Lighthouse in the water.


Lighthouse in the water.

"A tower or other elevated structure bearing a light at the top and erected at the entrance of a harbor or on some rock or headland to serve as a guide or warning of danger to navigators at night." -Foster, 1921


"A tower or other elevated structure bearing a light at the top and erected at the entrance of a harbor…

A little girl on a sail boat holding onto the main sail.

Little Girl Sailing

A little girl on a sail boat holding onto the main sail.

"The lock C is a controllable compartment with raise-able and lower-able gates D and E. Since water always finds its level, by raising and lowering the gates, two separate water levels can be maintained and still provide water transportation through the lock." —Quackenbos 1859


"The lock C is a controllable compartment with raise-able and lower-able gates D and E. Since water…

Loreley, a water fairy, rides her chariot drawn by two goldfish. She was a siren, singing and distracting fishermen, until she fell in love with one of them.

Loreley in her Chariot

Loreley, a water fairy, rides her chariot drawn by two goldfish. She was a siren, singing and distracting…

An illustration of a man carrying water to his wagon.

Man and Wagon

An illustration of a man carrying water to his wagon.

An illustration of a man canoeing down a river.

Man Canoeing

An illustration of a man canoeing down a river.

An illustration of a man drenched with water.

Man Drenched with Water

An illustration of a man drenched with water.

A man drinking water from a well.

Man drinking from well

A man drinking water from a well.

An illustration of a man standing in knee deep water filling a water pitcher.

Man Filling Pitcher in Lake

An illustration of a man standing in knee deep water filling a water pitcher.

An illustration of a man holding a child while wading in water.

Man Holding Child

An illustration of a man holding a child while wading in water.

Man selling water to woman in window.

Man Selling Water

Man selling water to woman in window.

An illustration of a man sitting on the shore of a lake and a child standing behind him pointing into to the water.

Man Sitting & Child Standing Near Lake

An illustration of a man sitting on the shore of a lake and a child standing behind him pointing into…

Manatees are large, fully aquatic marine mammals sometimes known as sea cows. The name manatí comes from the Taíno, a pre-Columbian people of the Caribbean, meaning "breast".

Manatee on Shore

Manatees are large, fully aquatic marine mammals sometimes known as sea cows. The name manatí…

A boy by a marsh.


A boy by a marsh.

And behold, a woman who was in the city, a sinner; and when she knew that he was sitting at meat in the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster cruse of ointment, and standing behind at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment." Luke 7:37-38 ASV
<p>Illustration of Mary Magdalene drying Jesus' feet with the hair on her head, after she washed them with her tears and before she anointed them. The Pharisee named Simon is sitting next to Jesus. Several other guests sitting around a banquet table, discussing the scene. An open window in the background reveals palm trees and some buildings.

Mary Magdalene Washes Jesus' Feet with Her Tears, Wipes Them with Her Hair, and Anoints Them with Perfume

And behold, a woman who was in the city, a sinner; and when she knew that he was sitting at meat in…

A mill which grounds grain into flour. This flour mill is located on a body of water.

Floating Flour Mill

A mill which grounds grain into flour. This flour mill is located on a body of water.

"If an object is placed before a plane mirror, a virtual image appears behind the mirror. Each point of this image seems to be as far behind the mirror as the corresponding point of the object is in front of the mirror. Hence, images seen in still, clear, water are inverted." -Avery 1895

Plane Mirror

"If an object is placed before a plane mirror, a virtual image appears behind the mirror. Each point…

"...a certain amount of salt may be successfully dropped into a tumbler brim-full of water without causing it to overflow. The particles of water, which are supposed to be globular, do not everywhere touch each other, and the particles of salt are accommodated in the interstices between them." &mdash;Quackenbos 1859

Water with Salt Molecules

"...a certain amount of salt may be successfully dropped into a tumbler brim-full of water without causing…

Also known as the waterhen, the moorhen lives around rivers and lakes, feeding on worms, insects, mollusca, and seeds.


Also known as the waterhen, the moorhen lives around rivers and lakes, feeding on worms, insects, mollusca,…

A mop that wrings itself of excess water.

Self-Wringing Mop

A mop that wrings itself of excess water.

"Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel." Exodus 17:6 ASV
<p>Illustration of the Israelites collecting water from the stream that flows after Moses strikes a rock at God's command. Moses stands at the head of the stream with his left arm raised. The staff he holds in his right hand is touching the stream of water. Men, women, and children kneel at the stream and dip jars in the flow. Several women give water to a baby. A man drinks from a jar. Some men in the background look to Moses with arms raised in a gesture of worship. Mountains are pictured in the background.

Moses Strikes the Rock and Water Flows in the Desert

"Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there…

"Eggs of mosquitoes. A, Culex; B, Anopheles photographed on the water, natural size." &mdash;Davison, 1906

Mosquito Eggs

"Eggs of mosquitoes. A, Culex; B, Anopheles photographed on the water, natural size." —Davison,…

A scene in the mountains with trees and water running by.


