"Alle. Sea Dove. Size small. Bill very short, stout, and obtuse, as well as high at base, the sides…
"Starnaenas cyanocephala. Blue-headed Quail Dove. Crown rich blue bounded by black; a white stripe under…
"Zenaidura carolinensis. Carolina Dove. Mourning Dove. Wild Dove. Upper parts, including middle tail-feathers,…
Columba palumbus. European Ring Dove. Wood Pigeon. Plumage is gray with a pinkish-purplish breast and…
An illustration of two species of doves. On the left is a crested dove and on the right hand side is…
"Dissemurus paradiseus, the Drongo, both sexes are typically black, with metallic gloss of blue, purple,…
The head and throat of the male duck can be emerald green with shots of violet. The female is brown…
"Dafila. Pin-tail Ducks. Tail (in adult male) narrow, cuneate, when fully developed nearly as long as…
"Fig 27. - Bones of the right wing of a duck, Clangula islandica, A, shoulder, omos; B, elbow, ancon;…
"Camptolaemus labradorius. Labrador Duck. Pied Duck. Adult male: Bill black with orange at base and…
Biziura lobata, (Musk Duck) of Tasmania and Australia -except the north-is brown with buff mottlings,…
"Oidemia perspicillata. Surf Duck. Sea Coot. Adult male: Bill as above, singularly variegated in color,…
"Oidemia perspicillata trowbridgii. Trowbridge's Surf Duck, With the bill longer, exceeding the head,…
"Anus boscas. Mallard. Wild or Domestic Duck. Green-head. Bill greenish-yellow. Feet orange-red. Iris…
These birds have webbed-feet, with heavy, oily plumage. the body is flattened, and all are fine swimmers.
"Aix sponsa. Wood Duck. Summer Duck. "The Bride." Adult Male: Bill pinkish-white, with lake-red base,…
"Dafila acuta. Pin-tail Duck. Sprig-tail. Bill black, with grayish-blue edge of upper mandible; feet…
"Cochlea, X3. a, external, b, internal, cartilaginous prism; c, membranous zone; d, saccular extremity…
"Section of the cochlea, X3. a, vestibular surface of external cartilaginous prism, extending into d,…
"Membranous labyrinth of Haliaetus albicilla (White-tailed Eagle), X2. a,b, cochlea; b, its saccular…
"Part of the superior vertical semicircular canal, showing its ampulla (which is the dilatation of the…
"Membranous labyrinth of Haliaetus albicilla (White-tailed Eagle), X2. a,b, cochlea; b, its saccular…
"Its flight is as powerful as that of the golden eagle, and its adroitness and strength are even greater.…
"Haliaetus leucocephalus. White-headed Sea Eagle. "Bald Eagle." "Bird of Washington". Adult: Dark brown;…
"Fig. 6- scissors, knives, and forceps, 1/2 natural size." Elliot Coues, 1884 These items may be used…
"Figure 7-hooks for extracting embryos, natural size; a,b,c, plain hooks; d, bill-hook, having cutting…
"Figure 5-Instruments for blowing eggs; a,b, blow-pipes, 1/2 natural size; c, wire for cleansing them;…
"Figure 4 - egg-drills, different sizes. Steel implements with a sharp-pointed conical head of rasping…
A man is gathering Murre's eggs from their nesting cliff. Birds lay single eggs and eggs are elongated…
"Herodias. Great Egret Heron. Character of Ardea proper, excepting in plumage; color white; no crest;…
"Garzetta. Small Egret Herons. Color white; and occipital crest, and short recurved train of stiff-shafted…
"Egyptian noble hunting waterfowl on the Nile with the "throwstick' (a boomerang). The birds rise from…
"Somateri mollissima. Somateri dresseri. Common Eider. Bill gibbous at base of upper mandible; outline…
"Somateria mollissima. European Eider Duck. Bill with lateral frontal process extending on each side…
"Somateria fischeri. Spectacled Eider. Bill (in both sexes) peculiar in the extension upon it of dense…
"Fig. 28. - Mechanism of elbow-joint. ..., where rc and uc show respectively the size, shape, and position…
An Emeu "Dromaeus novae-hollandiae, of the interior Eastern Australia, which extended in times past…
The Emu, a native of Australia, is nearly as large as the Ostrich, but has shorter legs and neck and…
The Emu, a native of Australia, is nearly as large as the Ostrich, but has shorter legs and neck and…
Falcons are a group of birds of prey that vary in size from the falconet to the gyrefalcon. They can…
"Falco mexicanus. American Lanner Falcon. Prairie Flacon. A medium-sized species, distinguished from…
"The falcons, it may be said, realize the ideal of a bird of prey. They feed only on living animals,…
"Falcons. Bill furnished with a sharp tooth and notch near the end of the cutting edge of the upper…
"Falco mexicanus. American Lanner Falcon. Prairie Flacon. A medium-sized species, distinguished from…
"Falco peregrinus. Peregrine Falcon. Duck Hawk. Great-footed Hawk. A medium-sized falcon, about as large…
"Falco peregrinus. Peregrine Falcon. Duck Hawk. Great-footed Hawk. A medium-sized falcon, about as large…
"Fig. - 20 - Two barbs, a, a, of a vane, bearing anterior, b, b, and posterior, c, barbules; enlarged;…
"Carpodacus. Purple Bullfinch. Bill smaller and less turgid than in Pinicol or Pyrrhula, more regularly…
"Leucosticte griseinucha. Brandt's Rosy Finch. Like the littoral variety of tephrocotis, in having the…
A well known English bird, known as the coal-hood, the hoop, or the tony hoop, the alp, and the hope.
"Carpodacus purpureus. Purple Finch (better Crimson Finch). Rose-red, paler below, insensibly whitening…
"Ammodramus maritimus. Seaside Finch. Olive-gray, obscurely streaked on back and crown with darker and…
"Leucosticte tephrocotis. Swainson's Rosy Finch. Gray-crowned Rosy Finch. Sexes similar. Adult in breeding…