"Desmognathous skull of mallard duck, Anas boscas, nat. size, from nature, by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. Letters before. In the "bound-palate" type, the vomer in either abortive, or so small that it disappears; when existing it is usually slender and tapers to a point in front; the maxillo-palatines are united across the median line, either directly or by means of ossification in the nasal septum; the posterior ends of the palatines and the anterior ends of the pterygoids articulate directly with the rostrum (as in schizognathism). This type is simply and perfectly exhibited by a duck in which the maxillo-palatine is a broad flat plate united with its fellow in mid-line; the oval sessile basipterygoid facets are far forward, opposite the very ends of the pterygoids." Elliot Coues, 1884

Mallard Duck Skull

"Desmognathous skull of mallard duck, Anas boscas, nat. size, from nature, by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A.…

"Fig. 114. -Skulls of Turdidae and Sylvicolidae, nat. size; after Shufeldt. A, Oroscoptes montanus; B, Sialia mexicana; C, Cinclus mexicanus; D, Siurus naevius. Observe likeness between A and B, at points marked c, c', l, l'; and between C and D, at points marked b, b,' d, d'." Elliot Coues, 1884

Bird Skulls

"Fig. 114. -Skulls of Turdidae and Sylvicolidae, nat. size; after Shufeldt. A, Oroscoptes montanus;…

"Sky-Lark. Upper parts grayish-brown, the feathers with darker centers; under parts whitish, tinged with buff across breast and along sides, and there streaked with dusky; a pale superciliary line; wings with much whitish edging; outer tail-feather mostly white, the next one or two with white borders." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Sky-Lark. Upper parts grayish-brown, the feathers with darker centers; under parts whitish, tinged…

"Macrorhamphus griseus. Red-breasted Snipe. Gray Snipe. Brown-back. Dowitcher. In summer:Under parts rich rust-red, paler or whitish on the belly; jugulum, breast, and sides fully speckled with dusky. Axillars and lining of wings white, with angular dusky markings. Wing-quills fuscous, the shaft of the 1st primary white, of the others brown; secondaries conspicuously tipped with white. Above, black, varied everywhere with reddish color of the under parts, and on the back and scapulars with white ; the rump snowy-white, unmarked, very conspicuous in flight. Tail and its upper coverts black, closely barred with white or rufous. A dusky line from bill to eye. Bill and feet greenish-black. In winter: Dark gray above, supercilliary line and spot on under eye-lid white; below, white, the jugulum, fore-breast, and sides heavily shaded with gray, leaving chin whitish; the flanks and crissum with wavy dusky spots or bars." Elliot Coues, 1884

Red-breasted Snipe Head

"Macrorhamphus griseus. Red-breasted Snipe. Gray Snipe. Brown-back. Dowitcher. In summer:Under parts…

"Gallinago media. European Snipe. English Snipe. In size, form, and general coloration indistinguishable from No. 608, but axillary feathers almost entirely white, with slight and sparse dark markings, and the feathers of the flanks and sides less frequently and less regularly barred with dark gray." Elliot Coues, 1884

English Snipe

"Gallinago media. European Snipe. English Snipe. In size, form, and general coloration indistinguishable…

"Gallinago wilsoni. American Snipe. Wilson's Snipe. "English" Snipe. Jack-Snipe. Crown black, with a pale ochrey middle stripe. upper parts brownish-black, varied with bright bay and tawny, the scapular feathers smoothly and evenly edged with tawny or whitish, forming two lengthwise stripes on each side when the wings are folded. Quills and greater coverts blackish-brown, usually with white tips, and outer web of first primary usually white. Lining of wings and axillars white, fully and regularly barred with black. Rump black, the feathers with white tips. Upper tail-coverts tawny with numerous black bars, and tail-feathers black basally, then bright chestnut, with a narrow subterminal black bar, their tips fading to whitish; some of the lateral ones white, with little rufous tinge and several instead of one black nearly white; sides of body shaded with brown, and with numerous regular dusky bars throughout; crissum more or less rufous, with numerous dusky bars." Elliot Coues, 1884

Small Wilson's Snipe

"Gallinago wilsoni. American Snipe. Wilson's Snipe. "English" Snipe. Jack-Snipe. Crown black, with a…

"Gallinago wilsoni. American Snipe. Wilson's Snipe. "English" Snipe. Jack-Snipe. Crown black, with a pale ochrey middle stripe. upper parts brownish-black, varied with bright bay and tawny, the scapular feathers smoothly and evenly edged with tawny or whitish, forming two lengthwise stripes on each side when the wings are folded. Quills and greater coverts blackish-brown, usually with white tips, and outer web of first primary usually white. Lining of wings and axillars white, fully and regularly barred with black. Rump black, the feathers with white tips. Upper tail-coverts tawny with numerous black bars, and tail-feathers black basally, then bright chestnut, with a narrow subterminal black bar, their tips fading to whitish; some of the lateral ones white, with little rufous tinge and several instead of one black nearly white; sides of body shaded with brown, and with numerous regular dusky bars throughout; crissum more or less rufous, with numerous dusky bars." Elliot Coues, 1884

Wilson's Snipe

"Gallinago wilsoni. American Snipe. Wilson's Snipe. "English" Snipe. Jack-Snipe. Crown black, with a…

"Gallinago wilsoni. American Snipe. Wilson's Snipe. "English" Snipe. Jack-Snipe. Crown black, with a pale ochrey middle stripe. upper parts brownish-black, varied with bright bay and tawny, the scapular feathers smoothly and evenly edged with tawny or whitish, forming two lengthwise stripes on each side when the wings are folded. Quills and greater coverts blackish-brown, usually with white tips, and outer web of first primary usually white. Lining of wings and axillars white, fully and regularly barred with black. Rump black, the feathers with white tips. Upper tail-coverts tawny with numerous black bars, and tail-feathers black basally, then bright chestnut, with a narrow subterminal black bar, their tips fading to whitish; some of the lateral ones white, with little rufous tinge and several instead of one black nearly white; sides of body shaded with brown, and with numerous regular dusky bars throughout; crissum more or less rufous, with numerous dusky bars." Elliot Coues, 1884

