Scroll-Rosette Pattern

Scroll-Rosette Pattern

Scroll-Rosette Pattern

Spiral wave border.

Spiral Wave

Spiral wave border.

"Siege of Island No. 10, on the Mississippi River- night bombardment by the Federal mortar boats, ten o'clock P. M., March 18th, 1862. On the 16th of March, 1862, the mortar fleet and the gunboats, consisting of the <em>Cincinnati, Pittsburg, St. Louis, Silver Wave, Carondelet, Mound City, Conestoga, Louisville, Rob Roy, Alps, Wilson, Lake Erie, Great Western</em> and <em>Torrence</em>, and nine mortar boats, arrived near the Point. These were accompanied by several tugboats. On the 18th they opened fire, which, after some hours' delay, was returned by the Confederate batteries. This continued for several days, with very little loss to the Federal troops, owing to the iron casing of the vessels. The study of mortar firing is very interesting. Our sketch represents the manner in which the smoke rolls, and a small column frequently splits out when the shell passes. The shell itself can be seen at night during its entire flight, the fuse having the appearance of a star, which appears and disappears as the shell rolls through the air, very like the twinkling of the celestial orbs. The explosion of the shell at night is a magnificent and fearful sight, sending a glow of surpassing brightness around it as though some world of combustible light had burst." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Siege of Island

"Siege of Island No. 10, on the Mississippi River- night bombardment by the Federal mortar boats, ten…

"Bombardment of Island No. 10 and the fortifications opposite, on the Kentucky Shore, by the Federal mortar boats and gunboats, March 17th, 1862. From a sketch by our special artist Mr. H. Lovie, on board the gunboat "Conestoga." On the 16th of March, 1862, the mortar fleet and the gunboats, consisting of the <em>Cincinnati, Pittsburg, St. Louis, Silver Wave, Carondelet, Mount City, Conestoga, Louisville, Rob Roy, Alps, Wilson, Lake Erie, Great Western</em> and <em>Torrence</em>, and nine mortar boats, arrived near the Point. These were accompanied by several tugboats. On the same day they opened fire, which, after some hours' delay, was returned by the Confederate batteries. This continued for several days, with very small loss to the Federal side, owing to the iron casing of the vessels engaged, and a superior range." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Bombardment of Island No. 10

"Bombardment of Island No. 10 and the fortifications opposite, on the Kentucky Shore, by the Federal…

"Battle of Gaines's Mill, Friday, June 27th, 1862. At eleven o'clock each division, brigade, regiment and gun was in place. Some were in the broad, open field and others under the cover of the woods. The day was intensely warm, and many of the men, worn out with their previous day's fighting, lack of sleep and toilsome march, had already thrown themselves upon the ground and were indulging in a short slumber, when a sharp volley and then the roar of artillery announced that the Confederates had opened the fight. Their shells burst in front of the farmhouse which General Morell had made his headquarters. The Federal batteries, after some little delay, replied and for an hour this artillery duel and shelling the woods continued. It was not till near three o'clock in the afternoon that the engagement became general, and then the battle raged for four hours with unexampled fury. As though by common consent, there was a pause now; but it did not last long, for the enemy had evidently received large re-enforcements, as the whole Federal line was attacked, with a vigor which showed that those who made it were fresh men. To prevent defeat, General Porter sent for re-enforcements, for under the additional pressure the Federal troops were giving way. Fortunately, General Slocum's division came to the rescue, and with it Generals Palmer, French and Meagher with their brigades and two bodies of cavalry. This changed the character of the struggle. Meagher's gallant gellows, coats off and sleeves rolled up, charged the enemy and drove them back. General Palmer's men and Duryee's Zouaves also went in with valor, and finally the Confederates rolled back like a retreating wave. This was the close of the day's fight. Toward the end the Federals had fifty-four regiments on the field, numbering about 36,000 men." &mdash;Leslie, 1896

Battle of Gaines's Mill

"Battle of Gaines's Mill, Friday, June 27th, 1862. At eleven o'clock each division, brigade, regiment…

Two couples waiting at each other, one pair from the doorstep of a house, the other from an old convertable car.

Couples waving

Two couples waiting at each other, one pair from the doorstep of a house, the other from an old convertable…

A border design also known as the zigzag, the wave crest, or the water motif. It consists of a series of diagonal lines at regular intervals representing waves or running water. Found in nearly all classes, especially the Caucasian.

