Search for "ancient and honorable artillery company of massachusetts" pictures
We found $localcount "ancient and honorable artillery company of massachusetts" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1160)
Old State House Tower
Clock, Old State House
Central Plaza Kiva
Daniel Webster Portrait
Daniel Webster Portrait
Feneuil Hall Grasshopper Weather Vane
A White Fence around a Yellow House
An Apothecary's Spice Chest
Great Republic
Old City Gates Details Drawing
SW Corner, Old State House
Mars Pathfinder and Sojourner
Emmer Wheat
Faneuil Hall Grasshopper Weather Vane
Gunner's Calipers
Ancient Mollusc Shells
East Front, Old State House
West Front, Old State House
Brick Exterior Wall, Old State House
Fire Engine Hood Ornament
Fire Engine Hood Ornament
Bunker Hill Monument
Bunker Hill Monument
Bunker Hill Monument
Bunker Hill Monument
Plan View of Old City Gates
Plan of East and West Towers of Old City…
An Astor & Co. Square Piano
Gunner View of Matanzas Inlet and Cannon…
Alcoa Building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
A House That Was Used by One of Flagler's…
Old City Gates Cornice Details
Flag of New England, Bunker Hill Monument
Revolutionary War Powder Pouch
Bunker Hill Monument Plaque
Greece- Socrates Statue (Full View)
North Entrance, Old State House
West Entrance, Old State house
Bunker Hill Neighborhood
John Hancock's Pepper Box
South Elevation Drawing of the West Tower
North Elevation Drawing of the West Tower
Samuel Adams Statue
Samuel Adams Statue
Samuel Adams Statue
Samuel Adams Statue
South Elevation Drawing of the East Tower
North Elevation Drawing of the East Tower
East Balcony, Old State House
Exhibit Lodge, Bunker Hill Monument