Family of Snipes

"Gallinago wilsoni. American Snipe. Wilson's Snipe. "English" Snipe. Jack-Snipe. Crown black, with a…

"Melospiza fasciata. Song Sparrow. Silver-tongue. Below, white, slightly shaded with brownish on the flanks and crissum; with numerous black-centred, brown-edged streaks cross breast and along sides, usually forming a pectoral blotch and coalescing into maxillary stripes bounding the white throat; crown dull bay, with fine black streaks, divided in the middle and bounded on either side by ashy-whitish lines; vague brown or dusky and whitish markings on sides of the head; a brown post-ocular stripe over the gray auriculars, and another, not so well defined, from angle of mouth below the auriculars; the interscapular streaks black, with bay and ashy-white edgings; rump and cervix grayish-brown, with merely a few bay marks; wings with dull bay edgings, the coverts and inner quills marked like the interscapulars; tail plain brown, with darker shaft lines, on the middle feathers at least, and often with obsolete transverse wavy markings. Very constant in plumage, the chief difference being in the sharpness and breadth of the markings, due in part to the wear of the feathers. In worn midsummer plumage, the streaking is very sharp, narrow, and black, from wearing of the rufous and whitish, especially observable below where the streaks contrast with white, and giving the impression of heavier streaking than in fall and winter, when in fresher feather, the markings are softer and more suffuse. The aggregation of spots into a blotch on the middle of the breast is usual. Bill dark brown, paler below; feet pale brow." Elliot Coues, 1884

Song Sparrow

"Melospiza fasciata. Song Sparrow. Silver-tongue. Below, white, slightly shaded with brownish on the…

"Ammodramus. Seaside Sparrow. Bill remarkably slender and lengthened for this family, with culmen toward end, gonys straight, and sometimes an evident lobation of the cutting edge of the upper mandible. Wings short and rounded, yet longer than tail; inner secondaries, though not elongate, reaching nearly to end of primaries when wing is closed; point formed by 2d-4th quills. Feet large and stout, reaching outstretched about to the end of tail; tarsus about equal to middle toe and claw in length; lateral toes of equal lengths, very short, their claws under reaching base of middle claw. Tail shorter or not longer than wings, much rounded, of narrow, stiffish, sharp-pointed feathers. Embracing small streaky marsh sparrows, especially of the sea-coast, but not exclusively maritime, as long supposed; remarkable for slenderness of the bill, sharp narrow tail-feathers, and stout feet fitted for grasping slender swaying reeds. Edge of wing bright yellow; a yellow spot of buff stripe on head; upper parts olive-gray or quite blackish, streaky." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Details of a Seaside Sparrow

"Ammodramus. Seaside Sparrow. Bill remarkably slender and lengthened for this family, with culmen toward…

"Zonotrichia albicollis. White-throated Crown Sparrow. Peabody-bird. Crown black divided by a median white stripe, bounded by a white superciliary line, and yellow spot from nostril to eye; below this a black stripe through eye; below this a maxillary black stripe bounding the definitely pure white throat, sharply contrasted with the dark ash of the breast and sides of the neck and head. Edge of wing yellow. back continuously streaked with black, chestnut, and fulvous-white; rump ashy, unmarked. wings much edged with bay, the white tips of the median and greater coverts forming two conspicuous bars; quills and tail-feathers dusky, with pale edges. Below, white, shaded with ashy-brown on sides, the ash deeper and purer on the breast; bill dark; feet pale." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-throated Sparrow Head

"Zonotrichia albicollis. White-throated Crown Sparrow. Peabody-bird. Crown black divided by a median…

"Exotic Sparrow's - lowest pair - Passer domesticus (The Sparrow. Philip Sparrow. House Sparrow.) above pair - Passer montanus (Mountain Sparrow). House Sparrow - upper parts ashy-gray; middle of back and scapulars boldly streaked with black and bay. A dark chestnut; median tipped with white, forming a conspicuous wing-bar, bordering which is a black line. Greater coverts and inner quills with central black field bordered with bay. Tail dusky-gray, unmarked. Lower parts ashy, gray or whitish; chin and throat jet black, spreading on the breast and lores, bordered on side of neck with white. Bill blue-black; feet brown. Mountain Sparrow - Somewhat like the last, but smaller and otherwise different. Crown and nape a peculiar purplish-brown. Lores, chin, and throat-patch narrow and short, not spreading on breast, contrasted with ashy-white on side of head and neck; ear-coverts blackish. Back and scapulars streaked with black and bay, the streaking reaching to the purplish nape; rump and tail plain grayish-brown. Wings marked much as in P. domesticus, with a black and white bar across tips of median coverts, but also a narrow white bar across tips of greater coverts. Primaries more varied with ochrey-brown on outer webs, forming a basal spot and other edging. Below, ashy-gray, shaded on sides, flanks, and crissum with grayish-brown. Bill blue-black; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Exotic Sparrow's

"Exotic Sparrow's - lowest pair - Passer domesticus (The Sparrow. Philip Sparrow. House Sparrow.) above…

"Fig. 30., Feathers of a sparrow's wing. pc, covers of the primaries; msc, median upper secondary coverts; bc, tectrices minores; b, primaries; s, secondaries; t, tertiaries." Elliot Coues, 1884

Feathers of a Sparrow's Wing

"Fig. 30., Feathers of a sparrow's wing. pc, covers of the primaries; msc, median upper secondary coverts;…

