Search for "postal service" pictures
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Individual Pictures (325)
Front of the Chapel at Castillo de San Marcos
Bronze, Oxidized Cannons of Various Sizes
Letters Written on an Oxidized, Bronze Cannon
Numbers and Letters Engraved into an Oxidized,…
Bronze, Oxidized Mortar on Wooden Boards
Cracked Oven
Ferns Along the Fort Caroline Nature Trail
Hut Along the Fort Caroline Nature Trail
Room of the Castillo de San Marcos with…
Side View of an Oxidized, Bronze Mortar
Orange Fungi
Entrance to the Ravelin at Castillo de San…
Air France Concorde
Air France Concorde
Room of the Castillo de San Marcos with…
Reconstructed Native American Hut
Drawbridge of the Ravelin at Castillo de…
Stout, Oxidized Bronze Cannon with Two Handles
Portion of the Fort Caroline Nature Trail
Spanish Coat of Arms Carved into Castillo…
"The Kings' Coffer: Treasury Room" at Castillo…
Short Walls Made of Coquina at Castillo…
Arched Entranceway of the Reconstructed…
St. Johns River from the Fort Caroline National…
Along the Fort Caroline Nature Trail
Drawbridge Leading to Sally Port of Castillo…
The Steamship Okahumkee Underway
Inscription on a Bronze, Oxidized Mortar…
Archway Above the Entrance of the Reconstructed…
Exterior Walls of the Fort Caroline Reconstruction…
Arched Entranceway of Fort Caroline's Reconstruction…
Entrance of Fort Caroline Reconstruction…
Engine Room
Plaque at the Top of the Reconstructed Fort…
Wooden Walls Surrounding the Reconstructed…
View of Castillo de San Marcos' Main Drawbridge…
Portion of Castillo de San Marcos' Main…
Barrel of a Bronze, Oxidized Mortar Located…
Oxidized Bronze Cannon with Many Carved…
Beams and Boards Which Comprise a Wall of…
Interior of Castillo de San Marcos' Prisoner's…
Letters and Numbers Written on an Oxidized,…
Symbols and Letters Written on an Oxidized,…
Cannon on a Wooden Firing Step
Fleur-de-Lis Plaque on a Wooden Archway
Tops of Trees Along the Fort Caroline Nature…
Portion of Fort Caroline's Interior
Close-Up View of Coquina which Forms the…
Cracked Oven at Fort Caroline National Memorial
Close-Up View of an Oxidized, Bronze 12-Pounder…