(1714-1774) A major general and knight.

Sir William Johnson

(1714-1774) A major general and knight.

Knight of the Garter

Knight of the Garter

Knight of the Garter

Knight in complete armor

Knight in complete armor

Knight in complete armor

Knight in the lists

Knight in the lists

Knight in the lists

Sir Stephen Cheyndut, a 13th century knight bore an oak tree


Sir Stephen Cheyndut, a 13th century knight bore an oak tree

The Knight from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Illustrated by Agnus MacDonall.

The Knight

The Knight from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Illustrated by Agnus MacDonall.

Plate Gorget.


Plate Gorget.

Knight's full-faced helmet of steel. Open visor.

Heraldry, Knight

Knight's full-faced helmet of steel. Open visor.

Shows setup of a chessboard.


Shows setup of a chessboard.

Knight wearing chair armor.

Chain armor

Knight wearing chair armor.

Knight wearing Allecret armor

Allecret armor

Knight wearing Allecret armor

Arthur is about to be slain by the great Knight Pellinore but as he raises his sword against Arthur, Merlin enchants Pellinore into a deep sleep. The magician then caught up the king and rode forth on the knight's horse saving him from danger.

Merlin Saves Arthur

Arthur is about to be slain by the great Knight Pellinore but as he raises his sword against Arthur,…

Enid watching over Geraint as he lay on his deathbed.

Enid Watching over Geraint

Enid watching over Geraint as he lay on his deathbed.

"A Knight Templar. During the Crusades, there were military and religious orders. Between the first and second crusades two peculiar military and religious orders were established. These were the Knights, Hospitalers, or Knights of St. John, and the Knights Templars. The Knights of St. John were organized originally to care for the sick and wounded among the crusaders and pilgrims to Jerusalem. They took the usual vows of monks, but to these were added vows of military service. They had thus a combined religious and military character, being fighting men as well as monks. The Knights Templars wre organized on a similar plan, but their original purpose had been to protect the pilgrims to the Holy Land. At a later date there was another of these orders established under the name of the Tentonic Knights. All three played an important part in the crusades, and they continued to exist long after the crusades were over."—Colby, 1899

Knight Templar

"A Knight Templar. During the Crusades, there were military and religious orders. Between the first…

"A tournament. The most famous amusement of the chivalrous age was the tournament, which took place in an open space surrounded by a balustrade or a rope, called the lists. It was a mimic combat between knights, who each tried to unhorse the other with his lance. The successful knight was hailed with shouts of applause from the spectators and received a prize from his mistress or the queen."—Colby, 1899


"A tournament. The most famous amusement of the chivalrous age was the tournament, which took place…

Knight of the thirteenth century


Knight of the thirteenth century

"One armed with the arbalist; a crossbowman; especially, a soldier carrying the arbalist of war."-Whitney, 1902


"One armed with the arbalist; a crossbowman; especially, a soldier carrying the arbalist of war."-Whitney,…

"Order of the Bath, in heraldry, etc., an order of knighthood, so called because the recipients of the honor were required formerly to bathe the evening before their creation. It was instituted by Henry IV. in 1399, and, falling into disuse, was revived by George I. in 1725."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Badge, Order of Bath

"Order of the Bath, in heraldry, etc., an order of knighthood, so called because the recipients of the…

"Complete Armor of 1195-1205."-Whitney, 1902


"Complete Armor of 1195-1205."-Whitney, 1902

"Armor and Equipment for man and horse, about 1290."-Whitney, 1902


"Armor and Equipment for man and horse, about 1290."-Whitney, 1902

"Complete Armor, about 1395"-Whitney, 1902


"Complete Armor, about 1395"-Whitney, 1902

"Complete suit of Plate-Armor, now in Paris, date about 1440- the epoch of greatest perfection of defensive arms."-Whitney, 1902


"Complete suit of Plate-Armor, now in Paris, date about 1440- the epoch of greatest perfection of defensive…

Known as the "knight of the spruce."

Charles Courtney

Known as the "knight of the spruce."

