"Shore Lark or Horned Lark. Upper parts in general pinkish-brown, this pinkish or vinaceous or liliaceous…
"Shore Lark or Horned Lark. Upper parts in general pinkish-brown, this pinkish or vinaceous or liliaceous…
"a, b, c, d, inferior laryngeal or syringeal muscles, not well made out in this figure; But typical…
"Muscles of the larynx. thyro-arytenoids, or openers of the glottis" Elliot Coues, 1884
"Muscles of the larynx. Thyro-cricoids, posterior thyro-cricoids." Elliot Coues, 1884
"Larynx viewed from before (below); a, thyroid bone or cartilage." Elliot Coues, 1884
"Larynx viewed from behind (above); a, thyroid bone; b, b, its appendages; c, cricoid; d, d, arytenoids;…
"Larynx viewed from the right side; a, thyroid; b, appendage; c, cricoid; d, arytenoid; f, f, cartilage…
"Larynx viewed from behind; a, thyroid; b, b, its appendages; c, cricoid; d, d, arytenoid." Elliot Coues,…
"Fig 34 - Bones of a bird's hind limb: from a duck, Clangula islandica. A, hip: B, knee: C, heel or…
"Bill small, short, straight, very acute, more or less compressed, the lateral outlines usually a little…
"Rhynchophanes maccowni. Black-breasted Longspur. Bay-winged Longspur. Upper parts slate-gray, streaked…
"Centrophanes lapponicus. Lapland Longspur. Whole head, throat and breast jet-black, bordered with buffy…
"Colymbus torquatus. Common Loon. Great Northern Diver. Adult: Bill black, the tip and cutting edges…
"Colymbus torquatus. Common Loon. Great Northern Diver. Adult: Bill black, the tip and cutting edges…
"The Lyre-bird of Australia, Menura superba, to show the unique lyrate shape of the tail." "... the…
"Pica. rustica hudsonica. Lustrous black, with green, purple, violet, and even golden iridescence, especially…
"Anus boscas. Mallard. Wild or Domestic Duck. Green-head. Bill greenish-yellow. Feet orange-red. Iris…
"Mergus merganser. Merganser. Goosander. Nostrils near middle of bill. Frontal feathers extending acutely…
"Mergus serrator. Red-breasted Merganser. Nostrils near base of bill. Frontal feathers extending obtusely…
"Mocking-Birds. Bill much shorter than head, scarcely curved as a whole, but with gently-curved commissure,…
"Synthliborhamphus antiquus. Nipper-nosed Murrelet. Bill somewhat as in Brachyrhamphus, but stouter…
"Synthliborhamphus umizusume. Japanese Murrelet. Temminck's Auk. Bill more elongate and acute than in…
"Brachyrhamphus craverii. Craveri's Murrelet. Entire upper parts unvararied cinereous, slightly darker…
"Lomvia troile. Common Guillemot, or Murre. Adult in summer: Head and neck all around rich dark maroon…
"Chordediles poptue. Night-hawk. Bull-bat. Above, mottled with black, brown, gray and tawny, the former…
"Chordediles poptue. Night-hawk. Bull-bat. Above, mottled with black, brown, gray and tawny, the former…
"In ornithology, having the beak broad and deeply cleft, as a swallow, swift, or goatsucker" or nightjar.…
"Picicorvus. American Nutcracker. General characteristics of the European Nucifraga. Bill slenderer,…
"Uro-genital organs of female embryo bird; from Owen, after Muller. a, kidneys: b, wolffian bodies;…
"Uro-genital organs of male embryo bird; from Owen, after Muller. a, kidneys: b, ureters; c, wolffian…
"Uro-genital organs of female embryo bird; from Owen, after Muller. a, testis; b, epididymis; c, sperm-duct…
"Female organs of domestic fowl, in activity; from Owen, after Carus. a, b, c, d, mass of ovarian ova,…
"Resipratory and vocal organs of the Rook, Corvus frugilegusm an Oscine Passerine bird; 1 a, tongue;…
An Osprey catching a fish. "Pandion haliaetus. Fish Hawk. Osprey. Adult. dark vandyke- brown, blackening…
"Dromaeognathous skull of ostrich, nat. size specimen no. 16,629, U.S. Nat Museum, by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt,…
"Golden-crowned Wagtail Warbler. Golden-crowned Accentor. Golden-crowned Thrush. Oven-bird. Seiurus…
"Meroblastic ovum (yelk) of domestic fowl, bat. size, in section; after haeckel. a, the thin yelk-skin,…
An adult owl being mobbed by a group of smaller birds. Mobbing occurs when smaller birds, in fear, will…
"Strix nebulosa. Barred Owl. Hoot Owl. American Wood Owl. Toes fully feathered, nearly or quite to the…
"Speotyto cunicularia hypogae'a. Burrowing Owl. Adult: Above, dull grayish-brown, profusely spotted…
"Bubo virginianus. Great Horned Owl. Hoot Owl. Cat Owl. Distinguished by its large size and conspicuous…
"Surnia funerea. American Hawk Owl. Day Owl. Bill and eyes yellow; claws brownish-black. Upper parts…
Scops. Little Horned Owls. Screech Owls. Like the miniature Bubo in form (all our species under a foot…
"Asio accipitrinus. Short-eared Owl. Marsh Owl. Ear-tufts inconspicuous, much shorter than middle toe…
"Aluco flammeus pratincola. Barn Owl. above, including upper surfaces of wings and tail, tawny, fulvous,…
"Nyctea scandiaca. Snowy Owl. Pure white, spotted and barred with brownish-black markings, wholly indeterminate…
"Aluco flammeus pratincola. Barn Owl. above, including upper surfaces of wings and tail, tawny, fulvous,…
"Nyctala - Saw-whet Owls. Skull and ear-parts highly unsymmetrical, the the latter of great size, and…
"Scops. Little Horned Owls. Screech Owls. Like the miniature Bubo in form (all our species under a foot…
"Haematopus. Oyster-catcher. Bill peculiar - longer than tarsus, twice as long as head, constricted…
"Haematopus ostrilegus. European Oyster-catcher. (oyster-opener would b a better name, as oysters do…
"Conuropsis carolinensis. Carolina Parroquet. Green; head yellow; face red; bill white; feet flesh-color;…
"Conuropsis carolinensis. Carolina Parroquet. Green; head yellow; face red; bill white; feet flesh-color;…
"Lophortyx californica. Californian Partridge. Valley Quail. Male: With a small white line from bill…
"Coturnix. Bill smaller and much slenderer than that of any of the foregoing genera of Odontophorinae;…