Greek Meander

A border design also known as the zigzag, the wave crest, or the water motif. It consists of a series…

A young girl waving her arms in the air.

Girl Waving Arms

A young girl waving her arms in the air.

A young boy twirling his arms in the air.

Boy Twirling Arms

A young boy twirling his arms in the air.

Seahorse and wave banner.


Seahorse and wave banner.

Waves are swimming motions of the water, caused by the action of the wind. Their height and velocity deepen on the forces of the wind, and depth of the basin in which they occur. The stronger the wind, and the deeper the ocean, the higher the waves and the greater their velocity.

Ocean Wave

Waves are swimming motions of the water, caused by the action of the wind. Their height and velocity…

the octant of the wave surface cuts each coordinate plane in a circle and an ellipse.

Octant of Wave Surface

the octant of the wave surface cuts each coordinate plane in a circle and an ellipse.

The curve of a sine wave.

Curves of sines

The curve of a sine wave.

Wave of contraction passing over a muscular fiber of dytiscus, very highly magnified. When a muscle contracts, the dark bands swell up and shorten (the light bands are also constricted), and the whole fiber broadens and shortens. Labels: R, R, portions of the fiber at rest; C, contracted part; I, I, intermediate condition.

Muscular Fiber Contracting

Wave of contraction passing over a muscular fiber of dytiscus, very highly magnified. When a muscle…

"Tie one end of a soft cotton rope about 20 feet long to a fixed support, and hold the other end in the hand. Move the hand up and down with a quick, sudden motion, so as to set up a series of waves in the rope, as shown, in which each curved line may be considered an instantaneous photograph of a rope thus shaken." -Avery 1895

Form of Waves

"Tie one end of a soft cotton rope about 20 feet long to a fixed support, and hold the other end in…

"Bow or pluck the string of a sonometer near its end, thus setting it in vibration as a hole. The string will have the appearance of a single spindle as shown, and will sound the lowest tone that it is capable of producing." -Avery 1895

Sound Wave, fundamental frequency

"Bow or pluck the string of a sonometer near its end, thus setting it in vibration as a hole. The string…

"Lightly touch the wire at its middle point with the tip of the finger or the beard of a quill; the wire will vibrate in halves." -Avery 1895

Sound Wave

"Lightly touch the wire at its middle point with the tip of the finger or the beard of a quill; the…

"...represents two such wave systems meeting in opposite phases." -Avery 1895

Waves with Opposite Phases

"...represents two such wave systems meeting in opposite phases." -Avery 1895

"...represents two wave systems of equal periods and amplitudes but of opposite phases." -Avery 1895

Waves with Equal Periods and Opposite Amplitudes

"...represents two wave systems of equal periods and amplitudes but of opposite phases." -Avery 1895

"Suport a soft cotton rope several yards long between two fixed supports, as the opposite sides of the room, or the floor and the ceiling. With a ruler, strike the rope a blow near one end so as to form a crest, as shown. Vary the tension of the rope if necessary, until the crest is easily seem. Notice the crest, c, travels from A to B, where it is reflected back to A as a trough, t." -Avery 1895

Fixed Wave Reflection

"Suport a soft cotton rope several yards long between two fixed supports, as the opposite sides of the…

"Consider a beam of light as made up of a number of ehter waves moving forward in air and side by side, as represented by the rays A, B, C. Imagine a plane, MN, normal to these yars, attached to the waves and moving forward in a straight line. As the wave front advances beyond MN, the ray, A, strikes the reflecting surface, RS, and is turned back into the air in accordance with the law just given." -Avery 1895

Explanation of Reflection

"Consider a beam of light as made up of a number of ehter waves moving forward in air and side by side,…

"Thus, when erher waves that constitute light are transmitted through glass, they are hindered by the molecules of the glass, and impart some of their motion to those molecules' i.e., a part of the light is absorbed. When a beam of light, as represented by ABC moves forward in the air, the wave-front, MN, continues parallel to itself and moves forward in a straight line. As the wave front advances, A strikes the glass first, and is retarted, the retardation of B and C later change the direction of the rays." -Avery 1895

Explanation of Refraction

"Thus, when erher waves that constitute light are transmitted through glass, they are hindered by the…

"Enlarged sectional view of a ripple or train of waves." &mdash;Croft 1917


"Enlarged sectional view of a ripple or train of waves." —Croft 1917

"Mirror A/B is only half of person C's height. C is able to view his entire body through such a small mirror due to the angle of incidence from D to B to F." &mdash;Quackenbos 1859

Angle of Incidence and Reflection

"Mirror A/B is only half of person C's height. C is able to view his entire body through such a small…

"A prism is a piece of glass, having for its sides three plane surfaces and for its ends two equal and parallel triangles." &mdash;Quackenbos 1859


"A prism is a piece of glass, having for its sides three plane surfaces and for its ends two equal and…

As the motion of the wave is moving in the right direction in this diagram, a, b, c, and d represent the locations of a floating cork and its positions on the wave. it is at b as it reaches X, c at Y, d at Z, and a at B.

