"The body is five feet long, and height three feet. The general color is gray-ish-white, though the head and neck are of a reddish-brown." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The body is five feet long, and height three feet. The general color is gray-ish-white, though the…

"Addax of Eastern Africa. (A nasomaculatus)'"-Whitney, 1902


"Addax of Eastern Africa. (A nasomaculatus)'"-Whitney, 1902

Bas-relief of early amusements at the amphitheatre.

Amphitheatrical Amusements

Bas-relief of early amusements at the amphitheatre.

Group of animals gathered at a water trough.


Group of animals gathered at a water trough.

An antelope's head with two large antlers.


An antelope's head with two large antlers.

An antelop sitting with a woman


An antelop sitting with a woman

"Its length is four feet; its height two and a half; the legs are long and delicate; the body round, but light and well formed; the head small; the eyes large, lively, and expressive; the ears long, cylindrical, and in continual motion; and the horns forming a complete spiral of two or three turns, wrinkled at the base, distinctly annulated in the middle, and smooth for a couple of inches next the points." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Common Antelope

"Its length is four feet; its height two and a half; the legs are long and delicate; the body round,…

"About the size of a common deer, of a reddish-fawn color, but marked with white stripes along the back and sides, and with white spots on the haunches. These markings are prominent in both sexes; and as they resemble a hardness, the species has been called the <em> Hardnessed Antilope</em>." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Guib Antelope

"About the size of a common deer, of a reddish-fawn color, but marked with white stripes along the back…

A ruminant witha peculiarly inflated and expanded nasal region.

Saiga Antelope

A ruminant witha peculiarly inflated and expanded nasal region.

The Seal of the Territory of Arizona, 1863. The image on the seal shows mountains, forests, and a deer. Underneath is Arizona's state motto, 'Ditat Deus,' meaning "God enriches."

Seal of Arizona

The Seal of the Territory of Arizona, 1863. The image on the seal shows mountains, forests, and a deer.…

"Bones of fore foot of existing Artiodactyle. Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)." &mdash;The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903


"Bones of fore foot of existing Artiodactyle. Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)." —The Encyclopedia Britannica,…

"Shows a priestess of Bacchus in the attitude of offering a <em>nebris</em> to Bacchus or to one of his ministers." &mdash; Anthon, 1891

Priestess of Bacchus

"Shows a priestess of Bacchus in the attitude of offering a nebris to Bacchus or to one of…

"Is six feet long, three feet seven inches high, has round horns curved backward, and is of a blu-ish black color, whence its name, which signifies <em>Blue Buck</em>." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Is six feet long, three feet seven inches high, has round horns curved backward, and is of a blu-ish…

A diagram of a tower brewery cellars. A brewery is a dedicated building for the making of beer, though beer can be made in the home, and has been for much of beer's history. A company which makes beer is called either a brewery or a brewing company. The diversity of size in breweries is matched by the diversity of processes, degrees of automation, and kinds of beer produced in breweries. Typically a brewery is divided into distinct sections, with each section reserved for one part of the brewing process.

Tower Brewery Cellars

A diagram of a tower brewery cellars. A brewery is a dedicated building for the making of beer, though…

A diagram of a brewery. A brewery is a dedicated building for the making of beer, though beer can be made in the home, and has been for much of beer's history. A company which makes beer is called either a brewery or a brewing company. The diversity of size in breweries is matched by the diversity of processes, degrees of automation, and kinds of beer produced in breweries. Typically a brewery is divided into distinct sections, with each section reserved for one part of the brewing process.

Brewery Diagram

A diagram of a brewery. A brewery is a dedicated building for the making of beer, though beer can be…

The female bushbuck


The female bushbuck

Two caribou


Two caribou

This wood carving is sculptured in alto-relievo which is a high relief. The design shows field animals is of foxes, deer, and partridges. The base is supported by two dogs and festoons of leaves.

Wood Carving

This wood carving is sculptured in alto-relievo which is a high relief. The design shows field animals…

"The horns are six or seven inches long, the body about three feet three inches, and the height at the shoulders about two feet. The whole body covered with long hair, hanging down over the sides, of a deep brown color in winter and brownish-fawn color in summer, being in spring slightly mixed with gray; head is of a pale yellow or straw color, with dark band son each side, passing from the root of the ears to the corners of the mouth, and encircling the eyes and base of the horns." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The horns are six or seven inches long, the body about three feet three inches, and the height at the…

Its size is about that of a well grown goat., and it is so agile that it can clear at a bound crevices 16 to 18 feet wide. The chamois is one of the most wary antelopes, and possesses the power of scenting man at an almost incredible distance, so that the hunting of it is an occupation of extreme difficulty and much danger. Its skin is made into a soft leather.