"Passerculs bairdi. Baird's Savanna Sparrow. Inner secondaries less elongated, rarely equaling the primaries in the closed wings. First 4 quills about equal and longest. Hind toe and claw about equaling the middle toe and claw, its claw about equaling the digit. Tail shorter than wing, lightly double-rounded (central and outer pair of feathers both little shorter than the intermediate ones). Top of head streaked with black and rich brownish-yellow. or buff, the former predominating laterally, the latter chiefly as a median stripe, but also suffusing the nape and sides of head in greater or less degree. Back varied with brownish-black and gray, together with a little bay, the two latter colors forming the edgings of the interscapulars. Rump variegated with gray and chestnut-brown, different in shade from that of the back. Under parts dull white, usually with a faint ochrey tinge on the breast, but often without; a circlet of small, sharp, sparse, dusky streaks across the breast, continuous with others, longer and mostly lighter, along the whole sides, and with others, again, extending up the sides of the neck into small vague maxillary and aurigular markings. When the feathers are perfectly arranged these lateral head-markings are seen to be post-ocular stripe just over the auricular spot, a streak starting from the angle of the mouth, and another heavier one parallel with and below this, running directly into the pectoral ones. Quills without special marking, excepting the elongated inner secondaries, which correspond with scapulars. Tail the same, slightly whitish-edge. Upper mandible mostly dark, lower pale. Feet flesh-colored." Elliot Coues, 1884

Baird's Sparrow

"Passerculs bairdi. Baird's Savanna Sparrow. Inner secondaries less elongated, rarely equaling the primaries…

"Amphispiza bilineata. Black-throated Sparrow. Black-faced Sage Sparrow. face, chin, and throat sharply jet-black; a strong white superciliary line, and another bounding the black of the throat; under eyelid white; auriculars dark slate. No yellow anywhere. Below, pure white; the sides, flanks, and crissum shaded with ashy or fulvous-brownish, but no streaks. Above, uniform grayish-brown; clearer ash in high plumage, otherwise browner, generally more shy anteriorly than behind, and shading insensibly into the black of the face. wings dusky; coverts and inner quills edged with the color of the back. Tail black, with narrow grayish edgings; the outer feather sharply edged and tipped with white, and several others similarly tipped. Bill and feet plumbeous-black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-throated Sparrow

"Amphispiza bilineata. Black-throated Sparrow. Black-faced Sage Sparrow. face, chin, and throat sharply…

"Passercules s. savana. Common Savanna Sparrow. Thickly streaked everywhere above, on sides, and across breast; a superciliary line, and edge of the wing, yellowish: lesser wing-coverts not chestnut; legs flesh-color; bill rather slender and acute; tail nearly even, its outer feathers not white; longest secondary nearly as long as the primaries in the closed wing. Above, brownish-gray, streaked with blackish, whitish-gray and pale bay, the streaks largest on interscapulars, smallest on cervix, the crown divided by an obscure whitish line; sometimes an obscure yellowish suffusion about head besides the streak over the eye. Below, white, pure or with faint buffy shade, thickly streaked, as just stated, with dusky- the individual spots edged with brown, mostly arrow-shaped, running in chains along the sides, and often aggregated in an obscure blotch on the breast. Wings dusky, the coverts and inner secondaries black-edged and tipped with bright bay; tail-feathers rather narrow and pointed, dusky, not noticeably marked." Elliot Coues, 1884

Common Savanna Sparrow

"Passercules s. savana. Common Savanna Sparrow. Thickly streaked everywhere above, on sides, and across…

"Chondestes grammica. Lark Sparrow. Lark Finch. Head variegated with chestnut, black, and white; crown chestnut, blackening on forehead, divided by a median stripe, and bounded by superciliary stripes, of white; a black line through eye, and another below eye, enclosing a white streak under the eye and the chestnut auriculars; next, a sharp black maxillary stripe not quite reaching the bill, cutting off a white stripe from the white chin and throat. A black blotch on middle of breast. Under parts white, faintly shaded with grayish-brown; under arts grayish-brown, the middle of the back with fine black streaks. Tail very long, its central feathers like the back, the rest jet-black, broadly tipped with pure white in diminishing amount from the lateral pair inward, and the outer web of the outer pair entirely white." Elliot Coues, 1884

Lark Sparrow

"Chondestes grammica. Lark Sparrow. Lark Finch. Head variegated with chestnut, black, and white; crown…

"Melospiza lincolni. Lincoln's Song Sparrow. Below, white, with a broad brownish-yellow belt across breast, the sides of the body and neck, and the crissum, washed with the same; extent and intensity of this buff very variable, often leaving only chin, throat, and belly purely white, but a pectoral band is always evident. All the buffy parts sharply and thickly streaked with dusky. Above, grayish-brown, with numerous sharp black-centred, brown-edged streaks. Top of head ashy, with a pair of dark brown black-streaked stripes; or, say, top of head brown, streaked with black, and with median and lateral ashy stripes. Below the superciliary ashy stripe is a narrow dark brown one, running from eye over ear; auriculars also bounded below by an indistinct dark brown stripe, below which and behind the auriculars the parts are suffused with buff. Wings with much rufous-brown edging of all the quills; inner secondaries and coverts having quite black central fields, with broad bay edging, becoming whitish toward their ends. Tail brown, the feathers with pale edges, and the central pair at least with dusky shaft-stripes. Bill blackish, lighter below; feet brownish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Lincoln's Sparrow

"Melospiza lincolni. Lincoln's Song Sparrow. Below, white, with a broad brownish-yellow belt across…

"Melospiza palustris. Swamp Song Sparrow. Crown bright chestnut, blackening on forehead, the red cap and black vizor as conspicuous as in chipping sparrow; but oftener, crown with obscuremedian ashy line, and streaked with black. An ashy-gray superciliary line; dark brown postocular stripe, bordering the auriculars; sides of head ashy, with grayish-brown auriculars, dusky speckling on cheeks and lores, and slight dusky maxillary spots or streaks. An ashy cervical collar separating the chestnut crown from the back, sometimes pure, oftener interrupted with blackish streaks. The general ash of the sides of head and neck spreads all over the breast and under parts, fading to whitish on throat and belly; the sides, flanks, and crissum marked with brown, and obsoletely streaked with darker brown. Back and rump brown, rather darker than sides of body, boldly variegated with black central streaks of the feathers and their pale brown or grayish edges. Wings so strongly edged with bright bay as to appear almost uniformly brownish-red when closed; but inner secondaries and greater coverts showing some black and whitish besides the bay. Tail likewise strongly edged with bay, and usually showing sharp black shaft lines. Thus well marked by the emphasis of black, bay, and ash." Elliot Coues, 1884

