The most important association tracts of the brain. The fibers are projected upon the external surface…
The most important association tracts of the brain. The fibers are projected upon the mesial (medial)…
Diagram to illustrate minute structure of the cerebral cortex. Labels: A and B, neuroglia cells; C,…
Coronal section through the right cerebral hemispheres as to cut through the anterior part (putamen)…
Horizontal section through the right cerebral hemisphere at the level of the widest part of the lenticular…
Diagram of the leading association bundles of the cerebral hemisphere. A, Outer aspect of hemisphere.…
Two coronal sections through the cerebral hemisphere of an orangoutang, in the plan of the anterior…
"The Upper Surface of the Cerebrum. Showing its division into two hemispheres, and also of the convolutions."…
Coronal section through the cerebrum of an orangoutang passing through the subthalamic tegmental region.
Coronal section through the cerebrum, so as to cut through the three divisions of the lenticular nucleus;…
Coronal section through the left side of the cerebrum of an orangoutang. The section passes through…
View of the appearance of the tortuous elevations (convolutions) of the brain, seen from above.
Middle vertical section of the callous body (corpus callosum). The inner left side of the brain is also…
The corpus callosum, exposed from above and the right half dissected to show the course taken by its…
"Dissected fish. a, air bladder; b, urinary bladder; b, urinary bladder; br, brain; c, spinal cord;…
"Diagram of Vertebrate Encephalon ... in longitudinal vertical section. Mb, mid-brain; in front of it…
"Diagram of Vertebrate Encephalon ... in horizontal section. Mb, mid-brain; in front of it all is forebrain,…
Ethmoid bone, posterior surface. The ethmoid bone is an exceedingly light, spongy bone, placed between…
Fissure of Rolando fully opened up, so as to exhibit the interlocking gyri and deep annectant gyrus…
Two cross sections through the forebrain. A. Through the forebrain of the early human embryo. B. Through…
The fornix is a paired structure consisting of bilaterally symmetrical halves composed of longitudinally…
Frontal bone of the human skull, outer surface. The frontal bone forms the forehead, roof of the orbital…
Section of head 3 cm above supraorbital border.
Section of head 4 cm above supraorbital border.
Vertical middle section of head and neck showing the opening through the Eustachian tube, and its relations…
Section of head and neck from front to back. Labels: 1, windpipe; 2, larynx; 3, spinal marrow; 4, pharynx;…
Section of the head immediately below the orbits, at the level of Reid's base line exposing the maxillary…
Exposure of the Gasserian ganglion and middle meningeal artery though a flap incision of the scalp and…
Section of the head through lower portion of orbit.
Section two inches above supraorbital border. Upper surface. The (*) on right indicates subaponeurotic…
Frontal section of the head passing through the parietal and occipital cerebral lobes and he cerebellar…
"The Brain is the encephalon, or center of the nervous system and the seat of consciousness and volition…
Diagrammatic representation of the internal capsule (as seen in horizontal section).
Transverse section through the human medulla in the lower olivary region.
Transverse section through the the middle of the olivary region of the human medulla or bulb.
Back view of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon of a full term human fetus.
Front view of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon of a full term human fetus.
Lateral view of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon of a full term human fetus.
Transverse section through the closed part of the human medulla immediately above the decussation of…
Transverse section through the closed part of the fetal medulla immediately above the decussation of…
Transverse section through the lower end of the medulla of a full term fetus.
Transverse section through the mesencephalon at the level of the inferior quadrigeminal body.
Transverse section through the mesencephalon at the level of the superior quadrigeminal body.