreeable odor. Flowers - small, yellowish-white. June. Fruit - about three fourths of an inch in diameter. Husk - prickly when young. Nut - smooth. Found - along the western slopes of the Alleghany Mountains - Pennsylvania to Northern Alabama and westward. General Information - A small, ill-scented tree (eighteen to thirty-five feet high). Its wood is light and hard to split. With the other species of the same genus it is preferred, above any other American wood, for the making of artificial limbs.

Genus Aesculus, L. (Buckeye, Horse Chestnut)

Leaves - compound (hand-shaped; leaflets, five); opposite; edge toothed. Outline - of leaflet, oval…

A man is loading his horse-drawn carriage with a large pine tree.

Man with Pine Tree on Cart

A man is loading his horse-drawn carriage with a large pine tree.

A poster with important images and facts from the Heroic period (1400-1100 B.C.)

Greece Poster

A poster with important images and facts from the Heroic period (1400-1100 B.C.)

Detailed picture of how to construct a horse for a gymnasium.


Detailed picture of how to construct a horse for a gymnasium.

A harness for a horse-drawn carriage, with pieces labeled.


A harness for a horse-drawn carriage, with pieces labeled.

The coat of arms of Chile.

Chilean Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Chile.

The Coat of Arms of Venezuela.

Venezuelan Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Venezuela.

A horse-chestnut leaf.

Horse-Chestnut Leaf

A horse-chestnut leaf.

A child riding a stick horse.

Stick Horse

A child riding a stick horse.

A boy holding the reigns of a large horse.

Boy and Horse

A boy holding the reigns of a large horse.

A lady riding a horse.

Lady on Horse

A lady riding a horse.

A cavalcade riding after a lady on a horse.


A cavalcade riding after a lady on a horse.

A boy and girl riding in a horse-drawn carriage.

Horse and Carriage

A boy and girl riding in a horse-drawn carriage.

A police officer riding a horse.

Police Officer

A police officer riding a horse.

"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla; J., jugal; L., lachrymal; SQ., squamosal; PP., paroccipital process; CO., condyle CA., canine." -Thomson, 1916

Horse Skull

"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla;…

"Feet of horse and its predecessors. 1, Palaeotherium; 2, Anchitherium; 3, Hippotherium; 4, Equus." -Thomson, 1916

Horse Feet

"Feet of horse and its predecessors. 1, Palaeotherium; 2, Anchitherium; 3, Hippotherium; 4, Equus."…

A Native American father and his son find a pony while hiking near the mountains.

Native Americans with Pony

A Native American father and his son find a pony while hiking near the mountains.

A man riding a horse, lassoing a book of arithmetic.

Man Lassoing Book

A man riding a horse, lassoing a book of arithmetic.

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), the rich weed (Collinsonia Canadensis).

Rich Weed

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), the rich weed (Collinsonia Canadensis).

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), the horse mint (Mentha longifolia).

Horse Mint

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), the horse mint (Mentha longifolia).

Of the Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae), the feverwort (Triosteum perfoliatum).


Of the Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae), the feverwort (Triosteum perfoliatum).

Palaeotherium magnum, an extinct tapir-like mammal.

Palaeotherium magnum

Palaeotherium magnum, an extinct tapir-like mammal.

Anoplotherium, an extinct hoofed mammal.


Anoplotherium, an extinct hoofed mammal.

A primitive giraffe-camel. This primitive camel has no humps and an elongated neck, resembling a giraffe.

primitive giraffe-camel

A primitive giraffe-camel. This primitive camel has no humps and an elongated neck, resembling a giraffe.

A primitive desert horse during the time period of Miocene.

Desert Horse

A primitive desert horse during the time period of Miocene.

"Dissected bud of buckeye (Aesculus macrostachya), showing transitions from bud-scales to leaves." -Bergen, 1896

Buckeye Bud

"Dissected bud of buckeye (Aesculus macrostachya), showing transitions from bud-scales to leaves." -Bergen,…

From an archaic Greek vase, a picture of horses and chariots.

Aryan Speaking People, Horses and Chariots

From an archaic Greek vase, a picture of horses and chariots.

"The fall of the horse-chestnut leaf." -Bergen, 1896

Buckeye Leaves

"The fall of the horse-chestnut leaf." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaf arrangement of horse-chestnut on vertical shoots." -Bergen, 1896

Buckeye Leaves

"Leaf arrangement of horse-chestnut on vertical shoots." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaf arrangement of horse-chestnut on vertical shoots." -Bergen, 1896

Buckeye Leaves

"Leaf arrangement of horse-chestnut on vertical shoots." -Bergen, 1896

"Bees visiting flowers. At the left, a bumblebee on the flower of the dead nettle; below, a similar bee in the flower of the horse-chestnut; above, a honey-bee in the flower of a violet." -Bergen, 1896

Bees Visiting Flowers

"Bees visiting flowers. At the left, a bumblebee on the flower of the dead nettle; below, a similar…

Wolves attacking a traveler. Caption below illustration: "The road now ran along the skirts of a pine forest, when the traveler suddenly perceived a suspicious noise behind her. Casting back a look of alarm, she saw a troop of wolves trotting along the road, the number of which her fears hindered her from estimating."

Wolves Attacking a Traveler

Wolves attacking a traveler. Caption below illustration: "The road now ran along the skirts of a pine…

"A scouring-rush (Equisetum sylvaticum). At the right is a colorless fertile stem, in the middle a green sterile one, and at the left a green fertile one." -Bergen, 1896

Scouring Rush

"A scouring-rush (Equisetum sylvaticum). At the right is a colorless fertile stem, in the middle a green…

"A four wheeled carriage, having a plank attached to the hind axle and to a crossbar in front." -Foster, 1921


"A four wheeled carriage, having a plank attached to the hind axle and to a crossbar in front." -Foster,…