The Game of Logic
by Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll's Game of Logic is a way to understand classical logic by means of symbols.
Source: Carroll, Lewis. (1886). The Game of Logic.
- To My Child-Friend
- An introduction by the other to the reader.
- Preface
- The preface to the book.
- Chapter 1, Part 1
- The author explains the three kinds of propositions that will be used in the game.
- Chapter 1, Part 2
- The author discusses the Universe of Things and the set of things called a syllogism.
- Chapter 1, Part 3
- The author explains the use of logic and explains the fallacies associated with logic.
- Chapter 2
- The author poses several questions to the reader.
- Chapter 3
- The authors gives the answers to his many questions.
- Chapter 4
- The author gives the reader several random logic puzzles to decipher.
- Year Published: 1886
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: United States of America
- Flesch–Kincaid Level: 11.0
- Word Count: 37,023
- Genre: Informational
- Keywords: logic, mathematics