History of Modern Mathematics
by David Eugene Smith

History of Modern Mathematics is a comprehensive guide to different theories and strategies of mathematics ranging from Theory of Numbers, Theory of Equations, Complex Numbers, Calculus, Analytical Geometry, and others.
Source: Smith, D.E. (1906). Hisotyr of Modern Mathematics. London: Chapman and Hall.
- Editor's Preface
- Preface to the History of Modern Mathematics.
- Author's Preface
- The author’s preface to the book.
- Article 1: Introduction
- An introduction to the history of mathematics.
- Article 2: Theory of Numbers
- A discussion of the Theory of Numbers and its origin.
- Article 3: Irrational and Transcendent numbers
- A study of irrational and transcendent numbers and how it was first established.
- Article 4: Complex Numbers
- A discussion about complex numbers and an explanation of the theory.
- Article 5: Quaternions and Ausdehnungslehre
- A discussion and explanation of Quaternions and Ausdehnungslehre.
- Article 6: Theory of Equations
- A study of the Theory of Numerical Equations.
- Article 7: Substitutions and Groups
- A look at substitutions and groups.
- Article 8: Determinants
- A discussion of determinants and the theory's origin.
- Article 9: Quantics
- A discussion of the theory of Quantics and its origin.
- Article 10: Calculus
- A discussion of calculus and its origin.
- Article 11: Differential Equations
- A discussion of the Theory of Differential Equations and its origin and importance in mathematics.
- Article 12: Infinite Series
- A discussion of the Theory of Infinite Series and its development.
- Article 13: Theory of Functions
- A discussion of the Theory of Functions and its origin.
- Article 14: Probabilities and Least Squares
- A discussion of probability and least squares as well as the Theory of Probabilities and Errors.
- Article 15: Analytic Geometry
- A look at analytic geometry and its origin.
- Article 16: Modern Geometry
- A discussion of modern geometry and its evolution.
- Article 17: Elementary Geometry
- A look at elementary geometry.
- Article 18: Non-Euclidean Geometry
- A discussion of Non-Euclidean geometry and its origin and first scientific investigation.
- General Tendencies
- A discussion of the mathematical leaders of the nineteenth century.
- Year Published: 1906
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: United States of America
- Flesch–Kincaid Level: 12.0
- Word Count: 3,882
- Genre: Informational
- Keywords: mathematics