This human anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 825 illustrations of the human skeletal system, including images of both the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The human axial skeleton includes 80 bones formed by the vertebral column (spine), the thoracic cage (e.g., ribs, sternum), and the skull. The axial skeleton is responsible for the upright position of the body. The human appendicular skeleton is composed of 126 bones formed by the pectoral girdles, the upper and lower limbs, and the pelvic girdle. These bones function in locomotion as well as protection of vital organs.
Bones of the Ankle and Foot. Labels: m, metatarsal bones; p, phalanges; ca, os calcis, or heel bone.
Vertical section of the ankle joint and foot. Labels: 1, tibia; 2, astragalus; 3, os calci; 4, scaphoides;…
Coronal section through the ankle joint and the calcaneo-astragaloid articulation.
Coronal section through the left ankle joint, astragalus, and calcaneum.
Bones of the arm and hand. Labels: a, large end of ulna; b, radius; c, small end of the ulna; d, carpal…
The skeleton of the arm and leg. Labels: H, the humerus; Cd, its articular head which fits into the…
"The bones of the arm. a, humerus; b, ulna; c, radius; d, the carpus; e, the fifth metacarpal; f, the…
Demonstration of the movement of a pivot joint. Labels: A, arm in supination (palm uppermost); B, arm…
Bones of the arm. Labels: A, arm in supination; B, arm in pronation. H, humerus; R, radius; U, ulna.
The muscles on the back of the arm, forearm and hand.
The right astragalus. A, Upper surface. B, Under surface. Labels: 1, groove for flex, long, hallucis;…
The right astragalus. A, As seen from the outer side. B, As seen from the inner side. Labels: 1, external…
The atlas, which is the first cervical vertebra. Labels: Aa, body of atlas, D, odontoid process of axis;…
The axis, which is the second cervical vertebra. Labels: D, odontoid process of axis; Fas, facet on…
The atlas from above. Labels: 1, posterior arch; 2, transverse process; 3, tubercle for transverse ligament;…
The atlas vertebra (the first vertebra at the top of the spine which carries the head).
Diagrammatic representation of a segment of the axial skeleton V, a vertebra; C, Cv, ribs articulating…
This figure shows a thigh bone that has been softened by exposing it to acid, then twisted in a knot…
Section of bone marrow. Labels: f, fat vacuole; e, eosinophile cells; ,y, myeloplaxes; r, red corpuscles;…
Schematic diagram, showing epiphysis and diaphysis and line of ossification. Labels: Ep, epiphysis of…
Longitudinal section of bone, a microscopic view. 1: Cells; 2: Canals; 3: Intercellular substance.
Cross-section of bone, a microscopic view. 1: Cells; 2: Canals; 3: Intercellular substance.
If we divide any of the long bones longitudinally, we find two kinds of structure, the hard or compact,…
Bone structure. Labels: a, the external, b,c, the internal table; the intermediate cellular texture,…
A diagram of the relative position of the bone, cartilage, and synovial membrane. Labels: 1,The extremities…
Earthy portion of bone, resulting from exposure to a strong heat. The resulting bone is very brittle,…
A thin slice of bone, highly magnified, showing the lacunae, the tiny tubs (canaliculi) radiating from…
Membranous, or gelatinous portion of bone; the earthy portion being so completely removed (by immersion…
The bone contains a multitude of small irregular spaces, approximately fusiform in shape, called lacunae,…
The bone contains a multitude of small irregular spaces, approximately fusiform in shape, called lacunae,…
A small piece of bone, ground very thin and highly magnified. "If a bit of bone is still more magnified…
Transverse section of compact bone (metatarsal); the section has been ground and dried, hence the lacunae…