Wave Motion

As the motion of the wave is moving in the right direction in this diagram, a, b, c, and d represent…

A terrace built by waves.


A terrace built by waves.

"It is seen that the motion of each particle is rectilinear and simple harmonic...The paths are vertical where...multiplies of 180 degrees and horizontal at points halfway between." -Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1901

Wave Motion

"It is seen that the motion of each particle is rectilinear and simple harmonic...The paths are vertical…

The figure "shows the effect of a circular island upon the cotidal lines." -Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1901

Island Tides

The figure "shows the effect of a circular island upon the cotidal lines." -Coast and Geodetic Survey,…

The figure "represents the progress of a wave up a broad depression or valley 40 miles wide at the bottom and 240 at the top, the depth at the center being 1000 feet." -Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1901

Wave Progress

The figure "represents the progress of a wave up a broad depression or valley 40 miles wide at the bottom…

"Waves act like a horizontal saw which makes a wide cut into the land, extending above and below the level of still water. The portion of the land above the cut breaks away and forms a sea cliff, along the foot of which stretches a level of gently sloping submerged platform or wave-cut terrace." -Dryer, 1901

Wave-Cut Terrace

"Waves act like a horizontal saw which makes a wide cut into the land, extending above and below the…

"In some cases the shore current builds up the beach above sea level and adds to it on the seaward side, so that it gradually widens into a wave-built terrace or foreland." -Dryer, 1901

Wave-Build Terrace

"In some cases the shore current builds up the beach above sea level and adds to it on the seaward side,…

"The line AB represents the surface of a water wave whose length is ai, moving in the direction of the long arrow. Suppose the wave length to be divided into eight equal parts, ab, bc, etc. If the water were still, the particles 1, 2, 3, etc., would lie directly above the points a, b, c, etc., but each particle is moving in a circular path in the direction shown by the curved arrows." -Dryer, 1901

Wave Movement

"The line AB represents the surface of a water wave whose length is ai, moving in the direction of the…

A princess atop her palace waves to her prince down below.

Princess Waving

A princess atop her palace waves to her prince down below.

The hair is produced by a peculiar growth and modification of the epidermis. Externally it is covered by a layer of fine scales closely imbricated, or overlapping like the tiles of a house, but with the free edges turned upwards. It is called the cuticle of the hair. Shown in the magnified surface of a hair. The wave lines mark the upper or free edges of the cortical scales. B, separate scales.

Magnified Surface of a Hair

The hair is produced by a peculiar growth and modification of the epidermis. Externally it is covered…

Mangroves (generally) are trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics. The word is used in at least three senses: (1) most broadly to refer to the habitat and entire plant assemblage or mangal, for which the terms mangrove swamp and mangrove forest are also used, (2) to refer to all trees and large shrubs in the mangal, and (3) narrowly to refer to the mangrove family of plants, the Rhizophoraceae, or even more specifically just to mangrove trees of the genus Rhizophora. Mangals are found in depositional coastal environments where fine sediments, often with high organic content, collect in areas protected from high energy wave action.


Mangroves (generally) are trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics.…

Robert Livingston Stevens applied the wave line, concave waterlines on a steamboat hull, in 1808.

Stevens's Ironclad Floating Battery

Robert Livingston Stevens applied the wave line, concave waterlines on a steamboat hull, in 1808.

A boy on his way to the baseball field. Younger boys wave to him as he walks along.

Baseball Uniform

A boy on his way to the baseball field. Younger boys wave to him as he walks along.

The evolute spiral paintings is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. In this design it was used on the borders of antique vessels.

Evolute Spiral Paintings

The evolute spiral paintings is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. In this design it was…

The evolute spiral modern border is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea.

Evolute Spiral Modern Border

The evolute spiral modern border is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea.