"The chivalry of the gothic nations began in the woods of Germany. No youth was then permitted to assume arms, at that time the geat privilege of the noble and the free, at his own pleasure. It was made a social rank, to which it was necessary that the aspiring candidates should be elected in the public councils of their rude commonwealth; and the emulated distinction was then solemnly conferred by the prince, or a kinsman, giving them a javelin and a shield. In these customs we see the origin of knighthood." — Goodrich, 1844

Chivalry and knight-errantry

"The chivalry of the gothic nations began in the woods of Germany. No youth was then permitted to assume…

Scene from <em>The Tale of Ivanhoe</em>. "The pilgrim was Cedric's own son in disguise, and that was why the swineherd Gurth did what he asked. At the table the pilgrim had challenged a boasting Norman knight, Sir Brian, to meet in combat one named Ivanhoe. At the tournament the encounter took place, and the Norman was overthrown by Ivanhoe." &mdash;Arthur Mee and Holland Thompson, 1912

Tale of Ivanhoe

Scene from The Tale of Ivanhoe. "The pilgrim was Cedric's own son in disguise, and that was…

Scene from <em>The Tale of Ivanhoe</em>. "The Lady Rowena had to award the wreath of victory to the knight of Ivanhoe, who, when his helmet was removed, was discovered, to be none other than Cedric's own son and her sweetheart. But the hero had many other adventures to face before he married the fair Rowena, as told in the romance of 'Ivanhoe.'" &mdash;Arthur Mee and Holland Thompson, 1912

Tale of Ivanhoe

Scene from The Tale of Ivanhoe. "The Lady Rowena had to award the wreath of victory to the…

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A scene from the story, <em>Una and The Red Cross Knight</em>.

Una and The Red Cross Knight

A scene from the story, Una and The Red Cross Knight.

A knight wearing a suit of armor, presented by the Emperor Maximillian to Henry VIII.


A knight wearing a suit of armor, presented by the Emperor Maximillian to Henry VIII.

A knight from the Middle Ages.


A knight from the Middle Ages.

Sir Percivale, the boy knight, from <em>King Arthur</em>.

Sir Percivale

Sir Percivale, the boy knight, from King Arthur.

"The Knight, Death, and the Devil." &mdash;D'Anvers, 1895


"The Knight, Death, and the Devil." —D'Anvers, 1895

A board game and mental-skill game for two players.


A board game and mental-skill game for two players.

"A reduced copy of the 'Knight,' and is interesting as one of the first wood-engravings executed in Great Britain: several works followed, all, hoever, in the same rude manner." &mdash; Chambers, 1881

Wood Engraving

"A reduced copy of the 'Knight,' and is interesting as one of the first wood-engravings executed in…

"One of the religious orders of Spanish knighthood, was founded as a military fraternity for the defense of Estremadura against the Moors. In 1197, Pope Celestine III. raised it to the rank of a religious order of knighthood; bestowed great privileges on it, and charged it with the defense of the Christian faith." &mdash; Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"One of the religious orders of Spanish knighthood, was founded as a military fraternity for the defense…

"An order of knighthood in Portugal, instituted by Sancho, the first king of Portugal, in imitation of the order of Calatrava, and having, like it, for its object the subjection of the Moors." &mdash; Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"An order of knighthood in Portugal, instituted by Sancho, the first king of Portugal, in imitation…

Armor made by sewing rings of metal on a background of leather or cloth.

Ring Armor

Armor made by sewing rings of metal on a background of leather or cloth.

Heavily armored knights engaged in battle.

Knights Armor

Heavily armored knights engaged in battle.

"Brass Armor of Sir John de Creke." &mdash; The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Brass Armor

"Brass Armor of Sir John de Creke." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

"Brass Armor of Sir John de Foxley." &mdash; The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Brass Armor

"Brass Armor of Sir John de Foxley." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

"Brass Armor of Sir John Lisle at Thruxton." &mdash; The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Brass Armor

"Brass Armor of Sir John Lisle at Thruxton." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Two heavily armored knights on horseback shaking hands.

Two Knights

Two heavily armored knights on horseback shaking hands.

(1584-1616) Beaumont was a dramatist in the English Renaissance theatre.

Francis Beaumont

(1584-1616) Beaumont was a dramatist in the English Renaissance theatre.

A poster of important images and facts about the Holy Roman Empire.

Holy Roman Empire Poster

A poster of important images and facts about the Holy Roman Empire.

The costume of a knight of the First Crusade.


The costume of a knight of the First Crusade.

A knight preparing to ride.


A knight preparing to ride.

A queen thinking of a wish while a knight holds her birthday cake.

Queen's Birthday

A queen thinking of a wish while a knight holds her birthday cake.

"Knight's experiment, substituting centrifugal "force" for gravity" proved that stems do not grow upwards because of sunlight but rather, roots grow downwards because of gravity. -Gager, 1916

Knight's Experiment

"Knight's experiment, substituting centrifugal "force" for gravity" proved that stems do not grow upwards…