A scene in the mountains with trees and water running by.

"The elevation of the tides at c and d is produced by the causes already explained; but their elevation is not so great as normal, since the influence of the Sun acting in the direction a b, tends to counteract the Moon's attractive influence. These small tides are called neap tides, and happen only when the Moon is in her quadartures." &mdash;Comstock, 1850

Neap Tides

"The elevation of the tides at c and d is produced by the causes already explained; but their elevation…

"Machine used to take water out of mines." -Comstock 1850

Newcomen's Engine

"Machine used to take water out of mines." -Comstock 1850

"In the newt a tail is superadded to the extremities, the tail and the extremities both acting in swimming."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Crested Newt

"In the newt a tail is superadded to the extremities, the tail and the extremities both acting in swimming."—Pettigrew,…

"Occupation of Norfolk, VA., by the Federal troops- view of the city- Federal vessels at anchor." —Leslie, 1896

Occupation of Norfolk

"Occupation of Norfolk, VA., by the Federal troops- view of the city- Federal vessels at anchor." —Leslie,…

A Norse Ship of the tenth century.

Norse Ship

A Norse Ship of the tenth century.

Greek personification of the ocean


Greek personification of the ocean

On the Stour, a painting by John Constable.

On the Stour

On the Stour, a painting by John Constable.

A spring is a point where groundwater flows from the ground, and is thus where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface

Origin of Springs

A spring is a point where groundwater flows from the ground, and is thus where the aquifer surface meets…

Osmington, Near Weymouth, a painting by John Constable.

Osmington, Near Weymouth

Osmington, Near Weymouth, a painting by John Constable.

An apparatus, used to demonstrate how root-hairs are used to take in soil-water

Osmosis Apparatus

An apparatus, used to demonstrate how root-hairs are used to take in soil-water

"See here a man who doth true courage lack, / He flies apace - a wolf is on his track: / Nearer he comes - the man doth swifter flee; / The verge he gains; he leaps into the sea: / Out of one danger into one more great, / The foolish creature finds his certain fate."—Barber, 1857

Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire

"See here a man who doth true courage lack, / He flies apace - a wolf is on his track: / Nearer he comes…

"Wheel consists of flaps in the shape of buckets that are equally spaced. As water flows onto the wheel, the weight of the water in the buckets causes the wheel to rotate and empty the buckets." &mdash;Quackenbos 1859

Overshot Wheel

"Wheel consists of flaps in the shape of buckets that are equally spaced. As water flows onto the wheel,…

"Now there was a certain rich man, and he was clothed in purple and fine linen, faring sumptuously every day: and a certain beggar named Lazarus was laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table; yea, even the dogs come and licked his sores." Luke 16:19-21 ASV
<p>Illustration of the rich man, sumptuously clothed in robes and eating a feast with many guests. A harpist  plays in the background. Men and women eat and drink. There are arched windows in the background and an arched entryway leading to stairs. On the stairs is Lazarus, a beggar. Dogs are licking at his sores and his arms are raised in a gesture of begging.

Lazarus, the Beggar, and the Rich Man

"Now there was a certain rich man, and he was clothed in purple and fine linen, faring sumptuously every…

"Party per fess, engrailed, argent and gules. PARTY PER FESS. A shield parted in the centre by an horizontal line through the fess point." -Hall, 1862

Party Per Fess Engrailed

"Party per fess, engrailed, argent and gules. PARTY PER FESS. A shield parted in the centre by an horizontal…

"...let the area of the piston a be 1 square inch; of b, 40 square inches. According to Pascal's law, 1 pound placed on a will balance 40 pounds placed on b." &mdash;Hallock 1905

Pascal's Law and Water Pressure

"...let the area of the piston a be 1 square inch; of b, 40 square inches. According to Pascal's law,…

Saint Paul and Saint Peter in prison, one seated, both bound in chains. One man has a book on his lap. Five prisoners come before the two apostles, kneeling or holding their arms out to them. A small fountain erupts from the floor when Peter prays. The prisoners are able to be baptized in the fountain.

Paul and Peter in Prison, Baptizing Other Prisoners

Saint Paul and Saint Peter in prison, one seated, both bound in chains. One man has a book on his lap.…

When the outlet tube of the reservoir is siphon-shaped, the discharge of the spring becomes <em>periodical</em>. The spring continues to discharge its waters for a time, and then stops flowing, even during wet weather. After a certain interval it again charges. The times during which the spring continues to discharge are always practically the same. Hence the spring is called a periodical spring.

Periodical Spring

When the outlet tube of the reservoir is siphon-shaped, the discharge of the spring becomes periodical.…

Mercury, water, and oil are poured into a glass jar. The mercury goes to the bottom, the oil floats at the top, the surfaces of contact are seen to be horizontal.

Phial of the Four Elements

Mercury, water, and oil are poured into a glass jar. The mercury goes to the bottom, the oil floats…

"And as they went on the way, they came unto a certain water; and the eunuch saith, Behold, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thy heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him." Acts 8:36-38 ASV
<p>Illustration of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch standing by a body of water. Philip is gesturing towards the heavens and the eunuch's hands are clasped in a gesture of worship. The eunuch's chariot and caravan can be seen in the background. A grove of trees stands behind the two men.

