Herons are found on the edges of rivers, lakes and marshes and live on fishes, reptiles and sometimes…
Herons are found on the edges of rivers, lakes and marshes and live on fishes, reptiles and sometimes…
Herons are found on the edges of rivers, lakes and marshes and live on fishes, reptiles and sometimes…
These wading birds mostly spend their time wading about in shallow water, feeding upon small fishes,…
"Ardea. Great Herons. Of largest size, former well feathered all around. Tibia extensively denuded below.…
"Pelvis of a heron (ardea herodias), nat. size, viewed from below; from nature by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt,…
This heron has a bill like an overturned boat. It also has a beautiful black crest that falls down behind…
"Ardea herodias. Great Blue Heron. Of large size, and varied dark colors, not dichromatic. Back without…
"Nyctiardea grisea naevia. Black-crowned Night Heron. Qua-bird. Squawk. Crown, scapulars and interscapulars…
"Hesperornis regalis, (a fossilized restoration) which stood about three feet high, had blunt teeth…
"Hesperornis regalis, (a fossilized restoration) which stood about three feet high, had blunt teeth…
"The Hoatzin (Opisthocomus cristatus) is curious and highly specialized. "The body is long and thin,…
The hoopoes are easily recognized from the double range of plumes which form an arched crest on their…
"Upupa epops, not unfrequently visits Britain, where it has nested on several occasions; it breeds from…
The hornbill family are remarkable for the very large size of the beak, and the large protuberance that…
The hornbill family are remarkable for the very large size of the beak, and the large protuberance that…
A large bird, found in Africa and Asia, having a large bill curved downward, on which is a process resembling…
"They walk with difficulty and their flight is clumsy. [They are] native to Malaysia, India and Sumatra.
"Dichoceros bicornis of India and the Malay countries has a large yellowish-red casque, hallowed and…
The Rytidoceros undulatus, Plait-billed Hornbill, or Wreathed Hornbill, has black wings, belly, and…
"Heteralocha acutirostris, the New Zealand Huia, the female has a remarkably long, curved bill, that…
"Trochilus colubris. Ruby-throated Humming-bird. Tail forked, its feathers all narrow and pointed; no…
"The Eulampis jugularis, or Hummingbird, has brilliant coloration almost defies description, the most…
Hummingbird species (Ornismya): Gould's hummingbird (O. gouldii), Bar-tailed hummingbird (O. sappho),…
"Aithurus polytmus, the Long-tailed Hummingbird, peculiar to Jamaica, the two tail-feathers next to…
"Hyoid bone; a, glosso-hyal, tipped with cartilage, its posterior horn being certo-hyals proper; b,…
A genus of wading birds, one species of which was regarded in ancient Egypt with a degree of respect…
Wading birds with long, slender bills found in warmer climates of both hemispheres. The Sacred ibis…
"Tantalops loculator. American Wood Stork. Wood Ibis. Colorado Turkey. Plumage white, the wing-quills,…
"Ichthyornis victor and I. dispar, ...were small forms of about the size of a Partridge, with the habits…
"Ichthyornis, though the wings are well developed, with fused metacarpals, and the sternum is keeled,…
"Passerina cyanea. Indigo Painted Finch. Indigo-bird. Adult male: Indigo-blue, intense and constant…
Their habits are little known; but it is certain that they live isolated or in pairs, that they are…
These birds have long toes and claws that permit them to walk easily across leaves of tropical aquatic…
"Hydrophasianus chirurgus, the Indian Jacana, of most of the Indian Region, is Bronzy-brown above and…
"Parra. Jacanas. Bill plover-like, contracted in continuity, enlarged terminally; with culmen depressed…
"Corvus monedul. Jackdaw. The species throughout uniform lustrous black, including the bill and feet;…
Blue jays are abundant in the central and eastern states. They are characterized by blue-gray feathers…
"Cyanocitta cristata. Blue Jay. Male: Purplish-blue, below pale purplish-gray, whitening on throat,…
"Perisoreus canadensis. Canada Jay. Whiskey Jack. Moose-bird. Gray whitening on head, neck, and breast;…
"European Jay. Garrulus glandarius. With the wings much shorter than or about equalling the tail, both…
"Cyanocitta stelleri macrolopha. Long-crested Jay. Upper parts sooty umber-brown, with a faint blue…
"And Pharaoh was wroth against his two officers, against the chief of the butlers, and against the chief…
Jungle-fowl is a general name given to the members of the genus Gallus. The red jungle-fowl, G. jerrugineus,…
"Rhinochetus jubatus, the Kuga ... has powder-down patches that are profusely distributed over the whole…
"Stringops habroptilus, the Kakapo or Tarapo of New Zealand has sap-green upper parts, with yellow middles…
Falco tinnunculus. Common Kestral. This bird is a European bird of prey. Plumage on upperside, chestnut-brown…
Tyrannus carolinensis. King-bird. Bee-martin. No olive nor decided yellow. Only outer primaries obviously…
"Fig. 23 - A feather from the tail of a kingbird, Tyrannus carolinensis, almost entirely pennaceous;…