Counting and Math Rhymes

Counting games are common among children in many cultures. This book collects many traditional counting rhymes and other verses that relate to basic numeracy.
Source: This book was compiled by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology and includes passages from multiple sources. Please refer to the passage pages for further source information.
- Age
- A child’s nursery rhyme involving multiplication.
- The Ants Go Marching
- A child's nursery rhyme teaching counting.
- As I Was Going to St. Ives
- A child’s riddle involving multiplication and logic.
- Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
- A child's counting rhyme involving a sheep.
- Bell Horses
- A child's nursery rhyme teaching time.
- A Counting Out Rhyme
- A child’s counting nursery rhyme.
- A Diller, A Dollar
- A child's nursery rhyme teaching telling time.
- Dinosaurs
- A child’s subtraction nursery rhyme.
- Doubles
- A child’s counting rhyme about addition.
- Elephants at Work and Play
- A children’s counting poem about elephants.
- Fish
- A child’s counting poem about goldfish.
- Five Little Bees
- A child’s addition nursery rhyme
- Five Little Blue Birds
- A child’s poem about subtraction.
- Five Little Chickadees
- A children’s subtraction poem about chickadees.
- Five Little Ducks
- A child’s subtraction poem.
- Five Little Fishes
- A child’s nursery rhyme involving numbers and counting
- Five Little Piggies
- A child’s counting rhyme.
- Five Little Pumpkins
- A counting Halloween rhyme about pumpkins
- Five Little Speckled Frogs
- A child’s subtraction rhyme
- Five Litte Tadpoles
- A child’s counting rhyme
- Fly Away
- A nursery rhyme involving subtraction
- Four Little Ducks
- A child's counting rhyme involving ducks.
- Four Little Fishes
- A child’s nursery rhyme involving numbers and counting
- How Many Days Has My Baby to Play?
- A nursery rhyme about the days of the week.
- Magpie Rhyme
- A child's nursery rhyme teaching counting.
- Multiplication
- A funny limerick about the frustration of mathematics.
- One for the Money
- A child's counting-out game.
- One Little Flower, One Little Bee
- A child’s rhyme identifying the number “1”.
- One Potato, Two Potato
- A counting poem.
- One to Make Ready
- A child's counting-out game.
- One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
- A child’s counting game.
- One, Two, Three, Four
- A child's nursery rhyme teaching counting.
- One, Two, Three, Four, Five
- A child's nursery rhyme teaching counting.
- Solomon Grundy
- A nursery rhyme that incorporates the days of the week.
- Ten in the Bed
- A child’s subtraction rhyme.
- Ten Little Indians
- A counting rhyme about indians.
- Thirty Days Hath September
- A fun limerick to learn how many days are in each month.
- This Little Froggy
- A child's nursery rhyme teaching counting: similar to "This Little Piggy."
- This Little Piggy
- A children’s poem usually counted on toes.
- This Old Man
- A nursery rhyme involving counting.
- This Pig Went to Market
- A nursery rhyme about pigs.
- Three Young Rats
- A child's nursery rhyme about animals featuring the number three.
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- A traditional poem/song about Christmas.
- Uno, Dos, y Tres
- A bilingual counting rhyme in English and Spanish.
- Year Published: 2012
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: United States of America
- Flesch–Kincaid Level: 1.2
- Word Count: 3,772
- Genre: Nursery Rhyme
- Keywords: counting, math, riddle