Swamp Sparrow

"Melospiza palustris. Swamp Song Sparrow. Crown bright chestnut, blackening on forehead, the red cap…

"Zonotrichia albicollis. White-throated Crown Sparrow. Peabody-bird. Crown black divided by a median white stripe, bounded by a white superciliary line, and yellow spot from nostril to eye; below this a black stripe through eye; below this a maxillary black stripe bounding the definitely pure white throat, sharply contrasted with the dark ash of the breast and sides of the neck and head. Edge of wing yellow. back continuously streaked with black, chestnut, and fulvous-white; rump ashy, unmarked. wings much edged with bay, the white tips of the median and greater coverts forming two conspicuous bars; quills and tail-feathers dusky, with pale edges. Below, white, shaded with ashy-brown on sides, the ash deeper and purer on the breast; bill dark; feet pale." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-throated Sparrow

"Zonotrichia albicollis. White-throated Crown Sparrow. Peabody-bird. Crown black divided by a median…

"Coturniculus passerinus. Yellow-winged Sparrow. Quail Sparrow. Grasshopper Sparrow. Edge of wing conspicuously yellow; lesser wing-coverts greenish-yellow; a yellow loral spot; short line over eye buffy-yellow. Crown with median stripe of pale brownish-yellow. Below, ochraceous or pale buff or tawny, fading to whitish on belly, not evidently streaked, though a few dark touches may appear on sides of breast. Above, singularly variegated with black, gray, yellowish-brown and a peculiar purplish-bay, in short streaks and specks; the crown being nearly black with sharp median brownish-yellow stripe, the middle of the back chiefly black with bay and brownish-yellow edgings of the feathers, the cervical region and rump chiefly bay and gray. When the feathers are not disturbed, the peculiar pattern of the cervical region separates that of the crown and back; the markings extend on the sides of the neck, but the sides of the head are plain, like the under parts. Wing-coverts and inner secondaries variegated in intricate pattern, the general effect like the back. Primaries and tail-feathers plain dusky, with narrow light edgings; outer tail-feathers paler, but not white. Feet flesh-colored." Elliot Coues, 1884

Yellow-winged Sparrow

"Coturniculus passerinus. Yellow-winged Sparrow. Quail Sparrow. Grasshopper Sparrow. Edge of wing conspicuously…

"Muscles of a bird (accipiter nisus), after Carus, Tab. Anat. Comp., 1828, pl. 4.   a, pharynx; b, trachea; e, hyoid bone; d, ear; e, humerous; f, radius; g, ulna; h, radial finger; i, tibia; k, metatarsus; l, hind toe; m, inner toe; n, middle toe; o, outer toe. 1, biventer cervicis, with central tendon 1 a, and upper 1 b, and lower 1 c, belly. 2, complexus. 3, flexor capitis lateralis. 4, flexor longus capitis. 5, extensor magnus cervicis. 6, descendens cervicis. 7, 7, semispinales. 8, flexorsuperior capitis. 9, flexor inferior or longus capitis. 10, 10, intertransversales. 11, levator coccygis. 12, depressor coccygis. 13, cruro-coccygeus (ilio-coccygeus?). 14, pubo-coccygeus. 15 ischio-coccygeus. 16, lateralis quartus (quadratus coccygis, to tail-feathers). 17, obliquus externus abdominis. 18, cucullaris (trapezius). 19, serratus magnus. 20, pectoralis major. 21, a, b, latissimus dorsi. 22, deltoid. 23, suprascapular. 24, coraco-brachialis. 25, biceps brachii. 26, supinatpr longus. 27, anconeus longus (part of "triceps"). 28, anconeus brevis. 29, anconeus brevissimus. 30 a, 30 b, tensor patagii, carpal and radial parts. 31, tensor patagii posterior. 32, extensormetacarpi longus. 33, extensor metacarpi brevis. 34 a, flexor digitorum sublimis. 34 b, flexor digitorum profundus. 34 c, flexor metacarpi radialis. 36, flexor (meta-) carpi ulnaris. 37, glutaeus maximus. 38, adductor femoris primus. 39, sartorius. 40, latissimus femoris. 41, gracilis = ambiens: only its tendon in sight. 42, vastus; 43, iceps cruris. 44, semimembranosus. 46,46,47, gastrocnemius. 48 digastricus (chief opener of the mouth). 49, temporal. 50, long ligament. 51, cutaneous muscle of scalp. 52, masseter. 53, a muscle of the hyoid bone. 54, tibialis anticus. 55, tibialis posticus. 56, extensor hallucis. 57, flexor hallucis. 58, flaxor digitorum profundus or perforans, seen in various places: long and short head, and several tendons. 59, extensor longus digitorum, tendons seen in various places 60, abductor digiti interni. 61,61,61, flexores digitorum perforati. 62, peronaeus. 63, abductor minimi digiti. 64, abductor hallucis." Elliot Coues, 1884

Eurasian Sparrowhawk Muscles

"Muscles of a bird (accipiter nisus), after Carus, Tab. Anat. Comp., 1828, pl. 4. a, pharynx; b, trachea;…

"European Spoonbill. Platalea leucorodia. Bill long, flat, remarkably widened, rounded, and spoon-shaped at the end. Birds of this group are known at a glance, by the singularity of the bill; they closely resemble the foregoing in structure and habit, being simply spoon-billed Ibises. The trachea is peculiarly convoluted within the thorax." Elliot Coues, 1884