Its size is about that of a well grown goat., and it is so agile that it can clear at a bound crevices…

"The Conversion of St. Eustace. By Albrecht D&uuml;rer. From the engraving on copper." -Heath, 1901

The Conversion of St. Eustace

"The Conversion of St. Eustace. By Albrecht Dürer. From the engraving on copper." -Heath, 1901

The fallow deer may easily be known from the stag by its smaller size and flat horns, and the white spots that cover the body, (Wood, 1896).


The fallow deer may easily be known from the stag by its smaller size and flat horns, and the white…

This is a female deer or roe.


This is a female deer or roe.

The deer is a common mammal of the United States.


The deer is a common mammal of the United States.

A fallow deer.


A fallow deer.

"Head of deer (Cervus schomburgkii), showing antlers." &mdash;The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Deer Head

"Head of deer (Cervus schomburgkii), showing antlers." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Skull of a deer, showing the brain cavity.

Deer skull

Skull of a deer, showing the brain cavity.

"Cast or mold of the interior of the left ventricle of the heart of a deer. Shows that the left ventricular cavity in conical and spiral in its nature."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Heart of a Deer

"Cast or mold of the interior of the left ventricle of the heart of a deer. Shows that the left ventricular…

An illustration of a herd of deer.

Herd of Deer

An illustration of a herd of deer.

A early horned deer during the time period of Miocene.

Early Horned Deer

A early horned deer during the time period of Miocene.

A early horned deer during the time period of Miocene.

Early Horned Deer

A early horned deer during the time period of Miocene.

The musk deer receives its name from the valuable drug it produces.  Its numbers have been greatly reduced due to its destruction for musk, which is used in the manufacturing of perfume.

Musk Deer

The musk deer receives its name from the valuable drug it produces. Its numbers have been greatly reduced…

One of the largest deer species.

Red Deer

One of the largest deer species.

"The bones in the extremities of this the fleetest of quadrupeds are inclined very obliquely towards each other, and towards the scapular and iliac bones. This arrangement increases the leverage of the muscular system and confers great rapidity on the moving parts."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Skeleton of the Deer

"The bones in the extremities of this the fleetest of quadrupeds are inclined very obliquely towards…

Roman goddess of nature, fertility and childbirth


Roman goddess of nature, fertility and childbirth

Roman goddess of nature, fertility and childbirth


Roman goddess of nature, fertility and childbirth

Drawing of the Diana of Versailles, a 2nd-century Roman version in the Greek tradition of iconography. In Roman mythology, Diana ([djana]) was the goddess of the hunt, the moon and childbirth, being associated with wild animals and woodland, and having the power to talk to and control animals.

Diana of Versailles

Drawing of the Diana of Versailles, a 2nd-century Roman version in the Greek tradition of iconography.…

"is a large and noble species, resembling the red deer of europe; is has tall, round, branching horns, some times six feet high; the color is yellowish brown; hte tail short, the form stately, the air maestic. its length is seven to eight feet, its height four and a half to five. Its horns are shed in February or March." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

American Elk

"is a large and noble species, resembling the red deer of europe; is has tall, round, branching horns,…

"Is of a pale brown color, lives in small herds on the Gambia, and resembles the gazelles." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Is of a pale brown color, lives in small herds on the Gambia, and resembles the gazelles." —…

A falcon attacking a gazelle's face.

Falcon Attacking a Gazelle

A falcon attacking a gazelle's face.

"The Diana of Fontainbleau. By Benvenuto Cellini." &mdash;D'Anvers, 1895

Diana of Fontainebleau

"The Diana of Fontainbleau. By Benvenuto Cellini." —D'Anvers, 1895

An extreme form of a compressed foot, typically seen in the deer and ox. It is useful for land transit.

Compressed Foot

An extreme form of a compressed foot, typically seen in the deer and ox. It is useful for land transit.

Most gazelle are found in Africa. Some inhabit SW Asia and N. Africa. They are graceful and swift runners and tend to live in plains or scrub.