Philip Prepares to Baptize the Ethiopian Eunuch

"And as they went on the way, they came unto a certain water; and the eunuch saith, Behold, here is…

Also known as Pontederia cordata. A blue plant with numerous spikes of blue flowers. It generally is found growing in shallow waters.


Also known as Pontederia cordata. A blue plant with numerous spikes of blue flowers. It generally is…

A pipette, half filled with liquid.


A pipette, half filled with liquid.

Plymouth Harbor, England

Plymouth Harbor

Plymouth Harbor, England

"The Red-headed Pochard in the acting of dropping upon water; the head and body being inclined upwards and forwards, the feet expanded, and the wings delivering vigorous short strokes in a downward and forward direction."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

The Red-Headed Pochard

"The Red-headed Pochard in the acting of dropping upon water; the head and body being inclined upwards…

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a Spoonbill.

Polyodon Osseus

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a Spoonbill.

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a Reed fish.

Polypterus Bichir

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a Reed fish.

A drawing of the port of Buffalo, New York in 1813.

The Port of Buffalo in 1813

A drawing of the port of Buffalo, New York in 1813.

River with two boats on it. Scenery that of the north east.

Portait of a River

River with two boats on it. Scenery that of the north east.

Poseidon (god of the sea) and Amphitrite (queen of the sea) ride in a shell-shaped chariot pulled by sea creatures and surrounded by Tritons.

Poseidon and Amphitrite

Poseidon (god of the sea) and Amphitrite (queen of the sea) ride in a shell-shaped chariot pulled by…

"Get a lamp-chimney, preferably cylindrical. With a diamond or a steel glass-cutter, cut a disk of window glass a little larger than the cross-section of the lamp-chimney. Pour some fine emery powder on the disk, and rub one end of the chimney upon it, thus grinding them until they fit [the chimney] under the water as shown. the upward pressure of the water will hold the disk in place. Pour water carefully into the tube; the disk will fall as soon as the weight of the water in the chimney plus the weight of th disk, exceeds the upward pressure of the water." -Avery 1895

Water Pressure Experiment

"Get a lamp-chimney, preferably cylindrical. With a diamond or a steel glass-cutter, cut a disk of window…

"After pouring mercury into the U-tube, the level of mercury is marked by a. c and e refer to the positions of the mercury after water has been added so that the water fills one side of the U-tube." -Avery 1895

Effects of Water on Mercury in a U-tube

"After pouring mercury into the U-tube, the level of mercury is marked by a. c and e refer to the positions…

"By measuring the weight required to move the end cap of any of the shown tubes filled with water, it may be ascertained that the water required is only dependent on the level of water, not the weight." -Avery 1895

Water Pressure Independent of Vessel

"By measuring the weight required to move the end cap of any of the shown tubes filled with water, it…

"The vessel a is fitted with a wooden bock of the same size as, and free to move in, the cylinder; the vessel b is filled with water, whose depth is the same as the length of the wooden block in a. When a pressure is applied to a, the pressure will be transmitted to the bottom unchanged. However, when the same pressure is applied to b, the pressure is transmitted everywhere, as the molecules of water are free to move." &mdash;Hallock 1905

Water versus Wood Pressure

"The vessel a is fitted with a wooden bock of the same size as, and free to move in, the cylinder; the…

"Let the are of the piston a be 20 square inches; of b, 7 sq. in.; of c, 1 sq. in.; of d, 6 sq. in.; of e, 8 sq. in; and of f, 4 sq. in. If... a force of five pounds be applied at c, a pressure of five pounds per square inch will be transmitted in all directions, and in order that there shall be no movement, the required pressure must be applied by all the other pistons in proportion." &mdash;Hallock 1905

Water Pressure Demonstration

"Let the are of the piston a be 20 square inches; of b, 7 sq. in.; of c, 1 sq. in.; of d, 6 sq. in.;…

Mollusks grouped as opisthobranch gasteropods. Carniverous and found in open water.


Mollusks grouped as opisthobranch gasteropods. Carniverous and found in open water.

"An instrument of the pump kind for raising water, especially when that liquid is mixed with solid matter. It acts by the condensation of waste steam sent into a reservoir, the water rushing up into the vacuum formed by the condensation." -Marshall

Water Pulsometer

"An instrument of the pump kind for raising water, especially when that liquid is mixed with solid matter.…

"The common pump consists of a hollow tube, the lower part of which, descending into the water, is called the suction-pipe, and the upper part, b, the battel or cylinder; of a spout, s, at the top of the cylinder; of an air-tight priston, which works up and down in the cylinder; and of two valves, both opening upwards, one of which, g, is placed at the top of the suction-pipe, and the other, p, in the piston." &mdash; Wells, 1857


"The common pump consists of a hollow tube, the lower part of which, descending into the water, is called…