European Spoonbill

"European Spoonbill. Platalea leucorodia. Bill long, flat, remarkably widened, rounded, and spoon-shaped…

"Sturnus vulgaris. The Starling. Adult: General plumage of metallic lustre, iridescing dark green on most parts, more steel-blue on the under parts, and violet or purplish-blue on the fore parts; more or less variegated throughout with pale ochraceous or whitish tips of the feathers. Wings and tail fuscous, the exposed parts of the feathers somewhat frosty or silvery, with velvety-black and pale ochrey marginings, the former within the latter. Bill yellowish; feet reddish." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Sturnus vulgaris. The Starling. Adult: General plumage of metallic lustre, iridescing dark green on…

"Typical passerine sternum, pectoral arches, and sternal ends of ribs; from the robin, Turdus migratorius, nat. size; Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. Sternum single-notched, with prominent costal processes and forked manubrium; five ribs reaching sternum, one rib "floating"" Elliot Coues, 1884

Sternum of a Robin

"Typical passerine sternum, pectoral arches, and sternal ends of ribs; from the robin, Turdus migratorius,…

""Views of sternum and pectoral arch of the ptarmigan, Lagapus albus, reduced. Lateral view, with the bones upside down. a, sternum or breast-bone showing two long slender lateral processes; b, ends of sternal ribs; c, ends of humerous, or upper arm-bone, near the shoulder-joint; d, scapula, or shoulder-blade; e, coracoid; f, merry-thought, or furculum." Elliot Coues, 1884

Willow Grouse Sternum

""Views of sternum and pectoral arch of the ptarmigan, Lagapus albus, reduced. Lateral view, with the…

"Views of sternum and pectoral arch of the ptarmigan, Lagapus albus, reduced; viewed from below. a, sternum or breast-bone showing two long slender lateral processes; b, ends of sternal ribs; c, ends of humerous, or upper arm-bone, near the shoulder-joint; d, scapula, or shoulder-blade; e, coracoid; f, merry-thought, or furculum." Elliot Coues, 1884

Willow Grouse Sternum

"Views of sternum and pectoral arch of the ptarmigan, Lagapus albus, reduced; viewed from below. a,…

"Himantopus. Stilts. Bill extremely slender, but not flattened, nor turned up, nor hooked; longer than head, rather shorter than tarsus. Wing long and pointed, folding beyond the short and square tail, which is less than half the wing. Legs of unique length and slenderness, the bare part about as long as the wing; tibiae denuded for a great distance; tarsus about twice as long as toes. Feet 3-toes, semipalmate; but the species scarcely swim. Sexes similar; young different." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Himantopus. Stilts. Bill extremely slender, but not flattened, nor turned up, nor hooked; longer than…

"Stilt. Long-shanks. Lawyer. Adult. Mantle, constituted by the interscapulars, scapulars, and wings (above and below) glossy-black, prolonged up the back of the neck and on to[ and sides of head, embracing the eyes. A spot over and behind eye, one on under eyelid, forehead to opposite eyes, sides of head below eyes, sides of neck and entire under parts, together with the lower back, rump, and, upper tail-coverts, white; tail pearl-gray. In life the long black wings fold entirely over the white upper parts and tail, so that the bird looks entirely black above. Bill black; eyes and legs carmine, latter drying yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-necked Stilt

"Stilt. Long-shanks. Lawyer. Adult. Mantle, constituted by the interscapulars, scapulars, and wings…

"Cotile riparia. Bank Swallow. lustreless mouse-brown; wings and tail fuscous. Below, white, with a broad pectoral band of the color of the back. A dusky ante-orbital spot.

Martin and Swallow

"Cotile riparia. Bank Swallow. lustreless mouse-brown; wings and tail fuscous. Below, white, with a…

"Cotile riparia. Bank Swallow. lustreless mouse-brown; wings and tail fuscous. Below, white, with a broad pectoral band of the color of the back. A dusky ante-orbital spot." Elliot Coues, 1884

Bank Swallow

"Cotile riparia. Bank Swallow. lustreless mouse-brown; wings and tail fuscous. Below, white, with a…

"Fig 181 - Generic details of Hirundo horreorum(Barn Swallow)Deep lustrous steel-blue; forehead and entire under parts rufous, generally deepest on the forehead and throat; an imperfect steel-blue collar. Wings and tail blackish, with steel-blue or somewhat greenish gloss; the lateral pair of tail-feathers much lengthened and filiform at the end, all but central pair with white spot." Elliot Coues, 1884

Barn Swallow Details

"Fig 181 - Generic details of Hirundo horreorum(Barn Swallow) Deep lustrous steel-blue; forehead and…

"Cliff Swallow. Eaves Swallow. Crescent Swallow. Mud Swallow. back and top of head, with a spot on the throat, deep lustrous steel-blue, that of the crown and back separated by a grayish nuchal collar. Frontlet white or brownish-white. Shorter upper tail-coverts rufous. Chin, throat, and sides of head intense rufous, sometimes purplish-chestnut, prolonged around the side of the nape. Under parts dull grayish-brown, , with usually a rufous tinge (rusty-gray), dusky shaft-lines, whitening on the belly, the under tail-coverts gray, whitish-edged and tinged with rufous. Wings and tail blackish, with slight gloss. Bill black; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Cliff Swallow

"Cliff Swallow. Eaves Swallow. Crescent Swallow. Mud Swallow. back and top of head, with a spot on the…

"Entire upper parts glossy dark green; wings and tail blackish, lustrous; lores black. Entire under parts white. Bill black; feet dark." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-belied Swallow

"Entire upper parts glossy dark green; wings and tail blackish, lustrous; lores black. Entire under…

