An illustration showing how to construct a pentagon inscribed in a circle. "Draw the diameter AB, and…
An illustration showing how to construct a pentagon on a given line. "From B erect BC perpendicular…
An illustration showing how to construct a pentagon on a given line without resort to its center. "From…
Illustration of the construction used to make a perpendicular bisector of a straight line.
Illustration of a circle with center O and diameters AB and CD perpendicular to each other.
Illustration of the construction used to create a perpendicular to a straight line at a given point.
Illustration of the construction used to create a perpendicular to a straight line from a given point…
An illustration showing the construction used to erect a perpendicular. "With C as a center, draw the…
An illustration showing the construction used to erect a perpendicular from a point to a line. "With…
An illustration showing the construction used to erect a perpendicular at the end of a line. "With the…
A circle with part of a triangle inscribed in it. They are lying on a coordinate plane.
"A crystal has a center of symmetry if an imaginary line is passed from some point on its surface through…