"Upupa epops, not unfrequently visits Britain, where it has nested on several occasions; it breeds from…
"Dichoceros bicornis of India and the Malay countries has a large yellowish-red casque, hallowed and…
The Rytidoceros undulatus, Plait-billed Hornbill, or Wreathed Hornbill, has black wings, belly, and…
"Passerina cyanea. Indigo Painted Finch. Indigo-bird. Adult male: Indigo-blue, intense and constant…
"Corvus monedul. Jackdaw. The species throughout uniform lustrous black, including the bill and feet;…
"Cyanocitta cristata. Blue Jay. Male: Purplish-blue, below pale purplish-gray, whitening on throat,…
"Perisoreus canadensis. Canada Jay. Whiskey Jack. Moose-bird. Gray whitening on head, neck, and breast;…
"European Jay. Garrulus glandarius. With the wings much shorter than or about equalling the tail, both…
"Cyanocitta stelleri macrolopha. Long-crested Jay. Upper parts sooty umber-brown, with a faint blue…
"Nestor notabilis, the Kea of the south island of New Zealand, has olive-green plumage with blackish…
Tyrannus carolinensis. King-bird. Bee-martin. No olive nor decided yellow. Only outer primaries obviously…
"Shore Lark or Horned Lark. Upper parts in general pinkish-brown, this pinkish or vinaceous or liliaceous…
"Shore Lark or Horned Lark. Upper parts in general pinkish-brown, this pinkish or vinaceous or liliaceous…
"Bill small, short, straight, very acute, more or less compressed, the lateral outlines usually a little…
"Rhynchophanes maccowni. Black-breasted Longspur. Bay-winged Longspur. Upper parts slate-gray, streaked…
"Centrophanes lapponicus. Lapland Longspur. Whole head, throat and breast jet-black, bordered with buffy…
"Pica. rustica hudsonica. Lustrous black, with green, purple, violet, and even golden iridescence, especially…
"Anus boscas. Mallard. Wild or Domestic Duck. Green-head. Bill greenish-yellow. Feet orange-red. Iris…
"Momotus brasiliensis, the Motmot, from Guiana to Northern Brazil, is somewhat similar in colour (to…
"Picicorvus. American Nutcracker. General characteristics of the European Nucifraga. Bill slenderer,…
"The colours in Sitta caesia, (Nuthatch) which ranges over nearly all the Palaearctic and Indian Regions,…
"No black cap or white stripe on head. Upper parts dull ashy-blue; under parts sordid or muddy whitish.…
"Crown clear hair-brown; a white spot on nape; middle tail-feathers plain." Elliot Coues, 1884.
"Upper parts leaden-blue the central tail-feathers the same; wings fuscous, with slight ashy edgings…
"Upper parts, central tail-feathers, and much edging of the wings, clear ashy-blue; whole crown, nape,…
"Icterus galbula. Baltimore Oriole. Golden Robin. Firebird. Hangnest. Adult male: Black and orange.…
"Icterus bullocki. Bullock's Oriole. Adult male: Similarly black and orange, the orange invading the…
"The Golden Oriole, Oriolus galbula, which breeds exceptionally in England, is orange-yellow, with black…
"Drepanornis albertisi, D'Albertis' Bird of Paradise, is rufous-brown, with green throat and ante-ocular…
"Lophortyx californica. Californian Partridge. Valley Quail. Male: With a small white line from bill…
"Coturnix. Bill smaller and much slenderer than that of any of the foregoing genera of Odontophorinae;…
"Lophortyx gambeli. Gambel's Partridge. Arizona Quail. Male: Without white loral line; forehead black…
English Pheasant. Common Pheasant. Phasianus colchicus. Adult plumage: Maroon breast, orangey flanks,…
"Charadrius dominicus. American Golden Plover. Field Plover. Bull-head Plover. Upper parts black, everywhere…
"Coturnix dactylisonans. Messina Quail. Migratory Quail. Common Quail of Europe. Upper parts variegated…
"Cyrtonyx massena. Massena Partridge. Male: Upper parts intimately waved with black and reddish-brown…
"Orortyx picta. Plumed Partridge. Mountain Quail. Back, wings and tail olive-brown, the inner secondaries…
"Porzana carolina. Carolina Crake. Common Rail. "ortolan." Above, olive-brown, varied with black, with…
"Rallus longirostris crepitans. Clapper Rail. Salt-water Marsh-hen. Mud-hen. Above, variegated with…
"Porzana carolina. Carolina Crake. Common Rail. "ortolan." Above, olive-brown, varied with black, with…
"Corvus corax, the Raven, are generally black with a purplish or greenish gloss, and frequently with…
"Corvus corax. American Raven. Feathers of throat somewhat stiffened, lengthened, pointed, lying loose…
"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…
"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…
"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…
"Aegiothus linaria. Common Redpoll. Common Red-poll. Frontlet, lores, and throat-spot sooty-black. Crown…
Two European Redwing birds sitting on a tree branch. These song birds are usually brown with darker…
"Momotus caeruleiceps. Blue-headed Saw-bill. The central tail-feathers are long-exserted, and spatulate…
"Milvulus tyrannus, Scissor-tail, normally exhibits olive, grey, yellow, or white in varying proportions."…
"Oidemia americana. American Black Scoter. Sea Coot. Adult male: Plumage entirely black, less glossy…
"Spatula clypeata. Shoveller Duck. Broad-bill. Bill blackish; iris orange-red: feet vermilion-red. Head…
"Carduelis pinus. Pine Linnet. Pine Finch. American Siskin. Pine Siskin. Continuously streaked, above…
"Sky-Lark. Upper parts grayish-brown, the feathers with darker centers; under parts whitish, tinged…
"Gallinago media. European Snipe. English Snipe. In size, form, and general coloration indistinguishable…
"Gallinago wilsoni. American Snipe. Wilson's Snipe. "English" Snipe. Jack-Snipe. Crown black, with a…
"Gallinago wilsoni. American Snipe. Wilson's Snipe. "English" Snipe. Jack-Snipe. Crown black, with a…
"Gallinago wilsoni. American Snipe. Wilson's Snipe. "English" Snipe. Jack-Snipe. Crown black, with a…
"Melospiza fasciata. Song Sparrow. Silver-tongue. Below, white, slightly shaded with brownish on the…
"Ammodramus. Seaside Sparrow. Bill remarkably slender and lengthened for this family, with culmen toward…
"Spizella domestica. Chipping Sparrow. Chipping Bird or Chippy. Hair-bird. Bill black; feet pale; crown…