"Cygynus. White Swans. Neck of extreme length. Trachea normally entering sternum. Bill tuberculate or not, the skinny covering in the adults reaching to the eyes; not shorter than head, very high at base, where deeper than wide, broader and flattening toward the rounded end; culminal ridge at base about horizontal, very broad and flat or even excavated, the sides of the bill there nearly vertical. Nostrils near middle of bill, high up. Leg behind centre of equilibrium when the body is horizontal. Tibia bare below. Tarsus shorter than middle toe and claw, entirely reticulate; toes long, with full webs, the anterior reticulate on top for a distance, then scutellate. Hallux small, elevate, with slight lobe. Wings very long and ample. Tail short, rounded or wedged, of twenty or twenty-four feathers. Size large: adults entirely white, with black bill and feet, former usually in part yellow." Elliot Coues, 1884

Mute Swan

"Cygynus. White Swans. Neck of extreme length. Trachea normally entering sternum. Bill tuberculate or…

"Cygnus columbianus. Common American Swan. Whistling Swan. Bill with a yellow spot or blotch in front of eye, usually small, sometimes wanting. Bill less lengthened and expanded terminally than in C. buccinator, the nostrils across the middle; the distance from the anterior angle of the eye to the hind edge of the nostril more than thence to the end of the bill. Tail-feathers normally 20." Elliot Coues, 1884

Whistling Swan

"Cygnus columbianus. Common American Swan. Whistling Swan. Bill with a yellow spot or blotch in front…

"Chaetura pelasgica. Chimney Swift. Chimney "Swallow". Sooty-brown, with a faint greenish gloss above; below paler, becoming gray on the throat; wings black; a velvety black space about eyes." Elliot Coues, 1884

Chimney Swift Head and Feather

"Chaetura pelasgica. Chimney Swift. Chimney "Swallow". Sooty-brown, with a faint greenish gloss above;…

"Nephaecetes niger borealis. Northern Black Cloud Swift. Entire plumage sooty-black, with slight greenish gloss, little below than above, the feathers of head and belly with grayish edges. A velvety black area in front of eye; forehead hoary; eye-lids partly naked. Bill black; feet probably dusky-purplish in life." Elliot Coues, 1884

Northern Black Cloud Swift

"Nephaecetes niger borealis. Northern Black Cloud Swift. Entire plumage sooty-black, with slight greenish…

"Hirundo horreorum. Barn Swallow. Tail deeply fornicate, nearly or about as long as the wings; lateral feather linear-attenuat, about twice as long as the middle feather." Elliot Coues, 1884

Barn Swallow Tail

"Hirundo horreorum. Barn Swallow. Tail deeply fornicate, nearly or about as long as the wings; lateral…

"Fig 178 - the dentirostral bill of a Tanager (Pyranga hepatica)" Elliot Coues, 1884

The Dentirostral Bill of a Tanager

"Fig 178 - the dentirostral bill of a Tanager (Pyranga hepatica)" Elliot Coues, 1884

"Booted laminiplanter tarsus of a Robin" Elliot Coues, 1884

Booted Laminiplanter Tarsus of a Robin

"Booted laminiplanter tarsus of a Robin" Elliot Coues, 1884

"Feathered tarsus of a Grouse, Cupidonia cupido" Elliot Coues, 1884

Feathered Tarsus of a Grouse

"Feathered tarsus of a Grouse, Cupidonia cupido" Elliot Coues, 1884

"Fig 38 a, Reticulate tarsus of a Plover. b, Scutellate and reticulate tarsus of a pigeon." Elliot Coues, 1884

Reticulate Tarsus of a Plover

"Fig 38 a, Reticulate tarsus of a Plover. b, Scutellate and reticulate tarsus of a pigeon." Elliot Coues,…

"Querquedula (N.) carolinensis. American Green-winged Teal. Bill black; feet bluish-gray: iris brown. A white crescent in front of wing. Head and upper neck rich chestnut, blackening on chin, with a glossy green patch behind each eye blackening on its lower border and on the nape where it meets its fellow among the lengthened feathers of the parts, bordered below by a more or less evident whitish line, which may often be traced to the angle of the mouth. Upper parts and flanks waved with narrow black bars on a whitish ground. Under parts white, becoming, becoming buff or fawn-colored on breast, nebulated with gray, on the breast with numerous sharp circular black spots; fore neck and sides of breast waved like the upper parts. Crissum black, with a buff or creamy patch on each side. Primaries and wing-coverts leaden gray; speculum velvety purplish-black on outer half, the inner half rich green; bordered in front with chestnut, fawn or whitish tips of the greater coverts, behind by white tips of secondaries, interiorly with purplish-black stripes on the outer webs of the lengthened secondaries." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Green-winged Teal

"Querquedula (N.) carolinensis. American Green-winged Teal. Bill black; feet bluish-gray: iris brown.…

"Sterna fuliginosa. Sooty Tern. feet stout; toes short; with much incised webs; tibia bare .70; tarsus 1.00; middle toe and claw 1.20; outer do. 1.05; inner do. .75; hind do. .30. "Elliot Coues, 1884

Sooty Tern Foot

"Sterna fuliginosa. Sooty Tern. feet stout; toes short; with much incised webs; tibia bare .70; tarsus…

"Sterna forsteri. Forster's Tern. Tail 5.00 - 8.00, forked 2.50-5.00." Elliot Coues, 1884

Tail of Forster's Tern

"Sterna forsteri. Forster's Tern. Tail 5.00 - 8.00, forked 2.50-5.00." Elliot Coues, 1884

"...one or both webs may be so deeply incised, that is, cut away, that the palmation is practically reduced to semipalmation, as in terns of the genus Hydrochelidon." Elliot Coues, 1884

Incised Webbed Foot of a Tern

"...one or both webs may be so deeply incised, that is, cut away, that the palmation is practically…

"In the palmate or ordinary webbed foot, all the front toes are united by ample webs." Elliot Coues, 1884

Webbed Foot of a Tern

"In the palmate or ordinary webbed foot, all the front toes are united by ample webs." Elliot Coues,…

