Search for "late 18th-early 19th century" pictures
We found $localcount "late 18th-early 19th century" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (434)
"Silent" Typewriter
Left Side View to the Santissima Trinita'…
The Side Entrance of the Borroum-Simmons…
Poreč, Cathedral of Eufrasius, west entrance…
Native American King
Attican Centurion Helmet
A Different Early Microscope
Slash Pines in Distance
Sculpture of a Duke
Polished Vases
Poreč, Cathedral of Eufrasius, mosaic,…
A Model of a Horse-Drawn Railroad Car
Gallic Warrior's Costume
Statue of a Nymph or Grace
Rathaus-Glockenspiel at New Town Hall
Brass Candlestick at the Museum of Turkish…
Living Room
Scaled Bronze Cardiophilax
Ceramic Vase from the Ayyubid Period
Fish Skeleton
A View of Atlantic Avenue in Daytona Beach
NASA Gemini Paraglider Wing
Wooden Wing of a Window at the Museum of…
Scene of Rathaus-Glockenspiel
Soaptree Yucca
Irish Girl Annie Moore Handcrafted from…
Rome, Santa Prassede, apse mosaic, procession…
Provocator Helmet
Forsythia Flowers
Bronze Jug from the Timurid Period
Patented Pavement Scraper
Pioneer Sitting
Paints and a Paintbrush on an Electric Griddle
House Framework
Senator Clodius Ablabius Reginus
Soaptree Yucca Base
A View of Houses Being Refurbished
Western Anatolian Lotto Type Carpet
Altin Sorguç Yuvasi (Gold Turban Ornaments)
Shiny Lyonia Leaves
Half Dome in the Early Evening
An Obscured View of the Front Elevation…
Monreale cathedral, north wall of the presbytery,…
The Borroum-Simmons House at 901 North Fillmore…
Agave americana var. marginata
Australian Swagman Doll with Swag and Cork…
Western Anatolian Lotto Type Carpet Close-Up
The Porch of the Taylor House
Corinthian Bronze Helmet
Samson Battery No. 2