Diagrammatic transverse section of abdomen, to show the peritoneum on transverse tracing. A, at level…
Abdominal organs. Labels: 1, liver turned up; 2, gall bladder; 3, right kidney; 4, spleen; 5, left kidney.
Regions of the abdomen and their contents (edge of costal cartilages in dotted outline). "For convenience…
"ailmentary canal of a honey bee. at, honey stomach; s, true stomach; nt, intestine; o, esophagus; sg,…
"The spinal column below the twelfth dorsal vertebra at A has been removed, as well as the…
Plan of the blood vessels connected with the tubules. "The blood passes downwards in straight vessels…
The tubuli uriniferi are composed of a nearly homogeneous membrane, and are lined internally by epithelium.…
"Frog with the left side cut away and some of the organs pulled downward. a, aorta leading from the…
Two glands having the function of secreting urine from the system, situated at the back of the abdominal…
Plan of a longitudinal section through the pelvis and substance of the right kidney. Labels: a, the…
Circulation in the kidney. Labels: ai, small branch of renal artery giving off the branch va, which…
Diagrammatic representation of the structure forming a kidney lobe. In the middle part of the figure…
Longitudinal section of injected kidney of dog, showing general arrangement of blood vessels of cortex…
Horizontal section of the right kidney. Labels: a, fibrous capsule detached; b, cortical layer; c, medullary…
Section through the kidney showing the medullary and cortical portions, and the beginning of the ureter.…
Section through the right kidney from its outer to inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla; 2',…
Vascular supply of the kidney. Labels: a, part of arterial arch; b, interlobular artery; c, glomerulus;…
A diagram of the structure of the kidney. Labels: 1, Tubules or minute tubes. 2, Enlargement of a tubule…
Frontal section through the right kidney and adjacent structures showing the renal fasciae and fatty…
A longitudinal section of a kidney. Labels: 1, 2, 3, Parts of the Kidney. 4, Pelvis. 5, Ureter. 6, Renal…
The minute structure of the kidney, which commences in the cortical substance of the organ as the Malpighian…
Sagittal section through sinus of child's kidney, showing lower part of pelvis and commencement of ureter.
Section through the right kidney from its outer to its inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla;…
Part of a section through the cortex of the kidney in the direction of the straight tubules.
Longitudinal section through the kidney. The vessels and fat have been removed to give a view of the…
A section through the cortex of an ape's kidney. A Malpighian corpuscle, together with the beginning…
An incision in the right side above the kidney, showing a typical surgical approach to this organ, exposing…
The basic structure of the kidney, which consists of the cortical portion, the medullary substance,…
Vascular supply of kidney. Labels: a, partof arterial arch; b, arterial branch passing upwards through…
The kidneys viewed from behind. The dotted lines mark out the areas contact with the various muscle…
The kidneys and great vessels viewed from the front. The drawing was made before the removal of the…
The anterior surfaces of the kidneys, showing areas of contact of neighboring viscera.
The posterior surfaces of the kidneys, showing areas of relation to the parietes.
Posterior view of the liver and diaphragm in situ. Labels: a, left lobe; b, right lobe; c, quadrate…
Liver of a hog-posterior view. Labels: a, right external lobe; c, left external lobe; d, left internal…
Relation of the Malpighian body to the uriniferous ducts and blood vessels. Labels: a, one of the interlobular…
Malpighian capsule and tuft of capillaries, injected through the renal artery with colored gelatin.…
Transverse section of a developing Malpighian capsule and tuft from a fetus at about the fourth month.…
Epithelial elements of a Malpighian capsule and tuft, with the commencement of a urinary tubule showing…
An abnormal renal artery causing kinking at the ureteropelvic junction, and hydronephrosis.
"The renal organs, viewed from behind. R, right kidney; A, aorta; Ar, right renal artery; Vc, inferior…
The renal organs viewed from behind. labels: R, right kidney; A, aorta; Ar, right erenal artery; Vc,…
The stomach, pancreas, liver, and duodenum, with part of the rest of the small intestine and the mesentery;…
Diagram of the relations of the large intestine and kidneys, from behind.
Section through the upper pole of the left kidney at the level of the tip of the xiphoid process.
Transverse section through the middle of the first lumbar vertebra, showing the relations of the pancreas.
Diagram showing the method of entrance of the ureter into the bladder.