"Bernicla canadensis. Canada Goose. Common Wild Goose. Tail normally 18-feathered. Bill, feet, head,…
"Philacte canagica. Painted Goose. Emperor Goose. Wavy bluish-gray, with lavender or lilac tinting,…
Bernicla ruficollis, the Red-breasted Goose of West Siberia, which migrates southwards, strays to Britain…
"Astur atricapillus. American Goshawk. Blue Hen Hawk (adult). Chicken Hawk (young). Adult: Above, dark…
The foot of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…
The head of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…
They pass swiftly through the air at the height of about a hundred yards, in flocks of from seven and…
Diving birds, such as the grebe, have webbed (or lobed) feet and are expert in swimming and diving.
"F. Fibula; T, tibia, with a, its cnemial process, and P, large patella, of a grebe." Elliot Coues,…
"Both sexes of the Little Grebe are mainly dusky brown or blacking grey above, and silvery white below,…
"Black Throated Green Warbler or Dendroica virens. Back and crown clear yellow-olive; forehead, superciliary…
"Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the crown, sides of head, back,…
"Guiraca caerulea. Blue Grosbeak. Adult male: Rich dark blue, nearly uniform, but darker or blackish…
"Hesperophona vespertina. Evening Grosbeak. General color sordid yellow, overlaid with sooty-olive shade,…
"Pinicola enucleator. Pine Grosbeak. Light carmine or rosy-red, feathers of back with dusky centres;…
"Zamelodia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the head and neck all around and…
"Guiraca. Blue Grosbeak. Bill Commissure strongly angulated far beyond base, with deep under mandible…
"Zamelodia. Song Grosbeak. Bill extremely heavy, with the lower mandible as deep as the upper or deeper,…
"Bonasa umbella. Ruffed Grouse. "Partridge;" "Pheasant;" Above, variegate reddish- or grayish-brown,…
"Fig. 29., from a young grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus, six months old), is designed to show the…
"Canace canadensis. Canada Grouse. Spotted Grouse. Spruce Grouse. Spruce "Partridge." Adult: Head smooth,…
"Syrrhaptes paradoxus, Sand-Ground, are true desert birds, affording excellent instances of protective…
The ruffed grouse is an American bird that likes hill-sides densely covered with evergreens or birch.
The ruffed grouse lives in the woods. It makes a loud noise by beating its wings rapidly (drumming).
"Bonasa umbella. Ruffed Grouse. "Partridge;" "Pheasant;" Above, variegate reddish- or grayish-brown,…
"Pediaecetes phasianellus Columbianus. Common Sharp-tailed Grouse. Upper parts closely and pretty evenly…
The guillemots have the beak long, straight, convex above, somewhat angular below. They only come ashore…
"Bill averaging somewhat longer, about 1.90; culmen, commissure, and gonys nearly straight; upper mandible…
"Bill black; bill along culmen 1.75; gape 2.50; gonys 1.15; depth at base .55; width .30." Elliot Coues,…
"Uria columba. Pigeon Guillemot. Bill stouter than that of grylle, and more obtuse." Elliot Coues, 1884
"Bill larger than Pigeon Guillemot, 1.5-1.70 along culmen, along gape 2.20, from feathers on side of…
"Lomvia arra. Thick-billed Guillemot. Arrie. Bill short, stout, wide, deep; culmen curved throughout;…
"Lomvia troile. Common Guillemot, or Murre. Adult in summer: Head and neck all around rich dark maroon…
"Uria grylle. Black Guillemots. Bill much shorter than head, about equal to tarsus, straight, rather…
"Gular pouch of bustard; a, tongue; b, the pouch, opening under a, hanging in front of c, the trachea,…
"Chroicocephalus atricilla. Laughing Gull. Black-headed Gull. Bill longer than middle toe and claw,…
"Larus heermanni. White-headed Gull. Bill shorter than head or tarsus, rather slender, moderately compressed,…
"The Harpy or Crested Eagle is the model species of the genus to which it belongs. It measures nearly…
"Circinae. Harriers. Face surrounded with an incomplete ruff (as in most owls); orifice of ear about…
Two young men prepare the field using a simple harrow pulled by a horse. One man follows behind the…
"Fig. 46. - Raptorial foot of a hawk, Accipiter cooperi. The raptorial is another modification of the…
"Buteo vulgaris. hawk of Europe, Upper parts dark brown, very variable in shade according to season…
Birds of prey usually have stout, hooked beaks and sharp, curved claws, fitting them for clutching and…
"Accipiter fuscus. Sharp-shinned Hawk. "Pigeon" Hawk. Above, dark plumbeous, slate-color, or bluish-gray,…
"Accipiter nisus, the Sparrow-Hawk, which breeds throughout Europe, North Africa, Asia north of the…
"Falco sparverius. Rusty-crowned Falcon. Sparrow Hawk. Adults: Crown ashy-blue, with a chestnut patch,…
"Accipiter fuscus. Sharp-shinned Hawk. "Pigeon" Hawk. Above, dark plumbeous, slate-color, or bluish-gray,…
"Cupidonia. Tarsi scant-feathered to the toes in front and on sides, bare on a strip behind; toes extensively…
" Fig 110 - Hens egg, nat. size, in section; from Owen, after A. Thompson. A, cicatricle or "tread,"…
"Cupidonia cupido. Pinnated Grouse. Prairie Hen. Above, variegated with black, brown, tawny, or ochrey,…