"Sterna aleutica. Aleutian Tern. Bill of ordinary shape, as in hirundo, macrura, etc., entirely black. Feet small, as in the species just named, but the webs more deeply incised; emargination not so great, however, as in Hydrochelidon; much as in Haliplana. Tibia bare to the usual extent. Wings and tail exactly as in Sterna proper, the latter, in its length and depth of fork, recalling macrura and forsteri. Crown and nape black; a large white frontal crescent, the horns of which reach to the posterior border of the eyes, the convexity of which extends into the nasal fossae, the concavity of which is opposite the anterior border of the eyes; thus broader than in most species similarly marked. The black vertex sends through the eye a band that crosses the cheeks and reaches the bill just posterior to the point of greatest extension of the feathers on the latter. The chin, auriculars, and other parts of the head bordering this vitta below, and pure white, presently deepening insensibly into the hue of the under parts. Tail wholly pure white; no pearly wash on either vane of any of the feathers. Upper parts at large dark pearl-gray, with a dull leaden hue, different from the clear pearly of macrura, etc., yet not of the smoky cast of panayensis, etc.; it is a tint intermediate between these, that I find difficult to name satisfactorily. The whole under parts, from the white of the chin, just noticed, to the under tail-coverts, paler and more decidedly pearly, more nearly as in full-plumaged macrura, yet more grayish. Both under and upper tail-coverts, like the tail, white. The color of the back mounts on the neck behind to the black of the nape without intervention of the white. Under wing-coverts and edge of wing pure white; as are all the shafts of the primaries. Primaries blackish lead-color, with silvery hoariness, and each with a large white space on inner web; this white space on the first primary occupies at the base the whole width of the inner web, but grows narrower toward the tip of the feather, ending about an inch from the tip, which is wholly blackish lead-color, this color running down as a narrow margining of the inner vane for two inches or more." Elliot Coues, 1884

Aleutian Tern

"Sterna aleutica. Aleutian Tern. Bill of ordinary shape, as in hirundo, macrura, etc., entirely black.…

"Sterna (T.) caspia. Caspian Tern. Imperial Tern. Bill dark vermilion red, growing and somewhat "diaphanous" toward the tip. Pileum and occipital crest glossy greenish-black, extending to below the lower level of the eyes, and occupying the termination of the feathers on the side of the mandible to the exclusion of the white; lower eyelid white, forming a noticeable spot on the greenish; a white streak along sides of upper mandible, not extending to the end of the feathers. mantle pearl-blue, the line of demarcation between it and the white rather indefinite, both on nape and rump; most of the tail-feathers, and especially the central ones, retaining a more or less pearly tint. Shafts of the primaries yellowish-white; primaries grayish-black, but, when new, so heavily silvered over as to appear of a light hoary gray, especially on their superior aspects. On the inner web of all there is a central light field; this is very narrow, even on the first primary, although it runs considerable distance, and on the others it rapidly grows less; and it has no trenchant line of division of the primaries from the darker portions of the feather. whole inner web of secondaries pure white, outer pearl-blue. Legs and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Caspian Tern

"Sterna (T.) caspia. Caspian Tern. Imperial Tern. Bill dark vermilion red, growing and somewhat "diaphanous"…

"Sterna (T.) elegans. Elegant Tern. Princely Tern. Bill bright red, salmon-colored toward tip. Feet black; soles and under surfaces of claws slightly yellowish. crown of head, including long-flowing occipital crest, pure black, reaching down on the sides of the head to a straight line just on a level with the lower border of the eye; the white of the cheeks accompanying the black to the foremost point of extension of the feathers in the nasal fossae. All the under parts rosy-white, with satin gloss. Tail entirely pure white, longer and more deeply forked than in winter. Back and wings pale pearl-blue; the usual pattern of coloration of the primaries." Elliot Coues, 1884

Elegant Tern

"Sterna (T.) elegans. Elegant Tern. Princely Tern. Bill bright red, salmon-colored toward tip. Feet…

"Sterna dougalli. Roseate Tern. Paradise Tern. Bill about as long as head or foot, straight, slender, compressed, very acute; gonys longer than rami, former straight, latter concave in outline, with acute but not prominent angle between them. Wings shorter than usual, 1st primary little longer than next, all rounded. Tail exceedingly long and deeply forked, with very narrow filamentous outer feathers. Tibia slightly denuded; tarsus a little shorter than middle toe and claw. Whole form trim and elegant. Bill black, the extreme point yellowish, the base for a little distance, and inside of mouth, red. Feet bright yellowish-red; claws black. Cap lustrous black, very ample, reaching to lower border of eyes; under eyelid white, as is a streak to end of feathers on bill. Neck all around and entire under parts snowy white, tinted with lovely rose-pink. Mantle delicate pale pearly, over all the upper parts from the neck, including rump and base of tail, fading however to white on tips of tertials and inner webs of secondaries. Long tail-feathers white with a faint pearly tint. Primaries grayish-black, strongly silvered when fresh; outer web of the first blackish; inner webs of all pure white for more than half their breadth, this white stripe broadest on the first, toward the base of which it occupies the whole web, and on all of them continued to and usually around the very tips; shafts of all the quills white both sides nearly to end." Elliot Coues, 1884

Roseate Tern

"Sterna dougalli. Roseate Tern. Paradise Tern. Bill about as long as head or foot, straight, slender,…

"Sterna (T.) maxima. Cayenne Tern. Royal Tern. Adult in summer: Pileum glossy greenish-black, not extending below eyes, so narrow on side of upper mandible that a broad white streak extends to extreme tip of the feathers. Mantle exceedingly light pearl-blue, fading imperceptibly into white on the rump and towards the extremities of the tertials. Tail white, with a faint tinge of pearly, especially on the central feathers and inner webs of the other. Secondaries pure white for their whole length except a small space on the outer web near the tip, which is grayish-blue, deeper than the mantle. Outer web of first primary grayish-black; in the inner web of the same has a space of black extending the whole length of the feather, very narrow at the base, widening as it runs toward the tip. within 1 & 1/2 inches of which it occupies the whole web; the rest of the web white. separated from the black by a straight distinct line of division. The second, third, fourth, and fifth primaries have the same general characteristics, but the white space grows narrow and shorter, and round up further in the centre than along the edge of the web, so that for a little way from its end it has a border of blackish along its outer margin; other primaries wholly pearl-blue, their inner webs margined with white. Bill coral and orange-red, with a slightly lighter tip; feet blackish, their soles dull yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Royal Tern

