The primary sporogenous cell (ps) and the primary parietal layer (ppr) in the stages of "formation of…
The sporogenous cells (s), tapetum (t), two parietal layers (oo) in the stages of "formation of anthers…
The sporogenous cells (s), tapetum (t), two parietal layers (oo) in the stages of "formation of anthers…
The inner layer (i), outer layer (o), sporogenous cells (s) in the stages of "formation of anthers and…
The pollen grains beginning to germinate in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or…
"Simple microtome for clamping to table. P, P, plate glass ways for the section knife; S, milled-head…
"Showing the manner of holding the knife blade on the glass ways, and, by the arrow, the direction of…
"A sliding microtome of simple construction, adapted to cutting all kinds of sections." -Stevens, 1916
"Turn table for cementing coverglasses to slides. For use where the mounting medium is glycerine or…
"Nucleus dividing by simple constriction. From the lining of the embryo-sac of Vicia faba." -Stevens,…
"Cross-sections of leaves of an oak (Quercus novimexicana), showing the effect of different light conditions…
"A, embryonic cells from onion root tip; d, plasmatic membrane; c, cytoplasm; a, nuclear membrane enclosing…
"B, older (onion) cells farther back from the root tip. The cytoplasm is becoming vacuolate; f, vacuole."…
"Diagrammatic representation of a single palisade cell, with chloroplasts lining the walls." -Stevens,…
"Diagram to show the activities going on in a palisade cell. The arrows from the chloroplasts into the…
"Diagram to show the intake of carbon dioxide by the palisade cells from the intercellular spaces, the…
"Starch grains from the palisade cells of a Euphorbia leaf." -Stevens, 1916
"Diagram to show the effect of different portions of the spectrum on photosynthesis. a to F, different…
"Diagrammatic representation of a block of pine wood highly magnified. a, Early growth; b, late growth;…
"Different stages in the development of a bordered pit. b, The original, thin, primary wall; a, the…
First stage in plant cell division: Protophase 1; "Resting cell ready to begin division." -Stevens,…
Second stage in plant cell division: Protophase 2; "the nuclear reticulum is assuming the form of a…
Third stage in plant cell division: Protophase 3; "The nuclear thread has divided longitudinally throughout…
Fourth stage in plant cell division: Protophase 4; "The nuclear membrane and the nucleolus have disappeared,…
Fifth stage in plant cell division: Metaphase; "The metaphase, where the longitudinal halves of the…
Sixth stage in plant cell division: Anaphase; "The anaphase, or movement of the chromosomes toward the…
Seventh stage in plant cell division: Telophase; "Telophase where the chromosomes have begun to spin…
Eighth stage in plant cell division: "The connecting fibers have spread out and come into contact with…
Ninth and final stage in plant cell division: "A nuclear membrane has been formed about each daughter…
"Showing method of association of paternal and maternal chromosomes, at A in all vegetative nuclei,…
"Diagram to show the topography and character of the tissues that evolved from the primary meristems.…
"Diagram showing additions to the primary tissues through the activity of the cambium and phellogen…
"Diagram showing the relation of this year's leaves to the wood of the current year." -Stevens, 1916
"A single root hair on a large scale, showing that it is an outgrowth of an epidermal cell, and the…
"Laticiferous vessels from the cortex of root of Scorozonora hispanica...B, smaller portion." -Stevens,…
"Portion of a cross section of a root of Allium ascalonicum. h, large central, tracheal tube; i, xylem,…
Lolium perenne. A sheath, in botany is "the part of an expanded organ that is rolled around a stem or…
"Diagram showing the progressive development of the skeletal tissues from the apex toward the base of…
"Sphaero-crystals of unilin from tuber of Dahlia variabilis. A, precipitated from an aqueous solution;…
"Starch from different sources. A, curcuma starch; B, corn starch; C, tapioca starch; D, rice starch,…
"Showing concentric and eccentric striations of starch grains. e, potato starch eccentrically striated;…
"Diagram showing some types of unusual growth in thickness. A, cross section through a four-year-old…
"Diagram showing some types of unusual growth in thickness...B, cross section of stem of species of…
"Diagram showing some types of unusual growth in thickness...C, portion of a cross section of stem of…
The cross section of the stem of Pisdium Galapageium, which carries very little water.
The cross section of the stem of water cress, which carries very little water.
The cross section of the stem of yellow poplar, which carries large amounts of water.
"Adianium pedatum: transverse section of stem, showing the amphiphloic siphonostele." -Stevens, 1916
"Diagram showing the course of the vascular bundles in a stem of Clematis viticella. Median bundles…
"B, diagram of vascular bundles in external view and in cross section of the stem of Cerastium. The…
"Portion of a cross section throughout the stem of Dracaena marginata. P, parenchyma of cortex. V, meristematic…
"Gleichenia pubescens: transverse section of stem, showing the protostele." -Stevens, 1916
"Schizogenous resin duct in the young stem of ivy (Hedera helix), as seen in cross section. A, early,…
"A, cross section of stem of Juncus...the black lines traversing the section are really chains of cells…
"Pteris aquilina: transverse section of stem, showing the polystele." -Stevens, 1916
"Cross section of a portion of palm stem. e, xylem; f, phloem portions of vascular bundle; g, sclerenchyma…