The evolute spiral border is a wavelike pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. Designed by Sebastian Serlio during the 16th century. The interstices (small opening) between the lines is decorated with leaves and flower buds.

Evolute Spiral Border

The evolute spiral border is a wavelike pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. Designed by Sebastian…

The evolute spiral frieze is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea. Its interstices (small openings) between the lines is decorates with leaves and flower buds. This design is found in the Otto-Heinrich building of Heidelberg Castle in Germany.

Evolute Spiral Frieze

The evolute spiral frieze is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea. Its interstices (small…

The evolute spiral trellis (garden frame) is made out of wrought iron. It is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea.

Evolute Spiral Trellis

The evolute spiral trellis (garden frame) is made out of wrought iron. It is a wavelike pattern that…

The evolute spiral painting is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea. Designed during the Italian Renaissance, it was found in a palace in Italy.

Evolute Spiral Painting

The evolute spiral painting is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea. Designed during…

The evolute spiral paintings is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. In this design it was used on the borders of antique vessels.

Evolute Spiral Paintings

The evolute spiral paintings is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. In this design it was…

The evolute spiral paintings is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. In this design it was used on the borders of antique vessels.

Evolute Spiral Paintings

The evolute spiral paintings is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. In this design it was…

The evolute spiral paintings is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. In this design it was used on the borders of antique vessels.

Evolute Spiral Paintings

The evolute spiral paintings is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. In this design it was…

The evolute spiral angle is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea.

Evolute Spiral Angles

The evolute spiral angle is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea.

The evolute spiral angle is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea.

Evolute Spiral Angles

The evolute spiral angle is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea.

The evolute spiral central junction is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea.

Evolute Spiral Central Junction

The evolute spiral central junction is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea.

The circular evolute spiral is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. It is a round circular panel.

Circular Evolute Spiral

The circular evolute spiral is a wave pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. It is a round circular…

The evolute spiral stove tile is a painting during the German Renaissance. It is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea. The interstices (small opening) between the lines is decorated with leaves and flower buds.

Evolute Spiral Stove Tile

The evolute spiral stove tile is a painting during the German Renaissance. It is a wavelike pattern…

Diagram showing the development of the breaking wave and the "swash" after breaking.

Breaking Wave Diagram

Diagram showing the development of the breaking wave and the "swash" after breaking.

An illustration of a woman waving a handkerchief over the deck of a ship.

Woman Waiving Handkerchief

An illustration of a woman waving a handkerchief over the deck of a ship.

Work of the waves in cutting away rocky coasts. Successive stages in the destruction of the island of Helgoland.

Destruction of Helgoland

Work of the waves in cutting away rocky coasts. Successive stages in the destruction of the island of…

"Eurypyga helias, Sun-Bittern, has a black head, with a white stripe above and under each eye, and a white throat: the remaining plumage "being variegated with black, brown, chestnut, bay, buff, grey, and white-so mottled, speckled, and belted either in wave-like or zigzag forms, as somewhat to resemble certain moths. The bay colour forms two conspicuous patches on each wing, and also an antepenultimate bar on the tail, behind which is a subterminal band of black. The irides are red; the bill isgreenish-olive; and the legs are pale yellow." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Eurypyga helias, Sun-Bittern, has a black head, with a white stripe above and under each eye, and a…

"If a pair of concave mirrors be set facing each other, as shown in figure 7, and a source of heat be placed in the focus of one, a thermometer in the focus of the other will quickly show a rise in temperature though the mirrors are many feet apart." Louis Derr, 1911

A Pair of Concave Mirrors Set Facing Each Other

"If a pair of concave mirrors be set facing each other, as shown in figure 7, and a source of heat be…

A line wavy or und&eacute; for dividing a field. "Escutcheons that have more than one tincture are divided by lines ... Curved and angular lines are numerous, and each has an Heraldic name expressive of its form." -Hall, 1862

Line Wavy

A line wavy or undé for dividing a field. "Escutcheons that have more than one tincture are divided…

Liberal Republicans wrecked by a tidal wave, "we are on the home stretch."

Liberal Republicans Home Stretch

Liberal Republicans wrecked by a tidal wave, "we are on the home stretch."

An illustration of three sailors waving their hats while walking away with interlocking arms.

Sailors Waving Their Hats while Interlocking Arms

An illustration of three sailors waving their hats while walking away with interlocking arms.