Most gazelle are found in Africa. Some inhabit SW Asia and N. Africa. They are graceful and swift runners…

A gazelle standing in tall grass.


A gazelle standing in tall grass.

"Is one of the most celebrated of antilopes; it is about two feet high at the shoulder; its limbs are slender but vigorous, and all its actions are light and spirited. In full flight it lays the horns back nearly on the shoulders, and seems to skim over the level plain almost without touching it." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Ariel Gazelle

"Is one of the most celebrated of antilopes; it is about two feet high at the shoulder; its limbs are…

"Is one of the most celebrated of antilopes; it is about two feet high at the shoulder; its limbs are slender but vigorous, and all its actions are light and spirited. In full flight it lays the horns back nearly on the shoulders, and seems to skim over the level plain almost without touching it." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Female Gazelle

"Is one of the most celebrated of antilopes; it is about two feet high at the shoulder; its limbs are…

"It is a heavy stout animal, about five feet in length, and three feet two inches high at the shoulder; the length of the horns is from two feet to two and a half, that of the eas seven inches, and that of the tail thirteen or fourteen inches. The horns are almost perfectly straight, very little divergent, and situated in the plane of the forehead." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"It is a heavy stout animal, about five feet in length, and three feet two inches high at the shoulder;…

Women playing a lyre.

Greek border

Women playing a lyre.

Illustration of a heraldic badge decorated with a hart, running. The hart is a common symbol in heraldry.

Hart at Speed on Heraldic Badge

Illustration of a heraldic badge decorated with a hart, running. The hart is a common symbol in heraldry.

Trippant, depicts a male deer.

Heraldry, Trippant

Trippant, depicts a male deer.

"Skull of Hydropotes inermis (adult male), a deer without antlers, but with largely-developed upper canine teeth." &mdash;The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Hydropotes Inermis

"Skull of Hydropotes inermis (adult male), a deer without antlers, but with largely-developed upper…

"Is of a deep reddish-fawn color; its lives in pairs or small families, frequenting the reedy borders of mountain streams. It is found in South Africa, but at some distance from the Cape." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Is of a deep reddish-fawn color; its lives in pairs or small families, frequenting the reedy borders…

"When she was about to be slain at the altar, Artemis intervened and carried her off in a cloud to be priestess of her temple in Tauris (the Crimea), while a stag was substituted in the sacrifice." &mdash; The Delphian Society, 1913

Rescue of Iphigenia

"When she was about to be slain at the altar, Artemis intervened and carried her off in a cloud to be…

"Is about one foot high at the shoulders; the horns one and a half inch long in the male, three quarters of an inch in the female. The color is a dark slaty-brown." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Is about one foot high at the shoulders; the horns one and a half inch long in the male, three quarters…

"Is probably the smallest of the horned quadrupeds, it being two feet long and fourteen inches high. Its color is similar to that of our common gray squirrel. it lives in pairs in the mountainous districts of Abyssinia. " &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Is probably the smallest of the horned quadrupeds, it being two feet long and fourteen inches high.…

One of the largest species of hooved mammals in the deer family. Known as the moose in North America, and the elk in Eurasia. It is found in colder climates of N. America and Eurasia.


One of the largest species of hooved mammals in the deer family. Known as the moose in North America,…

"This animal is the largest of the deer kind, being taller than thehorse. Its horns weigh fifty or sixty pounds, and the whole carcass seven hundred to twelve hundred pounds. The head, measuring above two feet in length, is narrow and clumsily shaped by the swelling upon the upper part of the nose and nostrils; the eye is proportinallly small and sunk; the ears long, hairy, and asinie; the neck and withers are surmouned by a heavy mane, and the throat furnished with long course hair." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"This animal is the largest of the deer kind, being taller than thehorse. Its horns weigh fifty or sixty…

The largest extant species in the deer family.

American Moose

The largest extant species in the deer family.

Various animals entering the Ark built by Noah because of the great flood.

Noah's Ark

Various animals entering the Ark built by Noah because of the great flood.

The oryx is a native of S. Africa. It is one of the fastest animals in that region. It is similar in appearance to the antelope but its tail is like that of the horse, and its horns are dark and perfectly straight.


The oryx is a native of S. Africa. It is one of the fastest animals in that region. It is similar in…