Clippix ETC: An online picture service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse


Search for "a type of the 56,571 mines laid and swept in the mine barrier placed in the north sea by the united states navy during the world war 1917-1919. the greatest achievement of its nature recorded in all naval history and placed here as a tribute to those who sacrificed their lives and to the survivors of this feat. presented to the city of boston through the north sea mine force association october 26" pictures

We found $localcount "a type of the 56,571 mines laid and swept in the mine barrier placed in the north sea by the united states navy during the world war 1917-1919. the greatest achievement of its nature recorded in all naval history and placed here as a tribute to those who sacrificed their lives and to the survivors of this feat. presented to the city of boston through the north sea mine force association october 26" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.