"Sterna (T.) maxima. Cayenne Tern. Royal Tern. Adult in summer: Pileum glossy greenish-black, not extending…

"Sterna (T.) cantiaca. Sandwich Tern. Ducal Tern. Bill black, the tip 1/2 to 3/4 an inch bright yellow, sharply defined against the black; "inside of mouth deep blue." Feet dull black. Pileum and occipital crest glossy black, with a tinge of green; the color extending just below the eyes, but leaving a space along the side of the mandible white to the extremity of the feathers. Mandible exceedingly light pearly-blue, fading on the rump and upper tail-coverts into pure white; but the rectrices themselves have a slight shade of pearly-bluish. Primaries colored as in maxima. On the inner web of the first the black space is broad and deep in color; when about 1& 1/2 inches from the apex of the quill it quite suddenly grows wider, so as to exclude the white portion from the tip altogether. The second, third, and fourth primaries have the same general pattern, but he white runs up further on the central portion than on the edge of the web, so that toward its end it receives a narrow edging of blackish. The other primaries have no blackish, but are simply pearl-blue, with broad white margins along the whole length of heir inner webs. The outer primaries are all heavily silvered when the quills are new.

Sandwich Tern

"Sterna (T.) cantiaca. Sandwich Tern. Ducal Tern. Bill black, the tip 1/2 to 3/4 an inch bright yellow,…

"Bill shorter than head, comparatively stout at base, very acute at tip, the culmen quite convex, the gonys just appreciably concave, Tarsus a little longer that the middle tow an claw. 3d and 4th primaries about equal and longest, 5th and 6th successively slightly shorter, 2 d equal to 7th, 1st equal to penultimae secondary in the closed wing. Entire upper parts, including surfaces of wings and tail, uniform dull pale grayish-brown, with narrow, faintly-rusty edge of the wing-coverts and inner quills, and equally obscure whitish tipping of the tail-feathers. No maxillary nor auricular streaks; no markings about the head except slight speckling on the cheeks. Under parts brownish-white, palest (nearly white) on the belly and throat, more numerous small arrow-head spots on the color of the back. Bill light-colored at base below." Elliot Coues, 1884

Arizona Thrasher

"Bill shorter than head, comparatively stout at base, very acute at tip, the culmen quite convex, the…

"Above, grayish-brown, nearly uniform; wing- coverts and quills with slight whitish edging, the edge of the wing itself white; tail feathers with slight whitish tips; below; a paler shade of the color of the upper parts, the throat quite whitish, the crissum slightly rufescent, the breast and belly with obscure dark gray spots on the grayish-white ground; no obvious maxillary streaks, but vague speckling on the cheeks; bill black; feet blackish-brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Bow-Billed Thrasher

"Above, grayish-brown, nearly uniform; wing- coverts and quills with slight whitish edging, the edge…

"Upper parts uniform rust-red, with a bronzy lustre. Concealed portions of quills fuscous. Greater the median wing-coverts blackish near the end, then conspicuously tipped with white. Bastard quills like the coverts. Tail like the back, the lateral feathers with paler ends. Under pars white, more or less strongly tinged, especially on the breast, flanks, and crissum, with tawney or pale cinnamon-brown, the breast and sides marked with a profusion of well-defined spots of dark brown, oval in front, becoming more linear posteriorly. Throat immaculate, bordered with a necklace or spots; middle of belly and under tail-coverts likewise unspotted. Bill quite straight, black, with yellow base of the lower mandible; feet pale; iris yellow or orange." Elliot Coues, 1884

Brown Thrasher

"Upper parts uniform rust-red, with a bronzy lustre. Concealed portions of quills fuscous. Greater the…

"No spots anywhere; wings and tail without decided barring or tipping. Bill as long as the head or longer, bow-shaped, black. Wings very much shorter that the tail. Above, dark oily olive-brown, the wings and tail similar, but rather purer brown. Below, a paler shade of the color of the upper parts, the belly and crissum strongly rusty-brown, the throat definitely whitish in marked contrast, and not bordered by decided maxillary streaks. Cheeks and auriculars blackish-brown with sharp whitish shaft streaks." Elliot Coues, 1884

California Thrasher

"No spots anywhere; wings and tail without decided barring or tipping. Bill as long as the head or longer,…

"Brownish-ash, with a faith olive shade, the wings and tail purer and darker fuscous, without white edging or tipping. Below, a paler shade of the color of the upper pats. Throat and side of the lower jaw white, with sharp black maxillary streaks. Cheeks and auriculars speckled with whitish. Under tail-coverts rich chestnut, in marked contrast with the surrounding parts. Bill black, at the maximum of length, slenderness, and curvature; feet blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Crissal Thrasher

"Brownish-ash, with a faith olive shade, the wings and tail purer and darker fuscous, without white…

"Upper parts uniform ashy-brown; wings and tail similar, but rather purer and darker brown, the former crossed with two white bars formed by the tips of the coverts, the latter tipped with white. Below dull white, often tinged with rusty, especially behind, and thickly marked with small, sharp, triangular spots of dark brown or blackish. These spots are all perfectly distinct, covering the lower parts excepting the throat, lower belly, and crissum; becoming smaller anteriorly, they run up each side of the throat in a maxillary series bounding the immaculate area. Sides of the head finely speckled, and auriculars streaked; bill black, lightening at base below, little longer than that of H. rufas, though decidedly curved." Elliot Coues, 1884

St. Lucas Thrasher

"Upper parts uniform ashy-brown; wings and tail similar, but rather purer and darker brown, the former…