Jack Tier; or, The Florida Reef
by James Fenimore Cooper

Set during the time of the Mexican War, Jack Tier is a realistic sea story.
Source: Cooper, J. F. (1848). Jack Tier; or, The Florida Reef . New York: Hurd and Houghton.
- Preface
- The preface to the novel
- Part I, Chapter I
- Captain Spike prepares the Molly Swash for departure. Rose Budd and her aunt will be on board. Jack Tier appears, to Captain Spike's dismay.
- Part I, Chapter II
- The boat avoids trouble. Captain Spike remembers Jack Tier. Mrs. Budd shows her interesting view of things. Jack Tier boards the Molly Swash. The captain disguises the boat.
- Part I, Chapter III
- Rose struggles through disagreements with her aunt during a letter writing session. Rose questions Captain Spike, speaks with Mulford, and takes a liking to Jack Tier.
- Part I, Chapter IV
- There is a misunderstanding between the Captain and Mrs. Budd. The ship is stopped by a cruiser.
- Part I, Chapter V
- Mulford and Rose discover their location. Captain Spike meets with Don Wan. There is a tornado. Mulford feels trapped by circumstances.
- Part 1, Chapter VI
- Mulford and Rose talk. He reveals his jealousy over her relationship with Jack Tier, but she reveals that Jack is married. Wallace questions the captain. Spike gives Jack Tier orders.
- Part I, Chapter VII
- Jack, Mulford, and Rose make plans. Rose is frustrated by her aunt's ignorance. The boat faces danger.
- Part I, Chapter VIII
- Mulford makes certain the ladies are safe, but the boat is lost. The group faces thirst and hunger.
- Part II, Chapter I
- Mulford swims for the boat. The group is reunited with Captain Spike, who tries to rid himself of Mulford.
- Part II, Chapter II
- Jack speaks to the other seamen and plans to assist Mulford. Jack reveals his plans to Rose.
- Part II, Chapter III
- The group argues over the continuation of their plans. They discuss the reasons for rejoining the Swash.
- Part II, Chapter IV
- Spike and Don Juan arrive at the lighthouse. Harry and Rose speak to Don Juan. The men fear Mulford's "ghost."
- Part II, Chapter V
- Superstition abounds. Jack questions Spike about his behavior.
- Part II, Chapter VI
- Jack tells Spike of Harry and Rose's wedding, and his own involvement in the escape. The Swash is threatened.
- Part II, Chapter VII
- The Molly is forced onto the breakers. Spike is willing to sacrifice all else for his own escape.
- Part II, Chapter VIII
- Jack Tier's true identity is revealed.
- Part II, Chapter IX
- The fate of all is revealed. Spike has the chance to consider the faults and wrongs he has committed.